Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio - Window Smashed - what a surprise

2010-04-03 Thread dick thompson
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BREAKING: Another GOP Office Attacked in Ohio-- Window Smashed 

Saturday, April 3, 2010, 5:47 PM
Jim Hoft

*Vandals threw a brick through GOP Party headquarters.*

Another GOP office was attacked in Marion, Ohio last night. The vandals 
left a threatening note in purple ink saying, *"Stop the Right Wing."*

The Marion Star 

   Two Republican party officials were shocked to hear someone had
   thrown a brick through a window at their headquarters downtown ---
   with a message directed at stopping conservatism.

   *"Stop the right wing,"* was written in purple ink on a piece of
   notebook paper.

   "The bottom was torn off of it, maybe like they made a mistake or
   something when they were writing it the first time," said Kenneth
   Stiverson, president of the Marion County Republican Club.

   Employees at the law offices next door to the headquarters, at 114
   S. Main St., called party members to let them know the window had
   been broken Tuesday.

   Police were called and took the brick and note as evidence.

   Stiverson said he didn't think people in Marion would do such a
   thing. Republican party members who were helping to clean up found
   the note after they found the brick.

   "You hear about this stuff in the big cities," he said. "I didn't
   think there was anyone in Marion that would do anything like that."

This story didn't make national headlines for some strange reason?

Comments (23) 


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What a surprise

2010-04-03 Thread dick thompson

 Black Dem Rep. Who Was Reportedly Spit on by Tea Party Protester:
 I Never Claimed to Have Been Spit on Intentionally, Others Are
 Making the Claim on My Behalf, Refuses to Confirm it
 Happened..(Update) He's Full of Shit...

More proof this claim is 100% bullshit. If Rep. Emanuel Cleaver was spit 
on he would be milking it for everything it's worth

   *U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver voted in favor of the controversial
   health care reform bill, but talk isn't raging about how voted, but
   whether or not he was purposely spit on as he and other congressmen
   made their way to the U.S. Capitol building to cast their vote.*

   In video of the incident, a man is seen with his hands around his

   mouth and yelling at the Kansas City, Missouri, Democrat as he
   walked by. The footage shows Rep. Cleaver reacting to the man, and
   is seen a few seconds later wiping his face.

   The video is not clear as to whether or not the man spit in

   Cleaver's face intentionally, or if it was a matter of "say it,
   don't spray it." *Rep. Cleaver never commented on the incident, but
   it didn't take long before many people claimed that he was spit upon*.

   *In an interview on Tuesday with FOX 4 News, Rep. Cleaver would not

   directly answer the question of whether or not he was intentionally
   spit upon.*

   "I haven't talked about this incident on TV or anywhere, and I've

   been approached to talk about it on every national TV show," said
   Rep. Cleaver in an interview with FOX 4 News. *"I never, I never
   reported anything, never a single thing in Washington, not one
   thing. People assume I went somewhere, never done press conference,
   never done an interview on it and I'm not going to do it."*

   /Rest here>>>

*UPDATE* (thanks momma): What the hell is Cleaver talking about? He 
absolutely claimed he was spit on. Here's the statement HIS office 
released following the incident:

   Here's the statement that Cleavers office released about the
   incident: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver's office released the following
   statement: For many of the members of the CBC, like John Lewis and
   Emanuel Cleaver who worked in the civil rights movement, and for Mr.
   Frank who has struggled in the cause of equality, *this is not the
   first time they have been spit on during turbulent times.*

   *This afternoon, the Congressman was walking into the Capitol to
   vote, when one protester spat on him.* The Congressman would like to
   thank the US Capitol Police officer who quickly escorted the others
   Members and him into the Capitol, and defused the tense situation
   with professionalism and care. After all the Members were safe, a
   full report was taken and the matter was handled by the US Capitol
   Police. *The man who spat on the Congressman was arrested, but the
   Congressman has chosen not to press charges. He has left the matter
   with the Capitol Police*.

   /Rest here>>>

I interpret this as Cleaver backing away from his initial claim he was 
spit on. Again, proving it NEVER happened...


Posted on April 02, 2010 at 10:52 AM

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Good video here

2010-04-03 Thread dick thompson

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Happy Easter!!!

2010-04-03 Thread Travis
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Beginning the Easter spirit

2010-04-03 Thread Travis
*A man is driving along a highway and sees a rabbit jump out across** **the
middle of the road.**  *

*He swerves to avoid hitting it, but unfortunately
the rabbit jumps right in front of the car.**

**The driver,

a sensitive man as well as an animal lover,

pulls over and gets out to see

what has become of the rabbit.

