
2009-11-14 Thread Bruce Majors

I've been following the hysterical reaction of the
the authors of Super
Much of the hysteria was whipped up by Climate Progress blogger Joe
Romm who
attempted to discredit the book by smearing the
As I said before,  if you don’t agree with global warming orthodoxy, you
face personal attacks.

Reason's Ron 
me to another phrase for this kind of intimidation: Climate
The phrase was coined by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Schellenberger,
unconventional liberal environmentalists who blog at the Breakthrough
Institute, to compare the free speech
chilling smear tactics of global warming zealots to the communist witch
hunts conducted by Sen. Joe McCarthy during the Cold War. They call  Joe
Romm the Climate

Joe Romm's Global Warming Deniers and Delayers play the same role as Joe
McCarthy's Communists and Communist sympathizers. While Romm built a loyal
liberal and environmentalist following for attacking right-wing global
warming deniers -- a designation meant to invoke Holocaust denier -- he
spends much of his time attacking well-meaning journalists (e.g.
, here,
and activists 
who take the issue of global warming seriously, accept climate science, and
support immediate action to address it. His aim is to intimidate and prevent
increasing numbers of people from questioning climate policy orthodoxy, and
especially Democratic efforts to pass cap and trade climate legislation.

... Think about it: If you're an ambitious young Democratic Hill staffer, a
liberal policy analyst, or a struggling young reporter, why would you ever
stand up to a guy who is famous for first trashing people to their editors,
employers and funders in private emails, and then, if that doesn't work, in
public blogs? Why would you challenge someone who seems to have so much of
the liberal establishment on his side?

... This is the state of liberal debate about climate change. ... Those who
stand up to Joe Romm find themselves turned into projection screens by an
angry and vindictive bully...There will always be bullies like Joe Romm --
they are not the problem. It is the the establishment figures who goad them
on, and the bystanders who could speak up but do not

Good for Nordhaus and Shellenberger for standing up to it. They have another

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Fwd: [I-S] Fort Hood Terrorist Sent Money to Pakistan

2009-11-14 Thread Bruce Majors
Fort Hood shooting suspect sent money to Pakistan, Texas congressman says

12:14 AM CST on Friday, November 13, 2009

By DAVE MICHAELS and LEE HANCOCK / The Dallas Morning News

An Austin congressman said Thursday that he has confirmed that Fort Hood
massacre suspect Nidal Malik Hasan wired money to
Pakistan, which Muslim extremist groups use as a base to raise funds and
carry out terrorist attacks.

Rep. Michael McCaul's statement followed a Dallas Morning News report that
authorities were looking into whether such wire transfers had occurred. It
also came as Army officials announced charges of premeditated murder against
Hasan, who could face the death penalty.

I have confirmed through independent sources that there were communications
and wire transfers made to Pakistan, McCaul said in a prepared statement
provided by his spokesman. This Pakistan connection just raises more red
flags about this case and demonstrates why it's important for Congress to exercise its
oversight authority.

The spokesman, Mike Rosen ,
said McCaul wouldn't name his sources. The congressman's statement didn't
address who Hasan's contacts in Pakistan were, when he communicated with
them or how much money he sent.

McCaul is the top Republican on the House
Homeland Security Committee's intelligence subcommittee. He typically is
briefed on classified material but had yet to be formally briefed on the
Fort Hood killings.

He has been actively seeking information from as many credible sources as
possible, Rosen said. It has been more difficult than usual to obtain
information from our intelligence community.

Asked about McCaul's comments, an FBI
spokesman in Washington said he couldn't comment on any aspect of the

Evan Kohlmann, a terrorism expert who has consulted with the FBI and the
Department, noted that Hasan is a U.S. citizen of Palestinian descent, with
no known family ties to Pakistan. Kohlmann said that leaves only two reasons
for the psychiatrist to wire money to the South Asian country: to support
charity or to support jihad.

Westerners who want to give to a legitimate Pakistani charity typically
would do so by putting money in a U.S. or British bank account, he added.

It raises huge alarm bells, Kohlmann said of Hasan's reported wire

Pakistan borders Afghanistan, the country to which Hasan was supposed to
deploy soon. Pakistan is battling a radical Islamic insurgency and is widely
believed to be the hiding place of Osama bin Laden .

Following the money

Dennis Lormel, a former FBI special agent who directed the agency's efforts
to identify sources of terrorist financing, said investigators would take
note of the large amount of disposable income Hasan apparently had. He made
more than $90,000 a year, had no wife or dependents, and paid about $300 a
month for a tiny apartment.

It seems like there is a lifestyle that was beneath his means, said
Lormel, now a managing director for IPSA International, a consultant to
banks on combating money laundering. Where is the money going?

Lormel said Hasan could have used several channels to wire money abroad,
including remittance services that cater to immigrant workers who send money
to their native countries. If that were the case, there may be documentation
of the transaction, Lormel and others said.

Banks and other money transmitters must tell the Treasury
 Department if an individual sends more than $10,000 outside the country.

Kohlmann said only a breakdown could explain the FBI's failure to dig
deeper when it discovered late last year that Hasan was communicating by
e-mail with Anwar al-Awlaki , a radical cleric in

The U.S.-born imam exhorted Western Muslims in January to practice jihad -
often translated as holy war - by donating money.

Al-Awlaki worked several years ago at a northern Virginia mosque that Hasan
and some of the 9/11 hijackers attended. Federal authorities have
investigated the cleric's ties to terrorists since the 1990s but never
brought charges against him.

Everybody at the FBI knows who Anwar al-Awlaki is, Kohlmann said. In the
world of jihadis, this guy is Bruce Springsteen .

After the Fort Hood massacre, the cleric said on his blog that Hasan was a

Intelligence review

FBI officials have said they didn't pursue Hasan last year because his

Re: This Healthcare Debate Has Been a Real Eye-Opener for Me...

2009-11-14 Thread THE ANNOINTED ONE


Why should I pay YOUR health insurance policy ???

Are you personally responsible for NOTHING 

Just go to the emergency room and claim to be an illegal alien.
they will treat you for free.

On Nov 11, 3:02 pm, CaliforniaLuis wrote:
 It has showed me that your average Republican/conservative would let a
 sick child or person die simply because they weren't able to afford
 health insurance.  Why?  Because they don't want to pay a few dollars
 more in taxes.  In the meantime, they are living their gluttonous,
 materialistic lives.  Conservatives/Republicans are truly self-
 centered, soulless scum.  They are grand hypocrites, have phony moral
 values and their so-
 called Christianity is nothing more than a farce.  Shame on you
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Now this does not seem like a good way for a city to make money

2009-11-14 Thread dick thompson

| City Laws Only Available Via $200 License 
|   from the calling-doctor-malamud dept.   
|   posted by kdawson on Friday November 13, @09:00 (Government)

MrLint writes The City of [0] Schenectady has decided that their laws
are copyrighted, and that you cannot know them without paying for an
'exclusive license' for $200. This is not a first — [1]Oregon has claimed
publishing of laws online is a copyright violation. This case is
nuanced. The city has contracted with a private company to convert and
encode its laws so they can be made available on the Web for free. While
the company works on this project, it considers the electronic versions
of the laws its property and offers a CD version, bundled with its
software, for $200. The man who requested a copy of the laws plans to

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Re: Sarah Socialist Barracuda Palin

2009-11-14 Thread studio

On Nov 14, 12:13 am, LadybugsTX wrote:
 Sweetie, you don't know shyte about shyte.

I know you're a terrific debater.
I'll leave the study of shyte up to Republicans.
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Re: Gee, now the NYT has noticed the job losses

2009-11-14 Thread studio

On Nov 13, 6:07 pm, LadybugsTX wrote:
 I also heard that they are opening an office in Florida with 25
 employees to evade NY taxes.  Isn't that hypocritical?  I think they
 should be forced to stay in NY and sleep in the bed they made.

Never mind that there's a large percentage of New Yorkers that retire
to Florida.

Why are you so scared of 25 Americans?
Is your whole world based upon fear?
You better lock the doors and tape up the seams so the boogie man
can't get you.
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Re: Sarah Socialist Barracuda Palin

2009-11-14 Thread Hollywood


Oh no, there's no need to expend any more of your precious energy, I'm
already convinced your an idiot as well as a liar.

On Nov 13, 11:22 pm, Sage2 wrote:
             Is that as fast as the Twin Towers that guys like Hassan
 brought down, or is it as fast as you and your liberal friends turned
 coat on the side of thre terrorists and against your American


 On Nov 13, 10:58 pm, Hollywood wrote:


  Give up while your ahead kiddo. You're IQ, and credibility, is going
  down faster than a bottle of vodka at Courtney Love's house.

  On Nov 13, 8:54 pm, Sage2 wrote:


                Studio's envy of Sarah has been noted just as Muslim envy
   of the west has been noted.  He could be named  Hassan !


   On Nov 13, 9:50 pm, Hollywood wrote:


That could be considered somewhat clever.but only if
you were 9 years old. I mean physically instead of emotionally 

On Nov 13, 8:39 pm, Sage2 wrote:


                           Is your last name Hassan ?


 On Nov 13, 9:06 pm, studio wrote:

  On Nov 13, 2:42 pm, plainolamerican 

   your envy of Sarah has been noted

  I hope my justice, equality for all (and not just for her), and non-
  hypocrisy has been noted as well.
  You sure as hell wouldn't be seeing any of that from her.- Hide 
  quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Sarah Socialist Barracuda Palin

2009-11-14 Thread Hollywood


No idea.

On Nov 13, 10:20 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 who is Courtney Love when she is at home.

 Hollywood wrote On 11/13/2009 10:58 PM:


  Give up while your ahead kiddo. You're IQ, and credibility, is going
  down faster than a bottle of vodka at Courtney Love's house.

