What is it with the judges these days - check out this one on the Somali Piracy case about the pirates against the US Navy

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson


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I thought this was interesting from the Just One Minute comments - wonder if this is true

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson
nteresting point by one of the observers is that Blago may have good 
grounds for appeal on the one conviction. Lying to the FBI only matters 
if it is material to other crimes charged. The interview in which 
Blago's statements were used for that charge was at least two years 
before all the other charges alleged. There was apperently no evidence 
presented that indicated that Blago's statements were, in fact, not true 
when he said them, only that three years later, he was behaving differently.

Posted by: Ranger | August 17, 2010 at 08:18 PM 


Also, an interesting point, Blago requested a court stenographer be 
present at the FBI interview. The FBI refused. Based on the Libby trial, 
we know how those reports of interviews can be different from the actual 
interview. (which, by the way, why is it a federal crime for an 
individual to lie to the FBI, but not a federal crime for an FBI agent 
to inaccuratly record an interview after the fact?)

Posted by: Ranger | August 17, 2010 at 08:23 PM 


The frightening thing I learn from the Blago trial, the other trials 
(Libby, Black, etc etc), is that the Feds can ruin your life, threaten 
to ruin your loved ones' lives, get an easy conviction on one of their 
"trump" charges and you are powerless to do a damned thing about it - 
especially if you are innocent of the charges they WANT you to be guilty of.

Justice. Bah Humbug. The higher up it is, the more it reeks.

Posted by: centralcal  | August 17, 2010 at 
08:34 PM 

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I would love to read about this one and if it is true - got this from Just One Minute comments

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson

Ninth Circuit 
law criminalizing false claims of military awards unconstitutional. Two 
Bush II appointees.

Posted by: Danube of Thought | August 17, 2010 at 04:59 PM 

Danube of Thought

Blago verdict to be read at 5:15 EDT.

Posted by: Danube of Thought | August 17, 2010 at 05:02 PM 

Rick Ballard

/"But seriously, folks, is it possible that these Democrat scumbags will 
just keep falling further and further until November?"/


It's possible but it would be atypical. If you scroll over the bottom 
the Gallup generic site you can get a feel for the to and fro. I almost 
feel that it's at least 50/50 that they /do/ continue to slide. Reps 
have /never/ held the lead in the Gallup generic and the Democrats have 
never had a politician of this low level of intelligence and wholesale 
mediocrity in the WH, jabbering away with both feet in his mouth and his 
head up his butt at the same time.

Posted by: Rick Ballard  | August 17, 2010 
at 05:05 PM 


Blago was ordered to the courthouse. He and his wife arrived around 15 
minutes ago. His attorneys were already in the courtroom.

Posted by: Sue | August 17, 2010 at 05:05 PM 


   A verdict has been reached in the corruption trial of former Gov.
   Rod Blagojevich and his brother, Robert. The jury's decision is
   expected to be announced soon.


Posted by: Sue | August 17, 2010 at 05:07 PM 


/And he has cuckoo ideas that are unworthy of discussion./

Except that you insist on doing so.

Posted by: anduril  | August 17, 
2010 at 05:08 PM 


   The Westboro Baptist Pastor, Fred Phelps "claims the crash was an
   act of God's wrath for a lifelong career spent serving the federal
   government, which he calls *"a corrupt cesspool of idolatry."*

He may be on to something.

Posted by: anduril  | August 17, 
2010 at 05:10 PM 

Jack is Back!


/Ninth Circuit declares law criminalizing false claims of military 
awards unconstitutional. Two Bush II appointees./

Not to worry. As long as these guys  are 
around it don't matter.

I rather have some judge fine me $500 then to have Stolen Valor expose 
me. Every damn AL and VFW post will blab it all over town. You will look 
like the ASS you are.

Posted by: Jack is Back! | August 17, 2010 at 05:13 PM 

daddy the wanna' be heretic

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Re: About That Proposed Mosque at ‘Ground Zero’

2010-08-17 Thread M. Johnson

More Federal Fraud 
Posted by Lew
Rockwell on August 17, 2010 06:59 PM 
The imam of the “ground 0 mosque” is an

asset of the FBI. Islam, American style. Don’t miss
Will Grigg
on the long history of this sort of thing.

