[new] lang/mlton

2016-05-26 Thread ml
Hi ports@,

I would like to add port for MLton compiler.
>From pkg/DESCR:
MLton is an open-source, whole-program, optimizing Standard ML compiler.

Please note, that the bugfix [1] should be applied for the default 
OpenBSD GCC 4.2.1 to compile this port.

Attached file corresponds to [2]. 

[1]: http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-bugs&m=146417516608038&w=2

Best regards,

Description: application/tar-gz

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-05-27 Thread ml
Hi Jeremie,

On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 02:05:59PM +0200, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:
> Is a working mlton still required to build mlton?  Your 'bootstrap'
> target depends on the 'fake' target, so I fear nothing changed in that
> regard.

Yes, MLton still has to be compiled with itself. It is possible to keep 
intermediary C or assembly files and use them as bootstrap, which I did.

If anyone will want to generate their own set of bootstrap files from scratch,
it is possible to do so on other platforms which have MLton compiler available

Alternative way of bootstrapping MLton would be to use SML/NJ or PolyML, 
but I do not think these are available on OpenBSD amd64.

Besides generated C sources for MLton, mlyacc bootstrap files are included
into the bootstrap archive - mlyacc also needs itself to compile.

If you know any other way to bootstrap MLton, I might be able to update
the port accordingly. 

Best regards,

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-06-01 Thread ml
Hi ports@,

Could anyone please check and maybe even commit MLton compiler port to the 
ports tree?

The updated version is attached.

Comments and help with testing are much appreciated.

Best regards,

Description: application/tar-gz

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-06-12 Thread ml
Hi Sebastien,

Many thanks for the review. I think I have fixed issues you pointed to.

It would be great if someone can comment on setting PATH inside

Changes made since my last submission:
- Patches are updated with my comments
- OpenBSD profiling handler has been accepted into the upstream
  development branch [1]. However, mlton-20130715 release still needs
  to be patched
- Codegen patches are hopefully temporary only - until the next
  MLton release (See [2])
- .orig files removed
- .if logic around DISTFILES removed
- Unnecessary PERMIT_* statements removed
- WITH_GMP does exist in several places and is needed to setup proper
  gmp prefix. Not changed.
- bootstrap copying stuff moved to the post-extract target
- mv is used instead of cp
- Build and install target are separate now

Additional notes:
- Some tests will fail, that is expected. See [3]
- Bootstrap target requires 2Gb of RAM - MLton is a whole-program

Updated port archive attached, please test if possible.

[1]: https://github.com/MLton/mlton/pull/149
[2]: https://github.com/MLton/mlton/issues/148
[3]: https://github.com/MLton/mlton/issues/145

Best regards,

Description: application/gzip

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-06-12 Thread ml
On Sun, 12 Jun 2016 12:09:54 +0200
Sebastien Marie  wrote:

> .if logic is
> required, as even if the ports is marked as ONLY_FOR_ARCHS=amd64
> others archs will try to download it (and MACHINE_ARCH will not be
> amd64).

Thanks Sebastien, the updated archive is attached.

Description: application/gzip

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-06-12 Thread ml
Hi Sebastien,

Again, thanks for your help. I have made the following changes
based on your last email:

- added shells/bash to RUN_DEPENDS
- removed PROT_EXEC
- included statement to force PIC
- updated bootstrap archive - now it is produced with amd64 codegen
- removed C codegen patches

Port archive is attached.

There is a new port for Ur/Web compiler and library, which could be 
used as an additional test suite for MLton compiler. I will submit it
in a new thread.

Best regards,

Description: application/tar-gz

[new] lang/urweb

2016-06-12 Thread ml
Hi ports@,

I would like to add port for Ur/Web compiler.

>From pkg/DESCR:

Ur is a programming language in the tradition of ML and Haskell, but
featuring a significantly richer type system. Ur is functional, pure,
statically typed, and strict. Ur supports a powerful kind of
metaprogramming based on row types.

Ur/Web is Ur plus a special standard library and associated rules for
parsing and optimization. Ur/Web supports construction of dynamic web
applications backed by SQL databases. The signature of the standard
library is such that well-typed Ur/Web programs "don't go wrong" in a
very broad sense.

Port archive is attached. 

Ur/Web depends on MLton compiler [1]. 
Testing and comments for both ports are much appreciated.