Much to his dismay, the rabbit is the **Easter Bunny**, and he is** **DEAD *

**The driver feels so awful** **that he
begins to cry.**
*A beautiful blonde woman driving down the highway

sees a man crying on the side of the road

and pulls over.

**She steps out of the car and asks the man

what's wrong.

**"I feel terrible," he explains,

"I accidentally hit the Easter
Bunny with my car and KILLED HIM."*


**The blonde says,"Don't worry."

**She runs to her car

and pulls out a spray can.

She walks over to the limp, dead  Easter Bunny ,

bends down,

and sprays the contents onto him.

**The  Easter
Bunny  jumps up,

waves its paw at the two of them

and hops off down the road.

**Ten feet away he stops,

turns around and waves again,
**he hops down the road another 10 feet,

turns and waves,

**hops another ten feet,

turns and waves,

**and repeats this again and again and again and

until he hops out of sight.

The man is astonished.

He runs over to the woman and demands,


"What is in that can?

What did you spray on the Easter Bunny?"

**The woman turns the can around

so that the man can read the label.

*It says..



(Are you ready for this?)

(Are you sure?)


(Last chance)

(OK, here it is)

It says,

"Hair Spray**

Restores life to dead hair,

and adds permanent wave."


H**a**p**p**y** **E**a**s**t**e**r**!**!**!*


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Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

2010-04-03 Thread NoEinstein
Dear plainolamerican:  When a person is unemployed (i.e., living in a
DEPRESSION, not just a recession) that person should be willing to do
manual labor—such as picking crops, or being helpers on construction
sites.  Those are the same job types being done by illegal aliens.  If
the latter were not here, the apt jobs would be conspicuously
advertised and available for Americans needing work.

A major provision of my New Constitution is the requirement that all
existing laws be re evaluated and revoted.  Also, no law can be
continued without at least 55% assent by the House.  Never again will
this country be... 'ruled' by laws that, essentially, had as many
people voting for as voting against.  I call those "gray area" laws,
and such will become unconstitutional!  One of the first laws needing
to be repealed is NAFTA.  The latter, effectively, shipped most
repetitative manufacturing jobs to Mexico.  Those are the exact type
jobs needed by out-of-work Americans, here.

For decades politicians have been harping on "improving the quality of
education".  The public school systems in this country are largely for
the employment of... teachers, NOT for the teaching of students.  Most
public schools do such a poor job of teaching that graduates can't
answer even the most basic questions asked by people like Jay Leno on
his Jay Walk segments.  I'm mentioning the education mess because
Barack Obama keeps throwing away our money to give a college education
to every middle class child.  It is wrongly implied that getting a
(worthless) college degree, from anywhere, will cause such graduates
to get high-paying jobs.  But that's not how the capitalist system
works!  Only about 10% to 15% of jobs require those 'smart enough' to
graduate from college.  Sending more than 10% to 15% of high school
graduates to college only means that the PAY they will be getting will
be reduced, proportionately.

If all public education stopped at age 16, and brighter students were
allowed to go on to college at age 14, the work ethic in this country
would increase, dramatically.  Instead of 'kids' living at home with
their parents until age 23 or so, many would be encouraged to get jobs
and start paying their own way beginning at age 16.  Those same people
would become consumers for homes and furnishings, earlier, and that
would improve the overall economy.  The majority of the students on
our college campuses are so SPOILED that they embrace Obama’s
socialist ideas, and won't let Patriots like Sarah Palin speak.  The
requirements for gaining entry into college should limit entrants to
being in the top 10% of their classes.  We can't continue to let lazy
students screw up America by voting for socialism!

A major reason that health care costs are so high is because it takes
so long to "educate" doctors.  They are forced to take courses on
every aspect of medicine, which most quickly forget—if outside of
their areas of specialization.  So, why not teach doctors how to FIND
the information they need, and cut the course time in half?  When a
doctor finally gets licensed, they immediately start buying on credit
based on their high salaries.  If those same doctors could get through
school in half the time, they should be willing to earn half as much.
And the quicker turn-around would mean that more people would be
willing to train to become doctors.  Everything relating to health
care is about 300% over-priced, because of the amount of time those
doctors had wasted in taking courses which most of them quickly
forget.  Wake up America!  Education is over-hyped!

