Carl Wilson made some interesting points when he noted that many arguments
about the relative merits of various types of country music can be
distilled into preferences over which type of rock 'n roll is informing
the country music. I'd agree, though I'd add that the same sort of
arguments can be distilled into preferences over which sort of system has
deliverered the music to our ears. If it's a system that tends to
extinguish creativity by all but the most powerful and influential
performers and producers, then I'd say, by and large, it's going to be a
corrupt system, and a lot of the junk that comes out of it is going to be
mediocre. As we've concluded repeatedly on this list after such debates,
this is more or less the way it's been for a long time. It's nothing new.
However, as some of us have also concluded, this sort of phenomenon is
only reinforced and heightened by mass marketing, computers, concentration
of ownership in radio, etc. Also, of course, punk influences are much more
interesting than Doobie Brothers influences. That was a value judgment
that I'd argue on any damn coffee table. -- Terry Smith

ps off to San Francisco today for a newspaper conference. Maybe I'll try
to hit Slim's for Geoff Muldaur and James McMurtry.

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