Thursday, August 12, 2010
The War Party's New Torchlight Parade 
William Grigg

Contrived Controversy: Protesting the so-called "Ground
Zero Mosque."
The most powerful patron of radical Islam is not Iran, Iraq, or Saudi
Arabia. It is the government headquartered in Washington, D.C., which for
more than a half-century has diligently cultivated Islamic terrorism. Yet
millions of Americans are suffering what amounts to a collective

loss of bladder control over the

purported threat embodied in the proposed Cordoba House -- the
Islamic equivalent of a YMCA -- in New York City.
Allowing the "Ground Zero Mosque" to be built,

insists Newt Gingrich, would be tantamount to "surrender"
in a struggle against those implacably committed to our destruction. New
York gubernatorial hopeful

Carl Paladino,

a New York crony capitalist who anointed himself a paladin of

the Tea Party movement, has made opposition to the "Ground Zero
Mosque" the central plank of his campaign. Paladino,
who has
profited handsomely from government's redistribution of wealth,
promises that if elected
will confiscate the property used for the Muslim Community Center through
eminent domain and use the land to erect a war memorial. 

Writing in

National Review, former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy
insists that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf -- the Kuwait-born U.S. citizen who
leads the
Cordoba Initiative -- is pursuing a "stealth jihad" as a
fellow-traveler of the Muslim Brotherhood. "The Ground Zero project
is a test of America's resolve to face down a civilizational jihad that
that aims, in the words of its leaders, to destroy us from within,"
maintains McCarthy.

According to Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association (AFA)
the problem isn't the proposal to build a Muslim cultural center two
blocks from Ground Zero. Rather, it's the fact that the government ruling

permits the existence of mosques

anywhere in the United States. 
Since "every single mosque is a potential terror training center
or recruiting center for jihad," Muslims "cannot claim First
Amendment Protections," maintains Fischer (who, in addition to
supporting case-specific abolition of the First Amendment,

has previously called for the abolition of the habeas corpus
guarantee as well).
Rather than focusing exclusively on the so-called Ground Zero Mosque, the
AFA and like-minded organizations have instigated
nation-wide campaign to protest construction of Muslim houses of worship
in more than a half-dozen states. Like McCarthy, Fischer treats Imam
Rauf as an asset of the Muslim Brotherhood, which (according to Fischer)
is "at the heart and center... the soul of Islam in
Here's a quick digest of the charges leveled by Fischer, which are
typical of this manufactured controversy:
Islamic houses of worship serve as recruiting centers for soldiers of
jihad, who will kill and die on behalf of Sharia Law. Many Islamic
clerics, including Imam Feisal, are joined at the hip with the Muslim
Brotherhood -- the most powerful element of the international Islamic
terrorist network.

Jihadist at work? Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (right).

Stipulating that those concerns are genuine, and that the proper
course of action would be to target the greatest offenders first, the
campaign to shut down the global jihad should target the United States
Government -- and the Republican-dominated Evangelical Churches that
serve as military recruiting stations for the Regime in Washington.

During the past decade,

a Middle Eastern nation of roughly 30,000,000 people once ruled by a
secular government succumbed to Sharia Law. The predictable results of
that catastrophe included
dramatic increase in religious

violence, such as the
persecution of professional women
whose dress and conduct are now seen as unacceptable.
More than half of
the Christian population of that country -- which includes

tracing their roots back to the original disciples -- was driven into

That nation is Iraq, which suffered for decades under
loathsome subcontractor Saddam Hussein before Saddam's employer
decided to remove the middleman. 
For a dozen years after the 1991 Gulf War -- which followed
Washington-instigated Iraqi assault on Kuwait, which itself was a
sequel to

the Washington-abetted Iraqi war with Iran -- the country was
suffocated by a murderous embargo punctuated with the occasional
terror-bombing. After being softened up for more than a decade, Iraq was
invaded and occupied by U.S. troops who killed and died

in order to install an Islamist government whose

new constitution formally enshrines Sharia Law.
When American jingoists offer misty-eyed tributes to the soldiers who
died in the course of "liberating" Iraq, it could be said

Re: About That Proposed Mosque at ‘Ground Zero’

2010-08-17 Thread M. Johnson

More Federal Fraud 
Posted by Lew
Rockwell on August 17, 2010 06:59 PM 
The imam of the “ground 0 mosque” is an

asset of the FBI. Islam, American style. Don’t miss
Will Grigg
on the long history of this sort of thing.

