At 04:53 PM 1/20/99 +0000, you wrote:
>I'd be interested in hearing how P2 musicians handle clubs 
>which demand that a band representative provide a SS# 
>before payment for a gig. (Years ago, one of my associates 
>got audited and the IRS did not accept even his cancelled 
>checks that other band members got paid for a particular 
>gig. Since hearing this, we've "spread the pain around" - just 
>in case . . . )
>Tom Smith

It's good to see the I.R.S. crack down on the huge untold wealth that all
musicians are earning out there. In the meantime, you don't have to pay
F.I.C.A. taxes after you amass approximately $60,000 in wages earned. Nope,
the tax laws aren't designed to favor the wealthy. I would have loved to
hear Clinton have the balls to say he's getting rid of that inequity in his
speech last night.

For an eye-opener, BTW, go check out the following web-site and see where the likes of Bob Barr and Tom Delay give
speeches and write articles. Go see where they have links to and what they
have to say about Lincoln and MLK. Get to know some of the people behind
the Clinton impeachment and who you should really be scared of.



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