Looking for New Customers?

2010-10-05 Thread César Ortega
E-mail Marketing 1.0 is a software to find contacts and send email.

With it you will have more buyers for their products or services.


Enter to our website to test the software free of charge or ask any
questions that you have*

* Use the contact form that is on our website.

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Sebastian Reitenbach
Module name:ports
Changes by: sebas...@cvs.openbsd.org2010/10/05 02:40:44

Modified files:
devel/libmemcached: Makefile 
Added files:
devel/libmemcached/patches: patch-Makefile_in 
Removed files:
devel/libmemcached/patches: no-atomic-patch-Makefile_in 

Log message:
This atomic feature is not a gcc4 feature, there are only three archs which 
provide it.
Pointed out and fix suggestion by Piotr Sikora < piotr.sikora _AT_ frickle.com 
>, who
also provided an initial port, where the part of the port regarding the atomic 
was taken from.

OK landry@

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jonathan Armani
Module name:ports
Changes by: arm...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 02:57:47

Modified files:
graphics/inkscape: Makefile distinfo 
graphics/inkscape/patches: patch-src_ui_dialog_print_cpp 
graphics/inkscape/pkg: PLIST 
Added files:
graphics/inkscape/patches: patch-src_display_nr-arena-shape_cpp 
Removed files:
graphics/inkscape/patches: patch-Makefile_in patch-configure_ac 

Log message:
Update inkscape to 0.48.0, from brad

ok sthen@

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jonathan Armani
Module name:ports
Changes by: arm...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 03:03:19

Modified files:
www/py-django  : Makefile distinfo 
www/py-django/pkg: PLIST 

Log message:
Update django to 1.2.3, from maintainer Ryan Boggs

go for it sthen@

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Antoine Jacoutot
Module name:ports
Changes by: ajacou...@cvs.openbsd.org   2010/10/05 03:04:11

Modified files:
sysutils/apcupsd: Makefile 

Log message:
Move to new DEPENDS.

from Kirill Bychkov (maintainer)

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jonathan Armani
Module name:ports
Changes by: arm...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 03:18:05

Modified files:
net/scapy  : Makefile distinfo 
net/scapy/patches: patch-doc_scapy_1 patch-setup_py 
net/scapy/pkg  : PLIST 
Added files:
net/scapy/patches: patch-scapy_arch_pcapdnet_py 

Log message:
Update to 2.1.0, change my email address and integrate 2 patches from
Laurent Ghigonis, one to properly detect the mac address and the other to close
the bpf after use (You don't need to create 40 bpf anymore), thanks !

ok sthen@

Cartes et menus d'automne a la une...

2010-10-05 Thread Exclusive Restaurants
Si vous ne visualisez pas ce message cliquez-ici

 Le renouveau de l'Automne !

 RC)servation immC)diate et gratuite

 Exclusive Restaurants met C  votre disposition une sC)lection de restaurants
ayant renouvelC) leur carte pour cette nouvelle saison...Partez C  la
dC)couverte de nos coups de coeur !

 Voir toute notre sC)lection de restaurants

 Profitez dC(s maintenant d'une mise C  disposition au dC)jeuner d'une salle
privC)e (C  partir de 6 personnes) sans coC;t supplC)mentaire, au restaurant
le Jamin http://mm.yosmail.com/r/565209/t/758942/ (Paris 16C(me).

Le Jamin
 Restaurant Traditionnel - Paris 16 C(me
 Jamin est un lieu chargC) dbhistoire, Joel Robuchon y a gagnC) sa 3C(me
C)toile ! 25 ans plus tard. Alain Pras, lbheureux propriC)taire (ex Pierre
Troisgros et Guy Savoy), accompagnC) de son associC) David Tomasini,
perpC)tuent la tradition gourmande dans un cadre chaleureux et
C)lC)gantMenu avec entrC)e, plat et dessert C  partir de 31b, !
Voir tous les restaurants traditionnels

 Le prix du caviar en baisse chez Prunier (Paris 16 C(me).

 Restaurant GastronomiqueParis 6 C(me
 Chef du prestigieux restaurant Laperouse, Jean-Sebastien Pouch a C)tC) formC)
dans une maison triplement C)toilC)e...

 Voir le portrait du chef

 Restaurant Gastronomique - Paris 8 C(me
  Une destination pour un dC)jeuner ou un dC.ner dans un restaurant gourmand
et raffinC)...

 Restaurant Traditionnel - Paris 13 C(me
  Les espaces pour des repas entre amis ou collC(gues, une terrasse chauffC)e
pour toute l'annC)e...

  O.J Restaurant
 Restaurant Traditionnel - Paris 18 C(me
  Le cadre est contemporain, lbespace est prC)servC) pour garder de
lbintimitC) le temps dbun repas...

   Le Clocher Pereire
 Restaurant Gastronomique - Paris 17 C(me
  Le cadre est sobre et coquet, et dC(s votre arrivC)e, vous pouvez humer les
senteurs des fourneaux...

  Le Madeleine C
 Restaurant Gastronomique - Paris 8 C(me
  Cet C)tablissement fait partie de ces jolies tables parisiennes qui
conjuguent gastronomie, dC)tente et plaisir...

 Restaurant Italien - Paris 9 C(me
  La salle est illuminC)e par un grand vitrail Art DC)co avec vue plongeante
sur le salon NapolC)on III

 Restaurant Traditionnel - Paris 13 C(me
  Le dC)cor est zen, C)purC) et confortable, en gardant lbesprit bistrot

 Restaurant Traditionnel - Paris 8 C(me
  Vous pouvez vous restaurer tout au long de la journC)e, la carte est lC 
jusqu'C  23 heures dernier service...