[1] http://marc.info/?t=14642745511&r=1&w=2

Best regards,

Description: application/tar-gz

Re: [new] mosml 2.10.1

2016-06-16 Thread ml

I have been able to build mosml successfully and compile HOL theorem
prover [1] using it.

[1]: https://hol-theorem-prover.org/


Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-06-16 Thread ml
On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 17:51:28 +1200
m...@extensibl.com wrote:

> Port archive is attached.

I have fixed Makefile patch, so the installer does not gzip man pages
anymore. Updated port archive is attached. 

All changes could be tracked at [1].

[1]: https://github.com/extensibl/ports


Description: application/gzip

Re: [new] lang/urweb

2016-06-26 Thread ml


On Mon, 13 Jun 2016 18:15:42 +1200 ml wrote:

> Hi ports@,
> I would like to add port for Ur/Web compiler.
> >From pkg/DESCR:  
> Ur is a programming language in the tradition of ML and Haskell, but
> featuring a significantly richer type system. Ur is functional, pure,
> statically typed, and strict. Ur supports a powerful kind of
> metaprogramming based on row types.
> Ur/Web is Ur plus a special standard library and associated rules for
> parsing and optimization. Ur/Web supports construction of dynamic web
> applications backed by SQL databases. The signature of the standard
> library is such that well-typed Ur/Web programs "don't go wrong" in a
> very broad sense.
> Port archive is attached. 
> Ur/Web depends on MLton compiler [1]. 
> Testing and comments for both ports are much appreciated.
> [1] http://marc.info/?t=14642745511&r=1&w=2
> Best regards,
> Alex

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-07-05 Thread ml
Hi ports@,

Please help to review and test the port. Maybe someone is ready to
import it into CVS?

There is also a new port for Ur/Web language and framework, [1], which
depends on MLton.

[1]: http://marc.info/?t=14657986342&r=1&w=2

On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 18:00:13 +1200
m...@extensibl.com wrote:
> I have fixed Makefile patch, so the installer does not gzip man pages
> anymore. Updated port archive is attached. 
> All changes could be tracked at [1].
> [1]: https://github.com/extensibl/ports
> Best,
> Alex

Description: application/gzip

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-07-07 Thread ml
Thanks Sebastien, please see my comments inline.

> the port is fairly complete. Just some points:
>   - patches/patch-mlton_Makefile
> "PREFIX has to be /usr/local for OpenBSD"
> in fact, "/usr/local" shouldn't be directly used: you should use
> LOCALBASE variable (default to /usr/local)

Changed /usr/local to LOCALBASE, also added link to a relevant
discussion on MLton build system updates.

>   - patches/patch-runtime_platform_openbsd_c
> "This has been added into the development branch of MLton"
> could you add a link to the commit in the description ?

Added links to the corresponding upstream commits in openbsd.c,
main.fun, Makefile patch files.

Diff and updated port archive are attached.