  On Nov 13, 8:54 pm,  wrote:


                Studio's envy of Sarah has been noted just as Muslim envy
  of the west has been noted.  He could be named  Hassan !


  On Nov 13, 9:50 pm,  wrote:


  That could be considered somewhat clever.but only if
  you were 9 years old. I mean physically instead of emotionally

  On Nov 13, 8:39 pm,  wrote:


                             Is your last name Hassan ?


  On Nov 13, 9:06 pm,  wrote:

  On Nov 13, 2:42 pm,  wrote:

  your envy of Sarah has been noted

  I hope my justice, equality for all (and not just for her), and non-
  hypocrisy has been noted as well.
  You sure as hell wouldn't be seeing any of that from her.- Hide quoted 
  text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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2009-11-14 Thread Hollywood


Weak. Try again, your arguement lacks logic and depends entirely upon
me believing and accepting your particular definition of sponging.
Irrational at best.

On Nov 13, 11:17 pm, Sage2 wrote:

              A main point is that the military can  may not 
 organize for puposes of sponging of the taxpayers like civilian
 government workers do. Does everything have to be spelled out for you.
 Think man!


 On Nov 13, 9:58 pm, Hollywood wrote:


  Yeah, Govt. Unions work for the people, the tax-payer. So?
  The same is true of military personnel, cops, fireman, emergency
  workers and all politicians. By your own logic any one's who paycheck
  depends on tax-payer funds works for us. I guess you could say any
  corporation who gets 51% of it's business from city, county, state or
  the Federal govt. also works for us. What's your point?

  On Nov 13, 7:40 pm, Sage2 wrote:


                 The problem being of course that Government Unions work
   for the American people, corporations don't.  Hence Government Unions
   by virtue of that fact should be more accountable. Hence ( as ladybug
   said ) a conflict of interest to the taxpayers who provides their
   bread  butter. Yet they have the gall to bite the hand that feeds

   On Nov 13, 7:56 pm, Hollywood wrote:


Simple matter of the unions learned to play the same games, such as
buying political influence, as has been played by corporate America
and pretty much everyone else for decades and decades.
Don't like it now? Fine, make it illegal for anyone and everyone to
buy political influence. But let's not sit here and pretend that
unions invented the process for God'd sake.

On Nov 13, 6:43 pm, Sage2 wrote:


           Consider that Government Employees make up 51%  of all union
 memberships as opposed to only about 27%  by private businesses. I'd
 say the Government Employees are the ones that are more likely to
 corrupt the system.
 Ladybug makes a valid point. Obama recieved 67.5 million from these
 Government unions; which proves Ladybugs point, there is a conflict of


 On Nov 13, 6:17 pm, Hollywood wrote:


  Why in the name of God should unions be illegal? That makes no 

  On Nov 13, 5:14 pm, LadybugsTX wrote:

   I think unions in the Government is a conflict of interests and 
   be against the law.  Hell, I think unions should be against the 

   On Nov 13, 3:10 pm, GATORPOP wrote:

- The Foundry -

Morning Bell: Big Labor Is Bankrupting Our Country

Posted By Conn Carroll On November 13, 2009 @ 10:06 am In 
and Free Markets | 25 Comments

Last month when the White House released its visitor log [1] 
for the
first six months of the Obama presidency, one name appeared far 
often than any other: Service Employee International Union 
President Andrew Stern. Stern has every right to expect to be 
in the Obama White House. He has repeatedly bragged [2] about 
the fact
that under his leadership, the SEIU spent $60.7 million to elect
Barack Obama president. Stern and Obama collectively support 
expanding federal government programs and state government 
which are rapidly bankrupting our country.

Unlike his predecessor, John Sweeney [3], who came up the ranks 
starting with the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, 
entered the labor movement when the SEIU organized his shop 
when he
was working as a welfare case worker [4] for the State of
Pennsylvania. Stern’s public sector entrance into labor is by 
no means
an anomaly. In fact, for the first time ever in American 
preliminary estimates of union membership for 2009 show that 
union members now work for either the local, state, or federal
government [5].
Heritage scholar James Sherk has the numbers [5]: “The overall
unionization rate between January and September 2009 stood at 
[6], unchanged from last 

Re: This is truly funny

2009-11-14 Thread Hollywood


That wasn't my question. Now was it?

On Nov 13, 10:18 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 Bush was able to reduce the federal deficit from over 400 billion to
 less than 200 billion in 3 years and fight 2 wars and create jobs and
 have an unemployment rate of around 5 %.  In less than 1 year Obama has
 managed to triple that debt and in fact in one month he created more
 debt than Bush did in 8 years.  Which did more damage to our
 grandchildren.   Obviously Zero did more damage and he is trying to do
 even more damage as we speak.  yet you voted for him and support him.  
 No accounting for taste must be the answer for your idiocy.

 Hollywood wrote On 11/13/2009 10:02 PM:


  Name the most recent fiscal year when our grand-children and
  potentially great-grand-children WERE NOT faced with tons of debt.

  On Nov 13, 10:22 am, dick  wrote:

  Now that Zero has caused our grandchildren and potentially our
  great-grandchildren to be saddled with tons of debt for decades to come
  and when the legislation now before the House and Senate will triple
  that debt, suddenly he wants to focus extensively on cutting the federal
  deficit in 2010.  The mind boggles.  What is he going to cut.  He has
  just ramped up almost all spending to the n-th degree  so he is suddenly
  going to cut that same spending?  I doubt it.  This is just more
  cmpaigning which seems to be the only thing this POS president we have
  is capable of doing - and lately that is getting more tiresome to the
  point that a lot of his supporters are talking about it and complaining
  that he has done nothing but campaign since the inauguration.

  *After spending binge, W.H. says it will focus on deficits*
  By: Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei
  November 13, 2009 04:25 AM EST

  President Barack Obama  plans to
  announce in next year's State of the Union address that he wants to
  focus extensively on cutting the federal deficit  in 2010 -- and
  will downplay other new domestic spending beyond jobs programs, according to top
  aides involved in the planning.

  The president's plan, which the officials said was under discussion
  before this month's Democratic election setbacks, represents both
  a practical and a political calculation by this White House.

  On the practical side, Obama has spent more money on new programs in
  nine months than Bill Clinton  did in eight
  years, pushing the annual deficit to $1.4 trillion. This leaves little
  room for big spending initiatives.

  On the political side, Obama can help moderate Democrats  avoid some tough
  votes in an election year  and, perhaps
  more importantly, calm the nerves of independent voters who are voicing
  big concerns with the big spending and deficits. Even if Obama succeeds
  - and that's a big if - it will be tough for many Democrats to sell
  themselves as deeply concerned about spending after voting for the
  stimulus, the bailouts, the health care legislation and a plan to
  address global warming, four enormous government programs.

  Democrats have to reassure voters we are not being reckless, said a
  Democratic official involved in the planning. The White House  knows this and
  that's why we'll be hearing a lot about reducing the deficit early next
  year. Democrats owned this issue for the past four years and cannot
  afford to cede it to Republicans now.

  White House budget director Peter Orszag said in a statement to
  POLITICO: The President strongly believes that as the recovery
  strengthens and job growth returns, we will have to take the tough steps
  necessary to return our nation to a fiscally disciplined and sustainable
  path. We recognize that the projected medium-term deficits are too high,
  and as part of the FY 2011 budget process, we are committed to bringing
  them down. Our challenge is to tackle those out-year deficits in a way
  and at a time that does not choke off economic recovery, and the FY 2011
  budget will reflect our best judgment about how to walk that line.

  The big question for Obama -- and the country -- is whether the sudden
  concern about deficits will be more rhetoric than reality once his first
  State of the Union address concludes.

  All presidents promise deficit reduction -- and almost always fall
  short. There is good reason to be skeptical of this White House, too, on
  its commitment.

  For starters, the White House has not dropped plans for an aggressive
  global warming bill early 

Re: This is truly funny

2009-11-14 Thread studio

On Nov 13, 11:22 am, dick thompson wrote:
 Now that Zero has caused our grandchildren and potentially our
 great-grandchildren to be saddled with tons of debt for decades to come
 and when the legislation now before the House and Senate will triple
 that debt, suddenly he wants to focus extensively on cutting the federal
 deficit in 2010.  The mind boggles.  What is he going to cut.  

Zero did that? I thought Bush Jr. started it up again? yep, I'm
right, Bush Jr. did.

Why cut anything?
Do what Bush Jr. did and borrow it all.
As a matter of fact, they might borrow everything they can, from
everyone they can so that Republiturds won't get us in any more wars
that have zero return on investment.
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Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens

2009-11-14 Thread Travis

Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Friday that the Obama
administration will push for “immigration reform” by giving the estimated 14

million people who are in the United States illegally “fair pathway to
earned legal status.”

“A tough and fair pathway to earned legal status will mandate that
illegal immigrants meet a number of requirements—including registering,
paying a
fine, passing a criminal background check, fully paying all taxes and
learning English,” Napolitano said Friday at a panel discussion at the
Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C.

“These are substantial requirements that will make sure this population
gets right with the law,” Napolitano said. “It will help fix our broken

Napolitano said the Obama administration is working to end the recession
and put Americans back to work but said giving legal status to illegal
aliens will “strengthen our economy.”

“Requiring illegal immigrants to register to earn legal status, as I
discussed earlier, will strengthen our economy as these immigrants become
full-paying taxpayers,” Napolitano said. “As labor leaders have made clear
me, immigration reform will be a boon to American workers.

“Think about it: unions will never achieve the best terms for workers when
a large part of the workforce is illegal and operates in a shadow economy,”
Napolitano said. “By contrast, the status quo not only hurts American
workers, it also stifles potential opportunities to grow our economy.”

Napolitano said that she has seen a “major shift” in the immigration
landscape, which the Obama administration hopes will make it easier for
Congress to pass new immigration laws.