'Ground Zero Mosque' Imam Helped FBI With
Counterterrorism Efforts
Sam Stein
In March 2003, federal officials were being criticized for disrespecting
the rights of Arab-Americans in their efforts to crack down on domestic
security threats in the post-9/11 environment. Hoping to calm the growing
tempers, FBI officials in New York hosted a forum on ways to deal with
Muslim and Arab-Americans without exacerbating social tensions. The
bureau wanted to provide agents with "a clear picture," said
Kevin Donovan, director of the FBI's New York office.
Brought in to speak that morning -- at the office building located just
blocks from Ground Zero -- was one of the city's most respected Muslim
voices: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. The imam offered what was for him a
familiar sermon to those in attendance. "Islamic extremism for the
majority of Muslims is an oxymoron," he said. "It is a
fundamental contradiction in terms." 
It was, by contemporaneous news accounts, a successful lecture. 
Flash forward six-and-a-half years, and Feisal Abdul Rauf occupies a far
different place in the political consciousness. The imam behind a
controversial proposal to build an Islamic cultural center near those
same FBI offices has been called "a radical Muslim," a
"militant Islamist" and, simply, the "enemy" by
conservative critics. His Cordoba House project, meanwhile, has been
framed as a conduit for Hamas to funnel money to domestic terrorist
For those who actually know or have worked with the imam, the
descriptions are frighteningly -- indeed, depressingly -- unhinged from
reality. The Feisal Abdul Rauf they know, spent the past decade fighting
against the very same cultural divisiveness and religious-based paranoia
that currently surrounds him.
"Imam Feisal has participated at the Aspen Institute in
Muslim-Christian-Jewish working groups looking at ways to promote greater
religious tolerance," Walter Isaacson, head of The Aspen Institute
told the Huffington Post. "He has consistently denounced radical
Islam and terrorism, and promoted a moderate and tolerant Islam. Some of
this work was done under the auspices of his own group, the Cordoba
Initiative. I liked his book, and I participated in some of the meetings
in 2004 or so. This is why I find it a shame that his good work is being
undermined by this inflamed dispute. He is the type of leader we should
be celebrating in America, not undermining."
A longtime Muslim presence in New York City, Feisal Abdul Rauf has been a
participant in the geopolitical debate about Islamic-Western relations
well before 9/11. In 1997, he founded the American Society for Muslim
Advancement to promote a more positive integration of Muslims into
American society. His efforts and profile rose dramatically after the
attacks when, in need of a calm voice to explain why greater Islam was
not a force bent on terrorism, he became a go-to quote for journalists on
the beat. 
Story continues below
"We have to be very much more vocal about protecting human rights
and planting the seeds of democratic regimes throughout the Arab and
Muslim world," he told Katie Couric, then with NBC, during an
interview in October 2001.
Along the way, he rubbed elbows with or was embraced by a host of
mainstream political figures, including several in the Republican Party.
John Bennett, the man who preceded Isaacson as president of the Aspen
Institute, was impressed enough by the imam's message that he became a
co-founder of his Cordoba Initiative, which seeks to promote
cross-cultural engagement through a variety of initiatives including,
most recently, the center in downtown Manhattan. 
In November 2004, Feisal Abdul Rauf participated in a lengthy discussion
on religion and government with, among others, U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Antonin Scalia. In May 2006, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
placed the imam among a host of luminaries who inspired her book,
"The Mighty and the Almighty." As the New York Times
reported at the time: 

She mentioned Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, the two Democratic
presidents in whose administrations she served; King Abdullah of Saudi
Arabia and King Abdullah II of Jordan; Vaclav Havel and Tony Blair. She
organized discussions with Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, a
conservative Catholic. 

''The epitome of this,'' she said, was ''a totally fascinating,
interesting discussion'' with Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, a New York Sufi
leader and author; Rabbi David Saperstein, director of the Religious
Action Center of Reform Judaism; and Richard Land of the Southern Baptist

Albright eventually collaborated with Feisal Abdul Rauf and others
on more substantive political projects. In September 2008, the two, along
with a number of other foreign pol

Only Post-Consumer Toilet Paper May Touch Sheryl Crow's Behind

2010-08-17 Thread Travis

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Obama Administration Spending $63 Billion on ‘Woma n-Centered’ Global Health Care Program...Think Government- funded Abortions!

