Energy Policy? What Energy Policy?

2010-05-26 Thread Travis

*Energy Policy? What Energy Policy?*
*Monday, May 24, 2010*
*By Alan Caruba
Listen to Commentary Podcasts

When the government controls the provision of energy, it controls the lives
of all citizens and the growth or failure of the nation’s economy.
Everything else, including national defense, runs second when it comes to
this single factor.

Recently the fourth annual survey of more than a hundred executives in the
U.S. and Canadian electric and natural gas industries was released by Platts
and Capgemini. Platts is a global provider of energy and metals information
and Capgemini is a leading provider of consulting, technology and
outsourcing services. The objective of the survey was to determine the
opinion of energy industry executives regarding the first year and a half of
the Obama administration’s energy policies.

The Obama administration’s energy policy is to have as little as possible.

The administration is bent on reducing access to national energy resources,
coal, oil and natural gas, combined with a bizarre emphasis on “alternative”
or “renewable” sources in the form of wind and solar energy. European
nations that went this course ended up with fewer jobs, insufficient energy
for the money invested, and massive fraud in its carbon credits exchanges.

It is essential to understand that the nation’s utilities have all signed
onto the bogus “global warming” theory that carbon dioxide emissions
threaten all life on Earth because they can make gobs of money raising the
rates they currently charge for electricity. They expect to do so via the
bogus selling and trade of “carbon credits”, a key element of the
Cap-and-Tax bill currently in the Senate. It is a massive robbery of all
energy consumers and that means everyone.

Under intense pressure from the government and from environmental
organizations, many utilities have wasted millions on the installation of
wind and solar farms, none of which provide enough electricity to even begin
to meet their consumer’s needs. Moreover, they must all maintain traditional
coal-burning, nuclear, and other forms of energy generation plants because
neither wind or solar provide a reliable source of electricity.

This is the big, dirty secret of the so-called “sustainable” energy from
wind and solar. It is not sustainable if the wind is not blowing and the sun
is obscured by clouds. Wind energy provides about one percent of all the
electricity used daily in America. In 2006 solar power provided 0.1 percent!
By contrast, nuclear provides about 20 percent and coal provides just over
50 percent!

The alternative energy suppliers are sustained by a combination of taxpayer
subsidies (your money) and mandates imposed on the utilities to include them
with nuclear, coal and other energy sources. One way the government makes
so-called sustainable energy appear to be a greater source is to include
conventional hydroelectric energy.

According to the survey, “some 80% are dissatisfied with the U.S.
government’s energy policy performance following the one-year anniversary of
President Obama’s inauguration and amid a slowly rebounding economy,”
adding, “there is considerable dissatisfaction in the lack of tangible and
actionable policy and legislation.”

John Christens, vice president of Smart Energy Services for Capgemini, says,
“Few utility executives consider the current solutions as satisfactory
either in scale or feasibility.” That’s because there are NO current
“solutions” to America’s growing needs for additional energy provision and
the nation’s electrical grid is aging daily and in need of major upgrades.

Not surprisingly, since they stand to make billions if the cap-and-tax bill
is passed, many utility executives were unhappy with the progress “on CO2
legislation and action, regulations which will increase the cost of power
without addressing the root issue of atmospheric carbon…”

There is no “root issue” because carbon dioxide plays no role whatever in
climate change. The bloviations of Al Gore and the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change are a huge package of lies based
on flawed and deliberately spurious computer model projections.

In November 2009, the Climategate revelations that a handful of IPCC
scientists had been misrepresenting the truth should have ended the global
warming fraud, but it has only intensified the effort of those behind it to
impose it on the world. At some point, having taken millions in government
funding for research, particularly here in the U.S. and in England, some of
these IPCC scientists should be on their way to jail if there is any justice
to be had.

The survey is barely useful to the public because it was taken among the
very utility executives who are guilty of supporting the global warming
fraud in anticipation of reaping obscene profits. The cost of energy will

Finally Bipartisanship: Both Parties tell FCC to forget about 'Net-Neutrality'

2010-05-26 Thread Travis
-- Forwarded message --
From: Scotty Starnes's Blog
Date: Tue, May 25, 2010 at 5:01 PM
Subject:  Finally Bipartisanship: Both Parties tell FCC to forget about
'Net-Neutrality' Finally
Bipartisanship: Both Parties tell FCC to forget about
*Scotty Starnes*| May 25,
2010 at 5:01 PM | Tags: Barack
Obama, broadband
internet, Cass
Federal Communications
internet service
net-neutrality, Obama
President Obama |

At least they can agree on this. The Federal Communications Commission was
bitch-slapped in April when a federal appeals court told them they have no
authority to push Net-Neutrality regulations on internet providers. After
the ruling, the FCC decided they would just circumvent the ruling and claim
the internet is 'utility' thus allowing them to regulate it as they seem


The Federal Communications Commission's plan to impose Net neutrality
regulations just became much more difficult to pull off.

