Re: Modifying software written to a Standards document - was Re: DRM in xpdf

2008-04-27 Thread Reid Nichol
--- Predrag Punosevac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:
  So, in my opinion this DRM has its use cases.
 I hate to disagree with somebody who sounds like my fellow countryman
 but DRM has NO use.

Actually, he stated a use for it.  Just because there are alternatives
doesn't mean that his use isn't valid.

 To stay on the same note I think that scientific publishing is in
 sorry state and is ripe for a Theo De Raadt of open publishing.

Considering that many researchers post there papers on there own web
pages, there is the arXiv, a second (at least) free textbook publisher
announced on slashdot a few days ago, department made texts at many
Universities (several of my classes had them at my old U) and the
existence of places like, I don't think that we are in such
dire straights as you seem to imply that we are in.  All that I think
needs to happen is that Profs take advantage of the resources that are
already out there.  As in, it's one thing for these texts to exist, but
quite another for them to be used.

But, it does also take man power to create these texts in the first

 I am so sick to see my students spending hundreds of dollars for
 books that  should  not cost mode than $10.
 In an era when the role of publisher is in essence reduced to
 printing already prepared manuscript (yes TeX and computers have
 revolutionized publishing almost as much as Gutenberg printing
 press)  and maybe market it little bit I see no reasons for their
 existence in present form. I am sick of cheap tricks like having
 new editions every two years or so.

In general I agree, but there are some exceptions.  For instance, there
is Dudley's Elementary Number Theory and Nering's Linear Algebra and
Matrix Theory among others (some by Lang and Rudin).  All of those
worth there high price tag.  Let's not ignore corner cases.

But, even then, Profs should start to apply pressure to publishing
houses to lower the prices of (at least) the older texts.  It's not
like they haven't recouped the expenses.

 I am sick of extra software that comes with the textbooks that nobody
 uses. I am sadden by a use of high quality paper for books that kids
 are not going to keep more than a single school year.

Not to mention the glare that comes off that paper that makes it
difficult to read... at least for my older eyes ;)

At any rate, so as to not have this mail completely off topic, if the
maintainer would include a patch to get rid of the DRM in xpdf, I'd
greatly appreciate it.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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Re: new game: spatial

2005-09-08 Thread Reid Nichol
 This is basically a 3D tetris.
 This is an old gem! it's an old X11R5 contrib.
 Seems to compile and run okay on i386 and zaurus.
 A few patches to lose privileges after start-up, and
 to have modern prototypes.
 I'd like one test on a 64 bits platform, please. I
 don't have a display connected to the sparc64 here.

Builds fine and seems to play fine on macppc 3.7.  Fun

best regards,
Reid Nichol

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arguing about where they want to sit.
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