Re: I wonder if anyone has asked Miss North Carolina what she thinks of this brouhaha and whether the fact that she won the contest because of an imbecilic judge makes her feel she deserves the crow

2009-05-04 Thread Keith In Tampa

I dunno, but I think Sugarshack has a cocktail virus, (*e.g*.; a hangover)
and/or he woke up (at noon) on the wrong side of the bed!!

I haven't a clue what the Hell you are talking about Sugarshack, maybe you
could be more specific?


I actually laughed out loud at D.B.'s answer, it was definitely on point!
Read it again!!!

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Re: I wonder if anyone has asked Miss North Carolina what she thinks of this brouhaha and whether the fact that she won the contest because of an imbecilic judge makes her feel she deserves the crow

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Well, I'm glad it made sense to someone.

On May 4, 8:58 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

 I dunno, but I think Sugarshack has a cocktail virus, (*e.g*.; a hangover)
 and/or he woke up (at noon) on the wrong side of the bed!!

 I haven't a clue what the Hell you are talking about Sugarshack, maybe you
 could be more specific?


 I actually laughed out loud at D.B.'s answer, it was definitely on point!
 Read it again!!!
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Re: And they act as if this is a good thing!

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Blah, blah, blah, all your going to respond with is conservative myths
and propaganda? Human nature does not exist, the Industrial revolution
and the resulting social, economic and environmental problems never
happened. ?
My question was simple.If you get rid of all the alphabet govt.
agencies who will perform the functions they were responsible for?
Never mind if they were doing a particularly good job at a given point
in time. Are you REALLY dumb enough to believe that chemical companies
will not dump dangerous pollants into our air and water because it
just wouldn't be right? All the corprations will just join hands and
act out of love and concern for their fellow man and make profits a
lesser concern? No need for OSHA or the EPA, the corporations will do
the right thing out of compassion and their love for humankind?  And
people say liberals are unrealistic dreamers, LMAO!

On May 3, 10:37 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 Certainly did.  Also look at the 2 centuries of the history of this
 country.  THe more the government interfered, the more the people gave
 up on their initiatives and became users rather than doers.  Really
 simple.  You can compare the Wealth of Nations to the historical
 experience.  Which are you going to believe, the books or your own
 eyes.  Take a look around.  Based on Bambi's doing so far we can see
 that the books are not the answer.

 Hollywood wrote On 05/03/2009 09:39 PM:


  Do you expect me to take such an answer seriously? Have you no
  knowledge of human nature or corporate nature. You're pulling my keg,
  right? Have you never read The wealth Of Nations?

  On May 3, 6:54 pm, dick thompson wrote:

  Nothing.  They are not needed if the people do their own jobs.  They
  were not needed when they were created.  It was all just a feel good
  exercise that either did nothing of value or made the situation worse.

  Hollywood wrote On 05/03/2009 07:22 PM:


  OK, so who or what would you replace those agencies with?
  Not saying that you are essentially wrong. So who would you put in
  charge of making sure our air, water and environment is not poisened?
  Who would you put in charge to make sure our workers are not screwed?
  I'm listening.

  On May 3, 6:10 pm, dick thompson wrote:

  On the other hand they can fund them and make them non-toothless tigers
  and then we will be truly in the soup.  What needs to happen is that
  these agencies need to disappear, not just be defunded.  Then we can see
  that they do not do any more harm than they already have.  It is like
  some of te old laws.  So long as they are on the books the government
  can make them active any time it wants.  What we are seeing with these
  liberals is that they keep putting bandaids on problems and claiming
  they fixed it.  It is all a temporary fix that gets made permanent
  because it never again gets addressed.  Rather than going back to first
  principles  and actually doing it right they just compound the problem
  by piling statute on top of statute on top of the original bad law to
  the point that nobody can get to the base problem.  At that point this
  crew then funds a new agency doing the same thing as the old agency did
  only with a new set of laws but the old ones are still there to be
  brought back any time they want.  And then they claim they fixed the
  problem.  We end up with duplicate agencies who get in each other's way
  and as a result nothing gets fixed at all  but the media plays it as if
  the genius did it.  That is what we are seeing now and it is going to be
  a bigger and bigger mess as a result but the media will proclaim him a
  Wonder and a National Treasure.

  Hollywood wrote On 05/03/2009 06:30 PM:


  Matter of opinion. Most of those alphabet agencies are toothless
  tigers. The politicians in the executive and legislative branches at
  any given time can make those agencies impotent at will by under-
  funding them, putting an anti-labor person at their head, etc. etc.
  Shaking down the working man? Sounds like a description of Congress
  and politicians in general.

  On May 3, 11:48 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

  Bull Hocky Holly,

  Unions are outdated.  If we didn't have a huge, expansive, 
  federal government, I might tend to agree with you, but federal 
  and Agencies like DOT, OSHA, Wage  Hour, EPA, HUD, etc., have replaced
  everything that a Union once did.  Now, they are nothing less than a
  racketeer influenced organization, shaking down the working man in 
  order to
  maintain their existence.

  On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Hollywood 


  Your late, we already discussed this. Scroll up and read the previous
  They pay wages and benefits enough to give the employees no incentive
  to join the UAW. The unions must be kept strong 

Re: Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?

2009-05-04 Thread J.C.

Hey, you!  I've missed seeing you around!  What's up?

On May 3, 4:09 pm, Hollywood wrote:

 WHAT? The Bible was written about 1,000 freakin' years before
 Protestant Christianity even existed. As you say, it was the early
 protestants that claimed the sitting Pope was the anti-Christ. So now
 you want to claim the visit of the Pope is a fullfullment of a Bible
 prophecy Dude, what are you smoking?

 Your pissed because the Catholic Church screwed over your ancestors a
 5 or 600 years ago.? I'M still pissed at the Brits for what they did
 to my ancestors on my mother's side of the family and ALL you white
 Europeans for what you did to my ancestors on my father's side of the
 family. What the hell, I'm pissed at blacks as well.  They had no
 problem with helping the white's fuck over the Native American's once
 they had their freedom. In short, get over it. Everyone is someone's
 victum and one point or another.  :-)

 On May 3, 4:23 pm, Web Veteran wrote:

  Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?
  Pope Benedict is set to visit Jerusalem and the Holy Land May 8-15. Is
  this a fulfillment of Bible prophecies?

  First, let it be known that I am still a Protestant. Robert Schuller,
  freemason, says he doesn't want to be called a Protestant any more
  because he isn't protesting anything. Pretty much all the Masonic
  Christians, if there is such a thing, will take that position because
  at a certain level of Masonry you take an oath to do everything the
  pope tells you to do.

  The deadly wound of schism between Protestants and Catholics has
  been healed with the modern ecumenical movement, and now Billy Graham,
  Pat Robertson, Paul and Jan Crouch, Jack Van Impe, and virtually all
  the Protestants really aren't Protestants any more because they
  aren't protesting the Roman Catholic Church.

  So why am I still a Protestant? My ancestors were French Huguenots who
  had their lands stolen by the Roman Catholics. They just escaped with
  their lives the Catholic uprising in France. I don't think we should
  forget the countless Protestant martyrs who have died at the hands of
  Roman Catholic murderers in France, Ireland and many areas of the
  world over hundreds of years. Read the Foxe's Book of Martyrs as I
  have for details.

  The early Protestant leaders, Luther, Calvin, etc., all considered
  whatever pope was in power to be the Antichrist, so there weren't just
  minor differences in theology causing the Protestant Reformation. The
  popes call themselves the Holy Father for example, and that is a
  blasphemous title that should be reserved only for God. Jesus Christ
  said only He should be called Father.

  Any ways, the Bible says that when the Antichrist stands in the holy
  place, where it ought not, all hell will soon break loose. I think
  that prophecy could soon be fulfilled when the evil Antichrist Pope
  Benedict will soon be standing in the holy places of Bethlehem,
  Nazareth, and Jerusalem.

  Free King James Bible for your charitable gift of any 
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Re: Fwd: Porky Plague

2009-05-04 Thread studio

On May 3, 6:54 pm, bruce majors wrote:
  Hi, Boys  Girls!

 Thank you for not sending Uncle Jay the picture of the kid kissing the pig.
 Really, thanks.

Didn't Uncle Jay used to show cartoons of Porky Plague and Bubonic
on his TV kids show every Tuesday in Albuquerque?

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Re: Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Hey, how have you been?
Went to Mexico for a couple of months to avoid winter here in St.
louis. Took a vaction from these boards, was eating up too much of my
time arguing with idiots. Only a few people that I actually missed
talking to. You were one of those I missed.  :-)

On May 4, 10:16 am, J.C. wrote:
 Hey, you!  I've missed seeing you around!  What's up?

 On May 3, 4:09 pm, Hollywood wrote:


  WHAT? The Bible was written about 1,000 freakin' years before
  Protestant Christianity even existed. As you say, it was the early
  protestants that claimed the sitting Pope was the anti-Christ. So now
  you want to claim the visit of the Pope is a fullfullment of a Bible
  prophecy Dude, what are you smoking?

  Your pissed because the Catholic Church screwed over your ancestors a
  5 or 600 years ago.? I'M still pissed at the Brits for what they did
  to my ancestors on my mother's side of the family and ALL you white
  Europeans for what you did to my ancestors on my father's side of the
  family. What the hell, I'm pissed at blacks as well.  They had no
  problem with helping the white's fuck over the Native American's once
  they had their freedom. In short, get over it. Everyone is someone's
  victum and one point or another.  :-)

  On May 3, 4:23 pm, Web Veteran wrote:

   Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?
   Pope Benedict is set to visit Jerusalem and the Holy Land May 8-15. Is
   this a fulfillment of Bible prophecies?

   First, let it be known that I am still a Protestant. Robert Schuller,
   freemason, says he doesn't want to be called a Protestant any more
   because he isn't protesting anything. Pretty much all the Masonic
   Christians, if there is such a thing, will take that position because
   at a certain level of Masonry you take an oath to do everything the
   pope tells you to do.

   The deadly wound of schism between Protestants and Catholics has
   been healed with the modern ecumenical movement, and now Billy Graham,
   Pat Robertson, Paul and Jan Crouch, Jack Van Impe, and virtually all
   the Protestants really aren't Protestants any more because they
   aren't protesting the Roman Catholic Church.

   So why am I still a Protestant? My ancestors were French Huguenots who
   had their lands stolen by the Roman Catholics. They just escaped with
   their lives the Catholic uprising in France. I don't think we should
   forget the countless Protestant martyrs who have died at the hands of
   Roman Catholic murderers in France, Ireland and many areas of the
   world over hundreds of years. Read the Foxe's Book of Martyrs as I
   have for details.

   The early Protestant leaders, Luther, Calvin, etc., all considered
   whatever pope was in power to be the Antichrist, so there weren't just
   minor differences in theology causing the Protestant Reformation. The
   popes call themselves the Holy Father for example, and that is a
   blasphemous title that should be reserved only for God. Jesus Christ
   said only He should be called Father.

   Any ways, the Bible says that when the Antichrist stands in the holy
   place, where it ought not, all hell will soon break loose. I think
   that prophecy could soon be fulfilled when the evil Antichrist Pope
   Benedict will soon be standing in the holy places of Bethlehem,
   Nazareth, and Jerusalem.

   Free King James Bible for your charitable gift of any 
   size: Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Good times - how are they going to turn this one around

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Keith In Tampa
I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but I
thought it was an interesting perspective:


*An  update from Oklahoma.*

The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!

Guess  what..We did it anyway.

We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless they
want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was against
the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a

Guess  what..we did it anyway

 Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.

The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this state
have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure
that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

Guess what..We  did it anyway.

By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway


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] And the Sheep Obey - -

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
But it is distracting you from the continued failure of the Odumab
policies.  It's this month's wag the Rush

-- Forwarded message --
From: c
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:24 AM
Subject: [SouthernbytheGraceofGod] And the Sheep Obey - -



Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO
May 4, 2009

On May 1, 2009, the LA
some amazing occurrences:

• Hospitals on New York’s Long Island were scrambling to bring extra workers
in to handle a 50% surge in visitors to emergency rooms.
• In Galveston, Texas, the local hospital ran out of flu testing kits after
being overwhelmed with patients worried about having contracted swine flu.
• At Loma Linda University Medical Center near San Bernardino, California,
emergency room workers set up tents in the parking lot to handle a crush of
similar patients.
• In Chicago, ER visits at the city's biggest children's hospital are double
normal levels, setting records at the 121-year-old institution.

So far, few of the anxious patients have had more than runny noses. The most
disturbing revelations about these scenarios? They knew this was the way we
would respond. What was published in 2006 has become fact in 2009.

A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health confirmed that
public health officials could easily convince most people to alter their
daily lives to stem the spread of influenza. “The Pandemic Influenza Survey”
[2] documented our
willingness to do what we are told after only a little hyping that a deadly
global pandemic was eminent.

The 2006 survey included 1,700 Americans. More than 90 percent said they
would [willingly] comply with government orders to postpone air travel,
avoid public places such as movie theaters and shopping malls, and would
keep their children home from school in the event of a flu pandemic. A full
94 percent said they would stay home from work for up to 10 days to help
authorities control disease spread

How Soon We Forget

The word 'pandemic' simply means a certain type of virus seems to be
infecting persons over a wide area, in this case, several states and a few
countries. The word “pandemic” is not synonymous with “massive death,” although
the media would have us believe that the two are equal. In fact, most
persons over 50 years of age experienced the last two documented pandemics
and the pandemic scare of 1976. And according to a 2008 report by the CDC,
“even those who experienced [the 1957 and the 1968] pandemics do not recall
them as particularly memorable

Most persons at least 43 years of age will no doubt recall the Swine flu
hype of 1976. Starting from a single, infected military recruit, the threat
of a pandemic and global death turned into a full-scale media and government
circus. For many, the “Pandemic that Never Was” created havoc, death and
long term disability. But the mayhem was not the work of a microscopic
particle of replicating RNA. The carnage was created by the misguided steps
our government and the overzealous drive from CDC officials to vaccinate.

The absolute belief in the effectiveness of vaccines [that in reality do not
work] resulted in the disability of 532 people who contracted Guillain-Barre
Syndrome, a life-threatening form of paralysis. While many recovered in the
ensuing months, at least 33 died and up to 10 percent remained paralyzed to
varying degrees for the rest of their lives. While vaccine manufacturers
reaped the rewards of government handouts to make vaccines, and secured
legislation to protect them from liability (the Swine Flu Act of 1976), more
than $1.3 billion of tax payer dollars were released to compensate those who
had been injured by the swine flu vaccine.

 [NWV Poll: Is this swine flu outbreak accidental or

For those X-Gens and Y-Gens under-40, ask your parents, grandparents and
other senior relatives and friends what they recall about these Pubic Health
panics. Surely they can shed some light about those moments in American
history and their stories will help abate your fears of a “coming pandemic.”
After all, they are alive to talk about it.

More Vaccines On The Way

Lessons about bad vaccines are rarely learned and the race to make more
experimental doses has never been hotter. In 2005, Congress allocated $3.8
billion to developers with the stated goal of being able to
“distribute a vaccine
to every American within six months of the onset of a pandemic.” In 2006,
our elected representatives went even further to ensure we are vaccinated:
They created incentives for manufacturers by funding the Biodefense and
Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005, nicknamed BioShield II.

Obama Historic Speech on Rednecks

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
Obama Fights Back With A Historic Speech on Rednecks
The People's Cube ^ | 4/14/2008

Posted on 04/15/2008 2:05:49 AM PDT by Mount Athos

Dodging the flak over his description of typical small-town rednecks as
those who turn to guns and Bibles if left without government supervision,
Obama has once again skillfully turned the tables on his opponents with the
same maneuver he used during the Jeremiah Wright controversy: he returned
to Philadelphia and delivered a sweeping speech on the legacy of rednecks in
a post-redneck society and the importance of establishing a full government
control over the redneck territories - a speech that political strategists
agree hearkens back to those of America's founders, and deserves a similar
place in history.

Obama, who grew up in the redneck-free paradise of Hawaii, could have easily
stepped into a cultural void of corporate middle-class indifference if he
hadn't embraced the winning theory of class warfare and challenged the
country to do better - to drop the old redneck values of self-reliance, and
to accept the State as an absolute, in comparison with which all individuals
or groups are relative, only to be considered in their relation to the

Below are excerpts from Sen. Obama's speech.

We the people, in order to form a more soviet union... With these simple
words, social workers and community organizers had traveled across the ocean
to establish a state of planned economy and redistribution of wealth
according to everyone's needs.

The state they produced ultimately remained unfinished. It was stained by
the presence of corncob-smokin', banjo-strokin' chicken-chokin' inbred
hillbilly rednecks, who undermined the great American experiment with their
distrust of a strong government. They continued to cling to their guns and
Bibles, and refused to sacrifice their personal liberties to the Common Good
as defined by the government. The rednecks brought the creation of a perfect
society to a stalemate, and so the founders gave up and postponed any
definitive solution to future generations.

Of course, the answer to the redneck question was already embedded within
our Constitution, which has at its very core the subjugation of the
individual to a strong centralized government, requiring the surrender of
all unauthorized guns, Bibles, and incomes.

Our founders Marx and Engels believed that the government was endowed with
unalienable rights to regulate life, ration liberty, and dispense happiness
- and that to secure these rights, governments must decide what's best for
the governed, redistribute their property, and indoctrinate their children.

Now, the rednecks will argue that the Constitution says something completely
different. But we mustn't allow rednecks to rewrite our Constitution. We
mustn't allow some small-town, god-crazy, gun-humping non-people to inject
bitterness into our brave new world of collective hope, planned tolerance,
and organized compassion.

Today, when the promise of the parchment has almost come true, it is up to
this generation to find a final solution to the redneck problem. We must
redouble the government's efforts to control lives, ration liberty, and
dispense happiness. We must close the gap between our ideals and reality,
even if it means shredding the reality to pieces. Can we do it? Yes we can!

It is up to this generation to make the word redneck a non-word,
completing the construction of a post-redneck society.

I hope none of you are rednecks.

I shall conclude my historic speech by addressing critics who say I'm out of
touch with reality.

I would like to show them a letter of support that was sent to me by a nice
small-town family of hillbillies. It consisted of only a few lines scribbled
over a black and white photograph - a large redneck family in front of a
shabby old cracker house. The house needed some serious renovation and was
probably in danger of foreclosure. The haggard faces of adults expressed
bitterness and determination to fight for whatever little piece of
entitlement the government can give them. The children's eyes revealed the
sadness of a child who had been robbed of the true love and compassion of a
caring social worker. They were the typical small-town Americans in need of
guidance and support of big centralized government - exactly how I had
always imagined them.