A bipartisan group of politicians on Monday told FCC Chairman Julius
Genachowski, in no uncertain terms, to abandon his plans to impose
controversial new rules on broadband providers until the U.S. Congress
changes the law.

 Seventy-four House Democrats sent Genachowski, an Obama
fellow Democrat, a letter saying his ideas will jeopardize jobs and
should not be done without additional direction from Congress.

A separate letter from 37 Senate Republicans, also sent Monday, was more
pointed. It accused Genachowski of pushing heavy-handed 19th century
regulations that are inconceivable as well as illegal.

This is the work of Cass Sunstein. Just nudge a word here and there and call
a service provided by private corportations a 'utility' so the government
(FCC) can regulate take control of it. This is how progressives work. Just
change a word or meaning and figure out how to take control.

Who has been attacking free speech since taking the Oval Office? Who openly
attacks the freedom of the press, citizen journalists and bloggers? Control
the messenger, control the message. Be greatful that both parties can
actually come together to stop another government takeover of a service.

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Every dolphin's gone surfin'! Stunning pictures as hun...

2010-05-26 Thread Travis
-- Forwarded message --
From: Travis
Date: Wed, May 26, 2010 at 1:04 AM
Subject: Every dolphin's gone surfin'! Stunning pictures as hun...

Every dolphin's gone surfin'! Stunning pictures as hundreds glide in on
monster waves | Mail

 Every dolphin's gone surfin'! Stunning pictures as hundreds play among some
monster waves

By Daily Mail 
Last updated at 10:41 PM on 17th February 2010

   - Comments (58)
   - Add to My Stories

These huge breakers would put the fear of God into most surfers. But when
you're a dolphin, they can only mean one thing: Playtime.

Gliding effortlessly through the ocean these masters of the ocean made light
work of waves up to 25 feet high.

In pods of up to 400, the creatures crowded into the swell of the water as
it broke. And with seemingly little effort they tore through the surf,
leaping high in the air as they went.
[image: Formation fins: The dolphins form a line as the wave builds up
heading towards the shore in South Africa]

Formation fins: The dolphins form a line as the wave builds up heading
towards the shore in South Africa

[image: On a crest of a wave: In pods up to 400-strong, these surfing
dolphins made light work of monster waves up to 25 feet high]

On a crest of a wave: In pods up to 400-strong, these surfing dolphins made
light work of monster waves up to 25 feet high

At points some of the more daring dolphins achieved jumps up to 20 feet
high, appearing to spring straight over the powerful walls of water. Others
burst through the wave in perfect formation.

Photographer Greg Huglin snapped these incredible pictures on the south
coast of South Africa.

The 57-year-old dad-of-two, from Santa Barbara in California, said: 'The
first time I saw dolphins surfing the waves I was completely blown away.

'I was in South Africa filming white sharks and happened to stop in a small
town where a shop was advertising dolphin and whale watching boat tours.

'I went along and after that I spent three months every year for the next
six years filming and photographing the dolphins.

[image: Leaping high: At points some of the more daring dolphins achieve
jumps up to 20 feet, appearing to spring straight over the powerful walls of

Leaping high: At points some of the more daring dolphins achieve jumps up to
20 feet, appearing to spring straight over the powerful walls of water
 [image: Professional photographer and film-maker Greg Huglin snapped these
incredible pictures on the south coast of South Africa]

Snap: Professional photographer and film-maker Greg Huglin snapped these
incredible pictures on the south coast of South Africa

 [image: Like humans, it is possible the dolphins take to the surf for pure

Surf's up: Like humans, it is possible the dolphins take to the surf for
pure enjoyment

[image: Masters of the ocean: The dolphins are clearly having fun as another
monster wave builds up]

Masters of the ocean: The dolphins are clearly having fun as another giant
wave builds up

'You can see them surfing any time during the day. Sometimes an entire pod
is asleep and suddenly they all wake up and go ballistic.

'I've seen them go from practically dormant to having 200 of them
frantically trying to escape a pod of approaching orcas.

'The transition from sleep to panic takes only seconds.'

Like humans, it is possible the dolphins take to the surf for pure
 [image: Mr Huglin has built a huge collection of breathtaking photographs
and film, which show the animals in action]

Solo flight: Mr Huglin has built a huge collection of breathtaking
photographs and film, which show the animals in action
[image: A packed ocean: The huge collection of dolphins playing off the

A packed ocean: The huge collection of dolphins playing off the shoreline

But Mr Huglin believes there could be other reasons behind their attraction
to the waves.

