jamie wrote:

>  www.lyrics.ch was shut down, with help from the Hairy Fox Agency (I hate
> those guys...).
>  Story at:
> http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/99/01/cyber/articles/19lyrics.html

Interesting story Jamie.I'm at a loss to understand how writers were really being
hurt by this site, in particular if sheet music of their tunes isn't available.
But this clip got my attention:

> The Lyrics Server was launched after de Vries's rock band, First of May,
>           struggled to find the correct lyrics for Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water"
>           and other songs they wanted to cover.
To think, this whole thing could have been averted if the guy'd just written John
Wendland. <g>

n.p. NUGGETS Disc1

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