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a new topic

All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors

 Saturday, March 21, 2009 FSB: Sept. Gun Confiscation  US Will Join Global

March 20, 2009

All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009, US Tells

Kremlin reports on the extraordinary
today between President Medvedev and former United States Secretaries
of State Henry Kissinger (under Nixon), James Baker (under Bush Sr.),
Charles Shultz (under Regan), former United States Defense Secretary William
Perry (under Clinton), and former US Senator and top defense expert Sam
Nunn, are stating that the Americans are acknowledging for the first time
their acceptance of a New Global Order in which they seek to partner with
natural resource rich Russia and the oil rich Nations of the Middle East in
order to ensure their survival into the 21st Century.

Leading the United States to the shocking conclusion that their very
survival is at risk has been the evaporation of 45
the World’s wealth which has caused a rapid
plunge in
Global manufacturing leading to a 49 percent
US trade exports which the International Monetary Fund is reported has
caused the World’s economy to shrink for the first time in 60
has lead Canada’s Central Bank chief David Dodge to state the World is
*“facing a long and deep recession that will fundamentally alter the nature
of capitalism”

Though Prime Minister Putin has warned that “*resorting to a printing press
would be unwise and extremely
*”, the already bankrupt United States,
whose staggering debt is four times higher than their entire National
income, has allowed its Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben “*Throw Money Out
of Helicopters*”
Bernanke to ‘*create out of thin air*’ a further $1.2
stabilize the American economy, but which in turn has led to the
the US Dollar leading the United Nations to recommend next week that
World “*ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket
of currencies

Russian economists further state in these reports that the United States has
been left with ‘*no other option*’ than to force the massive devaluation of
the US Dollar in order to ‘*shake lose*’ from banks and private investors
the hundreds of billions they are currently hoarding and is being blamed for
collapsing a United States where consumer spending accounts for two-thirds
of its 
which without money to borrow, or borrowers to loan to, is fast
approaching the abyss.

With the devaluation of the US dollar, however, massive inflation will ensue
causing the value of these currently hoarded hundreds of billions of US
Dollars to plummet and forcing them to be spent before they become totally
worthless, a policy which China, the largest Global holder of US
concerns about and have cut
back on their 
American debt even as desperation
own factories as orders plunge.

These top American Officials have also assured President Medvedev that new
laws being written by the Obama administration will ‘*completely*’ reform
the American financial system by fully integrating it into a single Global
Economy due to be enacted during the coming G-20 summit in London.

When President Medvedev voiced his concerns to the Americans over his belief
that the US Congress would not allow such a radical new set of laws to pass,
these reports continue, Kissinger stated that the American people were being
‘*primed*’ to overwhelm their lawmakers into swiftly 

Fwd: [T911TN] Housing Bubble Got Big Start in Clinton Administration

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
 Interesting video exposes the 1990's history of Housing Bubble and Obama's
early connection to it.

Obama appears discussing his legal and community organizing career. See how
it ties in to ACORN and the Clinton administration enforcement of the
Reinvestment Act.*

The Clinton administration admits their policy of *BANK AFFIRMATIVE
ACTION.   *Secretary Cuomo *admits they forced banks to make BAD LOANS*.


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Rupert Murdoch I am not jewish but....

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors

 I am not Jewish but...
Mar. 19, 2009

Over the years, some of my wildest critics seem to have assumed I am Jewish.
At the same time, some of my closest friends wish I were.

So let me set the record straight: I live in New York. I have a wife who
craves Chinese food. And people I trust tell me I practically invented the
word chutzpah.

Ladies and gentleman, I am humbled by the honor you have given me - because
this award speaks more to your good work than it does to mine.

The American Jewish Committee started in response to the persecution of Jews
in czarist Russia. And your response took a very American form: an
organization that would speak up for those who could not speak for

In the century since your founding, the American Jewish Committee has become
one of the world's most influential organizations. Yet though your concerns
begin with the safety and welfare of Jews, these concerns are anything but
parochial. The reason for this is clear: You know that the best guarantee of
the security of Jews anywhere is the freedom of people everywhere.

Your good work has helped bring real and lasting changes to our world.
Unfortunately, while some threats have been defeated, new ones have taken
their place. And these new threats remind us the AJC's work is more vital
than ever.

In Europe, men and woman who bear the tattoos of concentration camps today
look out on a continent where Jewish lives and Jewish property are under
attack - and public debate is poisoned by an anti-Semitism we thought had
been dispatched to history's dustbin.

In Iran, we see a regime that backs Hizbullah and Hamas now on course to
acquire a nuclear weapon.

In India, we see Islamic terrorists single out the Mumbai Jewish Center in a
well-planned and well-coordinated attack that looks like it could be a test
run for similar attacks in similar cities around the world.

MOST FUNDAMENTALLY, we see a growing assault on both the legitimacy and
security of the State of Israel.

This assault comes from people who make clear they have no intention of ever
living side-by-side in peace with a Jewish state - no matter how many
concessions Israel might make. The reason for this is also clear: These are
men who cannot abide the idea of freedom, tolerance and democracy. They hate
Israel for the same reasons they hate us.

As I speak, the flashpoint is Gaza. For months now, Hamas has been raining
down rockets on Israeli civilians. Like all terrorist attacks, the aim is to
spread fear within free societies, and to paralyze its leaders. This Israel
cannot afford. I do not need to tell anyone in this room that no sovereign
nation can sit by while its civilian population is attacked.

Hamas knows this better than we do. And Hamas understands something else as
well: In the 21st century, when democratic states respond to terrorist
attacks, they face two terrible handicaps.

THE FIRST HANDICAP is military. It's true that Israel's conventional
superiority means it could flatten Gaza if it wanted. But the Israel Defense
Forces - unlike Hamas - are accountable to a democratically chosen

No matter which party is in the majority, every Israeli government knows it
will be held accountable by its people and by the world for the lives that
are lost because of its decisions. That's true for lives of innocent
Palestinians caught in the crossfire. And it's also true for the Israeli
soldiers who may lose their lives defending their people.

In this kind of war, Hamas does not need to defeat Israel militarily to win
a big victory. In fact, Hamas knows that in some ways, dead Palestinians
serve its purposes even better than dead Israelis.

In the West we look at this and say, It makes no sense. But it does make

If you are committed to Israel's destruction, and if you believe that dead
Palestinians help you score a propaganda victory, you do things like launch
rockets from a Palestinian schoolyard. This ensures that when the Israelis
do respond, it will likely lead to the death of an innocent Palestinian - no
matter how many precautions Israeli soldiers take.

Hamas gets away with this, moreover, because it does not rule Gaza by the
consent of those it claims to represent. It rules by fear and intimidation.
It is accountable to no one but itself.

This is the chilling logic of Gaza. And it helps explain why even a strong
military power like Israel can find itself at a disadvantage on the ground.

THE SECOND HANDICAP for Israel is the global media war. For Hamas, the
images of Palestinian suffering - of people losing their homes, of parents
mourning their dead children, of tanks rolling through the streets - create
sympathy for its cause.

In a battle marked by street to street fighting, the death of innocents is
all but inevitable. That is also true of Gaza. And these deaths have led
some to call for Israel to be charged with war crimes by an international

But I am curious: Why do we 

Re: All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood



On May 4, 6:16 am, bruce majors wrote:

  Saturday, March 21, 2009 FSB: Sept. Gun Confiscation  US Will Join Global

 March 20, 2009

 All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009, US Tells

 Kremlin reports on the extraordinary
 today between President Medvedev and former United States Secretaries
 of State Henry Kissinger (under Nixon), James Baker (under Bush Sr.),
 Charles Shultz (under Regan), former United States Defense Secretary William
 Perry (under Clinton), and former US Senator and top defense expert Sam
 Nunn, are stating that the Americans are acknowledging for the first time
 their acceptance of a New Global Order in which they seek to partner with
 natural resource rich Russia and the oil rich Nations of the Middle East in
 order to ensure their survival into the 21st Century.

 Leading the United States to the shocking conclusion that their very
 survival is at risk has been the evaporation of 45
 the World’s wealth which has caused a rapid
 plunge in
 Global manufacturing leading to a 49 percent
 US trade exports which the International Monetary Fund is reported has
 caused the World’s economy to shrink for the first time in 60
 has lead Canada’s Central Bank chief David Dodge to state the World is
 *“facing a long and deep recession that will fundamentally alter the nature
 of capitalism”

 Though Prime Minister Putin has warned that “*resorting to a printing press
 would be unwise and extremely
 *”, the already bankrupt United States,
 whose staggering debt is four times higher than their entire National
 income, has allowed its Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben “*Throw Money Out
 of Helicopters*”
 Bernanke to ‘*create out of thin air*’ a further $1.2
 stabilize the American economy, but which in turn has led to the
 the US Dollar leading the United Nations to recommend next week that
 World “*ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket
 of currencies

 Russian economists further state in these reports that the United States has
 been left with ‘*no other option*’ than to force the massive devaluation of
 the US Dollar in order to ‘*shake lose*’ from banks and private investors
 the hundreds of billions they are currently hoarding and is being blamed for
 collapsing a United States where consumer spending accounts for two-thirds
 of its 
 which without money to borrow, or borrowers to loan to, is fast
 approaching the abyss.

 With the devaluation of the US dollar, however, massive inflation will ensue
 causing the value of these currently hoarded hundreds of billions of US
 Dollars to plummet and forcing them to be spent before they become totally
 worthless, a policy which China, the largest Global holder of US
 concerns about and have cut
 back on their 
 American debt even as desperation
 own factories as orders plunge.

 These top American Officials have also assured President Medvedev that new
 laws being written by the Obama administration will ‘*completely*’ reform
 the American financial system by fully integrating it into a single Global
 Economy due to be enacted during the coming G-20 summit in London.

 When President Medvedev voiced his concerns to the Americans over his belief
 that the US Congress would not allow such a radical new set of laws to pass,
 these reports continue, Kissinger stated that the American people were being
 ‘*primed*’ to overwhelm their lawmakers into swiftly enacting ‘*in its
 entirety*’ the Obama 

What a surprise!!

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:
  The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't like
 gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like Wyoming.

 Robert O. Blanchard | May 1999 Print

 In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
 Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights groups,
 politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift enactment of
 hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, executive
 director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
 Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors which
 Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming legislature
 responded in February by voting on several hate crime bills--including one
 that even included protection of particular occupations, such as ranching,
 mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the bill was
 defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were defeated in
 committee by wider margins.

 National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: Wyoming,
 rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, adopted
 after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the right to
 vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
 reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not want
 their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or any other
 political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
 (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
 intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the bill.
 If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. We are
 extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership on this

 Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become
 increasingly popular since the early 1980s with the media, advocacy groups,
 academics, and liberal politicians--all of whom have vested interests in
 fomenting a sense of continuous social crisis. A product of the identity
 politics mind-set that has come to dominate American society over the past
 two decades, the hate crime news formula uses widely recognizable and
 understood images--burning crosses and churches, neo-Nazi goosesteppers,
 and, most recently, the burned corpse of Billy Jack Gaither in Coosa County,
 Alabama; James Byrd, chained and dragged behind a pickup truck in Jasper,
 Texas; and Shepard's silhouetted body lashed to a Laramie, Wyoming, buck
 fence--to suggest that the United States is a seething cauldron of hate
 directed at members of unpopular groups. Although demonstrably false (even
 the statistics gathered by the advocates of hate crime legislation
 demonstrate there is thankfully no epidemic of such heinous acts), the
 formula remains popular, partly because it provides the media with a
 ready-made angle by elevating ordinary crimes to matters of urgent,
 national concern involving sexism, racism, and homophobia. Indeed, the
 formula provides big ratings and material benefits both to advocates and to
 their academic allies. And it provides politicians with the opportunity to
 engage in cost-free, camera-friendly symbolic activity.

 With the Shepard case, the Wild West setting of the murder augmented the
 standard media narrative: *Of course*, the coverage implied, Wyoming's
 macho, frontier culture is closed-minded, bigoted, and homophobic--what else
 could it be? As an NBC reporter put it while standing outside a Laramie
 drinking joint, At Wild Willies Cowboy Bar today, patrons said hate is easy
 to find here. Never mind that Wyoming was the first state to grant women
 the right not only to vote but to own property and to hold office; that it
 elected the nation's first female governor in 1924; that it ratified the
 Equal Rights Amendment in 1973; that it was at the forefront of a trend in
 the 1970s to repeal sodomy laws; and that in the 1990s, more than 70 percent
 of its voters rejected anti-abortion initiatives. For the media, Wyoming was
 a natural setting for such a bestial crime. As *The New York
 Times*editorial page intoned the day following Shepard's death:
 Laramie, the home
 seat of [Wyoming's] university, is a small town with a masculine culture...
 [Shepard] died in a coma yesterday, in a state without a hate-crimes law.
 Local Outrage

 As a Wyoming native (now living in Texas) and a gay man, I find such
 geographical stereotyping to 

Re: No surprise, our MUSLIM PRESIDENT considers ISRAEL the ENEMY

2009-05-04 Thread Keith In Tampa

If you heard that talking point from three other talking heads this
week, then I am quite flattered!  That means that whoever you are listening
too, is reading my posts here on PoliticalForum!

With regard to your spin;  for you to attempt to pin Nazi's, Skin-Heads
and the KKK on the Republican Party is laughable, when clearly, the only
announced members of the KKK were Democrats and socialists.  Once again,
it demonstrates my point about those who claim to be more tolerant, kinder,
gentler, and more enlightened, are none of the above, and genuinely have an
agenda.  If one crosses that agenda or disagrees with it, then the far left
extremist smear machine gears up, and all folks like you can do is start
tossing personal barbs and insults.

Again, for you to attempt to compare Bill Clinton to Ronald Reagan shows
your naivety, or just plain, outright ignorance.

But I still enjoy ya!!!

On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 9:53 PM, VT VirtualTruth

 Clinton had higher approval ratings than Reagan at the end of their
 Presidency's so your comment is not true.

 Also once again you are repeating words and ideas other have spoon fed
 you or you have heard from the talking heads.

 I heard the exact phase of 3 times in my lifetime the Republican
 from 3 different talking heads this week end. Keith please try to be
 original or at least change the words!

 On May 2, 8:36 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
  Studio, Studio, Studio,
  In my adult life, of which I have been politically active, I have seen
  predicted, and witnessed folks like you profess the demise of the
  Party at least three times.   When I was just able to vote, shortly after
  the Nixon/Watergate era, (and which was the first and only time I ever
  for a Democrat Presidential candidate) folks like you were predicting
  the demise of the Republican Party was imminent, that it was a Brand New
  Day, A Brand New World.  After four years of Jimmy Carter, our Nation
  overwhelmingly elected Ronald Reagan, the greatest American President in
  yours and my lifetime, (Despite what my most esteemed moderator The
  Annointed One believes!!! LOL!!!)
  Then, after A thousand Points of Light and the mediocrity of George
  Herbert Walker Bush and his wife who remarkably resembled George
  the Nation went into Clinton-Mania. After two years of I feel your
  and folks like you once again professing that The Republican Party
  Is Toast;  it wasn't two years later, that the Republicans gained
  of both the Senate and the House, as well as most all State legislatures
  local elected offices.
  I will concede, as I have previously, that the Republicans are a House in
  disarray right now.  That we lost our way, with a number of individuals
  infiltrated our Party who are not conservatives, and who were for the
  part, big spending egalitarians who hurt our Nation.
  Having said that, what has happened on your side of the aisle, (and Sean
  Sugarshack VT's) is far more sinister.   Americans are catching on to
  whole concept of Change We Can Believe In, the tea parties were just a
  In eighteen months, the House will once again be controlled by thinking
  Americans.  Your socialist party os over my friend!   Enjoy it while you
  On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 8:17 PM, studio wrote:
   On May 2, 2:22 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:
Hey Studio!!
Well, first, if we were going to get into political parties and,
you clearly identified the wrong party. I am unaware of any policy or
plank of the Republican National Comittee that could even remotely be
construed as racist; albeit I know that a lot of clueless
would somehow attempt to frame or promote such platforms as racist.
   First off, the thread was started by Travis, not a political party,
   but one in
   which he clearly supports calling the President a Muzzie, which he
   is clearly not.
   Second, you must not think your party is very smart not to have
   included policy
   which would obviously shrink their ranks even further than it is now.
   Third, there is no such stated policy in the Democrat platform
   so by your logic, would nullify all that you just stated.
What was it you were saying about Republicans being, racist?  Do
to revise this position Studio??
   No I don't, they are.
   But it's not a stated policy, rather a understated soft racism with
   a nod and a wink.
   Both parties have it, I never said they didn't.
   But it's slightly worse in the Republican Party.
   You won't find any statistics supporting this, I generally use my own
   ears and eyes
   instead of some phony Web site or reporters claims.

Thanks for being part of PoliticalForum at Google 

Re: All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009

2009-05-04 Thread Biff

I am as left as they come and even I have a gun and have no problem
getting ammo. Bruce probably works for the ammo industry and they
LOVED having Obama get elected, never saw such profits.

On May 4, 11:10 am, Hollywood wrote:


 On May 4, 6:16 am, bruce majors wrote:

   Saturday, March 21, 2009 FSB: Sept. Gun Confiscation  US Will Join Global

  March 20, 2009

  All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009, US Tells

  Kremlin reports on the extraordinary
  today between President Medvedev and former United States Secretaries
  of State Henry Kissinger (under Nixon), James Baker (under Bush Sr.),
  Charles Shultz (under Regan), former United States Defense Secretary William
  Perry (under Clinton), and former US Senator and top defense expert Sam
  Nunn, are stating that the Americans are acknowledging for the first time
  their acceptance of a New Global Order in which they seek to partner with
  natural resource rich Russia and the oil rich Nations of the Middle East in
  order to ensure their survival into the 21st Century.

