Mail looping with transport maps and virtual alias maps

2009-02-11 Thread Brian Mathis
I have a few requirements which seem to be opposed to each other, as
what I'm currently doing is causing a mail loop and bounce.  Here's
what I'm trying to accomplish:
1) This server is a standalone server sending outgoing mail, it is not
receiving anything other than locally posted messages
2) Messages need to come from "" (myorigin = $mydomain)
3) Messages sent to local 'root' account must be forwarded to a
different account
4) Delivery to all but a few domains is not allowed, and must be discarded

For #2 I'm using the already mentioned myorigin = $mydomain.  This
works as expected, but $mydomain is not listed in mydestination, so
for #3 I am using the method mentioned here:
(virtual_alias_maps) to deliver the root mail locally, and allowing
the rest to go off to our main mail server.

For #4, I am using transport_maps (which was suggested in this thread, and
my transport file contains the following:
* discard

The problem I am seeing is that when I send a message to root using
the local command "mail root", the domain gets added (as expected),
then the virtual alias changes the to address to, but then it is bounced because of

I've reached the edge of my current postfix knowledge, and would
appreciate any input or suggestions.

Relevant information:
Server is running CentOS 5.2 Linux

 rpm -q postfix:

- postconf -n
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
html_directory = no
inet_interfaces = localhost
mail_owner = postfix
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
myorigin = $mydomain
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/README_FILES
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/samples
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
setgid_group = postdrop
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual


* discard


postfix/pickup[5241]: AAB102019B: uid=0 from=
postfix/pickup[5241]: AAB102019B: uid=0 from=
postfix/cleanup[5248]: AAB102019B:
postfix/cleanup[5248]: AAB102019B:
postfix/qmgr[5242]: AAB102019B: from=, size=307,
nrcpt=1 (queue active)
postfix/qmgr[5242]: AAB102019B: from=, size=307,
nrcpt=1 (queue active)
postfix/smtp[5250]: AAB102019B: to=,
orig_to=, relay=none, delay=0.09, delays=0.01/0/0.07/0,
dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for loops back
to myself)
postfix/cleanup[5248]: BF9BF2019C:
postfix/bounce[5251]: AAB102019B: sender non-delivery notification: BF9BF2019C
postfix/qmgr[5242]: BF9BF2019C: from=<>, size=2174, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
postfix/qmgr[5242]: AAB102019B: removed
postfix/smtp[5250]: AAB102019B: to=,
orig_to=, relay=none, delay=0.09, delays=0.01/0/0.07/0,
dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for loops back
to myself)
postfix/cleanup[5248]: BF9BF2019C:
postfix/bounce[5251]: AAB102019B: sender non-delivery notification: BF9BF2019C
postfix/qmgr[5242]: BF9BF2019C: from=<>, size=2174, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
postfix/qmgr[5242]: AAB102019B: removed
postfix/smtp[5250]: BF9BF2019C: to=,
orig_to=, relay=none, delay=0, delays=0/0/0/0,
dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for loops back
to myself)
postfix/qmgr[5242]: BF9BF2019C: removed
postfix/smtp[5250]: BF9BF2019C: to=,
orig_to=, relay=none, delay=0, delays=0/0/0/0,
dsn=5.4.6, status=bounced (mail for loops back
to myself)
postfix/qmgr[5242]: BF9BF2019C: removed

PS. Please forgive that I have changed the server name and domain.

Re: Emptying SPAM account

2009-10-14 Thread Brian Mathis
On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Dan Schaefer  wrote:
> Bob Cohen wrote:
>> I have set up SpamAssissin with an account to collect rejected emails.  Is
>> there a way to periodically empty the mail queue for that account with a
>> cron job or some other such method that does not require human intervention
> What is the purpose to collect the rejected mail if you are going to have an
> automated process to delete them?
> --
> Dan Schaefer

That's pretty obvious... to maintain a cache in case anyone is looking
for a message in the past X number of days, and then assume that if no
one missed it in X days, delete it.

