Re: Music Choice

1999-04-12 Thread Terry A. Smith

 I recently mentioned that Sherry Boyd was going to be doing the
 Bluegrass section of Music Choice.  Well, I also just found out that
 Jenni Sperandeo will be putting together the Americana channel.  This is
 shaping up to be a pretty cool outlet for twangy music.  Don't expect
 any topten lists from Jenni in April, though!  :^)
Steve, my Music Choice doesn't have an Americana channel -- is that
something new? -- Terry Smith (who's anxiously awaiting a visit from Mandy
Barnett(her record) while watching his mono-stricken 9-year-old. Man,
mono's a bitch, ain't it?)

Re: Music Choice

1999-04-12 Thread Mike Hays

Well, I also just found out that
 Jenni Sperandeo will be putting together the Americana channel.
The DIVA of AAA herself.  Way to go Jen!  Have you got a request line? I
want to hear some Joni Harmsg
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