  Leading the United States to the shocking conclusion that their very
  survival is at risk has been the evaporation of 45
  the World’s wealth which has caused a rapid
  plunge in
  Global manufacturing leading to a 49 percent
  US trade exports which the International Monetary Fund is reported has
  caused the World’s economy to shrink for the first time in 60
  has lead Canada’s Central Bank chief David Dodge to state the World is
  *“facing a long and deep recession that will fundamentally alter the nature
  of capitalism”

  Though Prime Minister Putin has warned that “*resorting to a printing press
  would be unwise and extremely
  *”, the already bankrupt United States,
  whose staggering debt is four times higher than their entire National
  income, has allowed its Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben “*Throw Money Out
  of Helicopters*”
  Bernanke to ‘*create out of thin air*’ a further $1.2
  stabilize the American economy, but which in turn has led to the
  the US Dollar leading the United Nations to recommend next week that
  World “*ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket
  of currencies

  Russian economists further state in these reports that the United States has
  been left with ‘*no other option*’ than to force the massive devaluation of
  the US Dollar in order to ‘*shake lose*’ from banks and private investors
  the hundreds of billions they are currently hoarding and is being blamed for
  collapsing a United States where consumer spending accounts for two-thirds
  of its 
  which without money to borrow, or borrowers to loan to, is fast
  approaching the abyss.

  With the devaluation of the US dollar, however, massive inflation will ensue
  causing the value of these currently hoarded hundreds of billions of US
  Dollars to plummet and forcing them to be spent before they become totally
  worthless, a policy which China, the largest Global holder of US
  concerns about and have cut
  back on their 
  American debt even as desperation
  own factories as orders plunge.

  These top American Officials have also assured President Medvedev that new
  laws being written by the Obama administration will ‘*completely*’ reform
  the American financial system by fully integrating it into a single Global
  Economy due to be enacted during the coming G-20 summit in London.


Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
Commandants and not Jesus.

On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but I
 thought it was an interesting perspective:


 *An  update from Oklahoma.*

 The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
 state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
 mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!

 Guess  what..We did it anyway.

 We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
 illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless they
 want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
 scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was against
 the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a

 Guess  what..we did it anyway

  Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
 illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
 Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

 Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

 Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
 state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
 information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
 what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
 both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
 just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
 confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.

 The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
 guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this state
 have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure
 that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

 Guess what..We  did it anyway.

 By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

 Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway

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Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson
Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in 
the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the 
references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the 
other prophets.

Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:

 Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
 Commandants and not Jesus.

 On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but I
 thought it was an interesting perspective:


 *An  update from Oklahoma.*

 The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
 state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
 mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!

 Guess  what..We did it anyway.

 We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
 illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless they
 want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
 scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was against
 the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a

 Guess  what..we did it anyway

  Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
 illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
 Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

 Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

 Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
 state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
 information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
 what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
 both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
 just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
 confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.

 The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
 guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this state
 have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure
 that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

 Guess what..We  did it anyway.

 By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

 Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway



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I wonder if this is true across the board about Priority Mail

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Re: Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Oh for God's sake, don't get the religious nuts all stirred up. Enough
headaches will the political extremists and nuts.

On May 3, 8:27 pm, plainolamerican wrote:
 Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?

 he's just tired being called an antisemite

 On May 3, 4:23 pm, Web Veteran wrote:

  Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?
  Pope Benedict is set to visit Jerusalem and the Holy Land May 8-15. Is
  this a fulfillment of Bible prophecies?

  First, let it be known that I am still a Protestant. Robert Schuller,
  freemason, says he doesn't want to be called a Protestant any more
  because he isn't protesting anything. Pretty much all the Masonic
  Christians, if there is such a thing, will take that position because
  at a certain level of Masonry you take an oath to do everything the
  pope tells you to do.

  The deadly wound of schism between Protestants and Catholics has
  been healed with the modern ecumenical movement, and now Billy Graham,
  Pat Robertson, Paul and Jan Crouch, Jack Van Impe, and virtually all
  the Protestants really aren't Protestants any more because they
  aren't protesting the Roman Catholic Church.

  So why am I still a Protestant? My ancestors were French Huguenots who
  had their lands stolen by the Roman Catholics. They just escaped with
  their lives the Catholic uprising in France. I don't think we should
  forget the countless Protestant martyrs who have died at the hands of
  Roman Catholic murderers in France, Ireland and many areas of the
  world over hundreds of years. Read the Foxe's Book of Martyrs as I
  have for details.

  The early Protestant leaders, Luther, Calvin, etc., all considered
  whatever pope was in power to be the Antichrist, so there weren't just
  minor differences in theology causing the Protestant Reformation. The
  popes call themselves the Holy Father for example, and that is a
  blasphemous title that should be reserved only for God. Jesus Christ
  said only He should be called Father.

  Any ways, the Bible says that when the Antichrist stands in the holy
  place, where it ought not, all hell will soon break loose. I think
  that prophecy could soon be fulfilled when the evil Antichrist Pope
  Benedict will soon be standing in the holy places of Bethlehem,
  Nazareth, and Jerusalem.

  Free King James Bible for your charitable gift of any 
  size: Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread jgg1000a

Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...Frankly, it
would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled

On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:

 Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
 thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
 OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
 my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

 On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

   The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't like
  gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like Wyoming.

  Robert O. Blanchard | May 1999 

  In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
  Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights groups,
  politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift enactment of
  hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, executive
  director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
  Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors which
  Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming legislature
  responded in February by voting on several hate crime bills--including one
  that even included protection of particular occupations, such as ranching,
  mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the bill was
  defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were defeated in
  committee by wider margins.

  National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: Wyoming,
  rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, adopted
  after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the right to
  vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
  reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not want
  their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or any other
  political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
  (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
  intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the bill.
  If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. We are
  extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership on this

  Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become
  increasingly popular since the early 1980s with the media, advocacy groups,
  academics, and liberal politicians--all of whom have vested interests in
  fomenting a sense of continuous social crisis. A product of the identity
  politics mind-set that has come to dominate American society over the past
  two decades, the hate crime news formula uses widely recognizable and
  understood images--burning crosses and churches, neo-Nazi goosesteppers,
  and, most recently, the burned corpse of Billy Jack Gaither in Coosa County,
  Alabama; James Byrd, chained and dragged behind a pickup truck in Jasper,
  Texas; and Shepard's silhouetted body lashed to a Laramie, Wyoming, buck
  fence--to suggest that the United States is a seething cauldron of hate
  directed at members of unpopular groups. Although demonstrably false (even
  the statistics gathered by the advocates of hate crime legislation
  demonstrate there is thankfully no epidemic of such heinous acts), the
  formula remains popular, partly because it provides the media with a
  ready-made angle by elevating ordinary crimes to matters of urgent,
  national concern involving sexism, racism, and homophobia. Indeed, the
  formula provides big ratings and material benefits both to advocates and to
  their academic allies. And it provides politicians with the opportunity to
  engage in cost-free, camera-friendly symbolic activity.

  With the Shepard case, the Wild West setting of the murder augmented the

Capitalist for the Common Man

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson 

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Re: All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009

2009-05-04 Thread Keith In Tampa
Hey Biff!!

You??  Left of center??   Geez, I am shocked!!   I would have never thought
or suspected!!!

(LOL!!  Good to see ya!!)

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Biff wrote:

 I am as left as they come and even I have a gun and have no problem
 getting ammo. Bruce probably works for the ammo industry and they
 LOVED having Obama get elected, never saw such profits.

 On May 4, 11:10 am, Hollywood wrote:
  On May 4, 6:16 am, bruce majors wrote:
Saturday, March 21, 2009 FSB: Sept. Gun Confiscation  US Will Join
   March 20, 2009
   All Private Guns Will Be Confiscated By September 2009, US Tells
   Kremlin reports on the extraordinary
   today between President Medvedev and former United States Secretaries
   of State Henry Kissinger (under Nixon), James Baker (under Bush Sr.),
   Charles Shultz (under Regan), former United States Defense Secretary
   Perry (under Clinton), and former US Senator and top defense expert Sam
   Nunn, are stating that the Americans are acknowledging for the first
   their acceptance of a New Global Order in which they seek to partner
   natural resource rich Russia and the oil rich Nations of the Middle
 East in
   order to ensure their survival into the 21st Century.
   Leading the United States to the shocking conclusion that their very
   survival is at risk has been the evaporation of 45
   the World’s wealth which has caused a rapid
   Global manufacturing leading to a 49 percent
   US trade exports which the International Monetary Fund is reported has
   caused the World’s economy to shrink for the first time in 60
   has lead Canada’s Central Bank chief David Dodge to state the World is
   *“facing a long and deep recession that will fundamentally alter the
   of capitalism”
   Though Prime Minister Putin has warned that “*resorting to a printing
   would be unwise and extremely
   *”, the already bankrupt United
   whose staggering debt is four times higher than their entire National
   income, has allowed its Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben “*Throw Money
   of Helicopters
   Bernanke to ‘*create out of thin air*’ a further $1.2
   stabilize the American economy, but which in turn has led to the
   the US Dollar leading the United Nations to recommend next week that
   World “*ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared
   of currencies
   Russian economists further state in these reports that the United
 States has
   been left with ‘*no other option*’ than to force the massive
 devaluation of
   the US Dollar in order to ‘*shake lose*’ from banks and private
   the hundreds of billions they are currently hoarding and is being
 blamed for
   collapsing a United States where consumer spending accounts for
   of its economy
   which without money to borrow, or borrowers to loan to, is fast
   approaching the abyss.
   With the devaluation of the US dollar, however, massive inflation will
   causing the value of these currently hoarded hundreds of billions of US
   Dollars to plummet and forcing them to be spent before they become
   worthless, a policy which China, the largest Global holder of US
   has voiced
   concerns about and have cut
   back on their purchases
   American debt even as desperation

You really can't make this stuff up

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson
Cowboy ticketed for 'riding under the influence'

2 days ago

ARVADA, Colo. (AP) --- A man in a cowboy hat who rode a horse through a 
Denver suburb has been cited for riding an animal under the influence. 
Police said Brian Drone was given a $25 traffic violation ticket in a 
strip mall parking lot Friday. Drone told KUSA-TV that he was out for a 
joyride in Arvada with his horse, Cricket.

Sgt. Jeff Monzingo says the citation was the first he'd seen in 15 years 
of working in law enforcement.

Police say deciding what to do with the horse was a tricky call 
because you can tow a car in typical drunk driving cases.

A stable owner eventually offered Drone and his horse a ride home.

A phone number listed for a Brian Drone in Arvada was disconnected.

/Information from: KUSA-TV,

Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

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I do believe I would be leaving that complex right away - send the furniture when I have a new address and after checking it for any more critters

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

 Text size:  
Newport News
Denbigh woman wakes up with snake on her lap

Matthew Sturdevant |247-7874
May 4, 2009

NEWPORT NEWS -  Marleny Franco
was sleeping in a chair in the living room of her Denbigh apartment living
room on April 25 when she felt something wriggling on her lap.

She woke up and saw a large, black snake curling up on a blanket that
was covering her legs, Franco said through a translator. 

tossed the snake across the room, grabbed her 3-year-old son, and
scrambled out of the apartment. Her husband, Jose Barrera, wasn't home,
so she got some friends to come in and get the 3-foot snake out of her
house. They killed it. 

The next day, April 26, another black
snake about the same size was slithering around her son's toy chest.
Franco said her husband and two other men got that snake out of the
apartment and killed it. 


buried both snakes under a tree by her apartment on Happiness Drive at
the Village at Stoneybrook which is near Warwick Boulevard and
Thorncliff Drive. 

Dan and Fabiola Curran, advocates for the
local Hispanic community, worked with Franco to get her family moved
into another apartment in the complex. 

The soonest one is available is May 13, but Franco is too scared to
stay another night, or even to enter the apartment. 

Apartment management declined to comment other than to say the
situation has been resolved.

said he and his wife would take the family into their own home, but
they are already housing a family of Cuban refugees. Franco and her
family are staying with friends. 

It's not clear if they will be able to stay with friends until the new
move-in date.

  Want more? Get home
delivery now.  



  Mixx it!


topic galleries:  Calendars, Days, and Months, Denbigh, May (month), Animals, April (month) 
All topics

Copyright  2009, Newport News, Va.,
Daily Press

Here's where your recovery money is going

2009-05-04 Thread studio

This is not TARP funds...that's a separate $700 billion for financial

And someone was upset at the $350,000 photo-op of AF1 over NYC?
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Total expenditure: $787 billion

Tax cuts Total: $288 billion
Tax relief for individuals Total: $237 billion

$116 billion: New payroll tax credit of $400 per worker and $800 per
couple in 2009 and 2010.
$70 billion: Alternative minimum tax: a one year increase in AMT floor
to $70,950 for joint filers for 2009.
$15 billion: Expansion of child tax credit: A $1,000 credit to more
families (even those that do not make enough money to pay income
$14 billion: Expanded college credit to provide a $2,500 expanded tax
credit for college tuition and related expenses for 2009 and 2010. The
credit is phased out for couples making more than $160,000.
$6.6 billion: Homebuyer credit: $8,000 refundable credit for all homes
bought between 1/1/2009 and 12/1/2009 and repayment provision repealed
for homes purchased in 2009 and held more than three years. This only
applies to first-time homebuyers.
$4.7 billion: Excluding from taxation the first $2,400 a person
receives in unemployment compensation benefits in 2009.
$4.7 billion: Expanded earned income tax credit to increase the earned
income tax credit — which provides money to low income workers — for
families with at least three children.
$4.3 billion: Home energy credit to provide an expanded credit to
homeowners who make their homes more energy-efficient in 2009 and
2010. Homeowners could recoup 30 percent of the cost up to $1,500 of
numerous projects, such as installing energy-efficient windows, doors,
furnaces and air conditioners.
$1.7 billion: for deduction of sales tax from car purchases, not
interest payments phased out for incomes above $250,000.

Tax relief for companies Total: $51 billion

$15 billion: Allowing companies to use current losses to offset
profits made in the previous five years, instead of two, making them
eligible for tax refunds.
$13 billion: to extend tax credits for renewable energy production
(until 2014).
$11 billion: Government contractors: Repeal a law that takes effect in
2012, requiring government agencies to withhold three percent of
payments to contractors to help ensure they pay their tax bills.
Repealing the law would cost $11 billion over 10 years, in part
because the government could not earn interest by holding the money
throughout the year.
$7 billion: Repeal bank credit: Repeal a Treasury provision that
allowed firms that buy money-losing banks to use more of the losses as
tax credits to offset the profits of the merged banks for tax
purposes. The change would increase taxes on the merged banks by $7
billion over 10 years.
$5 billion: Bonus depreciation which extends a provision allowing
businesses buying equipment such as computers to speed up its
depreciation through 2009.

Healthcare Total: $147.7 billion

$86.6 billion for Medicaid
$24.7 billion to provide a 65 percent subsidy of health care insurance
premiums for the unemployed under the COBRA program
$19 billion for health information technology
$10 billion for health research and construction of National
Institutes of Health facilities
$1.3 billion for medical care for service members and their families
$1 billion for prevention and wellness
$1 billion for the Veterans Health Administration
$2 billion for Community Health Centers
$1.1 billion to research the effectiveness of certain healthcare
$500 million to train healthcare personnel
$500 million for healthcare services on Indian reservations

Education Total: $90.9 billion

$44.5 billion in aid to local school districts to prevent layoffs and
cutbacks, with flexibility to use the funds for school modernization
and repair (State Equalization Fund)
$15.6 billion to increase Pell Grants from $4,731 to $5,350
$13 billion for low-income public schoolchildren
$12.2 billion for IDEA special education
$2.1 billion for Head Start
$2 billion for childcare services
$650 million for educational technology
$300 million for increased teacher salaries
$250 million for states to analyze student performance
$200 million to support working college students
$70 million for the education of homeless children

Environment Total: $7.2 billion

$4 billion for wastewater infrastructure
$2 billion for drinking water infrastructure
$600 million for hazardous waste cleanup at Superfund sites
$300 million for reductions in emissions from diesel engines
$200 million for cleanup of leaking Underground Storage Tanks
$100 million for cleaning former industrial and commercial sites

Aid to low income workers, unemployed and retirees (including job
Total: $82.5 billion

$40 billion to provide extended unemployment benefits through Dec. 31,
and increase them by $25 a week
$19.9 billion for the Food Stamp Program
$14.2 billion to give one-time $250 payments to Social Security
recipients, people on 

Re: I wonder if anyone has asked Miss North Carolina what she thinks of this brouhaha and whether the fact that she won the contest because of an imbecilic judge makes her feel she deserves the crow

2009-05-04 Thread d.b.baker

Now that it's safe, I see that The Donald is throwing his full support
behind Carrie Prejean. Polls show Ms. Prejean favored by 75%, Donald's
kind of number - so he's no longer the tepid pimp maestro.

And the feminists are pissed, really pissed. For one, Miss California
is drop-dead gorgeous - a far cry from those closet shaving, Perez
loving, straight-hating dykes:

Which goes to prove that gays don't need marriage licenses, they need
distemper shots.

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Hate Crimes Prevention Act Sets Foundation To Destroy Free Speech In The U.S. - ROGUEGOVERNMENT.COM

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Sun, May 3, 2009
Subject: Hate Crimes Prevention Act Sets Foundation To Destroy Free Speech


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Gays buy twins

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Gays buy twins,21985,22582161-2862,00.html


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The President Who Hates His Country

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: The President Who Hates His Country


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Mexico Starts Shopping at the Piggly Wiggly

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Mexico Starts Shopping at the Piggly Wiggly


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This will be a great fit with Chrysler - or not

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Adult film star Stormy Daniels running for US Senate in Louisiana

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Adult film star Stormy Daniels running for US Senate in Louisiana


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OT: We were waiting on health care one day...

2009-05-04 Thread studio we decided to tune up and play.
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Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
opinion she's full of shit.
You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to

On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:
 Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
 California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
 destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
 called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
 after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
 the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...    Frankly, it
 would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
 spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

 Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
 even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
 the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
 of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
 not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
 citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
 has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled

 On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:


  Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
  thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
  OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
  my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

  On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

    The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't like
   gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like Wyoming.

   Robert O. Blanchard | May 1999 

   In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
   Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights 
   politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift enactment 
   hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, 
   director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
   Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors which
   Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming 
   responded in February by voting on several hate crime bills--including one
   that even included protection of particular occupations, such as ranching,
   mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the bill was
   defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were defeated 
   committee by wider margins.