Si vous souhaitez ne plus recevoir de messages de notre part : cliquez-ici

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
Module name:ports
Changes by: jas...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 05:51:13

Modified files:
lang/jamvm : Makefile 

Log message:
- set ONLY_FOR_ARCHS to arches jamvm supports

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by: dco...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 07:41:10

Modified files:
mail/courier-authlib: Makefile 
Added files:
mail/courier-authlib/patches: patch-bdbobj_Makefile_in 

Log message:
Zap "-static" from libtool linking flags for testbdb: it doesn't
break the testbdb binary and we can switch this port to our own

OK landry@, giovanni@ (maintainer)

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread David Coppa
Module name:ports
Changes by: dco...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 07:41:52

Modified files:
mail/courier-imap: Makefile 
Added files:
mail/courier-imap/patches: patch-bdbobj_Makefile_in 

Log message:
Zap "-static" from libtool linking flags for testbdb: it doesn't
break the testbdb binary and we can switch this port to our own

OK landry@, giovanni@ (maintainer)

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Sebastian Reitenbach
Module name:ports
Changes by: sebas...@cvs.openbsd.org2010/10/05 09:17:13

Modified files:
net/coccinella : Makefile 

Log message:
Cleanup do-install in order to fix permissions on files in fake stage, pointed 
by sthen@, and bump.

OK landry@, sthen@

Dents blanches pour sourire ultra bio

2010-10-05 Thread Bio à la une . com
( "http://www.bioalaune.com/"; )
( "http://www.bioalaune.com/fr/category/2/alimentation"; )(
"http://www.bioalaune.com/fr/category/3/bien-etre"; )(
"http://www.bioalaune.com/fr/category/4/habitat"; )(
"http://www.bioalaune.com/fr/category/5/artisanat"; )(
"http://www.bioalaune.com/fr/category/6/nature"; )(
"http://www.bioalaune.com/fr/category/7/tourisme"; )
tra-bio" )

Un go{t naturel, une texture diffirente, les dentifrices bio sont ipatants.

Car ils ne ressemblent pratiquement en rien ` ce quon trouve dans les rayons
de vos supermarchis. Il nest pas rare de dicouvrir des substances nocives et
des produits chimiques dans la composition de ces produits. Alors testons ces
dentifrices-bio. En quoi sont-ils diffirents ? Pourquoi ? Quelle est leur
efficaciti ?  Le dentifrice bio, cest une pbte sans colorant, sans
conservateur et autres agents chimiques. On le sait tous, les dentifrices
traditionnels contiennent du fluor, certaines marques de cosmitiques
nhisitant pas ` en faire le principal atout de leur produit. Pourtant, selon
l'Agence frangaise de sicuriti sanitaire des produits de santi, la nicessiti
de mantriser les apports fluoris pour la privention de la carie dentaire

tra-bio" )

( "http://www.bioalaune.com/"; )

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Steven Mestdagh
Module name:ports
Changes by: ste...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 11:08:03

Modified files:
net/gnet   : Makefile 

Log message:
use openbsd libtool in regress, following libtool rev 1.11
(problem reported by naddy)
regress depends on gnu check, also noticed by naddy

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
Module name:ports
Changes by: jas...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 12:34:34

Modified files:
mail/msmtp : Makefile distinfo 
mail/msmtp/patches: patch-configure 
mail/msmtp/pkg : PLIST 

Log message:
- update msmtp to 1.4.21, most important change is unbreaking it with new 

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jeremy Evans
Module name:ports
Changes by: jer...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 13:09:06

Log message:
sequel_pg overwrites the inner loop of the databases/ruby-sequel
postgres adapter row fetching code with a C version. The C version is
significantly faster (2-6x) than the pure ruby version that Sequel uses
by default.

OK landry@


Vendor Tag: jeremy
Release Tags:   jeremy_2010-oct-05

N ports/databases/ruby-sequel_pg/Makefile
N ports/databases/ruby-sequel_pg/distinfo
N ports/databases/ruby-sequel_pg/pkg/DESCR
N ports/databases/ruby-sequel_pg/pkg/PLIST

No conflicts created by this import

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
Module name:ports
Changes by: jas...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 13:24:24

Modified files:
devel  : Makefile 

Log message:

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
Module name:ports
Changes by: jas...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 13:23:51

Log message:
import ruby-tilt 1.1

Tilt is a thin interface over a bunch of different Ruby template engines
in an attempt to make their usage as generic possible. This is useful
for web frameworks, static site generators, and other systems that
support multiple template engines but don't want to code for each of
them individually.

ok jeremy@


Vendor Tag: jasper
Release Tags:   jasper_20100510

N ports/devel/ruby-tilt/Makefile
N ports/devel/ruby-tilt/distinfo
N ports/devel/ruby-tilt/pkg/DESCR
N ports/devel/ruby-tilt/pkg/PLIST

No conflicts created by this import

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
Module name:ports
Changes by: jas...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 13:25:09

Modified files:
www/ruby-sinatra: Makefile distinfo 
www/ruby-sinatra/pkg: PLIST 

Log message:
- update ruby-sinatra to 1.0

ok jeremy@

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jeremy Evans
Module name:ports
Changes by: jer...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 13:46:17

Modified files:
databases  : Makefile 

Log message:
Add ruby-sequel_pg SUBDIR

CVS: cvs.openbsd.org: ports

2010-10-05 Thread Jeremy Evans
Module name:ports
Changes by: jer...@cvs.openbsd.org  2010/10/05 16:21:35

Modified files:
databases/ruby-sequel_pg: Makefile 

Log message:
Lowercase COMMENT and bump REVISION.  No cookie for me.

OK ajacoutot@