He said: 'I believe they do it for fun but it may also have something to do
with mating and chasing potential partners.

'It might also be something to do with hiding from predators - the wave
sounds help mask their location.'

Mr Huglin has built a huge collection of breathtaking photographs and film,
which show the animals in action.

He said: 'I can't ever get enough of filming dolphins. They're so
unpredictable and move so fast.

'Getting shots of them surfing waves is really difficult but I love it.'

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Facebook is just the first step, say Russians

2010-05-26 Thread Travis

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Pakistani Islamic Customs Officials Seize Liquor from NATO Supplies

2010-05-26 Thread Travis
 Pakistan is no ally of the US or the West.


Liquor seized from NATO containers

*By Faraz Khan*

KARACHI: Customs intelligence has seized three containers containing liquor
along with essential goods that were to be supplied for NATO forces fighting
in Afghanistan.

Custom officials considered taking strict action against NATO suppliers but
were not sure if the NATO suppliers were allowed to supply liquor to
Afghanistan through Pakistan, Daily Times learnt on Saturday.

Sources requesting anonymity told Daily Times the customs intelligence
raided three containers that had arrived from Italy, Morocco and Dubai at
the Karachi Port Trust (KPT) and discovered imported wines, beers and
champagne inside two of them.

Federal Board of Revenue Customs Intelligence Director for Sindh and
Balochistan Zahid Khokar informed that Customs officials recovered around
28,000 beer bottles, 4,000 beer cans and 300 bottles of wines from the first
container and 2,800 bottles of wine from the second container while the
third did not have such stuff.

He said, “We have seized the three containers containing wines and beers
with the essential stuff for NATO security forces engaged in fighting with
the Taliban in Afghanistan.” He added at least four persons including
clearing and forwarding agents were also taken into custody for questioning.

It should be mentioned that in a rare case, Pakistani authorities were
checking NATO containers on way to Afghanistan and returning after supplying
the goods. Customs had also recovered imported wines from a NATO container
earlier but no action could be taken as NATO disowned the container.

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Obama to Skip Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery on Paul Revere's Riders

2010-05-26 Thread Bruce Majors
Obama skipping the tradition of putting a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier is the biggest slap in the face of America he has pulled yet

Obama will use Memorial weekend for a trip home to Chicago

*By Anne E. Kornblut *
With the long Memorial Day weekend on the horizon, President Obama is
finally addressing one of the great broken promises of his administration:
his early pledge to return home to Chicago every six weeks or so.

In 16 months at the White House, the Obamas have been back home just once -
in February of 2009. But they plan to make the trip over Memorial Day
weekend, an official said. After arriving on Thursday night, they will visit
with friends and participate in private events.

On Monday, Obama will make remarks at the Abraham Lincoln National
south of Chicago - missing the usual tradition of presidents speaking at
Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day.

Vice President Biden and his wife will appear in Obama's place, laying a
wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as holding a breakfast
for Gold Star families -- families whose loved ones died in military service
-- at the White House earlier that day.

By Anne E. Kornblut  |  May 24, 2010; 7:00 PM ET

Paul Revere's Riders
Riders Wanted
 Check out 'Obama to Skip Memorial Day at Arlington Cemetery'
Obama to Skip Memorial Day at Arlington

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] I Miss Bill Clinton

2010-05-26 Thread Bruce Majors
   *I Miss Bill Clinton*
It doesn't matter what party you belong to-this is hilarious. From a show on
Canadian TV, there was a black comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.*

*Yep, that's right-I miss Bill Clinton!  He was the closest thing we ever
got to having a real black man as President.*

  *Number 1 - He played the sax.*

*Number 2 - He smoked weed.*

*Number 3 - He had his way with ugly white women.*

*Even now?  Look at him...his wife works, and he doesn't!  And, he gets a
check from the government every month.  Manufacturers announced today that
they will be stocking America 's shelves this week with  Clinton Soup, in
honour of one of the nations' distinguished men.  It consists primarily of a
weenie in hot water.*

*Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honour Bill
Clinton.  The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada .*

*When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, I don't
know, I never had one.*

*The Clinton revised judicial oath:  I solemnly swear to tell the truth as
I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but what I
think you need to know.*

*Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky
between the Bushes.*

   ... **ya gotta love it!*

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No More Virgins

2010-05-26 Thread Pradeep Sharma
Muslim suicide bombers in Britain are set to begin a three-day strike on
Monday in a Dispute over the number of virgins they are entitled to in
the afterlife.

Emergency talks With Al Qaeda have so far failed to produce an

The unrest began last Tuesday when Al Qaeda announced that the number of
virgins a suicide bomber would receive after his death will be cut by 25%
this February from 72 to only 60. The rationale for the cut was the increase
in recent years of the number of suicide bombings and a subsequent shortage
of virgins  in the afterlife.