   National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: 
   rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, adopted
   after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the right to
   vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
   reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not want
   their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or any 
   political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
   (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
   intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the bill.
   If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. We are
   extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership on 

   Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become
   increasingly popular since the early 1980s with the media, advocacy 
   academics, and liberal politicians--all of whom have vested interests in
   fomenting a sense of continuous social crisis. A product of the identity
   politics mind-set that has come to dominate American society over the past
   two decades, the hate crime news formula uses widely recognizable and
   understood images--burning crosses and churches, neo-Nazi goosesteppers,
   and, most recently, the burned corpse of Billy Jack Gaither in Coosa 
   Alabama; James Byrd, chained and dragged behind a pickup truck in Jasper,
   Texas; and Shepard's silhouetted body lashed to a Laramie, Wyoming, buck
   fence--to suggest that the United States is a seething cauldron of hate
   directed at members of unpopular groups. Although demonstrably false (even
   the statistics gathered by the advocates of hate crime legislation
   demonstrate there 

Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread jgg1000a

Hollywood, the issue here is many of the LEFT make a a campaign to
destroy someone professionally or politically.   That culture and
ethic of personal destruction is what McCartyism is all about...
Or is it you do not oppose LW McCarthyism???

On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:

 Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
 she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
 opinion she's full of shit.
 You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
 crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
 day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to

 On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:

  Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
  California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
  destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
  called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
  after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
  the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...Frankly, it
  would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
  spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

  Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
  even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
  the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
  of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
  not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
  citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
  has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled

  On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:


   Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
   thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
   OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
   my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

   On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

 The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't like
gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like Wyoming.

Robert O. Blanchard | May 
1999 Print

In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights 
politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift 
enactment of
hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, 
director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors which
Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming 
responded in February by voting on several hate crime bills--including 
that even included protection of particular occupations, such as 
mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the bill 
defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were 
defeated in
committee by wider margins.

National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: 
rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, 
after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the right 
vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not 
their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or any 
political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
(NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the 
If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. We 
extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership on 

Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become
increasingly popular since the early 1980s with the media, advocacy 
academics, and liberal politicians--all of whom have vested interests in
fomenting a sense of continuous social crisis. A product of the identity
politics mind-set that has come to dominate American society over the 
two decades, the hate crime news formula uses widely recognizable and
understood images--burning crosses and churches, neo-Nazi goosesteppers,
and, most recently, the burned corpse of Billy 

Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


What is in the New Testament negates the Ten Commandmants
BUT Christians accept BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament

Would you like to think about those statements for a little while???

On May 4, 11:32 am, dick thompson wrote:
 Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in
 the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the
 references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the
 other prophets.

 Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:


  Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
  Commandants and not Jesus.

  On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

  I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but I
  thought it was an interesting perspective:


  *An  update from Oklahoma.*

  The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
  an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
  state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
  mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!

  Guess  what..We did it anyway.

  We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
  illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless 
  want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
  scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was against
  the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a

  Guess  what..we did it anyway

   Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
  illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
  Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

  Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

  Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
  state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
  information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
  what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
  both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
  just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
  confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.

  The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
  guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this state
  have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure
  that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

  Guess what..We  did it anyway.

  By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

  Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway

  **- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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[no subject]

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
A Progressive History of the Supreme

Posted on May 4, 2009, 10:50am | Damon W.
In today's *Wall Street Journal*, Jess Bravin
President Barack Obama is likely to replace retiring Supreme Court
Justice David Souter with a nominee who will not only defend the liberal
jurisprudence that reshaped American society in the mid-20th century, but
who may also aim to build a progressive legal vision for the century ahead.
That's certainly what Obama's most left-leaning supporters would like to
see. In a long *American Prospect* article that appeared a few days before
news of Souter's retirement broke, Doug Kendall of the Constitutional
Accountability Center and Simon Lazarus of the National Senior Citizens Law
Obama should claim the constitutional high ground by articulating a
boldly progressive vision of the Constitution's past and future:

Throughout American history, conservative federal judiciaries have stymied
change-minded administrations (and state governments): during the aborted
Reconstruction Era following the Civil War; during the early 20th-century
Progressive Era; and during the first several years of the New Deal until
1937 when President Franklin Roosevelt finally turned the Supreme Court and
lower federal courts around with new appointments. To avoid a reprise of
those dreary episodes, President Obama will have to carefully select judges
committed to faithfully interpreting progressive initiatives in line with
Congress' intent, and be prepared to muster 60 Senate votes to confirm them.

There are a whole lot of things wrong with this one little paragraph. For
starters, it's extraordinarily misleading to blame the failures of
Reconstruction on conservative federal judges. In *The Slaughter-House
Cases*, the 1873 decision that gutted the Privileges or Immunities Clause
from the 14th Amendment and thus helped cripple Reconstruction, it was the
conservative/libertarian Justice Stephen
Field authored the
Court's most stinging and eloquent dissent. (A dissent,
it's worth noting, that Kendall and the Constitutional Accountability Center
have previously
Similarly, the actions of change-minded Progressive Era politicians proved
absolutely disastrous for
African Americans and other minorities. As the historian David Southern has
documented, Jim Crow laws, lynching, segregation, race baiting, and
disfranchisement went hand-in-hand with the most advanced forms of southern
progressivism. Some of the few bright spots among these dreary episodes
came when conservative/libertarian judges struck down progressive
initiatives in line with Congress' intent. This happened all too rarely, of
course, but that doesn't mean that it didn't happen. Most importantly, in
the 1917 case *Buchanan v. Warley* the Supreme Court struck down a
residential segregation law for violating the 14th Amendment right to
acquire, use, and dispose of private property. That was the NAACP's first
major victory before the Court, argued by the great libertarian lawyer and
activist Moorfield Storey And
it wasn't a progressive victory, it was a *classical liberal* one, rooted
equally in individualism and economic rights. Kendall and Lazarus
conveniently neglect to mention any of that in their rosy historical
telling, but their silence doesn't make it any less true.

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Specter Switches Sides Cartoons

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Subject: Cagle Newsletter: Specter Switches Sides Cartoons
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009,

  [image: THE CAGLE
Would you like to reprint our cartoons on your site or in your publication?
It's easy! Visit us

Cartoon by Mike
Send this Cartoon to a

We have a great collection of cartoons called Specter Switches Sides
*Once A Democrat, Always A
by Michael 
on the 

Sen. Arlen Specter hasn't really switched parties; he's simply realized he
cannot win the Pennsylvania Republican primary election. And he cannot win
the Republican primary because he has become a tax and spender --
characteristics Republicans have tired of. He started off as a Democrat,
switched to the Republican Party, and has now simply confirmed his loyalty
to the Democratic Party he never really left.
Despite the hand wringing of some so-called Republican strategists, the
Grand Old Party is better off without sheltering this fox in their Senate
What the mainstream media overlooked -- they actually cheered Specter when
he announced his defection -- was his naked admission that his decision to
return to the Democratic Party was based not on principle, but merely
because he knew his days in the Senate as a Republican were all but over.
Polls showed that he had no chance of surviving a GOP primary challenge next
year. His political calculation is simple -- he figures that that a Democrat
can win next year in a state that almost always votes Democratic these days.
The media also failed to recognize the demonstrable ... *READ

Follow Daryl each day on Twitter at:


 [image: Safe 
email was sent to by
Update Profile/Email

This needs to be finalized

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

May 4, 11:34 AM EDT

Judge denies defense request for 3rd mistrial in Fla. terrorism trial

AP Legal Affairs Writer

MIAMI (AP) -- A judge has denied a request for a mistrial in the Miami 
case of six men accused of plotting to destroy Chicago's Sears Tower and 
bomb FBI offices.

U.S. District Judge Joan Lenard refused Monday to grant a third mistrial 
in the Liberty City Six case. Now Lenard must decide whether to remove 
a juror that other panel members say is being disruptive and refusing to 

That juror did not show up Monday, claiming illness. Lenard could 
replace the juror with an alternate or continue with 11 jurors.

The two previous mistrials occurred when jurors could not agree 
unanimously on verdicts. The men were arrested in June 2006 on charges 
of plotting with al-Qaida to stage major terror attacks.

© 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not 
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Copyright 2008 Associated Press

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Good Heavens! Oh No! even Madam Speaker Wants Protection for Congress from Feds

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Good Heavens!  Oh No! even Madam Speaker Wants Protection for
Congress from Feds


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I am sure this will be a real winner for him

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Keith In Tampa

 am no Bible scholar, especially as compared to you Holly!  By no means do I
intend to challenge you on your knowledge of the Bible or your religious
beliefs.   Jesus Christ told us that the whole law, *e.g.;* the Old
Testament could be summarized in two commands: *Love God with all your
heart, soul and mind*; and *Love your neighbor as yourself*  *See* Luke

Further, Christ also taught us that,  “*B**ecause this is my blood of the
new covenant that is being poured out for many people for the forgiveness of
sins*.” (*See* Matthew 26:28); and. “*For if there had been nothing wrong
with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another*.” *
See* Hebrews 8:7; and,

“*By calling this covenant 'new,' he has made the first one obsolete; and
what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear*.”  *See* Hebrews 8:13.

There are many in the secularist community that wish to utilize  and rely
upon Old Testament verses to somehow criticize Christians, or any American,
by example,  for their opposition to Gay Marriage, which is not at all in
keeping with the New Covenants and Christianity.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


 What is in the New Testament negates the Ten Commandmants
 BUT Christians accept BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament

 Would you like to think about those statements for a little while???

 On May 4, 11:32 am, dick thompson wrote:
  Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in
  the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the
  references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the
  other prophets.
  Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:
   Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
   Commandants and not Jesus.
   On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:
   I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa,
 but I
   thought it was an interesting perspective:
   *An  update from Oklahoma.*
   The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
   an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to
   state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
   mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian
   Guess  what..We did it anyway.
   We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
   illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from,
 unless they
   want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
   scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was
   the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would
 be a
   Guess  what..we did it anyway
Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
   illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative
   Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.
   Guess  whatWe did it anyway.
   Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
   state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
   information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
   what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama,
   both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West
   just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
   confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once
   The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
   guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this
   have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm
   that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.
   Guess what..We  did it anyway.
   By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.
   Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway
   **- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -

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Pakistani officials prefer waterboarding

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Pakistani officials prefer waterboarding


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By the time this all gets resolved he will be dead!!

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson




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  May 4, 10:45 AM EDT
  German court receives
Demjanjuk petition 



















   BERLIN (AP) -- A Berlin court will weigh a
petition from a German lawyer of suspected Nazi death camp guard John
Demjanjuk seeking to block his planned deportation from the United
  Berlin administrative court spokesman
Stefan Groscurth says it will inform Germany's Justice Ministry of the
challenge on Monday. The ministry would represent the German government
if the court takes up the case.
declined to comment further, but a copy of the petition provided by
Demjanjuk's lawyer argues the 89-year-old Ohio resident is too ill to
be transferred to Germany to face trial in Munich on suspicion of
Nazi-era crimes.
  Lawyer Ulrich Busch wants the German
government to withdraw its willingness to accept Demjanjuk.
  The Justice Ministry refused comment.
2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about
our Privacy Policy.


Joe Biden banned from White House Twitter account

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Joe Biden banned from White House Twitter account


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Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati


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Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread jgg1000a

  Saying something rude, crude and nasty about another person is
destroying them?

If only the trash talk was an one time event , no...  But as you know,
the Left has often used organized campaigns to to destroy folks
through code words...   How many time have charges of racism or
sexism been used to silence opposition???   But to the Left, these
tactics ARE NOT about destroying people, because to the Left it is
pretended that is about speaking truth to power   Problem is it
was about thuggery and silencing the opposing in the best McCarthyite

Still why is she to be trashed when she was expressing Obama POV???
Should not charges of hating gays be made AS publice against

On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:

 Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
 she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
 opinion she's full of shit.
 You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
 crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
 day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to

 On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:

  Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
  California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
  destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
  called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
  after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
  the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...Frankly, it
  would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
  spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

  Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
  even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
  the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
  of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
  not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
  citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
  has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled

  On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:


   Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
   thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
   OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
   my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

   On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

 The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't like
gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like Wyoming.

Robert O. Blanchard | May 
1999 Print

In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights 
politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift 
enactment of
hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, 
director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors which
Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming 
responded in February by voting on several hate crime bills--including 
that even included protection of particular occupations, such as 
mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the bill 
defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were 
defeated in
committee by wider margins.

National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: 
rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, 
after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the right 
vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not 
their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or any 
political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
(NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the 
If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. We 
extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership on 

Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become
increasingly popular since the early 1980s with the media, 

Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread jgg1000a

By the how many folks here would call it hate speech if one called
obama a house nigger...   Most I suspect...   But that, as in your
reasoning, is not tieing Obama up to any post... The issue is the
Left using different standard for Speech by the Right as it applies to
folks on the Left...   In this case, the principle becomes hate
speech is anything unkind said about my allies...

On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:

 Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
 she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
 opinion she's full of shit.
 You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
 crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
 day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to

 On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:

  Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
  California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
  destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
  called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
  after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
  the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...Frankly, it
  would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
  spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

  Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
  even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
  the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
  of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
  not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
  citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
  has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled

  On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:


   Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
   thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
   OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
   my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

   On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

 The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't like
gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like Wyoming.

Robert O. Blanchard | May 
1999 Print

In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights 
politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift 
enactment of
hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, 
director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors which
Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming 
responded in February by voting on several hate crime bills--including 
that even included protection of particular occupations, such as 
mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the bill 
defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were 
defeated in
committee by wider margins.

National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: 
rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, 
after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the right 
vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not 
their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or any 
political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
(NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the 
If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. We 
extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership on 

Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become
increasingly popular since the early 1980s with the media, advocacy 
academics, and liberal politicians--all of whom have vested interests in
fomenting a sense of continuous social crisis. A product of the identity
politics mind-set that has come to dominate American society over the 
two decades, the hate crime news formula uses widely 

Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson
Thanks for adding the is I didn't put in there on purpose.  It was a 
question to you to tell me what in the New Testament negates what is in 
the Old Testament that would make you make your statement about Moses.  
After all look at all the Gospel hymns about Elijah and Jeremiah and 
Isaih and Daniel and David and Solomon.  Your initial statement was 
totally out of line with the beliefs of Christians.

Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 02:40 PM:

 What is in the New Testament negates the Ten Commandmants
 BUT Christians accept BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament

 Would you like to think about those statements for a little while???

 On May 4, 11:32 am, dick thompson wrote:
 Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in
 the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the
 references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the
 other prophets.

 Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:

 Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
 Commandants and not Jesus.
 On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but I
 thought it was an interesting perspective:
 *An  update from Oklahoma.*
 The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
 state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
 mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!
 Guess  what..We did it anyway.
 We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
 illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless 
 want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
 scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was against
 the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a
 Guess  what..we did it anyway
  Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
 illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
 Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.
 Guess  whatWe did it anyway.
 Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
 state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
 information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
 what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
 both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
 just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
 confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.
 The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
 guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this state
 have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure
 that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.
 Guess what..We  did it anyway.
 By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.
 Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway
 **- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


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Democrats meet the new Cowboy

2009-05-04 Thread jgg1000a

who cross-dresses as a bi-partisan consensus builder...  If he
continues on this path 2010 is a rerun of 1994...

 The fact that they know they don't need Republicans will make it less likely 
 that they find common ground. Democrats can get everything they want if they 
 just hold out until October.

That's no way to govern. But as we are learning with this new
President, it's his way or ... his way.
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Re: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson
Guess they never knew about the Guardian Angels that have been active in 
NYC for a generation.

Travis wrote On 05/04/2009 02:49 PM:

 From: *Travis*
 Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
 Subject: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati



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Re: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati

2009-05-04 Thread Keith In Tampa
Here's Shadow Hare's MySpace page, and his lovely costumed picture:

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:11 PM, dick thompson rhomp2...@earthlink.netwrote:

 Guess they never knew about the Guardian Angels that have been active in
 NYC for a generation.

 Travis wrote On 05/04/2009 02:49 PM:

 From: Travis
 Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
 Subject: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati



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inline: Cincinnati'sOwn'ShadowHare'.jpg

No Boston Globe deal with the unions yet

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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I don't think this guy got the answers he thought he should

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

At least he did not push the Christian broadcasting.   He started to but 
it went nowhere and he finally dropped it.  The interviewee did rather 
well with this one.

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Pelosi blocks investigations into Democrat corrupt

2009-05-04 Thread jgg1000a

Were we not promise transparency?  Is not standing on principle the
last refuge of corrupt politicians???

 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is working to buffer lawmakers from federal 
 investigators. This is a bad idea. Special legal protections for 
 politicians encourage unethical conduct.

Irvin B. Nathan, general counsel of the House of Representatives, sent
a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday about
establishing a protocol on how to handle hopefully rare searches and
electronic surveillance involving members of Congress. Mr. Nathan
previously failed to negotiate such an agreement with the George W.
Bush administration when Republicans controlled the House. His return
to this effort isn't surprising given the number of congressional
Democrats facing accusations of ethical misconduct.

Democrats facing scrutiny include the chairman of the House
Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, John P. Murtha of
Pennsylvania, for his close ties to the defense lobby firm PMA Group,
which is under federal investigation; House Ways and Means Chairman
Charles B. Rangel of New York about a number of tax issues; Rep. Jesse
L. Jackson Jr. of Illinois over his reported effort to persuade ousted
Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich to appoint him to fill President
Obama's former Senate seat; and Rep. Jane Harman of California, who
reportedly was taped in 2005 by the National Security Agency
purportedly agreeing to help seek leniency for two accused Israeli
spies in exchange for help in lobbying her appointment to chair the
House Intelligence Committee.

Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, on Thursday invoked the separation
of powers as justification for the move. Mrs. Pelosi, who has
acknowledged being aware previously of Mrs. Harman's controversial
dialogue, claims the stance is a matter of principle. Whether it's
invading an office or wiretapping a conversation, it's important for
us to have the separation of powers and the respect for individual
liberties, again, while not harboring information that would be useful
under the speech [or] debate clause, she said.

The speech or debate clause of the U.S. Constitution states that for
any Speech or Debate in either House, [lawmakers] shall not be
questioned in any other Place. The Supreme Court limited the scope of
the provisions in 1972's United States v. Brewster to actions that are
an integral part of the due functioning of the legislative process.
When there is controversy over how to implement this principle, the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia endorses having the
legislative and executive branches hash out their differences.