Included in that shift, Napolitano said, is a more secure border between
the United States and Mexico, tougher law enforcement that has resulted in
more arrests of criminal illegal immigrants and confiscation of contraband,
and fewer people coming into the country illegally because of current
economic conditions.

“For starters, the security of the Southwest border has been transformed
from where it was in 2007,” Napolitano said. “The federal government has
dedicated unprecedented resources to the Mexican border in terms of
technology and infrastructure—and it’s made a real difference.

“Compared to last year, seizures in all categories—drugs, smuggled cash,
and illegal weapons—are up dramatically. For example, just looking at bulk
cash, Customs and Border Protection has seized at the border more than $34
million in cash being smuggled southbound so far this year—more than four
times as much as at this time last year.

“Moreover, the immigration debate in 2007 happened during a period of
historically high levels of illegal entry into the United States. Two years
later, because of better enforcement and the current economic circumstances,

those numbers have fallen sharply. The flow has reduced significantly – by
more than half from the busiest years, proving we are in a much different
environment than we were before.

“These are major differences that should change the immigration
conversation,” Napolitano said.

The secretary said the Obama administration is “committed to this issue.”

“When Congress is ready to act, we will be ready to support them,”
Napolitano said.


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A Preview of Obama’s Future Speeches Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Myself and I

2009-11-14 Thread Travis
 *Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Myself and I*

*A Preview of Obamas Future Speeches*

 *By* *Daniel Greenfield*  Wednesday, November 11, 2009

There are few things that Obama does as well as reading speeches off a
teleprompter, unless its posing for photos or deficit spending. Heres a
satirical preview of some possible upcoming Obama speeches all united by one
common theme. Him, Himself and He.

*On the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 12 Moon Landing.*

Eight years before the Apollo 12 touched down in the cold lunar dust, in the
hot summer days of the year 1961, a dimwitted hippie from Kansas and a
Kenyan philanderer gave birth to a little boy at some undisclosed location.
That boy was born into a far different America, an America where no one
thought that a little black boy could travel to the moon, let alone become
President. Today America can no longer travel to the moon, but that little
boy sits in the White House and 40 years from now when we are celebrating
the 40 year anniversary of my presidency, who is to say which accomplishment
will be seen as the greater one? I am. Its me. Me!

*Statement on the Great California Quake of 2010*

Lets open this up with a shout out to my good buddy Joe Crowfoot, there in
the back row. Joe knows what its like to party. Okay back to the earthquake.
Ive been on record before as being opposed to earthquakes. In the Senate, I
voted for the Opposition to Earthquakes and Sexual Predator Empowerment Act
that would have devoted a million dollars to earthquake prevention by
sending convicted sexual predators into schools to talk to children about
earthquake safety. No Republican voted for that Act. Very few Democrats did
as a matter of fact. I was the only one willing to go out on a limb and take
a stand. But the Republicans as usual didnt care if a lot of little kids die
in an earthquake. And today that is exactly what happened. Thats why its
urgent that we pass health care reform. Because Republicans cant protect you
from earthquakes. For that matter Republicans dont care what happens to you
in earthquake. Only my health care reform plan can stop earthquakes.

*Remarks on the opening of the Amelia Earhart Exhibit at the Museum of Air
and Space*

Like me, Amelia Earhart was a great historic figure. When Amelia Earhart
made her famous 1928 transatlantic flight, few people believed that she
could accomplish that feat. Similarly when I ran for President, few people
besides my billionaire backers believed I could do it. Sure I had two best
selling biographies and a lot of catch phrases, but like Earhart I had to
sit in the back while someone else did the flying. And even though I was
never tragically lost at sea, as Amelia was, I think that to many people I
represent an Amelia Earhart for the 21st century. An Amelia more
representative of a changing America, more open and willing to listen to
other peoples experiences and eager to pass health care reform. A Bill that
I truly know Amelia would have approved of and lobbied for.

*Comments During the Visit of the Special Olympics Basketball Team*

Folks, lets welcome some truly superb athletes today. These special little
guys are athletes with real heart and soul. Of course they cant sink a
basket like I can. In a game between me and their entire team, I bet I would
beat the pants off them. But thats because I have something special that
they dont have. No, not just working legs. I mean real drive and
determination. The same drive and determination that took me from smoking
pot in Hawaii, to smoking pot with Vice-President Joe Biden in the White
House. Even if some tragic accident were to somehow deprive me of the use of
my legs, I bet I would figure out a way to make them work again. And then I
would write a best selling book about it to teach other people how to do it
too. Now thats what real determination looks like.

*Speech on the Extinction of the North American Gray Wolf*

Once upon a time they hunted the wide prairies and mountainous regions of
North America, fearsome predators, yet devoted and intelligent animals.
Today they are no more. And there is a simple but tragic reason for that.
Poor adaptation skills. I can relate to the Gray Wolf because gray is a
color in between black and white. When I was growing up as a mixed race
teenager in Hawaii with a confused identity and no real skills besides
compulsive lying, I quickly learned to adapt to any situation. Whether I was
mixing with white people or black people, I quickly learned to blend in, to
repress who I really was, in order to be part of the crowd. That is a skill
that the North American Gray Wolf tragically lacked. And that is why it is
extinct today. Had the Gray Wolf been more like me, Barack Obama, then he
too might be sitting in the White House.

*Statement During the Reopening of the Smithsonian Museum*

I was pleased to be able to appropriate 100 million to the renovation of the
Smithsonian, the institution which holds within its walls so much of our
prized and 

Clouds Hang Over the Global-Warming Alarmists

2009-11-14 Thread Travis

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Some fools never learn......

2009-11-14 Thread Travis
When the terrorists who attempted to bring down the WTC in 1993 with a
truck bomb were tried in civilian court in New York, testimony was
elicited in open court to the fact that (paraphrasing), It would take a
plane the size of a 727 fully fueled to bring down the WTC.  Having
learned that tid bit of information in a civilian court of law, a mere 8
years later, that's exactly what they did!

Now, we're going to try terrorists again in a civilian court where the
testimony, presumably including the intelligence that led to their
capture, will be presented in open court.  In addition, they will be
afforded every defense pursuant to due process that we guarantee to
U.S. citizens under the Constitution, etc.  Once, again, we run the risk
of schooling our enemies in the intracacies of our national security

Some fools never learn

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Just another Religious Hate Crime

2009-11-14 Thread jgg1000a

that will not be deemed a Hate Crime by Democrats...  Of course anti
Christian hatred isn't a hate crime to them...   To the MSM, the new
narrative if a Moslem, their anti-Christian rhetoric and action are
due to mental illness   But a Christian would be a bigoted and
hateful creature if doing the same actions...

To me there should a single standard that allows for a willing
acceptance of bad deeds due to the bigotry and hatred found in ALL

In short the real questions that Moslems should be asking is How can
we deal with our racism, bigotry, and hatred found in our community?
And How can we build bridges for understanding to the majority
Christians, and How can we offer sincere and honest apologies to
our fellow citizens?...

Of course this assumes the American Moslem communities bear the same
rights and responsibilities as any other American community...

 Hamid was arraigned Tuesday morning at Alameda Superior Court in Pleasanton 
 on charges of battery, grand theft, exhibition of a deadly weapon and a 
 possible hate crime. Deputy District Attorney Ronda Theisen requested his 
 bail remain at $27,000.

Calling it a bizarre case, Theisen also asked that Hamid, who is still
in custody, be ordered to stay out of Stoneridge Shopping Center.
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Re: Lookback - Towards a socialist America?

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

18 million illegal immigrants would still remain uncovered
as they should
they're criminals who illegally entered our nation, robbed our social
service system, committed a disproportionate amount of crimes, filled
our prison system beyond capacity, and then were protected by liberals
and various religious groups. They should be charged for their crimes,
forced to repay their debt, and then be deported. Their dna should be
collected and a criminal record should be on file forever.
Uncontrolled immigration is a crime against our society. Those in DC
who have voted and used their influence to allow it to continue are to
blame and should be made political history.

On Nov 13, 10:29 pm, Pradeep Sharma
 Debating the Health Reforms Bill

 The Pioneer
  Nov 14 2009

 Lookback - Towards a socialist America?\

 The passage of the `America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009' made
 history in the capital of world capitalism on the 20th anniversary of the
 fall of the Berlin Wall -- is this a new chapter for socialism?
 At a time when US President Barack Obama faces stiff opposition in the US
 Congress due to the prospect of losing a war in Afghanistan, increasing
 unemployment rate at 10.2 per cent, double loss in two crucial governor's
 races , the rolling out of the sweeping health-care reform Bill is indeed a
 victory for the first Black President.

 Once implemented, the $1-trillion House Bill would cover 96 per cent of
 Americans, including 20 per cent of the uninsured population, with subsidies
 to lower-income individuals and families. Private companies would sell
 insurance policies in competition with the public plan only through a new
 government-regulated insurance `exchange'.
 The proposals includes implementation of guaranteed affordable health care
 for all US citizens, reduction in cost, removal of patent protection, and
 employers' contributions to health insurance.

 The proposals seem impressive. However, like all reform efforts, Obama's
 signature domestic issue faced severe criticism from interest groups like
 the American Medical Association (AMA), the pharmaceutical industry, and
 private insurance companies which feared the vast untapped population would
 opt for the public plan. Other contentious issues like abortion coverage and
 exclusion of illegal immigrants from the government health-care system are
 likely to be raised when the House Bill is debated in the Senate. The
 Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel (AACI) has asked its
 members to protest against the Bill because it requires US citizens living
 abroad to pay $750 annually for insurance they may not be able to avail. But
 AACI executive director David London said that his organisation's
 disagreement over the `immigrant' element of the Bill should not be seen
 as opposition to the reform plan in general.