As for the original question, it sounds like you need to be looking at
things that interact with the mailstore, not queues.  Once the message
is delivered, postfix does not handle it anymore.  You also have some
terminology mixed up, as what you are calling a "mail queue" is not
what postfix calls a mail queue.  You just happen to be using a
mailbox as a mail "queue", which is not the same as a postfix mail

As far as software to actually do that, I'm not sure.  Maybe if you
have mail setup through IMAP you could use sieve.  Not sure if
procmail could do it.  You're probably looking at a custom script.

Re: Configuring Two Postfix mail servers behind HA Proxy load balancer.

2009-11-27 Thread Brian Mathis
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 2:51 AM, Manoj Burande
> Hello All,
>     I am trying to setup a Postfix Mail Server on Fedora10. I am trying
> to learn the basic process of setting up and manage a Postfix Mail
> Server. Also trying to build a High-Available Postfix Mail Server
> set. I have already configured HA Proxy load balancer servers. I just
> wanted to place my two postfix mail server behind it.
> Is there ANYBODY help me to accomplish the same. Or please provide me
> online stuff to set up mail servers behind load balancer.
> --
> Manoj M. Burande,
> Artificial Machines Pvt Ltd,
> System Administrator.

I'm sure others can help with the HA setup, but I must say that you
should not be building a server (especially an HA one!) based on any
Fedora distro.  Fedora is Redhat's testbed where they use very beta
software and is also mainly targeted for dekstop users.  It is
absolutely inappropriate for a server setup.  Please look at CentOS
for a server-grade Linux distro that is Redhat-based and suitable for
running a server on.

Re: OT: need some advice as to distro

2009-12-01 Thread Brian Mathis
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:39 AM, John Peach  wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Dec 2009 16:30:36 +0200
> Eero Volotinen  wrote:
>> > Centos 5.4 - while it looks like a good choice, there has been some
>> > political infighting going on recently which makes us a little
>> > nervous about its future. In addition we have found that a number
>> > of the core packages we wish to use are out of date (postfix,
>> > dovecot, amavisd-new among them).
>> Centos 5.x is my selection. You can also use packages from epel and
>> dag's rpm repositories.
> It suffers from Red Hat's liking for sendmail. The postfix package is
> aeons old. I would go with Ubuntu (probably 9.04 which is a long-term
> support version).
> --
> John

The age of a package only matters if you absolutely need a feature
that's included in the newer version.  All of the security fix are
backported.  If you do really need the newer versions, you can get
RPMs from third party repositories.

Re: OT: need some advice as to distro

2009-12-01 Thread Brian Mathis
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Joe  wrote:
> Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>> I've been a
>> Debian (non-GUI) user for almost 10 years.  I've never touched Ubuntu,
>> or any other distro.  Debian has always come through for my server
>> needs, so I've never considered anything else.  Convince me why I should
>> switch my Postfix server environment from Debian to Ubuntu.  I'm curious
>> to see how compelling your argument is.
> If you're happy with debian then there's no point - but let's turn the
> question around: Convince me why I should switch from ubuntu to debian.
> Let's see what arguments you have.
> Joe

How about you both realize that neither of you has enough information
to make an objective decision, and that any kind of "arguments" you
can come up with has more to do with what you're familiar with than
anything else, and continuing the discussion along these lines only
amounts to a holy war and nothing else.

As for the original question, it all comes down to what you are
comfortable with.  The 2 main runners here are CentOS and Ubuntu.
I've heard good things about Ubuntu but haven't tried it much.

I use CentOS for all of my servers, and the main reason is that it's
based on Redhat, and Redhat is the main Linux distro that all the big
companies support.  I'm not saying that they don't also support other
distros, just that Redhat is usually first on the list.  The yum
package manager works quite well, and the days are long gone when
there were dependency issues with rpms.

I have very strong feelings against installing things from source,
unless they are first built into a package.  You want to be spending
your time running the server and doing other things, not patting
yourself on the back because you compiled all of your own packages.