The suicide bombers' union, the British Organization of Occupational Martyrs
( or B.O.O.M. ) responded with a statement that this was totally
unacceptable to its members and immediately balloted for strike action.
 General Secretary Abdullah Amir told the Press, Our members are literally
working themselves to death in the cause of Jihad. We don't ask for much in
return and to be treated like this is like a kick in the teeth.

Speaking from his shed in Tipton in the West Midlands in which he
 currently resides, Al Qaeda chief executive Osama bin Laden explained, We
sympathize with our workers concerns but Al Qaeda is simply not in a
position to meet their demands. They are simply not accepting the realities
of modern-day Jihad in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Thanks to
Western depravity, there is now a chronic shortage of virgins
in the afterlife. It's a straight choice between reducing expenditure or
laying people off. I don't like cutting wages but I'd hate to have to tell
3000 of my staff that they won't be able to blow themselves up.

Spokespersons for the union in the North East of England, South East
England, Ireland, Wales and the entire Australian continent stated that the
strike would not affect their operations as There are no available virgins
in their areas anyway.

Apparently the drop in the number of suicide bombings has also been put down
to the emergence of that Scottish singing star, Susan Boyle - now that
Muslims know what a virgin looks like they are not as keen on going to

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Sestak White House scandal called 'impeachable

2010-05-26 Thread JSM
Sestak White House scandal called 'impeachable offense' 'It's Valerie Plame,
only bigger, a high crime and misdemeanor'
Posted: May 25, 2010
8:45 pm Eastern

If a Democratic member of Congress is to be believed, there's someone in the
Obama administration who has committed a crime – and if the president knew
about it, analysts say it could be grounds for impeachment.

This scandal could be enormous, said Dick Morris, a former White House
adviser to President Bill Clinton, on the Fox News Sean Hannity show last
night. It's Valerie Plame only 10 times bigger, because it's illegal and
Joe Sestak is either lying or the White House committed a crime.

Obviously, the offer of a significant job in the White House could not be
made unless it was by Rahm Emanuel or cleared with Rahm Emanuel, he said.
If the job offer was high enough that it also had Obama's apppoval, that is
a high crime and misdemeanor.

In other words, an impeachable offense? Hannity asked.


Absolutely, said Morris.

The controversy revolves around an oft-repeated statement by Rep. Sestak,
he had been offered a job by the Obama administration in
exchange for dropping out of the senatorial primary against Obama supporter
Sen. Arlen Specter.

Sestak said he refused the offer. He continued in the Senate primary and
defeated Specter for the Democratic nomination.

But Karl Rove, longtime White House adviser to President George W. Bush,
said the charge is explosive because of federal law.

This is a pretty extraordinary charge: 'They tried to bribe me out of the
race by offering me a job,' he said on Greta Van Susteran's On the Record
program on the Fox News Channel. Look, that's a violation of the federal
code: 18 USC 600 says that a federal official cannot promise employment, a
job in the federal government, in return for a political act.

Somebody violated the law. If Sestak is telling the truth, somebody
violated the law, Rove said. Section 18 USC 211 says you cannot accept
anything of value in return for hiring somebody. Well, arguably, providing a
clear path to the nomination for a fellow Democrat is something of value.

He continued, citing a third law passage: 18 USC 595, which prohibits a
federal official from interfering with the nomination or election for
office. ... 'If you'll get out, we'll appoint you to a federal office,' –
that's a violation of the law.

Staffers with Sestak's congressional office did not respond to WND requests
for comment. But the congressman repeatedly confirmed that he was offered
the position and refused and that any further comments would have to come
from someone else.

I've said all I'm going to say on the matter. … Others need to explain
whatever their role might be, Sestak said on CNN this week. I have a
personal accountability; I should have for my role in the matter, which I
talked about. Beyond that, I'll let others talk about their role.

That's not fulfilling his responsibilities, Rove said. He said Sestak needs
to be forthcoming with the full story so the American people can figure out
whether or not he's participating in a criminal cover-up along with federal

The Obama White House has tried to minimize the issue.

Lawyers in the White House and others have looked into conversations that
were had with Congressman Sestak, and nothing inappropriate happened, White
House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has stated.

Gibbs told the White House press corps, Whatever conversations have been
had are not problematic.

And on CBS' Face the Nation he said, I'm not going to get further into
what the conversations were. People who looked into them assure me they
weren't inappropriate in any way.

But the administration also is taking no chances on what might be

According to Politico, the Justice Department has rejected a request from
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., for a special counsel to investigate and reveal
the truth of the controversy.