diff -ruN mlton.orig/patches/patch-Makefile mlton/patches/patch-Makefile
--- mlton.orig/patches/patch-Makefile	Fri Jul  8 18:17:50 2016
+++ mlton/patches/patch-Makefile	Fri Jul  8 18:16:45 2016
@@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
-1. PREFIX has to be /usr/local for OpenBSD
-2. Do not gzip manpages on OpenBSD
+1. Use PREFIX:=$(LOCALBASE) on OpenBSD. 
+   Note that MLton build system is being updated and this change
+   might be not needed for later releases.
+   https://github.com/MLton/mlton/issues/131
+2. Do not gzip manpages on OpenBSD. Committed upstream:
 3. BSD tar does not support "--exclude" option.
See https://github.com/MLton/mlton/issues/146 for more detail
 Makefile.orig	Mon Jul 15 19:59:09 2013
-+++ Makefile	Thu May 26 13:01:56 2016
-@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ check:
+--- Makefile.orig	Tue Jul 16 07:59:09 2013
 Makefile	Fri Jul  8 17:34:03 2016
+@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ check:
  # puts them.
  DESTDIR := $(CURDIR)/install
  PREFIX := /usr
 -ifeq ($(findstring $(TARGET_OS), darwin freebsd solaris), $(TARGET_OS))
+-PREFIX := /usr/local
 +ifeq ($(findstring $(TARGET_OS), darwin freebsd openbsd solaris), $(TARGET_OS))
- PREFIX := /usr/local
  ifeq ($(TARGET_OS), mingw)
+ PREFIX := /mingw
 @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ endif
  TEXM := $(TDOC)/examples
diff -ruN mlton.orig/patches/patch-mlton_main_main_fun mlton/patches/patch-mlton_main_main_fun
--- mlton.orig/patches/patch-mlton_main_main_fun	Fri Jul  8 18:17:50 2016
+++ mlton/patches/patch-mlton_main_main_fun	Fri Jul  8 18:16:45 2016
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-Use PIC on OpenBSD
+Use PIC on OpenBSD. Committed upstream:
 --- mlton/main/main.fun.orig	Mon Jun 13 08:25:46 2016
 +++ mlton/main/main.fun	Mon Jun 13 08:28:25 2016
diff -ruN mlton.orig/patches/patch-runtime_platform_openbsd_c mlton/patches/patch-runtime_platform_openbsd_c
--- mlton.orig/patches/patch-runtime_platform_openbsd_c	Fri Jul  8 18:17:50 2016
+++ mlton/patches/patch-runtime_platform_openbsd_c	Fri Jul  8 18:16:45 2016
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 Add OpenBSD profiling handler for MLton-20130715.
 This has been added into the development branch of MLton.
 --- runtime/platform/openbsd.c.orig	Thu May 26 13:06:51 2016
 +++ runtime/platform/openbsd.c	Thu May 26 13:05:24 2016

Description: application/gzip

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-07-08 Thread ml
On Sat, 9 Jul 2016 06:46:08 +0200
Sebastien Marie  wrote:
> $ cd lang/mlton && portcheck
> trailing whitespace in Makefile
> 3 line(s) longer than 80 chars in Makefile
> hardcoded paths detected in Makefile, consider using SUBST_VARS and
> $OpenBSD$ RCS tag at the top 1 line(s) longer than 80 chars in
> pkg/DESCR Python module without compiled version, consider using
> ${MODPY_BIN} ${MODPY_LIBDIR}/compileall.py:
> lib/mlton/sml/smlnj-lib/HTML4/helper.py lang/mlton

Thanks Sebastien, all fixed, except compileall.py warning. 

I believe compiled version of helper script is not required in this
case. It is an executable script, not a library, and no .pyc will be
generated. I also doubt that anyone will run this script - besides the
developers of MLton compiler.

Diff and port archive are attached.

