
First let me apologize to those who see this more than once by virtue of
sharing mailing lists with me.  

A writer for one of the magazines that I write for is currently preparing a
story on the relationship between units sold, units scanned, gold and
platinum certifications, and the hyping that goes on in connection with all
of it.  I'm not writing the story, merely pitching in to help with some of
the legwork - running down info, etc.  I know that we have folks in all
areas of the "biz" on the list here.  He'd like to chat with some of you,
if you're interested.  It'd all be as background sources, no names, so no
retribution, if you're worried about that sort of thing.  So, if you
wouldn't mind answering some questions from him, please email me off list
and I'll pass along your name and email to him and he can get in touch with
you to arrange a mutually agreeable time.  We're looking for people that
include artists, management, record company folks, retailers, label types -
anybody, really, who is involved in the chain from music to consumer.

Thanks a lot. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


John F Butland   O-

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