The report said Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich confirmed no special
counsel would be needed. But the report said Weich also gave no indication
that the Justice Department actually was looking into the claims by Sestak.

We assure you that the Department of Justice takes very seriously
allegations of criminal conduct by public officials. All such matters are
reviewed carefully by career prosecutors and law enforcement agents, and
appropriate action, if warranted, is taken, Weich wrote in the letter.

Issa had suggested that the alleged job offer may run afoul of federal
bribery statutes.

He said in a statement to Politico, The attorney general's refusal to take
action in the face of such felonious allegations undermines any claim to
transparency and integrity that this administration asserts.

He's also made 

Morning Bell: A Crisis of Competence in the Gulf

2010-05-26 Thread JSM
“Let’s be clear: Every day that this oil sits is one more day that more of
our marsh dies,” Gov. Bobby Jindal (LA)
“We’ve been frustrated with the disjointed effort to date that has
too often meant too little, too late for the oil hitting our coast,” he
Specifically, Jindal is frustrated by the failure of the federal government
to produce the 8 million feet of oil-blocking
asked for back on May 2nd and 3rd. So far Louisiana has only received
815,000 feet of boom, and even then the federal government has failed to
place it in the correct locations.

Worse, Obama administration regulators continue to deny Louisiana officials
permission to build up barrier islands between the coast’s marshes and the
Federal regulators have so far refused to permit the state to act, fearing
the unintended long-term damage to local wildlife. So instead of action, the
oil continues to float on shore threatening the livelihoods of millions of

Meanwhile the Environmental Protection Agency again demonstrated its
uselessness when it informed BP it had 24 hours to find a less toxic
alternative to the chemical it had been using to break up the oil. BP
informed the EPA that no alternatives were available in sufficient quantity
to deal with the spill, and when the EPA’s deadline came and went with no
change in BP’s practices, the EPA meekly said they would study the issue, which
was an acknowledgment that it has no answer

The federal government’s failure to know how to handle the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill does not end with the EPA. It goes all the way to the top.
Frustrated by his government’s inability to master the problem, President
Barack Obama reportedly cut aides short recently, ordering them to “plug the
if no one had thought of that already. But instead of focusing on the
problem at hand, President Obama moved to appoint an unaccountable
commission to study the problem substituting process for action at a time
when leadership was needed. The commission shifts the responsibility from
the persons we elect to oversee these issues to unelected bureaucrats.

The Pew Research Center has released a
a majority of Americans give President Obama and his administration
bad marks for its handling of a massive oil spill.  To combat this rising
discontent, the Obama administration flew Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen up
to Washington to provide some clear answers as to who was in charge of the
operation. Just this past Sunday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar had said of
BP: “If we find that they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing,
we’ll push them out of the way appropriately.” But when asked about
Salazar’s comments Monday, Allen
“Well, I would — I would — I would say that that’s more of a metaphor. … You
need equipment and expertise that’s not generally within the government —
federal government, in terms of competency, capability or capacity. There
may be some other way to get it, but I’m a national incident commander. And
right now, the relationship with BP is the way I think we should move

BP, rather than taxpayers, should be held responsible for the costs of the
clean-up and liability, and under current federal
is the case. BP is currently responsible for every penny it costs to
clean the mess up. Furthermore, they are responsible for up to $75 million
in liability costs (i.e. the secondary costs incurred by businesses and
communities) directly, and up to $1 billion additionally comes from the Oil
Spill Liability Trust Fund. And the $75 million cap is waived if the
responsible party is found to be grossly negligent. Calls to increase these
caps retroactively are not needed and are more political expediency then
either stopping the leak or mitigating its consequences. Equally frustrating
are calls to raise the gas tax, and transfer the costs of this spill onto

And that right there, in a nutshell, is the problem not only with the Obama

Fwd: What is a Natural Born Citizen?

2010-05-26 Thread JSM
This is good.  spend a couple of minutes and listen to it!!

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What's Really Wrong with the Health Care Industry

2010-05-26 Thread M. Johnson

... there are four major causes of
rising prices in the healthcare market, and in every case government
intervention has either directly cause or greatly exacerbated the
What's Really Wrong with the Health Care
Wednesday, May 26, 2010 
by Vijay
On May 3, 2010, I gave a talk to a class of students studying public
health policy at the University of Washington. I began the talk by asking
the students how many of them believed that the current healthcare system
in America was flawed; everyone in the class raised their hand. I then
asked how many of them believed that the recently passed healthcare
legislation, supported by President Obama, was a step in the right
direction in reforming America's healthcare system. Once again, everyone
raised their hand.
While I agreed with the students on the first point, I disagreed that the
recently passed legislation was a step in the right direction. My aim in
giving the talk was to present the students with a consistent,
libertarian, free-market perspective on healthcare reform, covering both
the morality and the economics of why it would be desirable to eliminate
government interference in the market.