Alexdiff -ruN mlton.orig/Makefile mlton/Makefile
--- mlton.orig/Makefile	Sat Jul  9 18:28:03 2016
+++ mlton/Makefile	Sat Jul  9 18:27:22 2016
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# $OpenBSD$
 COMMENT =MLton compiler
 V =  20130715
 DISTNAME =   mlton-${V}
@@ -32,31 +34,33 @@
 MAKE_ENV =  PATH=${PATH}:${WRKBUILD}/build/bin/:${WRKBUILD}/mllex/
-	mv ${WRKDIR}/bootstrap ${WRKBUILD}/ 
+	mv ${WRKDIR}/bootstrap ${WRKBUILD}/
 	# Prerequisites, directory layout
-	cd ${WRKBUILD} && WITH_GMP=/usr/local ${GMAKE} dirs runtime
+	cd ${WRKBUILD} && WITH_GMP=${PREFIX} ${GMAKE} dirs runtime
 	# Compile, link MLton compiler executable from bootstrap C sources,
 	# because we do not have any SML compiler available yet.
-	# Also copy bootstrap files for mlyacc. 
+	# Also copy bootstrap files for mlyacc.
 	cd ${WRKBUILD} && ${MAKE} -C bootstrap compile_bootstrap
 	cd ${WRKBUILD} && mv bootstrap/mlton-compile build/lib/
 	cd ${WRKBUILD} && mv bootstrap/yacc.grm.* mlyacc/src/
 	# Now build the rest with the bootstrapped MLton compiler
-	cd ${WRKBUILD} && ${GMAKE} basis-no-check script mlbpathmap constants libraries
+	cd ${WRKBUILD} \
+		&& ${GMAKE} basis-no-check script mlbpathmap constants libraries
 	cd ${WRKBUILD} && PATH=${PATH}:${WRKBUILD}/mllex/ ${GMAKE} tools
 # bootstrap target generates MLton (and mlyacc) bootstrap files
 BOOTSTRAP_DIR=  ${WRKDIR}/bootstrap-new/bootstrap
 bootstrap: fake
 	cd ${WRKBUILD} && ${GMAKE} # First round of compilation
-	# Recompile mlton with itself, keep intermediary files for further use as bootstrap. 
+	# Recompile mlton with itself, keep intermediary files
+	# for further use as bootstrap.
 	# Extra recompilation cycle makes sense when MLton versions change.
-	cd ${WRKBUILD}/mlton && ${GMAKE} clean 
+	cd ${WRKBUILD}/mlton && ${GMAKE} clean
 	cd ${WRKBUILD}/mlton && rm -f mlton-compile
-	cd ${WRKBUILD} && PATH=${PATH}:${WRKBUILD}/build/bin/ COMPILE_ARGS=" -keep g " ${GMAKE}	
+	cd ${WRKBUILD} && PATH=${PATH}:${WRKBUILD}/build/bin/ \
+		COMPILE_ARGS=" -keep g " ${GMAKE}
 	# Archive bootstrap files
 	mkdir -p ${BOOTSTRAP_DIR}
 	mv ${WRKBUILD}/mlton/*.c ${BOOTSTRAP_DIR}
@@ -64,7 +68,10 @@
 	mv ${WRKBUILD}/mlyacc/src/yacc.grm.* ${BOOTSTRAP_DIR}
 	mv ${WRKBUILD}/bootstrap/Makefile ${BOOTSTRAP_DIR}
-	cd ${WRKDIR}/bootstrap-new/ && tar zcf mlton-${V}-bootstrap-OpenBSD-${OSREV}-${MACHINE_ARCH}.tar.gz bootstrap
+	cd ${WRKDIR}/bootstrap-new/ && \
+		tar zcf \
+			mlton-${V}-bootstrap-OpenBSD-${OSREV}-${MACHINE_ARCH}.tar.gz \
+			bootstrap
diff -ruN mlton.orig/pkg/DESCR mlton/pkg/DESCR
--- mlton.orig/pkg/DESCR	Sat Jul  9 18:28:03 2016
+++ mlton/pkg/DESCR	Sat Jul  9 18:27:22 2016
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-MLton is a whole-program optimizing compiler for the Standard ML programming language.
+MLton is a whole-program optimizing compiler for the Standard ML
+programming language.

Description: application/gzip

Re: [new] lang/mlton

2016-07-09 Thread ml
On Sat, 9 Jul 2016 10:02:26 +0200
Sebastien Marie  wrote:
> Here, I don't know... maybe if it isn't needed, doesn't package it ?
> the problem is if root runs it, python will make a .pyc file at
> runtime, and after the removing of the mlton package will not work
> well (directories will remains due to .pyc file).

That does not happen to top level scripts. Relevant Python
documentation could be found at [1], paragraph 3.

I have confirmed that no .pyc is created when the script is run.


> Outside this point, I am OK to import it. Please another dev to
> review the port and import it.

Thanks! Would anyone be able to help with review and CVS import please?


Re: Collision between libgfortran and gcc-libs

2016-07-12 Thread ml
On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 07:37:52PM +0200, David Coppa wrote:
> +1 for nuking it from me too.
> Ciao!
> David
I believe that spatstat module in R requires lang/gfortran to compile. Some 
other useful modules depend on spatstat, e.g. radiomics.

Please do not delete lang/gfortran, I am interested to fix it, if possible.


Re: Collision between libgfortran and gcc-libs

2016-07-13 Thread ml
On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 08:59:49 +0100
Zé Loff  wrote:

> Not true, I just installed it without having lang/gfortran installed.

While spatstat does not depend directly on gfortran, its dependency,
deldir, does. Did you compile deldir with g77? I think gfortran could
be removed then.

WIP: MLton and Ur/Web

2014-12-23 Thread ml
Hi all,

I am planning to create two new ports - for MLton and for Ur/Web
(Ur/Web depends on MLton).

Does anybody work on these?

Current status: I was able to compile MLton, compile Ur/Web using
MLton, successfully compile few simple apps using Ur/Web.
(OpenBSD-current amd64) 
I am working on Makefiles for packaging.