2010-08-17 Thread Travis
Administration Spending $63 Billion on ‘Woman-Centered’ Global Health Care
Program...Think Government-funded
*Scotty Starnes
*| August
17, 2010 at 5:36 PM | Tags:
abortion ,
Barack Obama , Hillary
Clinton , Margaret
Sanger ,
Planned Parenthood. Margaret
President Obama
, taxpayer
women's health care|
Uncategorized  |
URL: http://wp.me/pvnFC-2id

What else would you expect from Margaret Sanger-loving Democrats like
President Obama and Hillary Clinton? In the facade of global health care,
these idiots are going to spend $63 billion of our tax dollars, because
America isn't broke enough, to fund 'family planning services' to the woman
of the world.

CNS News reports:

 The Obama administration is focused not just on health-care reform in the
United States – but also on improving health care systems around the world,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on Monday.

The new plan has a “woman- and girl-centered approach,” according to an
administration fact sheet .
* *
Speaking at Johns Hopkins University,* *Clinton outlined the six-year,
$63-billion Obama administration initiative to bring global health care
services “to more people in more places.” The administration’s Global Health
Initiative has “everything” to do with foreign policy, she said.

Clinton highlighted the expansion of family planning services, saying that
the administration would pressure other countries to reform child marriage
laws and would also work to expand access to contraceptives and family
planning education.

*According to the government’s fact sheet, one of GHI’s goals is to “prevent
54 million unintended pregnancies by meeting unmet need for modern
*Clinton said family planning – including pregnancy prevention – not only
will improve women’s health but also will reduce the poverty that often
afflicts large families in poorer countries. She said women must be given
more control over when they become pregnant*.

“We are scaling up our work in family planning and maternal and child
health, areas in which the United States can and must lead,” Clinton said.
She noted “Every year, hundreds of thousands of women die from complications
related to pregnancy or childbirth – nearly all of them in the developing

 “Family planning represents one of the most cost effective public health
interventions available in the world today. It prevents both maternal and
child deaths by helping women space their births and bear children during
their healthiest years and it reduces the deaths of women from unsafe

Clinton said that GHI will be *“making up for lost time”* in funding family
planning services – boosting existing programs whose funding has diminished
in recent years.

Clinton also said the administration was “moving beyond” the ABC
(Abstinence, Be faithful, Correct contraceptive use) anti-AIDS approach
adopted during the Bush years to an “A to Z approach to [HIV] prevention”
that includes measures such as “male circumcision [and] the prevention of
mother-to-child transmission” as well as better HIV screening and education.

Damn eugenics and population control through abortion all in one. Margaret
Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood spoke out about the 'unwanted' in
certain communities (poor blacks). All this is being done in the name of
'women's health care.' Under Bush, no federal dollars were used to fund
abortions. Sanger-loving Obama and Clinton will fundamentally change this
with spreading the wealth of American taxpayers to help all those
'unintended' pregnancies.

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Fwd: News Alert: Divided Jury Convicts Former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Single Count

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson
Guess the prosecution either wasn't too good or else there was nothing 
to find.   They threw it up against the wall and it just didn't stick.  
Now fine him and release him and forget him.

 Original Message 
Subject: 	News Alert: Divided Jury Convicts Former Gov. Rod R. 
Blagojevich of Single Count

Date:   Tue, 17 Aug 2010 17:38:39 -0400
From:   NYTimes.com News Alert 
Reply-To:   nytdir...@nytimes.com
To: rhomp2...@earthlink.net

Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Tue, August 17, 2010 -- 5:37 PM ET

Divided Jury Convicts Former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Single Count

Rod R. Blagojevich, the ousted former governor of Illinois,
was convicted of making false statements to federal agents,
but the jury in the corruption case against him also reported
that it was hopelessly deadlocked on 23 other counts against

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About That Proposed Mosque at ‘Ground Zero’

2010-08-17 Thread M. Johnson

About That Proposed Mosque at ‘Ground Zero’ 
Posted by Thomas
DiLorenzo on August 17, 2010 07:23 AM 
First of all, it’s not at “ground zero.”  It’s several blocks away
at an old Burlington Coat Factory store surrounded by three strip joints
according to newspaper articles.
More importantly, the main reason the neoconmen are going  apesh_ _
over this is that it is all part of their propaganda campaign to convince
Americans that “we” are at war with ALL MUSLIMS, and will be
forever.  No one, not even crazy old wild-eyed Newt Gingrich, has
suggested that the people who want to build this mosque are associated
with bin Laden.  But like bin Laden, they are Muslims.
This of course is the one idea that defines the Republican Party
today:  war forevermore (and war profits for the war profiteers who
fund both parties).   War is the health of the state, and the
Republican Party likes it that way.  So do the Obammunists.

