I recently posted my reaction to the new version of Country Music, lamented 
the loss of  Carr and Kienzle and the appearance of beauty-tips articles. I 
also sent a note to Neil Pond, the new editor in chief. Below is his response:

jim catalano
(by the way, the new issue does have a nice piece on Mandy Barnett.)

Dear Jim:

Thank you for your comments. As you know, it's difficult to please everyone
all the time. The changes in Country Music magazine were made to broaden its
appeal to a wider, more diverse audience---and, frankly, to help it survive.
Despite its illustrious, quarter-century history, its readership and ad
revenue were both falling off. In December, the magazine's editor, owner,
founder and publisher, Russell Bernard, sold it to a new owner, Sussex
Publishers in New York. Sussex installed a new editorial team and gave us
the mission to bring the magazine to life again. For the next few issues, at
least, the magazine will continue to be a work-in-progress as we fine-tune
certain areas and hopefully, ultimately, make Country Music an even more
exciting, visual and viable magazine. 

I'm sorry to hear that you don't care for the magazine's new look and
editorial feel, but perhaps the next issue will be more to your liking. I
humbly invite you to hang with us for a few more issues while we continue to
get our footing.

Thank you again for taking the time to send us an e-mail. I hope we can win
you back as a satisfied reader. Please allow us to try.


Neil Pond
Editor in Chief 

Country Music Magazine
7 Music Square West
Nashville, TN  37203
(615) 251-0106, ext. 10
Neil Pond


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