 Most importantly, it has given rise to an unprecedented debate. Is President
 Obama a socialist? Nobody has ever raised such a question about an American
 President before. That this should happen in the age of `marketnomics', pure
 capitalism plus one, is the other wonder.

 One of the early articulators of this line of attack is the Republican
 Congresswoman Michele Bachmann who has called the Bill the Crown jewel of
 Socialism. Toeing the line of the American Medical Association (AMA), she
 called it Democrats' plan for `socialised medicine'. Senator Jim DeMint of
 South Carolina says that the health care reform Bill could be `Obama's
 Waterloo.' Republicans have been vociferous in their opposition to the Bill,
 saying that it would open the door for an expensive government takeover of
 health care. Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele charged
 President Obama with pursuing a kind of socialism that will hurt the US
 economy. Steele compared Obama's justification of the Bill with the
 Republicans' `fictional' assessments of the creation of Lyndon Johnson's
 Medicare in 1965. He said, I think that there is a legitimate debate there
 about the impact that Medicare and Medicaid are having on the overall fabric
 of our economy. I think, though, in this case, unlike 1965, the the level of
 government control and intrusion is far greater and much more expansive than
 anything we've ever seen.

 The anti-reform lobby is raising doubts over the kind of change Obama has in
 mind for their once-free republic. As the health sector represents
 one-seventh of the US economy, the government's plan for its takeover is
 seen as `aggressive socialism.' But others differ in their views. They say
 what Obama is doing is to provide accessible health care to poor labourers
 and in the lower income bracket; while socialism is about providing free
 health care for all. Supporters defend Obama by comparing the reform Bill
 with former President Bush's nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

 The present health-care reform effort survived turbulent times since the

Re: Just another Religious Hate Crime

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

ah, more multiculturalism at it's finest!

On Nov 14, 10:49 am, jgg1000a wrote:
 that will not be deemed a Hate Crime by Democrats...  Of course anti
 Christian hatred isn't a hate crime to them...   To the MSM, the new
 narrative if a Moslem, their anti-Christian rhetoric and action are
 due to mental illness   But a Christian would be a bigoted and
 hateful creature if doing the same actions...

 To me there should a single standard that allows for a willing
 acceptance of bad deeds due to the bigotry and hatred found in ALL

 In short the real questions that Moslems should be asking is How can
 we deal with our racism, bigotry, and hatred found in our community?
 And How can we build bridges for understanding to the majority
 Christians, and How can we offer sincere and honest apologies to
 our fellow citizens?...

 Of course this assumes the American Moslem communities bear the same
 rights and responsibilities as any other American community...

  Hamid was arraigned Tuesday morning at Alameda Superior Court in 
  Pleasanton on charges of battery, grand theft, exhibition of a deadly 
  weapon and a possible hate crime. Deputy District Attorney Ronda Theisen 
  requested his bail remain at $27,000.

 Calling it a bizarre case, Theisen also asked that Hamid, who is still
 in custody, be ordered to stay out of Stoneridge Shopping Center.
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Re: Some fools never learn......

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

the military should continue to torture them for information until
they are executed

that some would afford these scumbags the same legal rights as
American citizens is a travesty

On Nov 14, 10:06 am, Travis wrote:
 When the terrorists who attempted to bring down the WTC in 1993 with a
 truck bomb were tried in civilian court in New York, testimony was
 elicited in open court to the fact that (paraphrasing), It would take a
 plane the size of a 727 fully fueled to bring down the WTC.  Having
 learned that tid bit of information in a civilian court of law, a mere 8
 years later, that's exactly what they did!

 Now, we're going to try terrorists again in a civilian court where the
 testimony, presumably including the intelligence that led to their
 capture, will be presented in open court.  In addition, they will be
 afforded every defense pursuant to due process that we guarantee to
 U.S. citizens under the Constitution, etc.  Once, again, we run the risk
 of schooling our enemies in the intracacies of our national security

 Some fools never learn
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Re: Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal Aliens

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

earned legal status will mandate that
illegal immigrants meet a number of requirements—including
after they've returned their country

paying a
if accepted back into the USA

 passing a criminal background check,
they all will have a criminal record for violating our immigration

 fully paying all taxes
all back taxes also

learning English
blah, blah, blah

I Can't Recall Reagan also gave them amnesty to our detriment

better solution:
make Mexico the 52nd state - otherwise CA, AZ, NM, and TX will become
Mexico states

On Nov 14, 9:58 am, Travis wrote:

 Napolitano Announces Obama Administration Plan to Give Amnesty to Illegal

 Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Friday that the Obama
 administration will push for “immigration reform” by giving the estimated 14

 million people who are in the United States illegally “fair pathway to
 earned legal status.”

 “A tough and fair pathway to earned legal status will mandate that
 illegal immigrants meet a number of requirements—including registering,
 paying a
 fine, passing a criminal background check, fully paying all taxes and
 learning English,” Napolitano said Friday at a panel discussion at the
 Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C.

 “These are substantial requirements that will make sure this population
 gets right with the law,” Napolitano said. “It will help fix our broken

 Napolitano said the Obama administration is working to end the recession
 and put Americans back to work but said giving legal status to illegal
 aliens will “strengthen our economy.”

 “Requiring illegal immigrants to register to earn legal status, as I
 discussed earlier, will strengthen our economy as these immigrants become
 full-paying taxpayers,” Napolitano said. “As labor leaders have made clear
 me, immigration reform will be a boon to American workers.

 “Think about it: unions will never achieve the best terms for workers when
 a large part of the workforce is illegal and operates in a shadow economy,”
 Napolitano said. “By contrast, the status quo not only hurts American
 workers, it also stifles potential opportunities to grow our economy.”

 Napolitano said that she has seen a “major shift” in the immigration
 landscape, which the Obama administration hopes will make it easier for
 Congress to pass new immigration laws.

 Included in that shift, Napolitano said, is a more secure border between
 the United States and Mexico, tougher law enforcement that has resulted in
 more arrests of criminal illegal immigrants and confiscation of contraband,
 and fewer people coming into the country illegally because of current
 economic conditions.

 “For starters, the security of the Southwest border has been transformed
 from where it was in 2007,” Napolitano said. “The federal government has
 dedicated unprecedented resources to the Mexican border in terms of
 technology and infrastructure—and it’s made a real difference.

 “Compared to last year, seizures in all categories—drugs, smuggled cash,
 and illegal weapons—are up dramatically. For example, just looking at bulk
 cash, Customs and Border Protection has seized at the border more than $34
 million in cash being smuggled southbound so far this year—more than four
 times as much as at this time last year.

 “Moreover, the immigration debate in 2007 happened during a period of
 historically high levels of illegal entry into the United States. Two years
 later, because of better enforcement and the current economic circumstances,

 those numbers have fallen sharply. The flow has reduced significantly – by
 more than half from the busiest years, proving we are in a much different
 environment than we were before.

 “These are major differences that should change the immigration
 conversation,” Napolitano said.

 The secretary said the Obama administration is “committed to this issue.”

 “When Congress is ready to act, we will be ready to support them,”
 Napolitano said.

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Re: Fwd: [I-S] Fort Hood Terrorist Sent Money to Pakistan

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

Fort Hood Terrorist Sent Money to Pakistan

Congress has promised Pakistan $7.5 billion of our tax dollars over
the next 5 years

some people need killin'

On Nov 14, 5:10 am, Bruce Majors wrote:
 Fort Hood shooting suspect sent money to Pakistan, Texas congressman says

 12:14 AM CST on Friday, November 13, 2009

 By DAVE MICHAELS and LEE HANCOCK / The Dallas Morning News

 An Austin congressman said Thursday that he has confirmed that Fort Hood
 massacre suspect Nidal Malik Hasan wired money to
 Pakistan, which Muslim extremist groups use as a base to raise funds and
 carry out terrorist attacks.

 Rep. Michael McCaul's statement followed a Dallas Morning News report that
 authorities were looking into whether such wire transfers had occurred. It
 also came as Army officials announced charges of premeditated murder against
 Hasan, who could face the death penalty.

 I have confirmed through independent sources that there were communications
 and wire transfers made to Pakistan, McCaul said in a prepared statement
 provided by his spokesman. This Pakistan connection just raises more red
 flags about this case and demonstrates why it's important for Congress to exercise its
 oversight authority.

 The spokesman, Mike Rosen ,
 said McCaul wouldn't name his sources. The congressman's statement didn't
 address who Hasan's contacts in Pakistan were, when he communicated with
 them or how much money he sent.

 McCaul is the top Republican on the House
 Homeland Security Committee's intelligence subcommittee. He typically is
 briefed on classified material but had yet to be formally briefed on the
 Fort Hood killings.

 He has been actively seeking information from as many credible sources as
 possible, Rosen said. It has been more difficult than usual to obtain
 information from our intelligence community.

 Asked about McCaul's comments, an FBI
 spokesman in Washington said he couldn't comment on any aspect of the

 Evan Kohlmann, a terrorism expert who has consulted with the FBI and the
 Department, noted that Hasan is a U.S. citizen of Palestinian descent, with
 no known family ties to Pakistan. Kohlmann said that leaves only two reasons
 for the psychiatrist to wire money to the South Asian country: to support
 charity or to support jihad.

 Westerners who want to give to a legitimate Pakistani charity typically
 would do so by putting money in a U.S. or British bank account, he added.

 It raises huge alarm bells, Kohlmann said of Hasan's reported wire

 Pakistan borders Afghanistan, the country to which Hasan was supposed to
 deploy soon. Pakistan is battling a radical Islamic insurgency and is widely
 believed to be the hiding place of Osama bin Laden .

 Following the money

 Dennis Lormel, a former FBI special agent who directed the agency's efforts
 to identify sources of terrorist financing, said investigators would take
 note of the large amount of disposable income Hasan apparently had. He made
 more than $90,000 a year, had no wife or dependents, and paid about $300 a
 month for a tiny apartment.