Best regards, 

New port - MLton

2015-03-01 Thread ml

This is my first attempt at porting an application to OpenBSD.

MLton is a whole-program, optimizing Standard ML compiler.

The port files are attached. 
The difficult part is that MLton requires itself to compile. 
I've made precompiled MLton package for amd64 available at [1].

I am able to compile, package and use MLton on amd64 platform, OpenBSD-current.
I do not have access to any others.

MLton requires at least 1-2Gb of RAM to compile - there might be issues 
on i386 machines. 

I would appreciate any feedback and comments on how to improve the port.


Kind regards,

Description: application/tar-gz

Re: New port - MLton

2015-03-01 Thread ml
On Sun, Mar 01, 2015 at 01:55:49PM +, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> Build fails with:
> gmake[3]: mlton: Command not found
> ..so presumably it needs some work to fetch (via SUPDISTFILES?) and
> use a bootstrap?
> The port's Makefile should really have a way to generate a bootstrap
> file, or at least some clear instructions about how to do so. See
> the lang/gcc ports for some ideas about this. We need to have a way to
> re-generate bootstraps in the event of a flag day update to the OS -
> sorry it isn't going to be particularly simple for a first port but
> that's the way it is..
> There are some other things (the *_DEPENDS is odd, and lang would be
> better than devel for CATEGORIES) but I mostly wanted to mention the
> bootstrap thing first, we can look at what else is necessary at a
> later date.

MLton requires mlton compiler to be present to compile.

If there is no mlton compiler available on a target platform, original 
MLton porting instructions [2] provide an option to pre-generate C/assembly code
on a platform with working mlton compiler and then compile and link on the 

E.g. I used mlton compiler on linux to generate C/assembly code, then continued 
the build process on my OpenBSD machine.

The process involves two steps, e.g. firstly I needed to compile a bootstrapped 
and after that I was able to compile mlton using the bootstrapped compiler
(and then I've rebuilt everything from source again using the "full" version of 
compiler to make sure that it works...)

The question is whether it is acceptable to provide pre-generated C/assembly 
code along with 
required instructions to assist with package build (from scratch)? 

The port will rebuild mlton compiler twice in that case:

get pre-generated C/assembly 
  -> compile bootstrapped mlton from C/assembly 
-> compile mlton compiler from source using the bootstrapped mlton 

Are there any better options?

Relevant links: 
[1] https://github.com/MLton/mlton/issues/90
[3] http://mlton.org/CrossCompiling

Best regards,

nfsen package issue with OpenBSD 5.8

2016-04-10 Thread ML mail

I am installing nfsen-1.3.7p3 package on OpenBSD 5.8 amd64 but unfortunately 
the install-nfsen.pl script does not work as you can see below:
# doas install-nfsen.pl /etc/nfsen.conf

Check for required Perl modules: All modules found.
Setup NfSen:
Version: 1.3.7: $Id: install.pl 69 2014-06-23 19:27:50Z peter $

Cleanup old files ...

Setup diretories:

Use UID/GID 649 67
Exists: /var/db/nfsen
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/tmp
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/run
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/filters
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/fmt
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/profiles-stat
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/profiles-stat/live
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/profiles-data
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/profiles-data/live

Profile live: spool directories:
Creating: mkdir /var/db/nfsen/profiles-data/live/fw1
Rename gif RRDfiles ... done.
Create profile info for profile 'live'

Rebuilding profile stats for './live'

Can't use string ("live") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at 
/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/NfSen/NfProfile.pm line 1238.

I am suspecting an issue with this specific package version on OpenBSD 5.8... 
Do you have an ideas?


Re: nfsen package issue with OpenBSD 5.8

2016-04-11 Thread ML mail
Thanks for the fast response and the diff, I have now manually patched the two 
PERL files and it works fine.