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The Obama Sitcom

2010-08-17 Thread Travis
 The Obama
*Scotty Starnes
*| August
17, 2010 at 2:05 PM | Tags: Barack
Obama ,
President Obama  |

H/T to ThePeoplesCube.com 

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I-90 closed

2010-08-17 Thread Travis
*Coal transport*

 *I-90 will be closed tomorrow across South Dakota .*
*They are hauling a 200 ton lump of coal so they can add Obama to*  *Mount
Rushmore**.they couldn't find a 200* *ton piece of sh*t.*


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Hillary Clinton Proclaims: I Will Be First Black Female President

2010-08-17 Thread Travis

Hillary Clinton Proclaims: I Will Be First Black Female President

by  Susan Dale


The person the mainstream media has decided is the savior, or is that
saviourette, or perhaps saviourelle, maybe saviourix, of the Democratic
Party is…Hillary Clinton?

This is total desperation on the part of the left.  Isn’t there anyone
remaining in their ranks who is younger than Methuselah, who has only one
chin and weighs less than 200 pounds?

I am not being unkind, I am being realistic.

Nobody likes, wants or knows what to do with old women or fat children.
Ergo, how must an old fat woman rate?

So why does the left feel it has no one else but Hillary Clinton?  This
doesn’t have the air of a first choice; this has the air of an only choice.
Why is she now the last best hope of the Democratic Party?  It is very clear
that Democrats nationwide have deserted Barack Hussein Obama, and the lovely
Marie Antoinette Obama, who hopefully will be back from the Cote d’Azur in
time to vote for her husband in 2012, but are they actually willing to turn
against the first black President to…the…er…wife of the former first black

A fascinating conundrum, to be sure.

We are clearly the only ones willing to err on the side of reality.
“Hillary Rodham Clinton,” as my sister, a true blue Democrat liberal,
despite my greatest efforts, and yet another old fat woman, therefore
insignificant, except to me, once said, charitably, “…is not a pretty

This is not only true, it is a fact that it is a real drawback in HRC’s near
obsessive efforts to match and overcome the ‘successes’ of her ‘husband.’ As
long as realism is the effort of the day, Hillary is working like a beaver
to achieve great success after the numerous failures of her husband.  The
left does not, miraculously, see Bubba’s performance as President as
anything but an overall outrageous success.  Figure that one out in the
reality zone we are now in.

Nonetheless, it is sad, but true, but that as a woman, if you look like
Hillary, and will do so even more by the time she would run again, to appeal
enough to the electorate to win the election on the part of said woman would

A man of the same age as Hillary – let’s use her husband as an example, who
is certainly less worthy than his spouse; he is actually less worthy than
just about anybody’s spouse - but who is nonetheless holding on to his
physical appeal at a far greater rate than is she.  This is, no matter what
surgical and cosmetic work has been done to the potential candidate, or will
be done, nor any miracle imagined by her supporters, an appeal which Hillary
never possessed, and never will.  She in fact has conveyed the opposite of
her husband in this regard; people who have been drawn to him are in large
part repulsed by her.

Except, of course, for other old fat women.  Aging hippies, they are often
charitably called;

These and other Hillaryites need to get real about this, because it applies
to their savior in any future political endeavor, whether it be in 2012 and
especially 2016.  It is not just her looks that constitute a real problem
for the candidate, there are other drawbacks that have to be recognized.

Is another of her problem her voice?   (terrifying)  Is it her accent?
(auditorily vexatious)   Is it her laugh?  (horrifying)  Is it her bad
grammar?  (seemingly irreversible)  Is it her being a natural hater? (bitter
and hateful)  Is it still her unfortunate appearance?  (God love her, she
can’t do any more than she’s done)  Is it her constantly saying ‘ya know?’
(worthy of capital punishment, as far as I’m concerned)

Or is it that she is not her husband, no matter how hard Clinton supporters

By jove, you’ve got it.