 It seems like there is a lifestyle that was beneath his means, said
 Lormel, now a managing director for IPSA International, a consultant to
 banks on combating money laundering. Where is the money going?

 Lormel said Hasan could have used several channels to wire money abroad,
 including remittance services that cater to immigrant workers who send money
 to their native countries. If that were the case, there may be documentation
 of the transaction, Lormel and others said.

 Banks and other money transmitters must tell the Treasury

  Department if an individual sends more than $10,000 outside the country.

 Kohlmann said only a breakdown could explain the FBI's failure to dig
 deeper when it discovered late last year that Hasan was communicating by
 e-mail with Anwar al-Awlaki , a radical cleric in

 The U.S.-born imam exhorted Western Muslims in January to practice jihad -
 often translated as holy war - by donating money.

 Al-Awlaki worked several years ago at a northern Virginia mosque that Hasan
 and some of the 9/11 hijackers attended. Federal authorities have
 investigated the cleric's ties to terrorists since the 1990s but never
 brought charges against him.

 Everybody at the FBI knows who Anwar al-Awlaki is, 


2009-11-14 Thread Daniel Seigler

this is about the ILLEGAL ratification of the 16th Amendment.  Turns out it 
WASN'T what?
 did YOUR State CORRECTLY ratify it?  and if not, are you going to bring it to 
your State's attention?  I am.

Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:38:04 -0800
Subject: Fw: [-USA] FYI

- Forwarded Message 
From: To:
Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 12:09:11 PM
Subject: [-USA] FYI


http://www.givemeli features/ taxes/notratifie d.htm


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Re: This is truly funny

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

both dems and repubs voted to invade the ME

some people need killin'

On Nov 14, 9:28 am, studio wrote:
 On Nov 13, 11:22 am, dick thompson wrote:

  Now that Zero has caused our grandchildren and potentially our
  great-grandchildren to be saddled with tons of debt for decades to come
  and when the legislation now before the House and Senate will triple
  that debt, suddenly he wants to focus extensively on cutting the federal
  deficit in 2010.  The mind boggles.  What is he going to cut.  

 Zero did that? I thought Bush Jr. started it up again? yep, I'm
 right, Bush Jr. did.

 Why cut anything?
 Do what Bush Jr. did and borrow it all.
 As a matter of fact, they might borrow everything they can, from
 everyone they can so that Republiturds won't get us in any more wars
 that have zero return on investment.
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2009-11-14 Thread Daniel Seigler


Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:30:13 -0800

In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully 
implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first 
Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have 
implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the 
purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country.
  Man, you read alot into that.  first off, from what i READ, it says DEVICES 
and NOTHIGN about RFID.  Yes, it DOES say that it includes IMPLANTED devices, 
but remember, a PACEMAKER is an implanted device.  What this Section SAYS is 
that the FDA needs to better track the SAFETY of prostetics.
  Now, there is ONE set of words that bothers immensely in that Section...
‘‘(III)otherdataas   theSecretary deems necessary to permit 
postmarket assessment of device safety and effectiveness; 
THAT is kind of openended, if you ask me.  So yes, there ARE things to worry 
about in this bill, but the RFID is PROBABLY one of the smaller ones.

Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 1:31:29 PM





http://educate- yourself. org/cn/flushotsn ooker20nov04. shtml

WAKE UP!! ! !!


~!~!~!~!~!~! ~!~!~!~!~ !~!~!~!~! ~!~!~!


Hello Everyone,

This needs to go viral. com/New/cnews/ 030902.html

http://www.nvic. org/vaccine- laws/tracking- system-and- privacy/the- national- 
electronic- tracking- registry. aspx

I have read the bill. On page 1001 you will find the clause that speaks to the 
implantable device(nanochip) .

http://waysandmeans media/pdf/ 111/AAHCA09001xm l.pdf

Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill ?

“Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill 
(PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National 
Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this 
subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket 
safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on 
a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is 

In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully 
implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first 
Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have 
implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the 
purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country.

Please spread this info far and wide.

Implantable Radiofrequency Transponder System for Patient Identification and 
Health Information

http://www.fda. gov/MedicalDevic es/DeviceRegulat ionandGuidance/ 
GuidanceDocument s/ucm072141. htm

The “Death Chip”
Blog: Catholic Prophecy Today ^ | 2009 | Rev. Joseph Dwight

http://www.freerepu focus/f-chat/ 2375305/posts

Posted on Saturday, October 31, 2009 8:58:06 AM by JosephJames

“Microchip Implants Ready To Be Used With Swine Flu Vaccines - The Chip Is 
Located In The Tip Of The Needle”; … “Bird-Pig Flu, Desperate Military Weapon 
Against Americans”; “Injectable Microchips and Swine Flu Vaccinations; LIFE 
WITH BIG BROTHER; Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants” … “The far left 
health care bill HR3200 is a non-discussed section titled National Medical 
Device Registry implantable device . Its at the end of the health care bill . 
Subtitle C-11 Sec 2521… The chip will be linked to database.”; … The leaders of 
the New World Order hope to be able to track every human being on the face of 
the earth directly by satellite. But the cell phone infrastructures and other 
technologies already in place would work just as well or could also be linked 
to satellite. … When, in the past, have governments ever prepared mass graves 
before an epidemic became a real problem? … “Swine flu mass graves planned for
London”; “US swine flu mass graves planning”; … “Refusing Vaccination Labels 
You A 'Criminal', So Says W.H.O.” (July 30, 2009) “The World Health 
Organization determined in 2005 it has the authority to dissolve sovereign 
governments and take control should there be a “pandemic”. This applies to any 
country signed onto WHO….which of course we (U.S.) are. The WHO just raised 
this non-existent pandemic to level 4.”; … The 

Re: This is truly funny

2009-11-14 Thread Bruce Majors
sorry stupio your talking point obfuscation doesn't work

Bush and Obama are the same

You Obamatards are Bushies

it's just that your monkey is even worse

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 10:28 AM, studio wrote:

 On Nov 13, 11:22 am, dick thompson wrote:
  Now that Zero has caused our grandchildren and potentially our
  great-grandchildren to be saddled with tons of debt for decades to come
  and when the legislation now before the House and Senate will triple
  that debt, suddenly he wants to focus extensively on cutting the federal
  deficit in 2010.  The mind boggles.  What is he going to cut.

 Zero did that? I thought Bush Jr. started it up again? yep, I'm
 right, Bush Jr. did.

 Why cut anything?
 Do what Bush Jr. did and borrow it all.
 As a matter of fact, they might borrow everything they can, from
 everyone they can so that Republiturds won't get us in any more wars
 that have zero return on investment.

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2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

The following states rejected the amendment without ever subsequently
ratifying it:
Rhode Island
The following states never took up the proposed amendment:

On Nov 14, 11:50 am, Daniel Seigler wrote:
 this is about the ILLEGAL ratification of the 16th Amendment.  Turns out it 
 WASN'T what?
  did YOUR State CORRECTLY ratify it?  and if not, are you going to bring it 
 to your State's attention?  I am.

 Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:38:04 -0800
 Subject: Fw: [-USA] FYI

 - Forwarded Message 
 From: To:
 Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 12:09:11 PM
 Subject: [-USA] FYI features/ taxes/notratifie d.htm


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Re: This is truly funny

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

your monkey is even worse


On Nov 14, 11:55 am, Bruce Majors wrote:
 sorry stupio your talking point obfuscation doesn't work

 Bush and Obama are the same

 You Obamatards are Bushies

 it's just that your monkey is even worse

 On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 10:28 AM, studio wrote:

  On Nov 13, 11:22 am, dick thompson wrote:
   Now that Zero has caused our grandchildren and potentially our
   great-grandchildren to be saddled with tons of debt for decades to come
   and when the legislation now before the House and Senate will triple
   that debt, suddenly he wants to focus extensively on cutting the federal
   deficit in 2010.  The mind boggles.  What is he going to cut.

  Zero did that? I thought Bush Jr. started it up again? yep, I'm
  right, Bush Jr. did.

  Why cut anything?
  Do what Bush Jr. did and borrow it all.
  As a matter of fact, they might borrow everything they can, from
  everyone they can so that Republiturds won't get us in any more wars
  that have zero return on investment.
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Continental Congress

2009-11-14 Thread Daniel Seigler

just in case you wanted to know what the REAL Congress is up to...

Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 08:52:41 -0800
From: Subject: Fw: [-USA] Live from Continental Congress

- Forwarded Message 
Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 3:12:07 PM
Subject: [-USA] Live from Continental Congress


--- On Fri, 11/13/09, Republic Magazine geo...@cdipublicati wrote:

From: Republic Magazine geo...@cdipublicati
Subject: Live from Continental Congress
Date: Friday, November 13, 2009, 5:06 PM

Wow __!

It's been a crazy and inspiring few days here at the Continental
Congress here in Chicago. Kudos to those that opened my last email
and got to watch the opening ceremony and the presentations thus 
far which have been stellar!

We are streaming live from 8am to 7pm each day until the 22nd.
Please forward on this email and spread the word...


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www.freedom. tv/live

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2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

illegal alien/criminals should be chipped

On Nov 14, 11:51 am, Daniel Seigler wrote:
 Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:30:13 -0800

 In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully 
 implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first 
 Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have 
 implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the 
 purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their 
   Man, you read alot into that.  first off, from what i READ, it says DEVICES 
 and NOTHIGN about RFID.  Yes, it DOES say that it includes IMPLANTED devices, 
 but remember, a PACEMAKER is an implanted device.  What this Section SAYS is 
 that the FDA needs to better track the SAFETY of prostetics.
   Now, there is ONE set of words that bothers immensely in that Section...