The Morality of Healthcare Reform
One of the most important factors animating the
libertarian rejection of public policy in general is the recognition that
any state action must ultimately resort to the use or threat of
aggression. As Ludwig von Mises observed,

It is important to remember that government
interference always means either violent action or the threat of such
action. Government is in the last resort the employment of armed men, of
policemen, gendarmes, soldiers, prison guards, and hangmen. The essential
feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating,
killing, and imprisoning.[1]
Libertarians who value justice and recognize that
the use of aggression cannot be logically justified must reject all state
action in principle ­ this includes the use of aggression in implementing
healthcare policy.[2]

The Economics of Healthcare Reform
A common argument advanced in support of greater
government intervention in the American healthcare market is that a large
and growing fraction of the gross domestic product (GDP) is spent on
healthcare, while the results, such as average life expectancy, do not
compare favorably to the Western nations that have adopted some form of
universal healthcare. This argument is spurious for two reasons:

A growing fraction of GDP spent on healthcare is not a problem per
se. In the early half of the 20th century, the fraction of GDP spent on
healthcare grew significantly as new treatments, medical technology and
drugs became available. Growth in spending of this nature is desirable if
it satisfies consumer preferences.
Attributing national-health results to the healthcare system adopted
by different countries confuses correlation with causation and ignores
the many salient variables that are causal factors affecting aggregate
statistics (such as average life expectancy). Factors that are likely to
be at least as important as the healthcare system include the dietary and
exercise preferences of a population. 

Another argument commonly used in
healthcare-policy debates is that there are almost 46
million people who have no health insurance at all.[3]
Again, this is not a problem in and of itself. According to the National
Health Interview Survey, 40 percent of those uninsured are less than 35
years old, while approximately 20 percent earn over $75,000 a year.[4] In
other words, a large fraction of those who are uninsured can afford
insurance but choose not to buy it or are healthy enough that they don't
really need it (beyond, perhaps, catastrophic coverage).
The real problem with the American healthcare system is that prices are
continually rising, greatly outpacing the rate of inflation, making
healthcare unaffordable to an ever-increasing fraction of the population
­ particularly those without insurance.

If prices in the healthcare market were falling, as they are in other
markets such as computers and electronics, the large number of uninsured
would be of little concern. Treatments, drugs, and medical technology
would become more affordable over time, allowing patients to pay directly
for them. Identifying the cause of rising healthcare costs should be the
first priority for anyone who seeks solutions to America's broken
healthcare system.
As I explained to the students in the public-healthcare-policy class,
there are four major causes of rising prices in the healthcare market,
and in every case government intervention has either directly caused or
greatly exacerbated the problem.

Employer-Provided Health Insurance
Perhaps the most important cause of rising
healthcare prices in America is the employer-provided health-insurance
system. The very existence of the system is itself a very strange
occurrence and a big hint that government intervention played a key role
in its creation. 

Fwd: Obama

2010-05-26 Thread JSM
Barry not legal citizen

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Barry using a stolen SS #

2010-05-26 Thread JSM
Hey, this one was right next to the last U-tube video on the U-tube site 
it is a good one too

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No Latinos

2010-05-26 Thread JSM
Roadway sign hackers seem to be changing their focus.

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Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

2010-05-26 Thread NoEinstein
No SCHOOL is a Jurisdiction of Government!

At least five times in the last two months, those in supposed
authority have flagrantly violated the civil rights of students, or of
those attending school board meetings.  (1.)  An art teacher berated a
female student for making a wonderful painting that depicted the
American Flag—because the teacher considered such inappropriate…
(2.)  The Chairman of a County School Board violated the Free Speech
rights of a citizen, because he didn’t like any inferences that
schools err in not… stopping bullying (that had caused the death of a
lovely female student…)  (3.)  A Hispanic Assistant Principle
considered that white male students who had American Flags on their
clothing, should be sent home on May 5th, because ’they’ could be
inciting violence…  (4.)  A LUNATIC, Hispanic and socialist school
teacher in California—who openly preaches hatred of America in his
classes—went on TV and proclaimed that capitalism must be stopped…
And the most recent: (5.)  A female student who was wishing to attend
a special credit course, violated the stipulation that there be no
cell phones used.  Her phone was not only confiscated by a teacher,
but the files on the phone were searched.  One of those files
contained racy photos of the student, which she was considering
sending to her boyfriend.  The police were called, and that girl
‘could’ be tried for some crime…

Folks, many times you’ve heard me say that education in this country
shares about equal blame with ‘corrupt government’, and ‘corrupt
media’ for our nation’s woes.  Regarding case (5.), above:  My New
Constitution has the following MAJOR civil-rights-protecting clauses:

“A crime’s seriousness shall be consistent with the mores of the
People and the apt juries rather than with government.”