A combination of the above would be enough, actually more than enough, but
the last is the ultimate damning aspect of Hillary’s candidacy: she is not,
and never will be, Bubba Rodham Clinton.  She can figure out how to tremble
her lip; she can become promiscuous (another nasty image); she can use her
child and her spouse for photo ops; she can try to feel your pain; she can
promise anything and everything to everyone; she can condemn George H. W.
Bush and George W. Bush, and she can lie to an art form (like Bill did, and
continues to do) and she will never achieve the level of connection that
Bill achieved with the American people.

She will never be anointed the first black woman President.

She will, however, be as far left as Obama and Pelosi and Reid were, which
the American people will agree is not a good thing.  So, she will not be
Obama, which, at this point, is  a good thing. Bill will not be Michelle,
which, also at this point, is a good thing, unless he goes to Marbella with
60 friends.  Hillary will not have to deal with Pelosi, which is quite a
shame because that would have been so much fun to watch.

She will, 

And now for the rest of the story on the company where Obama did his campaigning in Wisconsin

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson


Wonder why the rest of the media didn't mention all of this.

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What a crock this one is

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson


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What a surprise - this admin is beyond belief - totally contemptible of the public

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson

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A wee bit too late for that

2010-08-17 Thread dick thompson

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Obama Funnies

2010-08-17 Thread Travis
*Scotty Starnes
*| August
17, 2010 at 5:48 AM | Tags: Barack
Obama ,
Obama , over the
President Obama  |

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Taliban militants are genetic imbeciles

2010-08-17 Thread Travis

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Scathing Congress report slams Obama's 'covert, criminal activity' ... President charged with illegally using taxpayer money to manipulate public!! Finally!

2010-08-17 Thread Travis

[image: Terminator Girl] 
 This is a biggy! Scathing Congress report slams Obama's 'covert, criminal
activity' ... President charged with illegally using taxpayer money to
manipulate public!! Finally!

Posted: August 16, 2010
12:01 am Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the ranking Republican on the House Committee
on Oversight and *Government* Reform, issued a scathing staff report today *
charging* that *the White House* has "used the *machinery* of the Obama *
campaign* to tout the president's agenda through inappropriate and sometimes
unlawful public relations and propaganda initiatives."

An advance pre-publication copy of the
shared by Issa's Washington office with WND, accuses the White House of
nothing short of criminal activity. It charges the Obama administration with
violating federal laws to advance what the Government Accounting Office has
characterized as an unlawful "covert campaign," using federal resources "to
activate a sophisticated propaganda and lobbying campaign."

Pulling no punches, the Oversight Republican Report accuses the Obama White
House of "violating federal law prohibiting the use of appropriated funds
for publicity or propaganda purposes."

"The White house has failed to transition from campaign mode to leadership
mode and is now inappropriately leveraging those campaign-trail
relationships to unlawfully generate support for the president's agenda,"
the report concludes.

Read in its entirety, the Oversight Republican Report charges the Obama
administration with the type of callous, unethical and possibly criminal
manipulation of public opinion that is reminiscent of Watergate and the
illegal campaign activities engineered by Donald Segretti on behalf of the
Committee to Re-Elect the President during Richard Nixon's presidential
election campaign of 1972.

In 1964, Donald Segretti pleaded guilty to three misdemeanor counts of
distributing illegal campaign materials, for which he served in federal
prison four months of a six-month term.

The Obama administration's abuses alleged in the Oversight Republican Report
can be summed up under the term "astro-turfing," a fraudulent public
relations activity in which "the White House and the agency whose resources
it is co-opting attempt to create the impression that grassroots support for
a particular policy exists when in fact it has been fabricated using
taxpayer dollars."

The report points to several instances of alleged, unlawful abuses:

*The National Endowment for the Arts*

On Aug. 6, 2009, on behalf of the White House Office of Public Engagement,
NEA Director Yosi Sergent invited a group of artists, producers, promoters,
organizers, marketers and other influencers of the arts to participate in a
*conference call* designed to encourage involvement in President Obama's
United We Serve program.

Nell Abernathy, director of outreach for United We Serve and Buffy Wicks,
deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, identified
the goal of the NEA program was to recruit artists to create art to support
the president's agenda "with the same enthusiasm and with the same energy
that we all saw in each other during the campaign."

The Oversight Republican Report, however, contends the initiative was

"The use of taxpayer dollars and federal employees to create an alliance
whereby the NEA becomes the de facto strategic communications arm of the
White House is unlawful," the report alleges. "Using a government e-mail
account and government personnel and resources to host a call using artists
and arts group to support the president's agenda is a clear violation of
federal law."