 ‘‘(III)    other    data    as   the    Secretary deems necessary to permit 
 postmarket assessment of device safety and effectiveness; 
 THAT is kind of openended, if you ask me.  So yes, there ARE things to worry 
 about in this bill, but the RFID is PROBABLY one of the smaller ones.

 Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 1:31:29 PM




 http://educate-yourself. org/cn/flushotsn ooker20nov04. shtml

 WAKE UP!! ! !!


 ~!~!~!~!~!~! ~!~!~!~!~ !~!~!~!~! ~!~!~!


 Hello Everyone,

 This needs to go viral. com/New/cnews/ 030902.html

 http://www.nvic. org/vaccine- laws/tracking- system-and- privacy/the- 
 national- electronic- tracking- registry. aspx

 I have read the bill. On page 1001 you will find the clause that speaks to 
 the implantable device(nanochip) . media/pdf/ 111/AAHCA09001xm l.pdf

 Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill ?

 “Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill 
 (PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National 
 Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as:

 “The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this 
 subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of 
 postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been 
 used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class 
 II device that is implantable.”

 In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully 
 implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first 
 Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have 
 implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the 
 purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their 

 Please spread this info far and wide.

 Implantable Radiofrequency Transponder System for Patient Identification and 
 Health Information

 http://www.fda. gov/MedicalDevic es/DeviceRegulat ionandGuidance/ 
 GuidanceDocument s/ucm072141. htm

 The “Death Chip”
 Blog: Catholic Prophecy Today ^ | 2009 | Rev. Joseph Dwight focus/f-chat/ 2375305/posts

 Posted on Saturday, October 31, 2009 8:58:06 AM by JosephJames

 “Microchip Implants Ready To Be Used With Swine Flu Vaccines - The Chip Is 
 Located In The Tip Of The Needle”; … “Bird-Pig Flu, Desperate Military Weapon 
 Against Americans”; “Injectable Microchips and Swine Flu Vaccinations; LIFE 
 WITH BIG BROTHER; Next step in H1N1 scare: Microchip implants” … “The far 
 left health care bill HR3200 is a non-discussed section titled National 
 Medical Device Registry implantable device . Its at the end of the health 
 care bill . Subtitle C-11 Sec 2521… The chip will be linked to database.”; … 
 The leaders of the New World Order hope to be able to track every human being 
 on the face of the earth directly by satellite. But the cell phone 
 infrastructures and other technologies already in place would work just as 
 well or could also be linked to satellite. … When, in the past, have 
 governments ever prepared mass graves before an epidemic became a real 
 problem? … “Swine flu mass graves planned for
 London”; “US swine flu mass graves planning”; … “Refusing Vaccination Labels 
 You A 'Criminal', So Says W.H.O.” (July 30, 2009) “The World Health 
 Organization determined in 2005 it has the authority to dissolve sovereign 
 governments and take control should 

Is seeking to be Presidential is Obama just unable to discern turth

2009-11-14 Thread jgg1000a

The costs of an extended public show of decision-making is high...
This is PR America does not need.

 And for playing with “mere anarchy” you can’t find a better Petri dish than 
 Afghanistan / Pakistan.

Doing “something” in Afghanistan has no possible benefit for either
anarchy or Obama. Anything that is “done” – be it sending in more
troops or bringing troops out – only increases order and reduces
entropy. Decisions, one way or another, direct management solutions.
In Afghanistan as it is in America these days increased and directed
management of problems decreases chaos and uncertainty. It is not an
accident that all of Obama's domestic agenda involves replacing
private sector management with government czars and bureaucracies.

If your inner goal is the destruction of established systems of
governance you will seek in increase chaos and uncertainty at every
turn. This is exactly what we see in Obama’s personal style of what
passes for “governance.” We do not have to intuit this. We need only
observe and not deny the evidence of our senses.

Veterans of dysfunctional corporations will recognize the Obama style
as the one in which upper management is fond of giving middle
management “All the responsibility, none of the authority, and zero
resources.” It’s a time-tested recipe for failure and demoralization
while maintaining an aloof, concerned, and above the fray posture on
the part of the CEO. It is what is being done to the US military, day
in and day out, in Afghanistan and, as such, works to Obama’s favor as
long as it can be done slowly and without alarm.

There are two benefits to Obama’s decision not to decide in

1) It increases the instability of Pakistan and makes the
likelihood of a radical Muslim coup in that country greater. This
would, in one day, bring the control of nuclear weapons into radical
Muslim hands. No waiting for Iran to get its act together. It also
means that a vast sector of the world, from India to England falls
under the spectre of a nuclear holocaust on a hair trigger. If you
believe that great creation arises from great destruction, this is to
your benefit.

2) It lowers the morale and effectiveness of the US military from
the Joint Chiefs of Staff down to Private Grunt on patrol in Kandahar.
Since the ultimate check to a politician’s power is always found in
the military, anything that decreases that element is always to the
politician’s benefit. If you can reduce the budget for the military at
the same time you increase its responsibilities, so much the better.

None of this makes much sense if your goal is the improvement of the
nation you are sworn to protect and defend. If, however, your goal is
to enter history at the level of an Alexander or a Caesar deciding not
to decide is a decision you will implement for as long as possible. In
this entropy is your friend especially if you know that for
destruction ice / Is also great. You will be given a lot of time to
decide not to decide as long as people on all sides of the poltical
world continue to see you not as the political mutation you are but as
the president you are not.

 One of the real reasons why Kilcullen’s Habemus Pablum may be more correct 
 than Andrew Sullivan’s Habemus Papa is that Barack Obama is reviewing his 
 own policy. In March 2009 the long time critic of the White House during 
 the Bush administration drew on his insights and an extensive policy review 
 which he commissioned to announce his own Afghan Policy, which can viewed 
 verbatim here. It begins with these dramatic words:

Good morning. Today, I am announcing a comprehensive, new strategy
for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

This marks the conclusion of a careful policy review that I
ordered as soon as I took office. My Administration has heard from our
military commanders and diplomats. We have consulted with the Afghan
and Pakistani governments; with our partners and NATO allies; and with
other donors and international organizations. And we have also worked
closely with members of Congress here at home. Now, I’d like to speak
clearly and candidly to the American people. … So let me be clear …

… has now subtly altered itself to ‘let me be clear that I am going to
think carefully about revising my own plan’. Gerard Vanderleun
observes that President Obama is being hailed in the left-wing
blogosphere as a cool and supremely rational President who will not be
rushed into doing anything but asks, how can we distinguish from mere
dithering or worse, the infliction of a death by a thousand cuts on
the US expeditionary enterprise?

Veterans of dysfunctional corporations will recognize the Obama
style as the one in which upper management is fond of giving middle
management “All the responsibility, none of the authority, and zero
resources.” It’s a 

Re: Continental Congress

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

fringers without a clue

On Nov 14, 11:56 am, Daniel Seigler wrote:
 just in case you wanted to know what the REAL Congress is up to...

 Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 08:52:41 -0800
 From: Subject: Fw: [-USA] Live from Continental Congress

 - Forwarded Message 
 Sent: Fri, November 13, 2009 3:12:07 PM
 Subject: [-USA] Live from Continental Congress

 --- On Fri, 11/13/09, Republic Magazine geo...@cdipublicati wrote:

 From: Republic Magazine geo...@cdipublicati
 Subject: Live from Continental Congress
 Date: Friday, November 13, 2009, 5:06 PM

 Wow __!

 It's been a crazy and inspiring few days here at the Continental
 Congress here in Chicago. Kudos to those that opened my last email
 and got to watch the opening ceremony and the presentations thus
 far which have been stellar!

 We are streaming live from 8am to 7pm each day until the 22nd.
 Please forward on this email and spread the word...


 You can watch it at:www.freedom. tv/live

 Twitter it, forward it, post it!

 You can watch now LIVE!www.freedom. tv/live

 See you on the live stream.


 P.S.http://www.freedom. tv/live

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Re: Is seeking to be Presidential is Obama just unable to discern turth

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

fuck the ME
and everyone in the US who is using our tax dollars and soldiers on
those animals

Warmongers Beware!

On Nov 14, 12:03 pm, jgg1000a wrote:
 The costs of an extended public show of decision-making is high...
 This is PR America does not need.

  And for playing with “mere anarchy” you can’t find a better Petri dish 
  than Afghanistan / Pakistan.

 Doing “something” in Afghanistan has no possible benefit for either
 anarchy or Obama. Anything that is “done” – be it sending in more
 troops or bringing troops out – only increases order and reduces
 entropy. Decisions, one way or another, direct management solutions.
 In Afghanistan as it is in America these days increased and directed
 management of problems decreases chaos and uncertainty. It is not an
 accident that all of Obama's domestic agenda involves replacing
 private sector management with government czars and bureaucracies.

 If your inner goal is the destruction of established systems of
 governance you will seek in increase chaos and uncertainty at every
 turn. This is exactly what we see in Obama’s personal style of what
 passes for “governance.” We do not have to intuit this. We need only
 observe and not deny the evidence of our senses.

 Veterans of dysfunctional corporations will recognize the Obama style
 as the one in which upper management is fond of giving middle
 management “All the responsibility, none of the authority, and zero
 resources.” It’s a time-tested recipe for failure and demoralization
 while maintaining an aloof, concerned, and above the fray posture on
 the part of the CEO. It is what is being done to the US military, day
 in and day out, in Afghanistan and, as such, works to Obama’s favor as
 long as it can be done slowly and without alarm.

 There are two benefits to Obama’s decision not to decide in

     1) It increases the instability of Pakistan and makes the
 likelihood of a radical Muslim coup in that country greater. This
 would, in one day, bring the control of nuclear weapons into radical
 Muslim hands. No waiting for Iran to get its act together. It also
 means that a vast sector of the world, from India to England falls
 under the spectre of a nuclear holocaust on a hair trigger. If you
 believe that great creation arises from great destruction, this is to
 your benefit.