If the USA is to survive, we must have control of our borders.
Amnesty to illegals must NOT be granted, and requirements for
outsiders coming to America must be strengthened!  — John A. Armistead

On Apr 2, 3:07 pm, plainolamerican  wrote:
> Issue number one for the People is JOBS
> ---
> remove the illegal alien/criminals and there will be plenty of jobs
> On Apr 2, 12:17 pm, NoEinstein  wrote:
> > Dear plainolamerican:  Thanks for the well-wishes!  You are among the
> > few who not only read, but will also comment on my New Constitution.
> > The total size of such is about six or seven times longer than the
> > original Constitution.  It would be unreasonable to post, at one time,
> > that large a document, here.  What I would like to do—with you, as
> > well as other readers—is to have you point out some problem in either
> > our government, or in how our businesses or the judicial system work,
> > and let me explain how I've probably already corrected that same
> > problem.
> > Issue number one for the People is JOBS.  *** But few are willing to
> > acknowledge that the creation of JOBS is totally outside of the proper
> > scope of government.  Be it known: JOBS are created when a free
> > capitalist system is allowed to flourish!  Any burdens placed on
> > businesses by government, such as the FORCED purchases of health care,
> > cause job growth to go down.  The best t

His lord had arisen

2010-04-03 Thread Bruce Majors

AN 82-year-old Catholic priest, father Marques Barbosa, became an unwitting
porn star when he was shown on Brazilian TV last week having sex with a
19-year-old altar boy.

He was the "star turn" in a report on the SBT TV programme Conexao Reporter
which also included charges by three former altar boys that they had been
sexually abused by local priests.

Barbosa was caught on a hidden camera in the north-eastern state of Alagoas.

After the act, the priest's face is identified as he looks toward the camera

and says:

Who's there? Who is it?

After the show was aired, Alagoas bishop Valerio Breda ordered the removal
from church work of priests Barbosa, Edilson Duarte and Raimundo Gomes.

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told AFP:

One was removed from his parish and faces charges in the civil justice

He added that the other two had been suspended from their duties pending an

Graphic video of Marques Barbosa's abuse a man identified as Fabiano is
being sold on the streets of the town of Arapiraca, according to this

Elsewhere in Latin America, a Spanish religious instructor was reported to
have been jailed in Chile for possession of pornographic images of children.

A prosecutor said the priest, Jose Arregui, 53, would be tried for child
pornography possession on March 24.

The church sex abuse scandal unravelling at Roman Catholic-run schools and
institutions across Europe has now reached Switzerland, where senior clergy
admitted yesterday that 60 cases were under investigation.

Abbot Martin Werlen, of the Benedictine Abbey of Einsiedeln, said reports of

abuse had been submitted to the Swiss church authorities in the wake of the
disclosures in Ireland, Germany, Austria, Poland and Holland.

He said the Swiss Catholic Church was investigating the cases, but
nvestigations still had to show whether all the allegations of abuse in
Switzerland were genuine.

In Germany, priests holding a service in a Catholic church in the Bavarian
town of Bad Tölz were shouted at by outraged members of the congregation on
Sunday for defending a fellow priest who had been convicted of sexually
abusing adolescents.

It emerged last week that the convicted priest had been on duty in the
then diocese of Munich-Freising during the 1980s.

Meanwhile, The Times has been accused of being "shockingly anti-Catholic" in

its coverage of the sex abuse scandal. Damien Thompson, blog editor for the
Telegraph Media Group, took particular exception to this Times headline:

Pope knew priest was a paedophile, but allowed him to continue with

Raged Thompson:

Let me quote my colleague Cristina Odone, former editor of The Catholic
Herald: 'I have been shocked by the Times's anti-Catholic coverage, which
verges on the hysterical and fanatical. And I want to know: why is this

What I'd like to do is put The Times's elder statesman, Lord Rees-Mogg, on
the spot. How can he, as a former editor of the paper and a devout and
distinguished Catholic, stand by as the paper he loves traduces the Holy

Prize for best quote of the week goes to Christopher Hitchens. Writing for
Slate magazine, he said:

The Roman Catholic Church is headed by a mediocre Bavarian bureaucrat once
tasked with the concealment of the foulest iniquity, whose ineptitude in
that job now shows him to us as a man personally and professionally
responsible for enabling a filthy wave of crime. Ratzinger himself may be
banal, but his whole career has the stench of evil-a clinging and systematic

evil that is beyond the power of exorcism to dispel. What is needed is not
medieval incantation but the application of justice-and speedily at that.

