1999-04-02 Thread Erin Snyder

OH, GOD!  OH, GOD!  I'm so sorry!!  That long attachment and
everythingOh, woe is me.  Guess I'm getting booted to the "ignore"
file.  Really, a million apologies everyone.  Gosh, and my first post in
months yet.  Ohhh...Ohhh... *moan*



1999-04-02 Thread Ph. Barnard

Don't worry, Erin.  We're way too quick for the old "attachment" 
scam.  I just deleted that one without looking g.  Good to see you 
on the list, though.



1999-04-02 Thread Carl Abraham Zimring

Erin, I'm just amazed that you're offering to join yet another band. 
For those of you who aren't aware, it is a violation of Pittsburgh's
municipal code to start a twang band that does not have Erin Snyder
playing bass in it.  The Strangers are OK because she's an emeritus
member, but I think the cops are going to bust Coal Train and the
Johnsons for violating this ordinance.  Anyway, welcome back to the big
list, and perhaps you'll be in ten more bands due to the public nature
of your post!

Carl Z.