Hey there,

OK, my turn.

Arrived, surprisingly, right on time in Nashville to be greeted by Meshel
and Bill. Both of whom I was glad to see, although one more than the
other. Heh. Back to the Goddess house to change out of Business Casual
and into Casual Casual. (This sounds alot like Bill's post, eh?) BBQ with
the surprisingly large and affectionate Boston crew (Morgan, his pals,
Tom Stooley who knows every damn alt.country song ever, etc.) At Magge
Maggies (that's the name, Bill) 5 Bucks cancelled and, erm, another band
who I wanted to see, but whose name escapes me cancelled.
Ray Wylie Hubbard was OK, but I dont get into the 'guy with acoustic
guitar' thing too much. And I had heard most of his stories and jokes
from p2 posts. But the tunes were good. Roy Kasten snuck in, only to be
reduced to tears by Marie's constant criticism of the length and
geographical nature of his music. (Inna Gadda Davida, Stairway to Heaven,
Tennesse River Waits for You). I've already praised Pumpskully. Caught
Chris Knight next door, but by that point I had been up for many many
hours and drunk for many hours, so I sorta pulled an Alex. I was resting
my eyes, I swear.

Slept late. Took a nap. Rough day.
Rebecca and her husband arrive to much rejoicing. Off to The Sutler for
the Checkered Past showcase, and really bad waitress service. Until Alex
did Tequila shots with the table attendant. Oh yeah, Alex started
stopping drinking again on monday. The man has the will power of John
Belushi. Erin arrived as well at this point wearing really scary
motorcycle boots. Tom House was excellent - much more electric than I
remember his CD being. Folk music needs electricity. Paul Burch also
sounded great (although he might want to spit out the gum.) As did
Lonesome Bob (with Tim Carrol and Allison Moorer *sigh*). We all split
before Tommy Womack to see 1R1R at The Station Inn. We waited in line
outside and then muscled out way through the crowd to the front by the
stage. I had to shove some waif-ish chick in a ginham dress (she had some
gross fish-like name, Gill?) out of the way for a descent view of Marks
gold accordion of love. Erin spilled her beer on some unkempt guy who
mumbled something about being 'not that well yet' or something. Lotsa
Nudie Suits in the crowd too - I think the opry rehearsal musta got out
early. Where was I, oh yeah, 1r1r played their usual great set. Including
Cool Water (which BTW is not called 'that funny water song'

Spent the moring food shopping with Meshel. It was bliss.
Yet another kick ass Goddess House party. Marcia even showed up. For a
while. Excellent chili by Jim, slaw by Marcia, potato salad by Erin and
catfish by Meshel. One of these times the weather will actually cooperate
and we'll be able to hang out and have music outside. The ExHusbands,
Hayseed, 1R1R, and an Ex Husbands 1R1R combo (The Ex Rangers?) played
kick ass living room acoustic sets. Although Jerry and Bill prattling on
about pop music drowned out most of Hayseed's set. Met Jeff Weiss and his
better half face to face (apparently I'm MoM's number one customer or
something). Apparently there were a bunch of other list folks there who I
never got a chance to talk to - my apologies (I'm sure you all bummed
about not meeting me - heh). Being a really annoying anal type guy
(clapping the back of one hand against the other) I chased everyone out
in time to catch Hillbilly Idol at Roberts. More fine fine fine music
from a p2 band (I'll be sure to play it on my radio show Al <g>) Since I
see Jim Roll every time he comes through chicago - I went across the
street to see The Gypsy Mechanics (Morgans band). Looking dapper in suits
(for the first song or so) They played some excellent poppy alt country.
Morgan also knew everyone in the crowd (not just p2 but also their 'moms'
from The Best Western). He's movin got Nashville, I hear. (THIS IS GREAT!
I LOVE IT HERE!) Fantasic Clash encore of Should I Stay or Should I Go.
Ended the night with a slow calzone, an infomercial and a terrible
coconut flavored drink.

Got up
Flew back to Chicago

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