In 2007, the Court of Appeals found that searching then-Rep. William
J. Jefferson's office was not inherently unconstitutional but that FBI
agents had crossed the line by viewing every record in the Louisiana
Democrat's office. The court stated that the core activity protected
by the Clause - speech in either chamber of the Congress - is a public
act. In essence, therefore, what the Clause promotes is the Member's
ability to be open in debate - free from interference or restriction -
rather than any secrecy right.

There is a long history of self-serving efforts to protect
congressional privilege in the face of ethical scandals despite the
clear limits set by the courts. The speaker's spokesman told us that
negotiations with the Department of Justice are simply intended to
clarify what is appropriate in terms of notifying members about
searches and tapped conversations. Members can't expect sanctuary in
their offices, he added. We agree, but Mrs. Pelosi's effort makes it
appear as if that is exactly what she is seeking. No deal should give
lawmakers leniency from federal officers investigating corruption on
Capitol Hill.
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Who wrote the report

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Massachusetts town policies

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Re: Who wrote the report

2009-05-04 Thread Daniel Seigler

SO, SOMEONE took Mr. Fredman's words out of context...imagine that,
someone in Washington D.C. misquoted someone.  Personally, i agree
with Mr. Fredman...if your suspect DIES you are applying your
questioning techniques incorrectly.

On May 4, 1:04 pm, dick thompson wrote:
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Re: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
If it had been St. Louis, I'd a thunk it'd be Holly.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

 Here's Shadow Hare's MySpace page, and his lovely costumed picture:

   On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:11 PM, dick thompson 

 Guess they never knew about the Guardian Angels that have been active in
 NYC for a generation.

 Travis wrote On 05/04/2009 02:49 PM:

 From: Travis
 Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
 Subject: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati




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Another Vent (from Grouchy Old Cripple)

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Re: Pelosi blocks investigations into Democrat corrupt

2009-05-04 Thread Daniel Seigler

IF the elected representatives in the government of this Republic
would police themselves, then the Executive Branch would not have.
But, as is obvious from the NUMBER of complaints, they are not doing
  mdm Pelosi also points out the separation of powers as justification
for halting investigations?  Isn't the separation of pwers to insure
that NO ONE is above hte law?  SHOULDN'T the Executive Branch check
the Legislative, and vice versa?

On May 4, 12:54 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 Were we not promise transparency?  Is not standing on principle the
 last refuge of corrupt politicians???

  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is working to buffer lawmakers from federal 
  investigators. This is a bad idea. Special legal protections for 
  politicians encourage unethical conduct.

 Irvin B. Nathan, general counsel of the House of Representatives, sent
 a letter to Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. on Monday about
 establishing a protocol on how to handle hopefully rare searches and
 electronic surveillance involving members of Congress. Mr. Nathan
 previously failed to negotiate such an agreement with the George W.
 Bush administration when Republicans controlled the House. His return
 to this effort isn't surprising given the number of congressional
 Democrats facing accusations of ethical misconduct.

 Democrats facing scrutiny include the chairman of the House
 Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, John P. Murtha of
 Pennsylvania, for his close ties to the defense lobby firm PMA Group,
 which is under federal investigation; House Ways and Means Chairman
 Charles B. Rangel of New York about a number of tax issues; Rep. Jesse
 L. Jackson Jr. of Illinois over his reported effort to persuade ousted
 Illinois Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich to appoint him to fill President
 Obama's former Senate seat; and Rep. Jane Harman of California, who
 reportedly was taped in 2005 by the National Security Agency
 purportedly agreeing to help seek leniency for two accused Israeli
 spies in exchange for help in lobbying her appointment to chair the
 House Intelligence Committee.

 Mrs. Pelosi, California Democrat, on Thursday invoked the separation
 of powers as justification for the move. Mrs. Pelosi, who has
 acknowledged being aware previously of Mrs. Harman's controversial
 dialogue, claims the stance is a matter of principle. Whether it's
 invading an office or wiretapping a conversation, it's important for
 us to have the separation of powers and the respect for individual
 liberties, again, while not harboring information that would be useful
 under the speech [or] debate clause, she said.

 The speech or debate clause of the U.S. Constitution states that for
 any Speech or Debate in either House, [lawmakers] shall not be
 questioned in any other Place. The Supreme Court limited the scope of
 the provisions in 1972's United States v. Brewster to actions that are
 an integral part of the due functioning of the legislative process.
 When there is controversy over how to implement this principle, the
 U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia endorses having the
 legislative and executive branches hash out their differences.

 In 2007, the Court of Appeals found that searching then-Rep. William
 J. Jefferson's office was not inherently unconstitutional but that FBI
 agents had crossed the line by viewing every record in the Louisiana
 Democrat's office. The court stated that the core activity protected
 by the Clause - speech in either chamber of the Congress - is a public
 act. In essence, therefore, what the Clause promotes is the Member's
 ability to be open in debate - free from interference or restriction -
 rather than any secrecy right.

 There is a long history of self-serving efforts to protect
 congressional privilege in the face of ethical scandals despite the
 clear limits set by the courts. The speaker's spokesman told us that
 negotiations with the Department of Justice are simply intended to
 clarify what is appropriate in terms of notifying members about
 searches and tapped conversations. Members can't expect sanctuary in
 their offices, he added. We agree, but Mrs. Pelosi's effort makes it
 appear as if that is exactly what she is seeking. No deal should give
 lawmakers leniency from federal officers investigating corruption on
 Capitol Hill.
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Re: Democrats meet the new Cowboy

2009-05-04 Thread Daniel Seigler

welcome to ONE PARTY POLITICS..may we get rid of ALL incumbants in
2010?  i certainly HOPE so, and not just with more of the same...elect
a 'nonparty' candidate.

On May 4, 12:07 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 who cross-dresses as a bi-partisan consensus builder...  If he
 continues on this path 2010 is a rerun of 1994...

  The fact that they know they don't need Republicans will make it less 
  likely that they find common ground. Democrats can get everything they 
  want if they just hold out until October.

 That's no way to govern. But as we are learning with this new
 President, it's his way or ... his way.
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Seeking to Save the Planet, With a Thesaurus

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
From: Travis
Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
Subject: Seeking to Save the Planet, With a Thesaurus


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Re: OT: We were waiting on health care one day...

2009-05-04 Thread Travis

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:33 PM, studio wrote: we decided to tune up and play.


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Re: Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?

2009-05-04 Thread J.C.

You made my day.


On May 4, 9:40 am, Hollywood wrote:

 Hey, how have you been?
 Went to Mexico for a couple of months to avoid winter here in St.
 louis. Took a vaction from these boards, was eating up too much of my
 time arguing with idiots. Only a few people that I actually missed
 talking to. You were one of those I missed.  :-)

 On May 4, 10:16 am, J.C. wrote:

  Hey, you!  I've missed seeing you around!  What's up?

  On May 3, 4:09 pm, Hollywood wrote:


   WHAT? The Bible was written about 1,000 freakin' years before
   Protestant Christianity even existed. As you say, it was the early
   protestants that claimed the sitting Pope was the anti-Christ. So now
   you want to claim the visit of the Pope is a fullfullment of a Bible
   prophecy Dude, what are you smoking?

   Your pissed because the Catholic Church screwed over your ancestors a
   5 or 600 years ago.? I'M still pissed at the Brits for what they did
   to my ancestors on my mother's side of the family and ALL you white
   Europeans for what you did to my ancestors on my father's side of the
   family. What the hell, I'm pissed at blacks as well.  They had no
   problem with helping the white's fuck over the Native American's once
   they had their freedom. In short, get over it. Everyone is someone's
   victum and one point or another.  :-)

   On May 3, 4:23 pm, Web Veteran wrote:

Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?
Pope Benedict is set to visit Jerusalem and the Holy Land May 8-15. Is
this a fulfillment of Bible prophecies?

First, let it be known that I am still a Protestant. Robert Schuller,
freemason, says he doesn't want to be called a Protestant any more
because he isn't protesting anything. Pretty much all the Masonic
Christians, if there is such a thing, will take that position because
at a certain level of Masonry you take an oath to do everything the
pope tells you to do.

The deadly wound of schism between Protestants and Catholics has
been healed with the modern ecumenical movement, and now Billy Graham,
Pat Robertson, Paul and Jan Crouch, Jack Van Impe, and virtually all
the Protestants really aren't Protestants any more because they
aren't protesting the Roman Catholic Church.

So why am I still a Protestant? My ancestors were French Huguenots who
had their lands stolen by the Roman Catholics. They just escaped with
their lives the Catholic uprising in France. I don't think we should
forget the countless Protestant martyrs who have died at the hands of
Roman Catholic murderers in France, Ireland and many areas of the
world over hundreds of years. Read the Foxe's Book of Martyrs as I
have for details.

The early Protestant leaders, Luther, Calvin, etc., all considered
whatever pope was in power to be the Antichrist, so there weren't just
minor differences in theology causing the Protestant Reformation. The
popes call themselves the Holy Father for example, and that is a
blasphemous title that should be reserved only for God. Jesus Christ
said only He should be called Father.

Any ways, the Bible says that when the Antichrist stands in the holy
place, where it ought not, all hell will soon break loose. I think
that prophecy could soon be fulfilled when the evil Antichrist Pope
Benedict will soon be standing in the holy places of Bethlehem,
Nazareth, and Jerusalem.

Free King James Bible for your charitable gift of any 
size: quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -
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Re: By the time this all gets resolved he will be dead!!

2009-05-04 Thread Daniel Seigler

could someone tell me WHY we are harboring a suspected criminal that
is NOT EVEN American?

On May 4, 11:47 am, dick thompson wrote:
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 May 4, 10:45 AM EDT

 German court receives Demjanjuk petition

 BERLIN (AP) -- A Berlin court will weigh a petition from a German lawyer
 of suspected Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk seeking to block his
 planned deportation from the United States.

 Berlin administrative court spokesman Stefan Groscurth says it will
 inform Germany's Justice Ministry of the challenge on Monday. The
 ministry would represent the German government if the court takes up the

 Groscurth declined to comment further, but a copy of the petition
 provided by Demjanjuk's lawyer argues the 89-year-old Ohio resident is
 too ill to be transferred to Germany to face trial in Munich on
 suspicion of Nazi-era crimes.

 Lawyer Ulrich Busch wants the German government to withdraw its
 willingness to accept Demjanjuk.

 The Justice Ministry refused comment.

 © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
 be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about
 our Privacy Policy
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What a surprise - or not

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Re: Massachusetts town policies

2009-05-04 Thread Daniel Seigler

would i still be ablr to toke a joint?

On May 4, 1:23 pm, dick thompson wrote:
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Re: I wonder if anyone has asked Miss North Carolina what she thinks of this brouhaha and whether the fact that she won the contest because of an imbecilic judge makes her feel she deserves the crow

2009-05-04 Thread rigsy03

Because d.b. and others heard the rage of Perez Hilton. A psychotic
tantrum. Yes- d.b. hits the nail on the head. And yes- Miss California
is a beautiful woman and I hope she has learned her lesson about
exposure and what it costs and finds her own gallant love. As for the
Trumps- they are all pimps- male and female alike.

On May 4, 8:58�am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

 I dunno, but I think Sugarshack has a cocktail virus, (*e.g*.; a hangover)
 and/or he woke up (at noon) on the wrong side of the bed!!

 I haven't a clue what the Hell you are talking about Sugarshack, maybe you
 could be more specific?


 I actually laughed out loud at D.B.'s answer, it was definitely on point!
 Read it again!!!
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Re: Democrats meet the new Cowboy

2009-05-04 Thread Travis
My solution to politicians is to elect them to 1 six-year term and then take
them out and shoot them.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Daniel Seigler danielseig...@hotmail.comwrote:

 welcome to ONE PARTY POLITICS..may we get rid of ALL incumbants in
 2010?  i certainly HOPE so, and not just with more of the same...elect
 a 'nonparty' candidate.

 On May 4, 12:07 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
  who cross-dresses as a bi-partisan consensus builder...  If he
  continues on this path 2010 is a rerun of 1994...
   The fact that they know they don't need Republicans will make it less
 likely that they find common ground. Democrats can get everything they want
 if they just hold out until October.
  That's no way to govern. But as we are learning with this new
  President, it's his way or ... his way.


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[Fwd: Best of the Web Today - May 4, 2009]

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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  Online Journal E-Mail Center  May 4, 2009 -- 4:45 p.m. 

See all of today's editorials and op-eds, video interviews and commentary on Opinion Journal. FORMAT TODAY'S COLUMN FOR PRINTING

Roman Hruska Lives!
The push to replace Justice Souter with someone mediocre.
 Remember Roman Hruska? If so, you're older than we are. Hruska, a Republican, was elected to the U.S. Senate from Nebraska in 1954 and retired in 1976. His 1999 New York Times obituary took note of his lone famous utterance:
It was his defense of President Richard M. Nixon's nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge G. Harrold Carswell of Tallahassee, Fla., that brought him some uncomfortable celebrity in 1970.
Liberal Democrats had mounted a strong campaign against Judge Carswell, a member of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Florida, contending that he was too "mediocre" to deserve a seat on the nation's highest court.
When Senator Hruska addressed the Senate in March 1970, speaking on Judge Carswell's behalf, he asked why mediocrity should be a disqualification for high office.
"Even if he were mediocre," Mr. Hruska declared, "there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they, and a little chance? We can't have all Brandeises, Frankfurters and Cardozos."
The Democrats gleefully jumped on Mr. Hruska's argument, reducing it to "What's wrong with a little mediocrity?"
Last week Justice David Souter let it be known that he intends to retire this summer, giving President Obama his first Supreme Court nomination. There has been talk that Obama will look for a "liberal Scalia"--i.e., someone with unyielding principles and verbal flair. But some politicians and observers have other ideas, as the Associated Press reports:
"I would like to see more people from outside the judicial monastery, somebody who has had some real-life experience, not just as a judge," said Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee that will hold hearings when Obama makes his nomination.
At least Carswell was a judge! Leahy seems to want not a liberal Scalia but a liberal Joe the Plumber. The president is making similar noises, according to another AP dispatch:
Obama pledged Friday to name a Supreme Court justice who combines "empathy and understanding" with an impeccable legal background to succeed liberal David Souter, whose abrupt retirement announcement set off speculation the next justice could be a woman, a Hispanic or both
"I will seek someone who understands that justice isn't about some abstract legal theory or footnote in a case book. It is also about how our laws affect the daily realities of people's lives," said the president.
So here we have Obama, the great intellectual president, pooh-poohing "abstract legal theory" and speaking reverently of "the daily realities of people's lives." Probably this is just phony populism, but in case it isn't, one Nell Scovell of the lefty glossy Vanity Fair puts forward a name: Anita Hill, a law professor at Brandeis University.
Scovell damns Hill with faint praise, describing her as "reasonably young" and "smart." If Hill has made any notable contribution to the practice or study of law, Scovell doesn't mention it. As far as we are aware, Hill's only accomplishment of note is to have complained publicly about a former boss.
That ex-boss, who ironically is now a Supreme Court justice himself, has described Hill as a mediocre employee. But hey, we can't have all Brandeises. There are a lot of mediocre judges and employees and Brandeis professors. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they, and a little understanding of the daily realities of their lives?
  To Match His Law Suit  
"Obama's Supreme Court Pick Expected to Have Chicago Ties"--headline, Chicago Tribune, May3
  Not to Mention Paralipsis  
The Delaware Department of Transportation put out a "Diversity Spotlight" newsletter offering helpful tips for employees on how to avoid "'workplace faux pas' involving homosexual, black, Asian, white, Hispanic and elderly workers." As the News Journal of Wilmington pointed out, however, the newsletter itself turned out to be a gros faux pas: 
The section titled "The N word," for example, actually spells out the word, then says, "It is never, ever acceptable to use this word in any context."
The newsletter also says it's wrong to ask a black co-worker, "Should we order fried chicken or watermelon for you?"
The section on Hispanic 

Re: Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?

2009-05-04 Thread rigsy03

The Pope better hurry. America/Obama is sticking a knife in Israel's

On May 3, 4:23�pm, Web Veteran wrote:
 Pope's Visit To Israel A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecies?
 Pope Benedict is set to visit Jerusalem and the Holy Land May 8-15. Is
 this a fulfillment of Bible prophecies?

 First, let it be known that I am still a Protestant. Robert Schuller,
 freemason, says he doesn't want to be called a Protestant any more
 because he isn't protesting anything. Pretty much all the Masonic
 Christians, if there is such a thing, will take that position because
 at a certain level of Masonry you take an oath to do everything the
 pope tells you to do.

 The deadly wound of schism between Protestants and Catholics has
 been healed with the modern ecumenical movement, and now Billy Graham,
 Pat Robertson, Paul and Jan Crouch, Jack Van Impe, and virtually all
 the Protestants really aren't Protestants any more because they
 aren't protesting the Roman Catholic Church.

 So why am I still a Protestant? My ancestors were French Huguenots who
 had their lands stolen by the Roman Catholics. They just escaped with
 their lives the Catholic uprising in France. I don't think we should
 forget the countless Protestant martyrs who have died at the hands of
 Roman Catholic murderers in France, Ireland and many areas of the
 world over hundreds of years. Read the Foxe's Book of Martyrs as I
 have for details.

 The early Protestant leaders, Luther, Calvin, etc., all considered
 whatever pope was in power to be the Antichrist, so there weren't just
 minor differences in theology causing the Protestant Reformation. The
 popes call themselves the Holy Father for example, and that is a
 blasphemous title that should be reserved only for God. Jesus Christ
 said only He should be called Father.

 Any ways, the Bible says that when the Antichrist stands in the holy
 place, where it ought not, all hell will soon break loose. I think
 that prophecy could soon be fulfilled when the evil Antichrist Pope
 Benedict will soon be standing in the holy places of Bethlehem,
 Nazareth, and Jerusalem.