     2) It lowers the morale and effectiveness of the US military from
 the Joint Chiefs of Staff down to Private Grunt on patrol in Kandahar.
 Since the ultimate check to a politician’s power is always found in
 the military, anything that decreases that element is always to the
 politician’s benefit. If you can reduce the budget for the military at
 the same time you increase its responsibilities, so much the better.

 None of this makes much sense if your goal is the improvement of the
 nation you are sworn to protect and defend. If, however, your goal is
 to enter history at the level of an Alexander or a Caesar deciding not
 to decide is a decision you will implement for as long as possible. In
 this entropy is your friend especially if you know that for
 destruction ice / Is also great. You will be given a lot of time to
 decide not to decide as long as people on all sides of the poltical
 world continue to see you not as the political mutation you are but as
 the president you are not.

  One of the real reasons why Kilcullen’s Habemus Pablum may be more 
  correct than Andrew Sullivan’s Habemus Papa is that Barack Obama is 
  reviewing his own policy. In March 2009 the long time critic of the White 
  House during the Bush administration drew on his insights and an 
  extensive policy review which he commissioned to announce his own Afghan 
  Policy, which can viewed verbatim here. It begins with these dramatic 

     Good morning. Today, I am announcing a comprehensive, new strategy
 for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

     This marks the conclusion of a careful policy review that I
 ordered as soon as I took office. My Administration has heard from our
 military commanders and diplomats. We have consulted with the Afghan
 and Pakistani governments; with our partners and NATO allies; and with
 other donors and international organizations. And we have also worked
 closely with members of Congress here at home. Now, I’d like to speak
 clearly and candidly to the American people. … So let me be clear …

 … has now subtly altered itself to ‘let me be clear that I am going to
 think carefully about revising my own plan’. Gerard Vanderleun
 observes that President Obama is being hailed in the left-wing
 blogosphere as a cool and supremely rational President who will not be
 rushed into doing anything but asks, how can we distinguish from mere
 dithering or worse, the infliction of a death by a thousand cuts on
 the US expeditionary 

It's time Obama apologizes to the Barbary Pirates

2009-11-14 Thread Bruce Majors
 Click here:
*It's time Obama apologizes to the Barbary Pirates*
It’s about time President Obama apologizes for a former president’s meddling
in the affairs of Morocco.

From the 11th - 19th Centuries, the Barbary Pirates operated out of Tunis,
Tripoli, Algiers, Sale and other ports in Morocco raiding mostly western
European ships along that portion of the shores of North Africa called the
Barbary Coast. From the 16th - 19th Centuries they also took hundreds of
thousands of Europeans as slaves. The Barbary Pirates demanded tribute, and
the European powers paid it.

Back in 1785, John Adams, then America’s Ambassador to England, and Thomas
Jefferson, Ambassador to France, met with the envoy from Tripoli, Ambassador
Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, and inquired as to why American ships were targets of
hostility. The answer they received was this:

“It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged
the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to
plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was
sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to
board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they
sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each
hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe
that they cried out for quarter at once.”

Until its independence was secured, American ships were generally protected
by first the British, and then the French.  Once the former colonies were an
independent nation, America was on its own.

In 1801, President Jefferson received a message from Tripoli demanding an
immediate tribute payment of $225,000, along with annual payments of
$25,000. The First Barbary War (1801-1805) was eventually followed by the
Second Barbary War (1815).

During the First Barbary War, Commodore John Rodgers led an American fleet
that threatened to capture Tripoli.  Rodgers warned that he would remove the
current Tripoli pasha from his throne and replace him with his brother. The
threat worked.

In order to facilitate a long overdue apology to Morocco, here’s a statement
that David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel should pass on to Obama for his
immediate reading to the world.  (Before reading, cue background music

“In the early 19th Century one of my predecessors, Thomas Jefferson,
ill-advisedly meddled in the affairs of the duly designated government of
the sovereign nation of Morocco, specifically its city of Tripoli, by
threatening to remove its leadership if he, the pasha of Tripoli, did not
comply with demands issued by the U.S. Navy.  I sincerely regret this event,
particularly in light of it coming in the wake of the West’s unjustified and
hegemonistic intrusion into the Middle East in the form of the Christian
Crusades from 1095-1291. It should never too late for a great power to say
‘I’m sorry.’ So today, on behalf of the American people, I, Barack Hussein
Obama, President of the United States of America, say to all the descendents
of the pasha of Tripoli and to the descendents of the Barbary Pirates, ‘I
apologize for our meddling in Morocco’s affairs and our intrusion onto the
shores of Tripoli.’”

Of course, the United States Marine Corps might have a slightly different
view on this.


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2009-11-14 Thread Bruce Majors
father beat me, says Barack Obama's half brother, Mark As the US President
arrives in China, Barack Obama's half brother reveals that when he was a
child their father was a violent drunk Telegraph  News Sources On the eve
of his older sibling's first-ever visit to China, Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo
has emerged from the shadows to reveal the disturbing truth about the late
Barack Obama Sr, his and President Obama's father.Last week, Mr Ndesandjo
published an autobiographical novel, Nairobi to Shenzhen: A Tale of Love In
The East


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Re: This Healthcare Debate Has Been a Real Eye-Opener for Me...

2009-11-14 Thread Mustang

Supposedly 85% (85 people) have insurance and 15% (15 people) don't.  If an 
average of one person with insurance pays $400 a month, then you expect each of 
the 85% (every insured adult and every insured child) to cough up $6,000 a 
month for the other 15% (uninsured people)?  The few dollars you are talking 
about comes to $70.58 extra for every insured person to pay... every month.  A 
family of four would be expected to pay $282.35 in addition to their own 
$1600.00 monthly insurance premiums.  

I think NOT!!!  

Perhaps you wouldn't mind paying what you are trying to shame ME into paying.  
After all, Luis, it's a few more dollars in taxes.  Shame on YOU for being 
self-centered soulless scum.  Get yourself another job and put your money 
where your mouth is.  Hypocrite!

Everyone in America has health care.  If you have a hang nail, sniffles, 
bruise, broken arm, rash, fever, blister, labor pain, stab or gunshot wound, or 
whatever. you can go to many medical clinics and any county hospital.  Lie 
about your income and it's all free.  That's where the tax money already goes 
to for people without insurance.  Taxpayers are ALREADY supplying and paying 
for it.

From: Zebnick
To: PoliticalForum
Sent: Wed, November 11, 2009 5:01:23 PM
Subject: Re: This Healthcare Debate Has Been a Real Eye-Opener for Me...

You forgot to call us Nazis, sexists and homophobes, you mutation of

On Nov 11, 4:02 pm, CaliforniaLuis wrote:
 It has showed me that your average Republican/conservative would let a
 sick child or person die simply because they weren't able to afford
 health insurance.  Why?  Because they don't want to pay a few dollars
 more in taxes.  In the meantime, they are living their gluttonous,
 materialistic lives.  Conservatives/Republicans are truly self-
 centered, soulless scum.  They are grand hypocrites, have phony moral
 values and their so-
 called Christianity is nothing more than a farce.  Shame on you

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Fwd: Giuliani Slams Obama Move for 9/11 Trials in NY

2009-11-14 Thread dick thompson
Not much support for Zero here, I can tell - and I agree with them.

 Original Message 
Subject:Giuliani Slams Obama Move for 9/11 Trials in NY
Date:   Sun, 15 Nov 2009 00:12:33 GMT

*Breaking from*


Giuliani: Obama’s 9/11 Trials Decision Will Lead to More Terrorism

Rep. Peter King Disgusted by 9/11 Trials in NY

Special: Sarah Palin’s New Book, Free Offer!

McCain Rips Obama over 9/11 Trials Decision

Walid Phares: Obama Ignores Domestic Terrorism

Timmerman: Sarkozy Confronts Radical Islam Head-On

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Re: Fwd: Giuliani Slams Obama Move for 9/11 Trials in NY

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

it's the single biggest mistake Zero has made

it's might be the cause of his political downfall

those terrorists should be in a military jail being tortured for more
information and then executed

On Nov 14, 6:18 pm, dick thompson wrote:
 Not much support for Zero here, I can tell - and I agree with them.

  Original Message 
 Subject:        Giuliani Slams Obama Move for 9/11 Trials in NY
 Date:   Sun, 15 Nov 2009 00:12:33 GMT


 *Breaking from*


 Giuliani: Obama’s 9/11 Trials Decision Will Lead to More Terrorism

 Rep. Peter King Disgusted by 9/11 Trials in NY

 Special: Sarah Palin’s New Book, Free Offer!

 McCain Rips Obama over 9/11 Trials Decision

 Walid Phares: Obama Ignores Domestic Terrorism

 Timmerman: Sarkozy Confronts Radical Islam Head-On

 More Links:

 Doctor Exposes Cholesterol Fraud

 Become an Automatic Millionaire, Secret Recipe Works

 Middle Aged Blindness Is Epidemic, Stop It


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2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

wait til the truth comes out about his mother!

On Nov 14, 2:50 pm, Bruce Majors wrote:
 father beat me, says Barack Obama's half brother, Mark As the US President
 arrives in China, Barack Obama's half brother reveals that when he was a
 child their father was a violent drunk Telegraph  News Sources On the eve
 of his older sibling's first-ever visit to China, Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo
 has emerged from the shadows to reveal the disturbing truth about the late
 Barack Obama Sr, his and President Obama's father.Last week, Mr Ndesandjo
 published an autobiographical novel, Nairobi to Shenzhen: A Tale of Love In
 The East


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Re: It's time Obama apologizes to the Barbary Pirates

2009-11-14 Thread plainolamerican

Of course, the United States Marine Corps might have a slightly
view on this.
I doubt it.