Hat tip: Name Withheld

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resist goading smears and violence of the Obama regime and their lackeys

2010-04-03 Thread Bruce Majors
Militias, Political Activists, Government Agents, and Violence Against
By Szandor Blestman*Published:* 3 April 2010*Posted in: *Activists in
Action!, Minor features, Top features, strategy*Tags:*
, civil disobedience ,
police ,
, taxes , Tea

Not long after the unconstitutional Obamacare bill was signed into law, I
began to hear reports of violence against those Congress critters who had
voted for the law. I didn’t know quite what to think of this.

On one hand, I know that violence against the system will only cause a
backlash from the system. I do not condone violence in any way, shape or
form, which is why I subscribe to libertarian thought, that one does not
initiate violence against another, that one takes personal responsibility
for his actions and that one leaves others free to do as they will as long
as they don’t violate the individual rights of others. I think the vast
majority of common folk understand and agree with this philosophy. This is
why I was confused and concerned when I heard that corporate media talking
heads had been blaming groups that many decent commoners relate to for the
violence that had occurred.

On the other hand I thought, “Well, what do they expect? They continuously
ignore popular sentiment and populist movements. They (figuratively) spit in
the face of the common folk. They forever rewrite history and the meaning of
freedom and individual rights. They then pass these legislative behemoths
they call law that benefit only themselves and their special interest
friends and campaign contributors. They hold all the cards in a stacked deck
and many folks see only one option with which to hold them accountable. Oft
times when only one option is perceived, that option is used.”

Protesters walking down Pennsylvania Avenue during the Taxpayer March on

Still, I simply find it hard to believe that this is the case. No matter how
frustrated the average man might get, initiating the violence is just not
something that most commoners are going to be willing to do. I do admit that
there may be a small percentage of people that would be willing to resort to
such violence, but this is no reason to demonize groups such as the tea
partiers and tax protesters. Worse still is the accusation that they are
dominated by racists. These activist networks have nothing to do with racism
and everything to do with other issues such as constitutional limitations of
government, the elimination of taxes, and the transparency and
accountability of the Fed. This characterization only serves those with a
collectivist mindset. They seem to want to pit groups against each other so
that we lose sight of who’s really to blame. Individualists realize that
individuals should be held responsible for their own actions and groups
should not be punished when individuals inside that group act

This is, in my humble opinion, exactly what the power elite wants. This is
what the establishment has been striving for, or so it seems. The
established elite would like to divide common folk into separate groups and
camps to squabble amongst themselves while they continue to loot our wealth
hoping the diversions keep their schemes hidden from public view. The
establishment would like to punish groups for the actions of individuals
that may or may not be associated with those groups while allowing their own
agents to run amok and remain unaccountable so that their own agenda can be
realized. Most of all they want to silence dissent. They want to plant fear
in the hearts of the many so that speaking out appears unwise and most will
silently go along to get along. They wish to take away choice of all types
and create an environment where even thinking about choosing something other
than what they offer will lead to trouble in an individual’s life. They want
the populace completely dependent on them and frightened of speaking out
against them for fear of losing their jobs, their freedom or even their
lives. It appears that they are doing everything they can to succeed in this

Violence, even against such thuggery, is not the answer. Throughout history,
it is not the common folk who initiate violence; it is the power elite who
do. Governments have and will incite violence in order to advance their
agenda and have resorted to such methods frequently and recently.

One hears in the news, if one pays attention, that many of the recent
arrests made in the so called “War on Terror” have in fact involved

A smear may have been deliberately manufactured

2010-04-03 Thread Bruce Majors
[image: Jim Hoft] 
It Was a Setup?… Did State-Run Media Conspire on Racist Tea Party
by *Jim Hoft *

The American 
an outstanding job describing the events on March 20th, when democratic
members of Congress in Washington DC were reportedly
tea party activists with racial and sexual slurs. It appears from the
timeline of the events that this race-baiting story was in the works before
the Black Caucus members paraded through the tea party crowd on Capitol

*Now* Doug 

their story on the reported attacks on the Black Caucus members at *4:51 PM
EST*. The McClatchy reporter *William Douglas* refers to Huffington
Sam Snead as a source in his article.

*But…* The Huffington
not post their article until *4:56 PM EST*:


If this timeline is accurate, it looks like the democratic-media complex was
working on this story before it even occurred.

…If it even occurred.

The Black Caucus members and democratic-media complex *STILL* have not
proof that the N-word was said once, let alone 15
as Rep. Andre Carson claimed.

more on Obama’s helter-skelter Alinskyite plans to deconstruct America.

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The Fed Admits To Breaking The Law - The Market Ticker

2010-04-03 Thread Bruce Majors

Jeanie Coates
New Mexico Patriots

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administration from transforming this country into something not intended by
the founders. Any discussions that are not relevant to that topic will be

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