 Free King James Bible for your charitable gift of any 
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The prospect of all-female conception

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
Philip Wylie (1978)
At four minutes and 52 seconds past four one afternoon, the world shatters
into two parallel universes as men vanish from women and women from men.
With families and loved ones separated from one another, life continues very
differently as an explosion of violence sweeps one world while stability and
peace break down in the other.
prospect of all-female conception

By Steve Connor, Science Editor

Friday, 13 April 2007

 Women might soon be able to produce sperm in a development that could allow
lesbian couples to have their own biological daughters, according to a
pioneering study published today.
 Scientists are seeking ethical permission to produce synthetic sperm cells
from a woman's bone marrow tissue after showing that it possible to produce
rudimentary sperm cells from male bone-marrow tissue.
The researchers said they had already produced early sperm cells from
bone-marrow tissue taken from men. They believe the findings show that it
may be possible to restore fertility to men who cannot naturally produce
their own sperm.
But the results also raise the prospect of being able to take bone-marrow
tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue to
develop into sperm cells, said Professor Karim Nayernia of the University of
Newcastle upon Tyne.
Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce
daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to
produce sons. The latest research brings the prospect of female-only
conception a step closer.
Theoretically is it possible, Professor Nayernia said. The problem is
whether the sperm cells are functional or not. I don't think there is an
ethical barrier, so long as it's safe. We are in the process of applying for
ethical approval. We are preparing now to apply to use the existing bone
marrow stem cell bank here in Newcastle. We need permission from the patient
who supplied the bone marrow, the ethics committee and the hospital itself.
If sperm cells can be developed from female bone-marrow tissue they will be
matured in the laboratory and tested for their ability to penetrate the
outer shell of a hamster's egg - a standard fertility test for sperm.
We want to test the functionality of any male and female sperm that is made
by this way, Professor Nayernia said. But he said there was no intention at
this stage to produce female sperm that would be used to fertilise a human
egg, a move that would require the approval of the Human Fertilisation and
Embryology Authority.
The immediate aim is to see if female bone marrow can be lured into
developing into the stem cells that can make sperm cells. The ultimate aim
is to discover if these secondary stem cells can then be made into other
useful tissues of the body, he said.
The latest findings, published in the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology,
show that male bone marrow can be used to make the early spermatagonial
stem cells that normally mature into fully developed sperm cells.
Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatagonial stem cells to
progress to mature sperm in the laboratory and this should take around three
to five years of experiments, Professor Nayernia said.
Last year, Professor Nayernia led scientists at the University of Gottingen
in Germany who became the first to produce viable artificial sperm from
mouse embryonic stem cells, which were used to produce seven live offspring.
His latest work on stem cells derived from human bone marrow suggests that
it could be possible to develop the techniques to help men who cannot
produce their own sperm naturally.
We're very excited about this discovery, particularly as our earlier work
in mice suggests that we could develop this work even further, Professor
Nayernia said.
Whether the scientists will ever be able to develop the techniques to help
real patients - male or female - will depend on future legislation that the
Government is preparing as a replacement to the existing Human Fertilisation
and Embryology Act.
A White Paper on genetics suggested that artificial gametes produced from
the ordinary somatic tissue of the body may be banned from being used to
fertilise human eggs by in vitro fertilisation.
*Making babies without men - a literary view*
*Aristophanes (c. 411BC)*
After 21 years of war, the women of Athens, led by Lysistrata, take matters
into their own hands. Lysistrata suggests every wife and mistress should
refuse all sexual favours until peacetime. Before long it proves effective,
peace is concluded and the play ends with festivities.
*Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1914)*
On the eve of the First World War, an isolated society entirely comprising
Aryan women is discovered by three male explorers. The women reproduce
asexually and live in an ideal society without war and domination. This
feminist utopia is a 20th-century 

Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


How do you destroy someone's profession when that profession is being
young and good-looking?
You kill me, the strongest criticsm you have for Democrats is that
they act like Republicans.

On May 4, 1:40 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 Hollywood, the issue here is many of the LEFT make a a campaign to
 destroy someone professionally or politically.   That culture and
 ethic of personal destruction is what McCartyism is all about...
 Or is it you do not oppose LW McCarthyism???

 On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:


  Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
  she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
  opinion she's full of shit.
  You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
  crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
  day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to

  On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:

   Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
   California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
   destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
   called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
   after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
   the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...    Frankly, it
   would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
   spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

   Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
   even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
   the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
   of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
   not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
   citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
   has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled

   On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:


Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

  The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't 
 gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like 

 Robert O. Blanchard | May 
 1999 Print

 In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
 Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights 
 politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift 
 enactment of
 hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, 
 director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance 
 Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors 
 Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming 
 responded in February by voting on several hate crime 
 bills--including one
 that even included protection of particular occupations, such as 
 mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the 
 bill was
 defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were 
 defeated in
 committee by wider margins.

 National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: 
 rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, 
 after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the 
 right to
 vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
 reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not 
 their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or 
 any other
 political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task 
 (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
 intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the 
 If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. 
 We are
 extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership 
 on this

 Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become
 increasingly popular since the early 1980s with the media, advocacy 
 academics, and liberal politicians--all of whom have vested 

Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


I thought the thread title was about CRIMINALIZING thoughts and
Is this a generalized, free-floating whine or do you have a specific
piece of legislation in mind that has something to do with THOUGHT or

On May 4, 1:56 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 By the how many folks here would call it hate speech if one called
 obama a house nigger...   Most I suspect...   But that, as in your
 reasoning, is not tieing Obama up to any post...     The issue is the
 Left using different standard for Speech by the Right as it applies to
 folks on the Left...   In this case, the principle becomes hate
 speech is anything unkind said about my allies...

 On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:


  Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
  she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
  opinion she's full of shit.
  You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
  crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
  day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to

  On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:

   Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
   California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
   destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
   called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
   after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
   the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...    Frankly, it
   would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
   spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

   Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
   even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
   the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
   of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
   not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
   citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
   has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled

   On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:


Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

  The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't 
 gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like 

 Robert O. Blanchard | May 
 1999 Print

 In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
 Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights 
 politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift 
 enactment of
 hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, 
 director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance 
 Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors 
 Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming 
 responded in February by voting on several hate crime 
 bills--including one
 that even included protection of particular occupations, such as 
 mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the 
 bill was
 defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were 
 defeated in
 committee by wider margins.

 National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: 
 rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, 
 after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the 
 right to
 vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
 reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not 
 their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or 
 any other
 political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task 
 (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
 intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the 
 If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. 
 We are
 extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership 
 on this

 Such reactions fit into the hate crime news 

Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood

 No, you're sure as hell no Bible scholar. But then I don't claim to
be either. I'm not even a Christian, but appreciate wisdom wherever I
find it.

I actually agree with that statement. So what's the big deal about the
Ten Commandments about?

On May 4, 1:46 pm, Keith In Tampa wrote:

  am no Bible scholar, especially as compared to you Holly!  By no means do I
 intend to challenge you on your knowledge of the Bible or your religious
 beliefs.   Jesus Christ told us that the whole law, *e.g.;* the Old
 Testament could be summarized in two commands: *Love God with all your
 heart, soul and mind*; and *Love your neighbor as yourself*  *See* Luke

 Further, Christ also taught us that,  “*B**ecause this is my blood of the
 new covenant that is being poured out for many people for the forgiveness of
 sins*.” (*See* Matthew 26:28); and. “*For if there had been nothing wrong
 with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another*.” *
 See* Hebrews 8:7; and,

 “*By calling this covenant 'new,' he has made the first one obsolete; and
 what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear*.”  *See* Hebrews 8:13.

 There are many in the secularist community that wish to utilize  and rely
 upon Old Testament verses to somehow criticize Christians, or any American,
 by example,  for their opposition to Gay Marriage, which is not at all in
 keeping with the New Covenants and Christianity.

 On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


  What is in the New Testament negates the Ten Commandmants
  BUT Christians accept BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament

  Would you like to think about those statements for a little while???

  On May 4, 11:32 am, dick thompson wrote:
   Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in
   the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the
   references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the
   other prophets.

   Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:


Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
Commandants and not Jesus.

On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa,
  but I
thought it was an interesting perspective:


*An  update from Oklahoma.*

The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to
state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian

Guess  what..We did it anyway.

We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from,
  unless they
want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was
the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would
  be a

Guess  what..we did it anyway

 Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative
Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama,
both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West
just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once

The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this
have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm
that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

Guess what..We  did it anyway.

By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway

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Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


If that was a question maybe you should have put a question mark after
the sentance instead of a period. You realize that the peroid make it
a declarative statement and not a question. NOW I have to read your

Moses WAS'T the guy that brought the tablets with the Ten Commandments
down from Mt. Arat? Who was it then? C'mon Charleton Heston isn't THAT

On May 4, 1:56 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 Thanks for adding the is I didn't put in there on purpose.  It was a
 question to you to tell me what in the New Testament negates what is in
 the Old Testament that would make you make your statement about Moses.  
 After all look at all the Gospel hymns about Elijah and Jeremiah and
 Isaih and Daniel and David and Solomon.  Your initial statement was
 totally out of line with the beliefs of Christians.

 Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 02:40 PM:


  What is in the New Testament negates the Ten Commandmants
  BUT Christians accept BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament

  Would you like to think about those statements for a little while???

  On May 4, 11:32 am, dick thompson wrote:

  Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in
  the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the
  references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the
  other prophets.

  Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:


  Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
  Commandants and not Jesus.

  On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

  I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but 
  thought it was an interesting perspective:


  *An  update from Oklahoma.*

  The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
  an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
  state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
  mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!

  Guess  what..We did it anyway.

  We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
  illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless 
  want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
  scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was 
  the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would 
  be a

  Guess  what..we did it anyway

   Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
  illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
  Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

  Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

  Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
  state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
  information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
  what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, 
  both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
  just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
  confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.

  The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
  guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this 
  have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm 
  that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

  Guess what..We  did it anyway.

  By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

  Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway

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Re: And they act as if this is a good thing!

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Gee, all the sudden your silent.

On May 4, 9:26 am, Hollywood wrote:

 Blah, blah, blah, all your going to respond with is conservative myths
 and propaganda? Human nature does not exist, the Industrial revolution
 and the resulting social, economic and environmental problems never
 happened. ?
 My question was simple.If you get rid of all the alphabet govt.
 agencies who will perform the functions they were responsible for?
 Never mind if they were doing a particularly good job at a given point
 in time. Are you REALLY dumb enough to believe that chemical companies
 will not dump dangerous pollants into our air and water because it
 just wouldn't be right? All the corprations will just join hands and
 act out of love and concern for their fellow man and make profits a
 lesser concern? No need for OSHA or the EPA, the corporations will do
 the right thing out of compassion and their love for humankind?  And
 people say liberals are unrealistic dreamers, LMAO!

 On May 3, 10:37 pm, dick thompson wrote:

  Certainly did.  Also look at the 2 centuries of the history of this
  country.  THe more the government interfered, the more the people gave
  up on their initiatives and became users rather than doers.  Really
  simple.  You can compare the Wealth of Nations to the historical
  experience.  Which are you going to believe, the books or your own
  eyes.  Take a look around.  Based on Bambi's doing so far we can see
  that the books are not the answer.

  Hollywood wrote On 05/03/2009 09:39 PM:


   Do you expect me to take such an answer seriously? Have you no
   knowledge of human nature or corporate nature. You're pulling my keg,
   right? Have you never read The wealth Of Nations?

   On May 3, 6:54 pm, dick thompson wrote:

   Nothing.  They are not needed if the people do their own jobs.  They
   were not needed when they were created.  It was all just a feel good
   exercise that either did nothing of value or made the situation worse.

   Hollywood wrote On 05/03/2009 07:22 PM:


   OK, so who or what would you replace those agencies with?
   Not saying that you are essentially wrong. So who would you put in
   charge of making sure our air, water and environment is not poisened?
   Who would you put in charge to make sure our workers are not screwed?
   I'm listening.

   On May 3, 6:10 pm, dick thompson wrote:

   On the other hand they can fund them and make them non-toothless tigers
   and then we will be truly in the soup.  What needs to happen is that
   these agencies need to disappear, not just be defunded.  Then we can 
   that they do not do any more harm than they already have.  It is like
   some of te old laws.  So long as they are on the books the government
   can make them active any time it wants.  What we are seeing with these
   liberals is that they keep putting bandaids on problems and claiming
   they fixed it.  It is all a temporary fix that gets made permanent
   because it never again gets addressed.  Rather than going back to first
   principles  and actually doing it right they just compound the problem
   by piling statute on top of statute on top of the original bad law to
   the point that nobody can get to the base problem.  At that point this
   crew then funds a new agency doing the same thing as the old agency did
   only with a new set of laws but the old ones are still there to be
   brought back any time they want.  And then they claim they fixed the
   problem.  We end up with duplicate agencies who get in each other's way
   and as a result nothing gets fixed at all  but the media plays it as if
   the genius did it.  That is what we are seeing now and it is going to 
   a bigger and bigger mess as a result but the media will proclaim him a
   Wonder and a National Treasure.

   Hollywood wrote On 05/03/2009 06:30 PM:


   Matter of opinion. Most of those alphabet agencies are toothless
   tigers. The politicians in the executive and legislative branches at
   any given time can make those agencies impotent at will by under-
   funding them, putting an anti-labor person at their head, etc. etc.
   Shaking down the working man? Sounds like a description of Congress
   and politicians in general.

   On May 3, 11:48 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

   Bull Hocky Holly,

   Unions are outdated.  If we didn't have a huge, expansive, 
   federal government, I might tend to agree with you, but federal 
   and Agencies like DOT, OSHA, Wage  Hour, EPA, HUD, etc., have 
   everything that a Union once did.  Now, they are nothing less than a
   racketeer influenced organization, shaking down the working man in 
   order to
   maintain their existence.

   On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Hollywood 



Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


BTW did you Oklahoma friend mention if any of these laws being passed
had any teeth in them? Any money provided to cover the expense of
incarcerating all those illegals, holding them and then transporting
them to other states? Any penalities provided for ignoring these laws,
that can be enforced?

Name the bold steps taken by the Federal govt. to take Oklahomans
guns away.

What exactly does it mean to be a sovreign state? What was Oklahoma
and Texas before? Are you saying that means Texas and Oklahoma are
declaring their laws take precidence over Federal law? Declare all
you wish, but when it comes down to it Federal law WILL be obeyed.
Sounds like political grand-standing that does not mean jack-shit in
any practical way.

On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but I
 thought it was an interesting perspective:


 *An  update from Oklahoma.*

 The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
 state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
 mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!

 Guess  what..We did it anyway.

 We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
 illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless they
 want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
 scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was against
 the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a

 Guess  what..we did it anyway

  Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
 illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
 Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

 Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

 Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
 state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
 information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
 what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia,
 both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
 just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
 confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.

 The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
 guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this state
 have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure
 that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

 Guess what..We  did it anyway.

 By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

 Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway

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* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: (House of Dawg) The prospect of all-female conception

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
You don't need a Y chromosome to reproduce females.

Laboratories have already taken genetic material from an egg and made a
para-sperm from it that could be used to fertilize another egg.

If you follow the news about such things it has all been discussed for
several years

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:00 PM, bruce majors wrote:

 Philip Wylie (1978)
 At four minutes and 52 seconds past four one afternoon, the world shatters
 into two parallel universes as men vanish from women and women from men.
 With families and loved ones separated from one another, life continues very
 differently as an explosion of violence sweeps one world while stability and
 peace break down in the other.
 prospect of all-female conception

 By Steve Connor, Science Editor

 Friday, 13 April 2007

  Women might soon be able to produce sperm in a development that could
 allow lesbian couples to have their own biological daughters, according to a
 pioneering study published today.
  Scientists are seeking ethical permission to produce synthetic sperm
 cells from a woman's bone marrow tissue after showing that it possible to
 produce rudimentary sperm cells from male bone-marrow tissue.
 The researchers said they had already produced early sperm cells from
 bone-marrow tissue taken from men. They believe the findings show that it
 may be possible to restore fertility to men who cannot naturally produce
 their own sperm.
 But the results also raise the prospect of being able to take bone-marrow
 tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue to
 develop into sperm cells, said Professor Karim Nayernia of the University of
 Newcastle upon Tyne.
 Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce
 daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to
 produce sons. The latest research brings the prospect of female-only
 conception a step closer.
 Theoretically is it possible, Professor Nayernia said. The problem is
 whether the sperm cells are functional or not. I don't think there is an
 ethical barrier, so long as it's safe. We are in the process of applying for
 ethical approval. We are preparing now to apply to use the existing bone
 marrow stem cell bank here in Newcastle. We need permission from the patient
 who supplied the bone marrow, the ethics committee and the hospital itself.
 If sperm cells can be developed from female bone-marrow tissue they will be
 matured in the laboratory and tested for their ability to penetrate the
 outer shell of a hamster's egg - a standard fertility test for sperm.
 We want to test the functionality of any male and female sperm that is
 made by this way, Professor Nayernia said. But he said there was no
 intention at this stage to produce female sperm that would be used to
 fertilise a human egg, a move that would require the approval of the Human
 Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.
 The immediate aim is to see if female bone marrow can be lured into
 developing into the stem cells that can make sperm cells. The ultimate aim
 is to discover if these secondary stem cells can then be made into other
 useful tissues of the body, he said.
 The latest findings, published in the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology,
 show that male bone marrow can be used to make the early spermatagonial
 stem cells that normally mature into fully developed sperm cells.
 Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatagonial stem cells to
 progress to mature sperm in the laboratory and this should take around three
 to five years of experiments, Professor Nayernia said.
 Last year, Professor Nayernia led scientists at the University of Gottingen
 in Germany who became the first to produce viable artificial sperm from
 mouse embryonic stem cells, which were used to produce seven live offspring.
 His latest work on stem cells derived from human bone marrow suggests that
 it could be possible to develop the techniques to help men who cannot
 produce their own sperm naturally.
 We're very excited about this discovery, particularly as our earlier work
 in mice suggests that we could develop this work even further, Professor
 Nayernia said.
 Whether the scientists will ever be able to develop the techniques to help
 real patients - male or female - will depend on future legislation that the
 Government is preparing as a replacement to the existing Human Fertilisation
 and Embryology Act.
 A White Paper on genetics suggested that artificial gametes produced from
 the ordinary somatic tissue of the body may be banned from being used to
 fertilise human eggs by in vitro fertilisation.
 *Making babies without men - a literary view*
 *Aristophanes (c. 411BC)*
 After 21 years of war, the women of Athens, led by Lysistrata, take matters
 into their own hands. Lysistrata suggests every wife and mistress 

Re: The prospect of all-female conception

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


How will they decide who has the pay the alimony and child-support if
the couples break up if no male is involved???