On Nov 14, 1:34 pm, Bruce Majors wrote:
 *It's time Obama apologizes to the Barbary Pirates*
 It’s about time President Obama apologizes for a former president’s meddling
 in the affairs of Morocco.

 From the 11th - 19th Centuries, the Barbary Pirates operated out of Tunis,
 Tripoli, Algiers, Sale and other ports in Morocco raiding mostly western
 European ships along that portion of the shores of North Africa called the
 Barbary Coast. From the 16th - 19th Centuries they also took hundreds of
 thousands of Europeans as slaves. The Barbary Pirates demanded tribute, and
 the European powers paid it.

 Back in 1785, John Adams, then America’s Ambassador to England, and Thomas
 Jefferson, Ambassador to France, met with the envoy from Tripoli, Ambassador
 Sidi Haji Abdrahaman, and inquired as to why American ships were targets of
 hostility. The answer they received was this:

 “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged
 the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to
 plunder and enslave; and that every Muslim who was slain in this warfare was
 sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to
 board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they
 sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each
 hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe
 that they cried out for quarter at once.”

 Until its independence was secured, American ships were generally protected
 by first the British, and then the French.  Once the former colonies were an
 independent nation, America was on its own.

 In 1801, President Jefferson received a message from Tripoli demanding an
 immediate tribute payment of $225,000, along with annual payments of
 $25,000. The First Barbary War (1801-1805) was eventually followed by the
 Second Barbary War (1815).

 During the First Barbary War, Commodore John Rodgers led an American fleet
 that threatened to capture Tripoli.  Rodgers warned that he would remove the
 current Tripoli pasha from his throne and replace him with his brother. The
 threat worked.

 In order to facilitate a long overdue apology to Morocco, here’s a statement
 that David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel should pass on to Obama for his
 immediate reading to the world.  (Before reading, cue background music

 “In the early 19th Century one of my predecessors, Thomas Jefferson,
 ill-advisedly meddled in the affairs of the duly designated government of
 the sovereign nation of Morocco, specifically its city of Tripoli, by
 threatening to remove its leadership if he, the pasha of Tripoli, did not
 comply with demands issued by the U.S. Navy.  I sincerely regret this event,
 particularly in light of it coming in the wake of the West’s unjustified and
 hegemonistic intrusion into the Middle East in the form of the Christian
 Crusades from 1095-1291. It should never too late for a great power to say
 ‘I’m sorry.’ So today, on behalf of the American people, I, Barack Hussein
 Obama, President of the United States of America, say to all the descendents
 of the pasha of Tripoli and to the descendents of the Barbary Pirates, ‘I
 apologize for our meddling in Morocco’s affairs and our intrusion onto the
 shores of Tripoli.’”

 Of course, the United States Marine Corps might have a slightly different
 view on this.


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Re: Sarah Socialist Barracuda Palin

2009-11-14 Thread Zebnick

Republicans were in control of Congress for the last 12 years

You're an uninformed RETARD. Period. End of discussion.

On Nov 13, 9:02 pm, studio wrote:
 On Nov 13, 2:45 pm, LadybugsTX wrote:

  By the way, Republican policies weren't the only thing that hosed our
  economy today.  The catalyst of the mess we are in today was caused by
  Democrat policies of the previous 8 years.  The mess Bush
  inherited.  It just took that long for it to catch up with us.

 lol...yeah right...FYI, Republicans were in control of Congress for
 the last 12 years and had a President for 8 of them.

 And no, there won't be a majority Republican Congress or a Republican
 President for many years to come precisely because of that.

 If there was a mess Democrats left behind, it was immediately
 addressed by Bush Jr. boosting the defense budget
 by 100% pre 9-11, and ignoring whatever problems you thought were left

 Bush Jr. then pointed out proudly how there was more new home
 ownership during his administration than at any time before him...thus
 justifying his phony economic policies which left the US with
 trillions in debt.

 Notice how the Bush/Obama stimulus equaled the war spending...
 one good debt deserves another. You wanna' go down that road, you got
 it, don't be surprised about it. Hell, most Republicans are in
 complete denial they were ever in charge of anything at all. Zero
 accountablitity...another propaganda lie they put over on you.
 If you ask for the American people to sacrifice, and at the same time
 isolate and insulate the rich, don't be surprised if you create needs
 amongst the poor.
 Almost makes me wish for the prosperous balanced budget times of
 Clinton...but those days were gone as soon as Bush Jr. started
 spending on things that have next to zero return on investment.

 You see, what the Republicans don't tell you about their rich people
 economics is that they invest in International endeavors, not in the
 US. And that's why so many people are unemployed and had 4 years of
 negative savings rates only seen since the Great Depression.
 Republicans could care less about Americans, and indeed wage war on
 them in favor of foreigners who don't pay any taxes to the US.
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Re: Sarah Socialist Barracuda Palin

2009-11-14 Thread freewilly


On Nov 13, 5:46 pm, Bruce Majors wrote:
 58% Say Next President Likely To Be Republican
 Sunday, November 08, 2009
 [image: Email a Friend] Email to a

 Fifty-eight percent (58%) of likely voters say it is at least somewhat
 likely the next president of the United States will be a Republican,
 according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

 The number has been trending in this direction since Democrat Barack Obama
 took office in January and is up 14 points since then.

 Thirty-one percent (31%) of voters see it as Very Likely that the next
 president will be a Republican.

 The survey was taken on Tuesday and Wednesday nights of this past week, but
 the question did not specify whether the next president will be elected in
 2012 or 2016. Republicans recaptured the governorships of New Jersey and
 Virginia in elections on Tuesday

 *(Want a **free daily e-mail
 *? If it's in the news, it's in our polls).* Rasmussen Reports updates are
 also available on Twitter or

 Just 29% of voters now say it is not very or not at all likely the next
 president will be from the GOP, the lowest level found all year and down
 nine points from January.

 Sixty-six percent (66%) of men expect the next president to be a Republican,
 compared to 52% of women.

 Eighty-five percent (85%) of Republicans see a member of their party winning
 the presidency as likely, including 57% who see it as very likely. Sixty
 percent (60%) of voters not affiliated with either major party think they're
 right, but just 31% of Democrats agree.

 Looking less far ahead, a plurality (49%) of voters now say it is at least
 somewhat likely that Republicans will win control of Congress next
 Fifty-two percent (52%) say Republicans are the party most likely to gain
 seats in Congress in next year’s mid-term elections.

 However, 73% of GOP voters think members of their party in Congress have
 lost touch with Republican voters throughout the

 Fifty-five percent (55%) of all voters expect politics in Washington, D.C.
 to become more partisan over the next
 Forty-eight percent (48%) think passing good legislation is a more important
 role for Congress that preventing bad legislation from becoming law. But
 nearly as many voters (46%) believe it’s more important for Congress to stop
 bad bills before they’re passed into

 Forty-five percent (45%) of adults say they would be at least somewhat
 likely to vote for Obama if he was up for reelection right now. Forty-nine
 percent (49%) say they would be unlikely to vote for the president’s

 Recent polling also shows that 27% of voters think Hillary Clinton would be
 doing a better job as
 Obama while 49% say she would be performing about the same.

 Please sign up for the Rasmussen Reports daily e-mail update’s
 free) or follow us on Twitter or
 Let us keep you up to date with the latest public opinion news.

 See survey questions and
 available to Premium

 Rasmussen Reports is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the
 collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling

 The Rasmussen Reports Election
 Service offers the most comprehensive public opinion coverage available

 Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports, has been an independent
 pollster for more than a decade.

 On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 2:23 PM, studio wrote:

  Since the US has all this 

Re: Sarah Socialist Barracuda Palin

2009-11-14 Thread Sage2


  So what are you saying! The fact that the twin towers were
brought down by  terrorists  is a lie and that chumps like you,
Obama and his ilk are turncoat against your fellow Americans is not
valid. No, no chump,! It is valid. This makes you the  idiot  liar 
you quisling jarhead.


On Nov 14, 9:36 am, Hollywood wrote:

 Oh no, there's no need to expend any more of your precious energy, I'm
 already convinced your an idiot as well as a liar.

 On Nov 13, 11:22 pm, Sage2 wrote:

              Is that as fast as the Twin Towers that guys like Hassan
  brought down, or is it as fast as you and your liberal friends turned
  coat on the side of thre terrorists and against your American


  On Nov 13, 10:58 pm, Hollywood wrote:


   Give up while your ahead kiddo. You're IQ, and credibility, is going
   down faster than a bottle of vodka at Courtney Love's house.

   On Nov 13, 8:54 pm, Sage2 wrote:


             Studio's envy of Sarah has been noted just as Muslim envy
of the west has been noted.  He could be named  Hassan !


On Nov 13, 9:50 pm, Hollywood wrote:


 That could be considered somewhat clever.but only if
 you were 9 years old. I mean physically instead of emotionally 

 On Nov 13, 8:39 pm, Sage2 wrote:


                            Is your last name Hassan ?


  On Nov 13, 9:06 pm, studio wrote:

   On Nov 13, 2:42 pm, plainolamerican 

your envy of Sarah has been noted

   I hope my justice, equality for all (and not just for her), and 
   hypocrisy has been noted as well.
   You sure as hell wouldn't be seeing any of that from her.- Hide 
   quoted text -

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- Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Sarah Socialist Barracuda Palin

2009-11-14 Thread studio

On Nov 14, 11:00 pm, Zebnick wrote:
 Republicans were in control of Congress for the last 12 years

 You're an uninformed RETARD. Period. End of discussion.

Another Republitard debater.

1995-2007 Majority leaders: Dick Armey, Tom Delay, Roy Blunt, John
1995-2007 Speakers of the House: Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hasert.
1995-2007 = 12 years in control.
2001-2009 President of the United States = George Bush Jr. 8 years in

It doesn't help to be in denial of who was in charge, it just makes
you look retarded.

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