On Monday, April 11, 2016 10:43 AM, Stuart Henderson  
+cc Peter Haag

On 2016/04/10 20:29, ML mail wrote (on the OpenBSD ports list):
> I am installing nfsen-1.3.7p3 package on OpenBSD 5.8 amd64 but unfortunately 
> the install-nfsen.pl script does not work as you can see below:

I'll commit a patch to ports shortly, this got broken in 1.3.7 and isn't
specific to ports.

| Rename gif RRDfiles ... done.
| RRD DB 'peer2.rrd' already exists!
| RRD DB 'upstream1.rrd' already exists!
| RRD DB 'peer1.rrd' already exists!
| Use existing profile info for profile 'live'
| Rebuilding profile stats for './live'
| Can't use string ("live") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at 
/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/NfSen/NfProfile.pm line 1238.
|  at /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/NfSen/NfProfile.pm line 1238.
| NfProfile::DoRebuild(HASH(0xd6665c935f8), "live", ".", "live", 1, 0) 
called at /usr/local/bin/install-nfsen.pl line 556
| main::UpgradeProfiles(649, 67) called at 
/usr/local/bin/install-nfsen.pl line 788
| Debugged program terminated.  Use q to quit or R to restart,
| use o inhibit_exit to avoid stopping after program termination,
| h q, h R or h o to get additional info.

diff --git install.pl install.pl
index 9a02b2d..2851304 100755

--- install.pl
+++ install.pl
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ sub UpgradeProfiles {
if( ! -f 
"$NfConf::PROFILEDATADIR/$profilepath/$channel/.nfstat") { 
# no shadow profile, but missing channel stat
print "Rebuilding profile stats for 
-NfProfile::DoRebuild(\%profileinfo, $profilename, 
$profilegroup, $profilepath, 1, 0);
+NfProfile::DoRebuild("", \%profileinfo, $profilename, 
$profilegroup, $profilepath, 1, 0);
# make sure it's own by nfsen_uid after the rebuild
diff --git libexec/NfProfile.pm libexec/NfProfile.pm
index 1ca7436..f09cf8a 100644
--- libexec/NfProfile.pm
+++ libexec/NfProfile.pm
@@ -1343,7 +1343,7 @@ sub DoRebuild {
$completed = 100;
if ( ($counter % $modulo ) == 0 ) {
-print $socket ".info Rebuilding Profile '$profile': Completed: 
+print $socket ".info Rebuilding Profile '$profile': Completed: 
$completed\%\n" if $socket;
syslog('info', "Rebuilding Profile '$profile': Completed: 


python now requires X11 installed

2009-05-12 Thread travis+ml-python

I used to run all my OpenBSD servers with no X11.

Now, to build nmap, you seem to need python.  There are no FLAVORS and
so no obvious way to prevent it from requiring python.

And to build python, you need X11R6 installed.  There are no FLAVORS
as there used to be, to compile without tkinter to avoid requiring

Is it possible to install these without installing X11R6?  Maybe I
just don't understand the way ports work well enough.

And, why the change?
Obama Nation | My emails do not have attachments; it's a digital signature
that your mail program doesn't understand. | 
If you are a spammer, please email j...@subspacefield.org to get blacklisted.

Description: PGP signature

Re: python now requires X11 installed

2009-05-12 Thread travis+ml-python
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 11:10:46PM +0200, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> Why don't you use packages?

I just tried, and that solved my problem.

I tried to install python from there and it worked just fine.

I liked the ports system but understand Theo's points.

I have this script which basically does a lot of post-installation
work, installing a lot of ports, doing some manual configuration, etc.

Now, I'm not quite sure how to convert it to use packages.

The problem is that it was relatively easy to "cd /usr/ports/foo/bar
&& make install clean".

If I use the packages system, I seem to have to know what version
I want to install.  This seems like it'd be really unstable, since
the versions will change from release to release.

So to convert the script to work with any release, I'd have to figure
out a way to get a listing and select the latest release from the

Is there an easy way to do this?
Obama Nation | My emails do not have attachments; it's a digital signature
that your mail program doesn't understand. | 
If you are a spammer, please email j...@subspacefield.org to get blacklisted.

Description: PGP signature

Re: python now requires X11 installed

2009-05-12 Thread travis+ml-python
Thanks all, package stemming drastically simplified my auto-installer.

It was much more fragile before, since, say, /usr/ports/mail/mutt/snapshot
might or might not be there in new releases.
Obama Nation | My emails do not have attachments; it's a digital signature
that your mail program doesn't understand. | 
If you are a spammer, please email j...@subspacefield.org to get blacklisted.

Description: PGP signature


2014-08-27 Thread narkive ml-in 15tr