On May 4, 5:00 pm, bruce majors wrote:
 Philip Wylie (1978)
 At four minutes and 52 seconds past four one afternoon, the world shatters
 into two parallel universes as men vanish from women and women from men.
 With families and loved ones separated from one another, life continues very
 differently as an explosion of violence sweeps one world while stability and
 peace break down in the 
 prospect of all-female conception

 By Steve Connor, Science Editor

 Friday, 13 April 2007

  Women might soon be able to produce sperm in a development that could allow
 lesbian couples to have their own biological daughters, according to a
 pioneering study published today.
  Scientists are seeking ethical permission to produce synthetic sperm cells
 from a woman's bone marrow tissue after showing that it possible to produce
 rudimentary sperm cells from male bone-marrow tissue.
 The researchers said they had already produced early sperm cells from
 bone-marrow tissue taken from men. They believe the findings show that it
 may be possible to restore fertility to men who cannot naturally produce
 their own sperm.
 But the results also raise the prospect of being able to take bone-marrow
 tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue to
 develop into sperm cells, said Professor Karim Nayernia of the University of
 Newcastle upon Tyne.
 Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce
 daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to
 produce sons. The latest research brings the prospect of female-only
 conception a step closer.
 Theoretically is it possible, Professor Nayernia said. The problem is
 whether the sperm cells are functional or not. I don't think there is an
 ethical barrier, so long as it's safe. We are in the process of applying for
 ethical approval. We are preparing now to apply to use the existing bone
 marrow stem cell bank here in Newcastle. We need permission from the patient
 who supplied the bone marrow, the ethics committee and the hospital itself.
 If sperm cells can be developed from female bone-marrow tissue they will be
 matured in the laboratory and tested for their ability to penetrate the
 outer shell of a hamster's egg - a standard fertility test for sperm.
 We want to test the functionality of any male and female sperm that is made
 by this way, Professor Nayernia said. But he said there was no intention at
 this stage to produce female sperm that would be used to fertilise a human
 egg, a move that would require the approval of the Human Fertilisation and
 Embryology Authority.
 The immediate aim is to see if female bone marrow can be lured into
 developing into the stem cells that can make sperm cells. The ultimate aim
 is to discover if these secondary stem cells can then be made into other
 useful tissues of the body, he said.
 The latest findings, published in the journal Reproduction: Gamete Biology,
 show that male bone marrow can be used to make the early spermatagonial
 stem cells that normally mature into fully developed sperm cells.
 Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatagonial stem cells to
 progress to mature sperm in the laboratory and this should take around three
 to five years of experiments, Professor Nayernia said.
 Last year, Professor Nayernia led scientists at the University of Gottingen
 in Germany who became the first to produce viable artificial sperm from
 mouse embryonic stem cells, which were used to produce seven live offspring.
 His latest work on stem cells derived from human bone marrow suggests that
 it could be possible to develop the techniques to help men who cannot
 produce their own sperm naturally.
 We're very excited about this discovery, particularly as our earlier work
 in mice suggests that we could develop this work even further, Professor
 Nayernia said.
 Whether the scientists will ever be able to develop the techniques to help
 real patients - male or female - will depend on future legislation that the
 Government is preparing as a replacement to the existing Human Fertilisation
 and Embryology Act.
 A White Paper on genetics suggested that artificial gametes produced from
 the ordinary somatic tissue of the body may be banned from being used to
 fertilise human eggs by in vitro fertilisation.
 *Making babies without men - a literary view*
 *Aristophanes (c. 411BC)*
 After 21 years of war, the women of Athens, led by Lysistrata, take matters
 into their own hands. Lysistrata suggests every wife and mistress should
 refuse all sexual favours until peacetime. Before long it proves effective,
 peace is concluded and the play ends with festivities.
 *Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1914)*
 On the 

Re: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Nh, the outfit is to tight to properly conceal my pistol.

On May 4, 3:28 pm, Travis wrote:
 If it had been St. Louis, I'd a thunk it'd be Holly.

 On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Keith In Tampa keithinta...@gmail.comwrote:

  Here's Shadow Hare's MySpace page, and his lovely costumed picture:

    On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 3:11 PM, dick thompson 

  Guess they never knew about the Guardian Angels that have been active in
  NYC for a generation.

  Travis wrote On 05/04/2009 02:49 PM:

  From: Travis
  Date: Mon, May 4, 2009
  Subject: Caped superhero vows to clean up crime in Cincinnati


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 - Show quoted text -
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For options  help see

* Visit our other community at  
* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: The prospect of all-female conception

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
I am going to over-share here and tell you that I am gay (though NOT a
leftist) and that I actually met this gal in California who was involved in
one of the lesbian couple law suits that got the lesbians all in a twist.

She was an heiress and philanthropist to gay causes who had a baby
biologically and then had her lesbian domestic partner do a second parent
adoption in California.

Then they broke up and she hired very expensive lawyers to dissolve that
other woman's legal parental rights.

I will try and google up the story.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:56 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


 How will they decide who has the pay the alimony and child-support if
 the couples break up if no male is involved???

 On May 4, 5:00 pm, bruce majors wrote:
  Philip Wylie (1978)
  At four minutes and 52 seconds past four one afternoon, the world
  into two parallel universes as men vanish from women and women from men.
  With families and loved ones separated from one another, life continues
  differently as an explosion of violence sweeps one world while stability
  peace break down in the other.
  prospect of all-female conception
  By Steve Connor, Science Editor
  Friday, 13 April 2007
   Women might soon be able to produce sperm in a development that could
  lesbian couples to have their own biological daughters, according to a
  pioneering study published today.
   Scientists are seeking ethical permission to produce synthetic sperm
  from a woman's bone marrow tissue after showing that it possible to
  rudimentary sperm cells from male bone-marrow tissue.
  The researchers said they had already produced early sperm cells from
  bone-marrow tissue taken from men. They believe the findings show that it
  may be possible to restore fertility to men who cannot naturally produce
  their own sperm.
  But the results also raise the prospect of being able to take bone-marrow
  tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue to
  develop into sperm cells, said Professor Karim Nayernia of the University
  Newcastle upon Tyne.
  Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce
  daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to
  produce sons. The latest research brings the prospect of female-only
  conception a step closer.
  Theoretically is it possible, Professor Nayernia said. The problem is
  whether the sperm cells are functional or not. I don't think there is an
  ethical barrier, so long as it's safe. We are in the process of applying
  ethical approval. We are preparing now to apply to use the existing bone
  marrow stem cell bank here in Newcastle. We need permission from the
  who supplied the bone marrow, the ethics committee and the hospital
  If sperm cells can be developed from female bone-marrow tissue they will
  matured in the laboratory and tested for their ability to penetrate the
  outer shell of a hamster's egg - a standard fertility test for sperm.
  We want to test the functionality of any male and female sperm that is
  by this way, Professor Nayernia said. But he said there was no intention
  this stage to produce female sperm that would be used to fertilise a
  egg, a move that would require the approval of the Human Fertilisation
  Embryology Authority.
  The immediate aim is to see if female bone marrow can be lured into
  developing into the stem cells that can make sperm cells. The ultimate
  is to discover if these secondary stem cells can then be made into other
  useful tissues of the body, he said.
  The latest findings, published in the journal Reproduction: Gamete
  show that male bone marrow can be used to make the early spermatagonial
  stem cells that normally mature into fully developed sperm cells.
  Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatagonial stem cells to
  progress to mature sperm in the laboratory and this should take around
  to five years of experiments, Professor Nayernia said.
  Last year, Professor Nayernia led scientists at the University of
  in Germany who became the first to produce viable artificial sperm from
  mouse embryonic stem cells, which were used to produce seven live
  His latest work on stem cells derived from human bone marrow suggests
  it could be possible to develop the techniques to help men who cannot
  produce their own sperm naturally.
  We're very excited about this discovery, particularly as our earlier
  in mice suggests that we could develop this work even further, Professor
  Nayernia said.
  Whether the scientists will ever be able to develop the techniques to
  real patients - male or female - will depend on future legislation that
  Government is 

Re: The prospect of all-female conception

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


Just as i thought. With no male to hammer it will simply be the woman
that can afford the best lawyers that gets to fuck over the other

Could care less about your sexuality.

On May 4, 6:01 pm, bruce majors wrote:
 I am going to over-share here and tell you that I am gay (though NOT a
 leftist) and that I actually met this gal in California who was involved in
 one of the lesbian couple law suits that got the lesbians all in a twist.

 She was an heiress and philanthropist to gay causes who had a baby
 biologically and then had her lesbian domestic partner do a second parent
 adoption in California.

 Then they broke up and she hired very expensive lawyers to dissolve that
 other woman's legal parental rights.

 I will try and google up the story.

 On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:56 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


  How will they decide who has the pay the alimony and child-support if
  the couples break up if no male is involved???

  On May 4, 5:00 pm, bruce majors wrote:
   Philip Wylie (1978)
   At four minutes and 52 seconds past four one afternoon, the world
   into two parallel universes as men vanish from women and women from men.
   With families and loved ones separated from one another, life continues
   differently as an explosion of violence sweeps one world while stability
   peace break down in the other.
   prospect of all-female conception

   By Steve Connor, Science Editor

   Friday, 13 April 2007

    Women might soon be able to produce sperm in a development that could
   lesbian couples to have their own biological daughters, according to a
   pioneering study published today.
    Scientists are seeking ethical permission to produce synthetic sperm
   from a woman's bone marrow tissue after showing that it possible to
   rudimentary sperm cells from male bone-marrow tissue.
   The researchers said they had already produced early sperm cells from
   bone-marrow tissue taken from men. They believe the findings show that it
   may be possible to restore fertility to men who cannot naturally produce
   their own sperm.
   But the results also raise the prospect of being able to take bone-marrow
   tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue to
   develop into sperm cells, said Professor Karim Nayernia of the University
   Newcastle upon Tyne.
   Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to produce
   daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be needed to
   produce sons. The latest research brings the prospect of female-only
   conception a step closer.
   Theoretically is it possible, Professor Nayernia said. The problem is
   whether the sperm cells are functional or not. I don't think there is an
   ethical barrier, so long as it's safe. We are in the process of applying
   ethical approval. We are preparing now to apply to use the existing bone
   marrow stem cell bank here in Newcastle. We need permission from the
   who supplied the bone marrow, the ethics committee and the hospital
   If sperm cells can be developed from female bone-marrow tissue they will
   matured in the laboratory and tested for their ability to penetrate the
   outer shell of a hamster's egg - a standard fertility test for sperm.
   We want to test the functionality of any male and female sperm that is
   by this way, Professor Nayernia said. But he said there was no intention
   this stage to produce female sperm that would be used to fertilise a
   egg, a move that would require the approval of the Human Fertilisation
   Embryology Authority.
   The immediate aim is to see if female bone marrow can be lured into
   developing into the stem cells that can make sperm cells. The ultimate
   is to discover if these secondary stem cells can then be made into other
   useful tissues of the body, he said.
   The latest findings, published in the journal Reproduction: Gamete
   show that male bone marrow can be used to make the early spermatagonial
   stem cells that normally mature into fully developed sperm cells.
   Our next goal is to see if we can get the spermatagonial stem cells to
   progress to mature sperm in the laboratory and this should take around
   to five years of experiments, Professor Nayernia said.
   Last year, Professor Nayernia led scientists at the University of
   in Germany who became the first to produce viable artificial sperm from
   mouse embryonic stem cells, which were used to produce seven live
   His latest work on stem cells derived from human bone marrow suggests
   it could be possible to develop the techniques to help men who cannot
   produce their own sperm 

Re: The prospect of all-female conception

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
Well I suspect that when one side has more money they become a big target,
and they can also hire the meanest lawyers

So if you make it two men or two women lawyers still show up to charge their

I heard from a lawyer who did palimony suits once that these two guys
broke up. One was a waiter and one a lawyer.  When they broke up Mr.Waiter
said lets sell the house and split the capital gains.Mr.Lawyer said, deed
and mortgage is in my name it is my house.  Mr.Waiter says I paid half the
mortgage and half the downpayment.Mr.Lawyer said that was rent.

So Mr. Waiter hires the palimony lawyer he asks Mr.Lawyer You maintain that
the money he gave you every monh for exactly half the mortgage was rent.and
Mr.Lawyer says yes.  And palimony lawyer says and of course you reported
this rental income on your tax returns  And Mr.Lawyer says:  oh.Half the
house is Mr.Waiter's.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


 Just as i thought. With no male to hammer it will simply be the woman
 that can afford the best lawyers that gets to fuck over the other

 Could care less about your sexuality.

 On May 4, 6:01 pm, bruce majors wrote:
  I am going to over-share here and tell you that I am gay (though NOT a
  leftist) and that I actually met this gal in California who was involved
  one of the lesbian couple law suits that got the lesbians all in a twist.
  She was an heiress and philanthropist to gay causes who had a baby
  biologically and then had her lesbian domestic partner do a second parent
  adoption in California.
  Then they broke up and she hired very expensive lawyers to dissolve that
  other woman's legal parental rights.
  I will try and google up the story.
  On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:56 PM, Hollywood
   How will they decide who has the pay the alimony and child-support if
   the couples break up if no male is involved???
   On May 4, 5:00 pm, bruce majors wrote:
Philip Wylie (1978)
At four minutes and 52 seconds past four one afternoon, the world
into two parallel universes as men vanish from women and women from
With families and loved ones separated from one another, life
differently as an explosion of violence sweeps one world while
peace break down in the other.
prospect of all-female conception
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Friday, 13 April 2007
 Women might soon be able to produce sperm in a development that
lesbian couples to have their own biological daughters, according to
pioneering study published today.
 Scientists are seeking ethical permission to produce synthetic sperm
from a woman's bone marrow tissue after showing that it possible to
rudimentary sperm cells from male bone-marrow tissue.
The researchers said they had already produced early sperm cells from
bone-marrow tissue taken from men. They believe the findings show
 that it
may be possible to restore fertility to men who cannot naturally
their own sperm.
But the results also raise the prospect of being able to take
tissue from women and coaxing the stem cells within the female tissue
develop into sperm cells, said Professor Karim Nayernia of the
Newcastle upon Tyne.
Creating sperm from women would mean they would only be able to
daughters because the Y chromosome of male sperm would still be
 needed to
produce sons. The latest research brings the prospect of female-only
conception a step closer.
Theoretically is it possible, Professor Nayernia said. The problem
whether the sperm cells are functional or not. I don't think there is
ethical barrier, so long as it's safe. We are in the process of
ethical approval. We are preparing now to apply to use the existing
marrow stem cell bank here in Newcastle. We need permission from the
who supplied the bone marrow, the ethics committee and the hospital
If sperm cells can be developed from female bone-marrow tissue they
matured in the laboratory and tested for their ability to penetrate
outer shell of a hamster's egg - a standard fertility test for
We want to test the functionality of any male and female sperm that
by this way, Professor Nayernia said. But he said there was no
this stage to produce female sperm that would be used to fertilise a
egg, a move that would require the approval of the Human
Embryology Authority.
The immediate aim is to see if female bone 

Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson
We should only be so lucky.  Then you would be getting rid of all the 
deadwood you have in Congress (can you spell Rangel, Murtha, Frank, 
Dodd, Kerry, Durbin, Harkins, Obey, Spector, Waters, Waxman, Pelosi, 
Rockefeller, Boxer, Murray).

Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 06:00 PM:

 How do you destroy someone's profession when that profession is being
 young and good-looking?
 You kill me, the strongest criticsm you have for Democrats is that
 they act like Republicans.

 On May 4, 1:40 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 Hollywood, the issue here is many of the LEFT make a a campaign to
 destroy someone professionally or politically.   That culture and
 ethic of personal destruction is what McCartyism is all about...
 Or is it you do not oppose LW McCarthyism???

 On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:

 Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
 she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
 opinion she's full of shit.
 You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
 crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
 day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to
 On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:
 Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
 California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
 destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
 called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing time
 after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
 the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...Frankly, it
 would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
 spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on
 Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
 even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...   What
 the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
 of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions, is
 not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
 citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
 has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be appalled
 On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:
 Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
 thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express the
 OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better keep
 my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.
 On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:
  The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who don't like
 gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like Wyoming.
 Robert O. Blanchard | May 1999 
 In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of University of
 Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay rights 
 politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift enactment 
 hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry, 
 director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against
 Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of horrors which
 Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming 
 responded in February by voting on several hate crime bills--including 
 that even included protection of particular occupations, such as 
 mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the bill 
 defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were 
 defeated in
 committee by wider margins.
 National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass judgment: 
 rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto, adopted
 after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the right to
 vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving parents
 reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did not 
 their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation or any 
 political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task Force
 (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to fight
 intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass the bill.
 If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry Lobel. We 
 extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real leadership on 
 Such reactions fit into the hate crime news formula that has become

Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson
Charlton Heston isn't.

Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 06:15 PM:

 If that was a question maybe you should have put a question mark after
 the sentance instead of a period. You realize that the peroid make it
 a declarative statement and not a question. NOW I have to read your

 Moses WAS'T the guy that brought the tablets with the Ten Commandments
 down from Mt. Arat? Who was it then? C'mon Charleton Heston isn't THAT

 On May 4, 1:56 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 Thanks for adding the is I didn't put in there on purpose.  It was a
 question to you to tell me what in the New Testament negates what is in
 the Old Testament that would make you make your statement about Moses.  
 After all look at all the Gospel hymns about Elijah and Jeremiah and
 Isaih and Daniel and David and Solomon.  Your initial statement was
 totally out of line with the beliefs of Christians.

 Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 02:40 PM:

 What is in the New Testament negates the Ten Commandmants
 BUT Christians accept BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament
 Would you like to think about those statements for a little while???
 On May 4, 11:32 am, dick thompson wrote:
 Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in
 the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the
 references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the
 other prophets.
 Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:
 Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
 Commandants and not Jesus.
 On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:
 I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, but 
 thought it was an interesting perspective:
 *An  update from Oklahoma.*
 The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
 an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
 state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
 mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  values...!
 Guess  what..We did it anyway.
 We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
 illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, unless 
 want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
 scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was 
 the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would 
 be a
 Guess  what..we did it anyway
  Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
 illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative purposes.
 Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.
 Guess  whatWe did it anyway.
 Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
 state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
 information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
 what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, 
 both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia,
 just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
 confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  again.
 The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
 guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this 
 have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm 
 that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.
 Guess what..We  did it anyway.
 By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.
 Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway
 **- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
 - Show quoted text -


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For options  help see

* Visit our other community at  
* It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. 
* Read the latest breaking news, and more.

Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
Releasing the info about breast surgery is something they would never do to
anyone if they took the rightposition

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


 How do you destroy someone's profession when that profession is being
 young and good-looking?
 You kill me, the strongest criticsm you have for Democrats is that
 they act like Republicans.

