I should have wrapped up and sent this port *before* updating to newest
wormhole, as this is a runtime dep...

No deps itself, all tests pass on amd64.
Feedback? OK?

Information for inst:py3-zipstream-ng-1.7.1

modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator

Required by:

A modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator.  It can package and
stream many files and folders into a zip on the fly without needing temporary
files or excessive memory.  It can also calculate the final size of the zip file
before streaming it.

Maintainer: Klemens Nanni <k...@openbsd.org>

WWW: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zipstream-ng

Attachment: py-zipstream-ng.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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