“No government shall criminalize behavior that the Public considers to
be innocuous, or is macro-typical, or where government isn’t being
deferential to the Public; nor shall they: prosecute victimless crimes
other than gross reckless endangerment; restrict the freedoms of
Citizens through oppressive laws and procedures; enact laws too broad
in scope to address narrow issues; pass laws disallowing any
reasonable criminal defense, or solely at a bureau’s request;
selectively or inequitably enforce any laws; impose unfair,
drastically different punishments due to one’s sex, race, color, creed
or age; nor sentence someone differently due to their having a prior
criminal record.  An arresting officer may reverse such with impunity
at any time, regardless of the forms, procedures or processes begun.
The arrested person shall be freed and the record expunged.  Agreeable
restitution to crime victims may, at their option, substitute for the
apt trial.”

“4th Amendment:  *** People, their motor vehicles, boats, possessions,
clothes, phones, computers and other personal or private effects shall
be secure in their houses, or other abodes, or on the associated owned
or rented property, or at their place of work against unreasonable
searches and seizures.  Warrants may be issued only with just,
probable cause, supported by a recent eye witness’s oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and
the persons or things to be seized.  No warrant shall be issued based
on supposition, chance or a presumed likelihood of finding evidence.
The obtaining or issuing of a warrant without just, probable cause is
a felony, as is the serving of a wrongful warrant by an armed
officer(s).  Law enforcement shall not presume that a major crime may
have occurred or might be in progress because of a petty crime; nor
shall arrests be allowed that are due mainly to a person’s propinquity
to a crime.  A person arrested without resistance who is not a suspect
in a provable crime of violence, may be searched, but not shackled, if
they voluntarily agree to transport themselves, or to be transported;
nor shall shackles nor prison clothes be used during the voluntary
transport of such person to or from a public proceeding or court.
Anyone who is arrested, detained, searched or has property seized
because of a warrant shall have a public warrant hearing within 24
hours.  Such hearing, with competent counsel, shall be before the
judge issuing the warrant; the basis for issuing the warrant shall be
explained; all parties causing the warrant to be issued, including the
judge, shall be available for cross examination.  The rationale and
constitutionality for the issuing of a warrant can, by right, be
appealed to a higher court(s).  Evidence from unreasonable search or
seizure isn’t admissible in court… ”

“All local, state and federal officer holders and employees—upon
taking office or assuming employment—shall take the following oath:
“I, (Name), promise to serve and be deferential to the People, and to
be unbiased toward any group with a pro democracy, pro fairness
ideology.  I swear to honor and uphold the full civil rights of the
citizens, as 

the serfs get poorer and the tax predator ruling class gets richer -- time for revolution?

2010-05-26 Thread Bruce Majors
Private pay shrinks to historic lows as gov't payouts riseUpdated 7h 18m ago
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[image: Stacks of dollar bills pass through a machine at the Bureau of
Engraving and Printing in this file
Mark Wilson, Getty ImagesStacks of dollar bills pass through a machine at
the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in this file photo.

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By Dennis Cauchon, USA TODAY
Paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of personal
income in U.S. history during the first quarter of this year, a USA TODAY
analysis of government data finds.

At the same time, government-provided benefits — from Social Security,
unemployment insurance, food stamps and other programs — rose to a record
high during the first three months of 2010.

Those records reflect a long-term trend accelerated by the recession and
the federal stimulus
counteract the downturn. The result is a major shift in the source of
personal income from private wages to government programs.

The trend is not sustainable, says University of
Donald Grimes. Reason: The federal government depends on private wages to
generate income taxes to pay for its ever-more-expensive programs.
Government-generated income is taxed at lower rates or 

I see Gov Moonbeam can read the polls

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson

*Jerry Brown Goes* Arizona 

   California Attorney General Jerry Brown has denied the San Francisco
   sheriff's request to opt out of a federal program that checks the
   immigration status of all people arrested using their fingerprints. 

(As I am sure you know, Brown is running for governor of California. 
And he can read the polls.)
- 6:20 AM, 26 May 2010   [link]

What gets me is that the San Francisco sheriff had the audacity to even 
consider doing what is asking for permission to do.

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Good old Swedish leftists

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson

*Swedish Leftists Are Getting Bossy Again:  *And, as usual, they are 
trying to tell the United States what to do.

   Sweden will 'demand' that the United States closes all foreign
   military bases if the red-green opposition wins power.