 On May 4, 1:40 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
  Hollywood, the issue here is many of the LEFT make a a campaign to
  destroy someone professionally or politically.   That culture and
  ethic of personal destruction is what McCartyism is all about...
  Or is it you do not oppose LW McCarthyism???
  On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:
   Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
   she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
   opinion she's full of shit.
   You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
   crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
   day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to
   On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:
Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing
after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...Frankly, it
would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on
Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...
the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions,
not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be
On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:
 Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
 thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express
 OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better
 my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.
 On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:
   The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who
 don't like
  gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like
  Robert O. Blanchard |
 May 1999 Print
  In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of
 University of
  Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay
 rights groups,
  politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift
 enactment of
  hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry,
  director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance
  Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of
 horrors which
  Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming
  responded in February by voting on several hate crime
 bills--including one
  that even included protection of particular occupations, such as
  mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the
 bill was
  defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were
 defeated in
  committee by wider margins.
  National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass
 judgment: Wyoming,
  rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto,
  after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the
 right to
  vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving
  reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did
 not want
  their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation
 or any other
  political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task
  (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to
  intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass
 the bill.
  If not now, when? demanded NLGTF Executive Director Kerry
 Lobel. We are
  extremely disappointed that Wyoming refused to take real
 leadership on this
  Such reactions fit into the hate crime news 

Re: (House of Dawg) The prospect of all-female conception

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
 Sperm cells created from female embryo

By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Last Updated: 12:17AM GMT 01 Feb 2008
  [image: Sperm cells created from female embryo] Lesbian couples could one
day have children who share both their genes

Sperm cells have been created from a female human embryo in a remarkable
breakthrough that suggests it may be possible for lesbian couples to have
their own biological children.

British scientists who had already coaxed male bone marrow cells to develop
into primitive sperm cells have now repeated the feat with female embryonic
stem cells.

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 The University of Newcastle team that has achieved the feat is now applying
for permission to turn the bone marrow of a woman into sperm which, if
successful, would make the method more practical than with embryonic cells.

It raises the possibility of lesbian couples one day having children who
share both their genes as sperm created from the bone marrow of one woman
could be used to fertilise an egg from her partner.

Men and women differ because of what are called sex chromosomes. Both have
an X chromosome. But only men possess a Y chromosome that carries several
genes thought to be essential to make sperm, so there has been scepticism
that female stem cells could ever be used to make sperm.

In April last year, Prof Karim Nayernia, Professor of Stem Cell Biology at
Newcastle University, made headlines by taking stem cells from adult men and
making them develop into primitive sperm.

He has now managed to repeat the feat of creating the primitive sperm cells
with female embryonic stem cells in unpublished work.

The next step is to make these primitive sperm undergo meiosis, so they have
the right amount of genetic material for fertilisation.

Prof Nayernia showed the potential of the method in 2006, when he used sperm
derived from male embryonic stem cells to fertilise mice to produce seven
pups, six of which lived to adulthood, though the survivors did suffer

He is now optimistic about the prospect of lab-grown sperm from women.

“I think, in principle, it will be scientifically possible,” Prof Nayernia
told New Scientist.

He said that he has applied for ethical approval from the university to use
bone marrow stem cells from women to start experiments to derive female

“We are now writing the application form,” he said, adding that experiments
will begin in Newcastle if and when they get approval.

However, Dr Robin Lovell-Badge, a stem cell and sex determination expert at
the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, doubts it
will work: “The presence of two X chromosomes is incompatible with this.
Moreover they need genes from the Y chromosome to go through meiosis. So
they are at least double-damned.”

In Brazil, a team led by Dr Irina Kerkis of the Butantan Institute in Saõ
Paulo claims to have made both sperm and eggs from cultures of male mouse
embryonic stem cells in the journal Cloning and Stem Cells.

The researchers have not yet shown that their male eggs can be fertilised to
produce viable offspring, but they are thinking about possibilities for
same-sex human reproduction.

If all these experiments pan out, then the stage would also be set for a gay
man to donate skin cells that could be used to make eggs, which could then
be fertilised by his partner’s sperm and placed into the uterus of a
surrogate mother.

“I think it is possible,” says Kerkis, “but I don’t know how people will
look at this ethically.”

The UK parliament is now debating changes to the 1990 Human Fertilisation
and Embryology Act, and the government is under pressure to include an
amendment that would allow the future use of eggs and sperm grown in the lab
from stem cells.

However, a clause added to this amendment would restrict this to sperm from
genetic males and eggs from genetic females.

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:50 PM, bruce majors wrote:

 You don't need a Y chromosome to reproduce females.

 Laboratories have 

Suddenly The DOW Performance Is Not Important

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood

or at least not as important as it was a couple of months ago. Anyone
remember how conservatives here were screaming doom and gloom because
the DOW was down and somehow it was all the fault of a President who
had been in office just a few weeks? Hell some were blaming him even
before he took office.
And it was pretty bad. The low was on March 6th when the DOW closed at
6,626.9. It closed today at 8,426.74. Suddenly the cons are not
screaming that the performance of the DOW is totally on the head of
the sitting President.

Funny, ain't it?
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[Fwd: Say it isn't so Street Vendor]

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson
German perception of Obama from Der Spiegel.

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2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
Gay  Lesbian Custody Rights in
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Posted September 9, 2008 | 04:16 PM (EST)
 *Read More:* Child Custody,
Ellen Degeneres, Family
Law, Gay
Gay Marriage, Portia De
Rossi, Living

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 In a recent interview with *People* magazine, newly-married Hollywood power
couple Ellen DeGeneres  Portia de Rossi discussed their future, and
DeGeneres said, We love our life, but we know how much [having children]
adds to it. But what happens to their ties to their kids if they split up?
Are the loving bonds gay and lesbian couples share with their children
legally protected?

There is an increasing body of litigated lesbian custody cases, and from the
early returns it appears that these custody disputes will be just as ugly as
heterosexual ones. Lesbian biological moms often seek to exclude their
former partners--the social mothers--from their children's lives after
divorce or separation. To date the courts have done a poor job of protecting
the rights of lesbian social mothers.

Sometimes social mothers' court-ordered parenting time is denied or impeded.
Sometimes the children are moved far away, or dubious claims of abuse are
made. Sometimes the biological mother badmouths her ex to the children, who
then decide they don't want to see their social moms.

One of the saddest cases is the Lisa Miller vs. Janet Jenkins custody
battle. The former couple joined in a same-sex civil union in Vermont in
2000 and had a child together in 2002. After their breakup, Miller, the
biological mother, moved to Virginia with their daughter Isabella, won sole
custody, and excluded Jenkins from the girl's life.

Jenkins had been involved in Miller's pregnancy from the beginning, was
present in the delivery room, worked to support the family, and played an
important role in Isabella's life.

Following their breakup, Jenkins was granted visitation rights but Miller
refused to comply. Jenkins has not been able to see their daughter since
2004 but has pursued a long, hard legal battle to get back in her daughter's
 Story continues below

There are many similar cases:

***After English lesbian mom Connie Springfield broke up with her partner
Sarah Courtney, with whom she adopted two children, she permanently moved

Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


No idea what you're talking about.
Who's they? Who had breast surgery and why?

On May 4, 6:21 pm, bruce majors wrote:
 Releasing the info about breast surgery is something they would never do to
 anyone if they took the rightposition

 On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


  How do you destroy someone's profession when that profession is being
  young and good-looking?
  You kill me, the strongest criticsm you have for Democrats is that
  they act like Republicans.

  On May 4, 1:40 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
   Hollywood, the issue here is many of the LEFT make a a campaign to
   destroy someone professionally or politically.   That culture and
   ethic of personal destruction is what McCartyism is all about...
   Or is it you do not oppose LW McCarthyism???

   On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:


Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an opinion
she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express the
opinion she's full of shit.
You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off the
day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her to

On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:

 Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on Miss
 California...   The political justification of personally seeking to
 destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position is
 called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing
 after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it seems
 the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...    Frankly, it
 would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of the
 spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose on

 Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to speak,
 even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...
 the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
 of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare exceptions,
 not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens private
 citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as he
 has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be

 On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood wrote:


  Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express those
  thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and express
  OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I better
  my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or worse.

  On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors wrote:

    The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who
  don't like
   gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't like

   Robert O. Blanchard |
  May 1999 Print

   In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of
  University of
   Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay
  rights groups,
   politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for swift
  enactment of
   hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M. Garry,
   director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian Alliance
   Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of
  horrors which
   Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The Wyoming
   responded in February by voting on several hate crime
  bills--including one
   that even included protection of particular occupations, such as
   mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of the
  bill was
   defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions were
  defeated in
   committee by wider margins.

   National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass
  judgment: Wyoming,
   rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official motto,
   after it became the first state in the nation to grant women the
  right to
   vote--was really the Hate State. Even as Shepard's grieving
   reaffirmed on NBC's *Dateline* and in *Vanity Fair* that they did
  not want
   their son's death used in a campaign for hate crime legislation
  or any other
   political cause, groups such as the National Lesbian and Gay Task
   (NLGTF) inferred that the legislature had not merely declined to
   intolerance but itself embodied intolerance for failing to pass

Re: An Update From Oklahoma

2009-05-04 Thread Hollywood


That was a freakin' joke. Are you going to tell me who it was that
brought the Ten Commandments, if not Moses, or aren't you?
If you don't know just say so. We both agree that it was NOT Chuck

On May 4, 6:19 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 Charlton Heston isn't.

 Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 06:15 PM:


  If that was a question maybe you should have put a question mark after
  the sentance instead of a period. You realize that the peroid make it
  a declarative statement and not a question. NOW I have to read your

  Moses WAS'T the guy that brought the tablets with the Ten Commandments
  down from Mt. Arat? Who was it then? C'mon Charleton Heston isn't THAT

  On May 4, 1:56 pm, dick thompson wrote:

  Thanks for adding the is I didn't put in there on purpose.  It was a
  question to you to tell me what in the New Testament negates what is in
  the Old Testament that would make you make your statement about Moses.  
  After all look at all the Gospel hymns about Elijah and Jeremiah and
  Isaih and Daniel and David and Solomon.  Your initial statement was
  totally out of line with the beliefs of Christians.

  Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 02:40 PM:


  What is in the New Testament negates the Ten Commandmants
  BUT Christians accept BOTH the Old Testament and the New Testament

  Would you like to think about those statements for a little while???

  On May 4, 11:32 am, dick thompson wrote:

  Christians accept both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  What in
  the New Testament negates the Ten Commandments.  Also note all the
  references to David in the New Testament and Abraham and so many of the
  other prophets.

  Hollywood wrote On 05/04/2009 12:16 PM:


  Christian values? I thought it was Moses that brought down the 10
  Commandants and not Jesus.

  On May 4, 10:54 am, Keith In Tampa wrote:

  I received this message from a friend of mine who lives out in Iowa, 
  but I
  thought it was an interesting perspective:


  *An  update from Oklahoma.*

  The  state law passed today, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix,
  an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the
  state capitol. The feds in DC, along with the ACLU, said it would be a
  mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian  

  Guess  what..We did it anyway.

  We recently passed a  law in the state to incarcerate all
  illegal immigrants, and ship them  back to where they came from, 
  unless they
  want to get a green card and  become an American citizen. They all
  scattered. Hope we didn't send  any of them to your state. This was 
  the advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would 
  be a

  Guess  what..we did it anyway

   Yesterday we passed a  law to include DNA samples from any and all
  illegals to the Oklahoma  database, for criminal investigative 
  Pelosi said it was  unconstitutional.

  Guess  whatWe did it anyway.

  Several weeks ago, we  passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign
  state, not under the  Federal Government directives. That, for your
  information, makes  Oklahoma and Texas the only states to do so. Guess
  what.More states are likely to follow. Louisiana, Alabama, 
  both Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West 
  just to name a few. Should Mississippi act, so will Florida. Save your
  confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once  

  The federal Government  has made bold steps to take away our
  guns.  Oklahoma, a week ago,  passed a law confirming people in this 
  have the right to bear  arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm 
  that was a set back for the Kennedys and Ms Pelosi.

  Guess what..We  did it anyway.

  By the way, Obama does  not like any of this.

  Guess whatwho  cares...were doing it anyway

  **- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: criminalizing unfashionable thoughts and opinions

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
the Miss California pageant paid for Ms Prejean to have implants so she
could win for them

Then they released this info to smear here when they didn't like her views

The sored their horse then tried to use that to disqualify her

On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 7:36 PM, Hollywood jimmyrocket1...@hotmail.comwrote:


 No idea what you're talking about.
 Who's they? Who had breast surgery and why?

 On May 4, 6:21 pm, bruce majors wrote:
  Releasing the info about breast surgery is something they would never do
  anyone if they took the rightposition
  On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Hollywood
   How do you destroy someone's profession when that profession is being
   young and good-looking?
   You kill me, the strongest criticsm you have for Democrats is that
   they act like Republicans.
   On May 4, 1:40 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
Hollywood, the issue here is many of the LEFT make a a campaign to
destroy someone professionally or politically.   That culture and
ethic of personal destruction is what McCartyism is all about...
Or is it you do not oppose LW McCarthyism???
On May 4, 1:34 pm, Hollywood wrote:
 Beats the hell out of me. She's just another citizen with an
 she's free to express. Same as gay activists are free to express
 opinion she's full of shit.
 You boys are way too delicate and sensitive. Saying something rude,
 crude and nasty about another person is destroying them? lay off
 day-time soap operas. Anyone tie her to a fence post and beat her
 On May 4, 11:48 am, jgg1000a wrote:
  Why is it the gay rights actives are doing their hate speech on
  California...   The political justification of personally seeking
  destroy individuals because they oppose one's political position
  called McCartyism...   And that is what the Left has/and is doing
  after time...  Now bothe side have idoits who do this, but it
  the Left's idoits on more vocal about their hate...Frankly,
  would do everyone good if some of the Lefty thugs were jailed of
  spoken hate 24/7 under the hate speech laws they seek to impose
  Second as you point out, Free Speech is about the right to
  even hate...  What is NOT permissible is acting on that hate...
  the Left's goal is is to threaten all Speech they do not approve
  of...   Speech as while as thought my friend, with rare
  not considered action under law...   Now if Obama threatens
  citizens with slander through the means of a complacent Press, as
  has done, that is a serious abuse of power that YOU should be
  On May 4, 11:14 am, Hollywood
   Think and hate all you wish, just don't physically express
   thoughts and/or hatred. I can HATE a person and THINK and
   OPINION he/she ought to have his/her assed kicked. BUT, I
   my hands off them or I'll find myself in jail for AB, or
   On May 4, 1:54 am, bruce majors
 The Hate State MythIn Wyoming, there are a few bigots who
   don't like
gays. In the media, there are a lot more bigots who don't
Robert O. Blanchard
   May 1999 Print
In the wake of the brutal October 1998 murder-robbery of
   University of
Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, the news media, liberal gay
   rights groups,
politicians, and others engaged in a national outcry for
   enactment of
hate crime legislation. A hate crime law would, as Joan M.
director of the Washington, D.C.-based Gay and Lesbian
Defamation, put it, protect Wyoming gays from the kind of
   horrors which
Matthew Shepard and his family have had to endure. The
responded in February by voting on several hate crime
   bills--including one
that even included protection of particular occupations, such
mining, and logging, from ecoterrorists. A House version of
   bill was
defeated in committee with a 30-30 tie. Two Senate versions
   defeated in
committee by wider margins.
National proponents of hate crime laws were quick to pass
   judgment: Wyoming,
rather than being The Equality State--Wyoming's official
after it became the first state in the nation to grant women
   right to
vote--was really 

Don't know what to make of this one - will have to think about it for a while

2009-05-04 Thread dick thompson

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Fwd: [wvns] Rome Jews to sue leftist union

2009-05-04 Thread bruce majors
Rome Jews to sue leftist union
Boycott of Israeli goods seen as instigating racial hatred

(ANSA) - Rome - The Rome Jewish Community announced on Friday that it
intended to sue a far left trade union over its call for a boycott of
Israeli goods.

The president of the capital's Jewish community, Renzo Pacifici,
said the Flaica CUB union would be cited for violation of the
so-called Mancino Law against instigation of racial hatred.

Pacifici made his announcement after a meeting with Piero Marrazzo,
president of the region of Lazio of which Rome is capital;
the head of the union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI),
Renzo Gattegna; and Rome's chief rabbi Riccardo Di Segni.

Marrazzo, a member of the center-left Democratic party,
agreed that action should be taken against the union while Gattegna
branded the boycott initiative as ''a mad attempt at discrimination''
and stressed that even Italy's leading trade unions
- CGIL, CISL and UIL - had condemned the move.

The leftist union, which represents workers in Rome's retail services
and food sector, has denied that it called for a boycott of Jewish retailers
and claims that it's initiative was only aimed at products made in Israel.

The union justified the boycott by saying it was a means to deny
Israel funds to buy more weapons to be used against the Palestinians.

According to the union, it has become the target
of a media lynching campaign in order to draw attention
away from the plight of Palestinians in Gaza.

The boycott has also been criticised by the daily of the
Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), Avvenire, which wrote on Friday
that ''while one can be critical of a military action, one cannot penalise
someone just because they adhere to a certain faith or community''.

Defining the boycott as a protest against Israel, the bishops' daily
observed, ''reflects a grave prejudice which is the basis of all
anti-Semitic actions''.

The proposed consumer boycott for the beginning sparked outrage
among politicians on both the right and left in the Italian capital
who saw it as targeting the city's Jewish community.

The boycott proposal has already been firmly condemned
by Rome's right-wing Mayor Gianni Alemanno who said that
''the people who came up with this horrible idea are not new to such
initiatives, which are a throwback to similar ones in the mid-1930s
which set the stage for (Fascist) Italy's (anti-Jewish) racial laws''.
Alemanno underscored his backing for the Jewish community on Thursday
when went with Pacifici to shop at Jewish stores in central Rome.

The mayor's support of the city's Jewish community sparked protests
by elements on the far right which on Friday hung several
makeshift banners in Rome which called the one-time
Neo-Fascist youth leader as a ''Zionist Butcher''.

The banners also attacked Pacifici and called for ''victory for Hamas,'' the
Islamist movement Israel has mounted an offensive
against in the Gaza Strip, which has now entered its third week.



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