> >Well, you could say that Skaggs did; it's fairly well-known that the deal
> >with Rounder was concluded after a prospective deal with Sugar Hill fell
> >through - in fact, the latter had made it into print at one point.
> Don't remind me.  :^)  I don't know what you mean by "into print" though.

I mean a story was published reporting the Skaggs Family Records/Sugar Hill
deal as an accomplished fact; I'm pretty sure I remember which publication,
but since I'm not positive and don't have the time to leaf through back
issues, I'm not going to ID it.>>

Sugar Hill's deal with Ricky Skaggs was done. I remember sitting in a
meeting at Rounder's office the day Rounder made the 11th hour snatch of the
album from Sugar Hill and we were all sitting there looking at the
matchprints and the films of the Skaggs record art with Sugar Hill's logo
all over the thing - the art was already done! The only thing they changed
was the logos. I specifically remember someone in "upper management" saying,
and I quote, "Sugar Hill's not gonna be happy about this." Oh, the stories.
I don't know if there was bad blood about it between the two labels, but
that's the truth..........

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