The report stresses that it was inappropriate for representatives of the
White House and the NEA to formerly ask artists and entertainers to use
their talents to support the president's agenda "because many of these
people rely on NEA grants to subsidize their livelihoods."

*The Department of Justice*

In October 2008, the Justice Department's Office of Public Affairs added
Tracy Russo, the chief blogger and deputy director for online communications
for Sen. John Edwards' presidential campaign, to direct the Department's
"new media efforts."

The Oversight Republican Report documents that Russo covertly attempted to
shape public opinion by posting comments on the *Internet* anonymously, or
through the use of a pseudonym, attacking authors or contents viewed as
critical of the president, in an effort to shape debate online.

The report concludes, "The deployment of Justice Department resources to
generate clandestine comments on message boards and blogs is a highly
improper use of the Department's resources."

The report cites GAO rulings stating that covert propaganda violates Title 5
U.S.C. Section 3107 of federal la

The Military Meaning of Ramadan

2010-08-17 Thread Travis
   Here is a description of the beginnings of the Ramadan holiday of
Muslims, rooted in war, not peaceful fasting and soul searching
The blue emphases are mine, the red ones are the author's.

*Should our President say Happy Ramadan to Muslims and fete them with an
Iftar dinner?  No.  Not if he understood what Ramadan was about, or **not if
we were on the side of the non-Muslims.*
 For Our Freedom,
Madeline Brooks

Chapter head of ACTforAmerica.org in Manhattan
  What Is Ramadan?

*Ramadan 2010 * began
on or around August 11 and will end on or about September 10. Muslims, ever
contentious about nearly every matter, even disagree among themselves as to
when Ramadan *should
What does Ramadan really celebrate, particularly *Eid
*, which marks the end of Ramadan? If one understands the history of Islam
and, especially, that of Ramadan, one will come to understand that such a
commemoration, including iftar dinners at the White House, should be
unacceptable to all those who oppose Islamic supremacism.

*Error! Filename not
involves more than prayers, fasting, and the giving of alms — all of which
are part of the month long observance but which are also the outward signs
of another message. By literal definition, of course, Ramadan commemorates
Allah's "revealing" the Qur'an to Muhammad. But history clearly indicates
that the "revelations" from Allah to Muhammad began around 610, some
fourteen years earlier than 624.

Those earlier passages, sometimes referred to as the Meccan verses, are the
oft-quoted peaceful verses in the Koran. *Contrary to what one might expect,
however, the last day of Ramadan does not celebrate the actual date of the
earliest peaceful "revelations" of Allah to Muhammad but rather the Battle
of Badr, the first significant military victory by the forces of Muhammad.**
The Battle of Badr of March 17, 624, is one of the few military conflicts
specifically mentioned in the Qur'an and holds a great deal of significance
in Islam. Eid ul-Fitr, the final portion of Ramadan, has as its origin the
aforementioned battle. *Furthermore and most importantly, this battle marked
the turning point for Islam, both politically and ideologically.*

Having earlier fled to Medina along with followers who accepted him as their
prophet whereas most of the tribes of Mecca did not, early on that morning
in 624 Muhammad got word that a rich Quraish caravan from Syria was
returning to Mecca. He therefore assembled the largest army he had ever been
able to muster, some 300 men, with the original intent of raiding the
caravan. After his men successfully overtook the caravan and brought back
the booty, Muhammad then conveniently received a new "revelation" from Allah
— a "revelation" which not only included rejoicing in having captured an
enemy's caravan but which also called "proved" that Muhammad had been
preaching the true way all along. Fulfilling Destiny, Muhammad and his
forces proceeded to trounce the Quraish as punishment for having earlier
rejected the prophet's teachings. From *this

*In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful.**

The battle of Badr was the most important among the Islamic battles of
Destiny. For the first time the followers of the new faith were put into a
serious test. Had victory been the lot of the pagan army while the Islamic
Forces were still at the beginning of their developments, the faith of Islam
could have come to an end.