   The policy is contained is a joint document from the alliance of the
   Social Democratic, Green and Left parties.   It states:

   A red-green government will demand that the USA decommissions its
   nuclear weapons and military bases outside the country's borders.

   The policy document only mentions US bases, and does not call for
   Russia or EU allies France and Britain close bases outside their

It isn't clear what the coalition would do if they came to power, and we 
didn't comply with their demands.  Threaten to hold their breath until 
they turn blue?  Stop exporting parts for Volvos to the United States?

(This is pure speculation, but the coalition may be indulging in this 
exercise because they have no plausible domestic policy.  The current 
Swedish government, 
controlled by a center-right coalition, has enacted some free market 
reforms, and even reduced the size of government slightly.  From what I 
can tell, their policies have been moderately successful, and moderately 
- 6:45 AM, 26 May 2010   [link]

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Check this one out

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson

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More on the SEIU protest at the private home in Maryland

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson

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FYI Libertarians convene

2010-05-26 Thread Bruce Majors

Libertarian National Convention to be held May 29-31 in St. Louis

WASHINGTON - The Libertarian Party (LP) will hold its National Convention in
St. Louis from Saturday, May 29, through Monday, May 31.

The convention will take place at the Renaissance Grand Hotel in St. Louis.
The press is welcome to attend.

Information about the convention, including the schedule, is available at the
convention website The convention has
been titled Gateway to Liberty.

Additional meetings and related events will occur on May 27 and 28.

Unlike the Democratic and Republican parties, the Libertarian Party holds a
national convention every two years. At this convention, delegates from
around the country will be amending the party's platform and bylaws, and
will elect officers and other members to the Libertarian National Committee.

One of the highlights of the convention will be the hotly contested election
to replace outgoing Chairman William Redpath. Five Libertarians have
declared their candidacies in that race.

Redpath commented, We're seeing tremendous voter antipathy toward the
Democratic and Republican parties. This is shaping up to be an exciting year
for the Libertarian Party.

Currently, there are 632 Libertarian candidates declared for the November 2
elections, including 172 candidates for U.S. Congress. A list of candidates
may be viewed here.

Among the speakers at the convention will be Bob Barr, the LP's 2008
presidential nominee.

For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director
Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.

The LP is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The
Libertarian Party stands for free markets and civil liberties. You can find
more information on the Libertarian Party at our website

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These cops quoted here are just not believable to me - what a FU story

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson 

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Re: ] I Miss Bill Clinton

2010-05-26 Thread Travis
Compared to what we got now, I miss all  the first 43.

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 7:08 AM, Bruce Majors

 *I Miss Bill Clinton*
 It doesn't matter what party you belong to-this is hilarious. From a show
 on Canadian TV, there was a black comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.

 *Yep, that's right-I miss Bill Clinton!  He was the closest thing we ever
 got to having a real black man as President.*

   *Number 1 - He played the sax.*

 *Number 2 - He smoked weed.*

 *Number 3 - He had his way with ugly white women.*

 *Even now?  Look at him...his wife works, and he doesn't!  And, he gets a
 check from the government every month.  Manufacturers announced today that
 they will be stocking America 's shelves this week with  Clinton Soup, in
 honour of one of the nations' distinguished men.  It consists primarily of a
 weenie in hot water.*

 *Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honour Bill
 Clinton.  The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada .*

 *When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, I
 don't know, I never had one.*

 *The Clinton revised judicial oath:  I solemnly swear to tell the truth
 as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but what I
 think you need to know.*

 *Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky
 Panky between the Bushes.*

... **ya gotta love it!*

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Aborted sting at official residence dogs Ohio gov (from

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson 

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Slashdot: Hope for Net Neutrality Fades - GOOD!!

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson

| Congressmen Send Letters, Hope For Net Neutrality Fades   
|   from the making-sausage dept.   
|   posted by kdawson on Tuesday May 25, @22:28 (Government)

The [0]odds of the FCC implementing net-neutrality rules just got much
longer. A bipartisan group of politicians on Monday told FCC Chairman
Julius Genachowski, in no uncertain terms, to abandon his plans to impose
controversial new rules on broadband providers until the US Congress
changes the law. Seventy-four House Democrats sent Genachowski... a
letter saying his ideas will 'jeopardize jobs' and 'should not be done
without additional direction from Congress.' A separate letter from 37
Senate Republicans, also sent Monday, was more pointed. It accused
Genachowski of pushing 'heavy-handed 19th century regulations' that are
'inconceivable' as well as illegal. ...unless something unexpected
happens, the fight over Net neutrality will shift a few blocks down
Independence Avenue from the FCC to Capitol Hill. (In an editorial
Monday, The Washington Post [1]called for just that.)

Discuss this story at:


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Let the games begin

2010-05-26 Thread dick thompson

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