attached is a port for emacs 22.1.
Emacs 22 adds or improves many features to emacs 21.
Note the following:
A previous port of emacs 22.1 of 10 jun 2007 exists but does not work in 
  current ports.
Emacs 22.1 compiles unpatched on openbsd, actually, the patches found in 
  emacs 21.* seem to have been committed to emacs 22. At least I checked
  the configure script.
I choose a simple approach, conforming to the port of 21.*, with flavours
  no-x11 and without a gtk flavour. I splitted the package as in port 
  emacs-21.* in emacs-base and emacs-el. No -leim, since this is now included
  in emacs source.

I tested on my i386 architecture and the package compiles and works.
I additionally tested that auctex compile and work with emacs->=21.
Fulvio Ciriaco

Attachment: emacs22.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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