No one was aware of the importance of the outcome of the Battle as the
Prophet (S.A.W.) himself. We might read the depth of his anxiety in his
prayer before the beginning of the Battle when he stood up supplicating his

*God this is Quraish. It has come with all its arrogance and boastfulness,
trying to discredit Thy Apostle. God, I ask Thee to humiliate them tomorrow.
God, if this Muslim band will perish today, Thou shall not be worshipped.*


**This battle laid the foundation of the Islamic State...*

In other words, victory at the Battle of Badr proved to Muhammad and his
adherents that Islam should from that time forth take on a militant aspect
because such is the will of Allah. *From the day of the Battle of Badr on,
the tone of the verses in the Qur'an changed.* These more recent
"revelations," sometimes referred to as the Medinan verses, abrogated the
earlier and peaceful Meccan ones. Because preaching and tolerance had not
brought Muhammad the following which he needed in order to establish himself
and Islam as political forces to be reckoned with, Allah, via a military

Punt term limits; eliminate the perks!

2010-08-17 Thread M. Johnson

Punt term limits; eliminate the perks!
By A.J. Cameron  
Sunday, August 15, 2010 
Heard recently on a morning radio talk show in Kansas City, ‘…I’ve only
been in office 14 years …’  Isn’t that the crux of our challenges
with a non-responsive, non-representative and irresponsible Federal
Whenever there is unrest amongst the electorate, isn’t term limits the
leading, knee-jerk solution for non-responsive, non-representative, and
irresponsible government?  Isn’t there a better solution? 
Shouldn’t we just remove all of the perks and exemptions that make
hibernating in elective office much less attractive?
Why is it that elected Federal ‘officials’ get to stack the deck for
their re-elections and overall quality of life when they are supposed to
be representing the citizens of the United States?
Something appears to change many, if not most, of those who are elected
once they cross the
 Rubicon, the Potomac, at the Federal level (and enter the chambers of
office at the state, county and city levels of government) to conduct the
‘business of the people.’  Over time, it is as if a ‘bunker
mentality’ emerges, separating those elected to serve from those they
have sworn to serve.  The longer a person is in office and a
beneficiary of the perks and exemptions of office, the more detached they
are likely to become!
Let’s review some of the more reprehensible perks that those in the
‘American Royalty’ enjoy at the expense of the American citizens and

Access to health

insurance from over 300 private companies that is NOT single-payer,
centralized or government-run health-care and exempting themselves from
the regime’s stealth-care legislation being forced upon the citizens of
the United States of America 
Ability to vote their own pay raises while having the ability to
limit the COLAs for ‘entitlement’ programs and military personnel 
Franking privileges that provide those in elected office with an
unfair advantage against any challengers 
The ability of retaining political contributions beyond one election,
allowing these lifetime political barracudas to amass a war-chest for
future candidacies for political office, or for personal use once they
finally decide to resign from office, further separating them from the
Holding special, investigative panels, attempting to hold corporate
leaders to levels of citizenship, ethics and legality for which many in
elective office fail to live up to 
Double-dipping of
programs while in office 
Exemptions from much of the legislation forced upon the rest of the
citizens of the United States of
Becoming lobbyists and gaming the system for personal gain at the
expense of the American taxpayer 

Doesn’t the lack of significant turnover within Congress lead to a
stagnation of innovative and effective legislation?  Could it be
that those in office suffer from a sense of guilt for their detached life
of privilege?  Is that what leads some in office to attempt to
legislate their utopia for others?  Doesn’t that utopia come at a
very heavy price, through inane and onerous taxes, regulations, and
social policies that actually inhibit individual self-actualization and
growth?  Aren’t these policies an affront to our Maker, to whom we
owe our unique blessings?  And people wonder why we are suffering
heavy financial problems and health issues, i.e., aids, etc.!  Don’t
we have real challenges when we have legislators who are more loyal to
special interest groups with selfish &/or vindictive agendas (ACORN,
the NEA, SEIU, the unenlightened despots of the Bilderberg Group, etc.)
than they have to those they have sworn an oath to represent?

Once legislators are voting with their own money
and legal rights, won’t that affect their legislation?
Once legislators are voting with their own money
and legal rights, won’t that affect their legislation?  Once the
perks of office are reduced or rescinded, won’t the allure of office
dissipate for many legislators who relish elitism?
Weren’t the authors of our independence revolting against the
heavy-handed royalty of the King of England?  Let’s seek fair and
permanent solutions to a system of government that was never intended to
serve as a gateway to imperious royalty.  Put your Senators and
Representative on notice that their life of
at the expense of the governed is no longer acceptable! 


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