Re: Email service providers

2009-12-30 Thread Brian Mathis
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Port Able  wrote:
> I am currently consulting for a small retailer.  They have been using an
> online email service provider for the past few years to blast personalized
> emails to their customers (opt-in, and 100-200 thousand emails at a time).
> They have asked me to see if we can install an email server in house to
> accomplish the same thing and eliminate the monthly costs.  I am fairly
> familiar with Linux/Unix and with databases (mysql and postgresql).  I have
> not done anything with Sendmail or Postfix but feel comfortable following
> the documentation.  I have also ordered the two books that I could find on
> Postfix.
> My questions are: has anyone used Postfix for this purpose?  Do the online
> ESP's develop their own email servers?  Do any of them use Sendmail, Postfix
> or qmail?
> Thanks in advance for any information or links.

I've not used mailmain or ezmlm for this purpose, but so called
"mailing list software" that's available as open source is often meant
to be used for having discussions with numerous people through email.
Using systems like that as a bulk mailer is generally a really bad
idea and requires a lot of intricate configuration to ensure no one
can reply to the whole list, etc...

To accomplish this in my company, I setup postfix as the mail relay
server, and use GroupMail 5
( [1] as the sending
client.  Groupmail manages the lists and provides a nice "Windows"
front-end for whoever is doing the sending.  GroupMail isn't free, but
we've been using the Personal Edition and it has enough features to
meet our needs.

One of the biggest issues you're going to run into is that your IPs
might get labeled as a spammer, even though this is opt-in.  Dealing
with that can be a big headache and is generally what you pay the
monthly fee for.  Sending legitimate bulk email is not a simple matter
of hitting "Send" -- you also need to deal with the multiple issues
that come up when doing it.  This is the value that the other company
brings to the table.

[1] I have no affiliation with GroupMail 5.

Re: Convert "_" to "+" on inbound addresses

2010-01-16 Thread Brian Mathis
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 11:06 AM, Charles Boling
> I've been a postfix user for nearly 10 years, but in many ways I'm still
> quite the newbie.  That's the problem with Postfix being such a solid
> MTA: I don't mess with it much. :-)
> For a good chunk of that time, I have wrestled on and off with this
> problem off and on, playing with it for a bit, giving up, then returning
> to it a year or two later.  After all this time, I've finally gotten
> smart enough to specifically ask for help!
> I love "+" addressing, the ability to append ad-hoc suffixes to an email
> address (like the one used to post to this list).  The problem is, a lot
> of web sites don't.  They tend to take the lazy route to preventing SQL
> injection attacks, and reject any address with a "+" in it.
> To address that issue, I would like to be able to use another character
> ("_" or ".") that is commonly accepted as part of email addresses, instead.
> When an email comes into Postfix (v2.2 currently), I would like it to
> search for, e.g. "_" in the recipient address, and replace it with "+".
>  This, of course, needs to happen before it does recipient checking.
> The validated message is eventually passed on to the MDA (Cyrus, in my
> case) with the "+" in it.
> How might be the best way to accomplish this?

You might want to look at the recipient_delimiter configuration
directive, which you can use to change the delimiter.  It doesn't
search and replace like what you are specifically looking for, but it
might solve your problem.

Re: Should I update Postfix?

2010-03-23 Thread Brian Mathis
On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Kaleb Hosie  wrote:
> I am running CentOS 5.4 and the latest version of Postfix it has on the 
> repository is version 2.3.3. After looking at the Postfix site I found out 
> that that version is no longer updated.
> Is it worth downloading the source code for the latest stable version and 
> manually compile and install it? Or is it worth sticking with the version the 
> repository has? Thanks
> Kaleb

If you need a feature in the newer versions, then you'll have to
upgrade somehow.  You should always try to find a source for RPMs
instead of building from source.

However, if you do not need new features and are just worried about
security fixes, please read which
explains how Redhat (and CentOS) handle security fixes.  In short,
they backport all security fixes into the version that is installed in
a supported CentOS version.

In other words, there is no need to upgrade unless you need features.
This is how all packages work in an Enterprise-level OS like

Minor bug in web site documentation

2009-04-27 Thread Brian Mathis
On the page this
statement is made beneath the examples:
...the last example above allows mail from local networks but otherwise...

It should say:
...the first example above allows mail from local networks but otherwise...

That's a change from "last" to "first"

policy server and smtpd_recipient_restrictions on a relay

2009-05-03 Thread Brian Mathis
I'm running a relay server for my internal network, and trying to
construct a smtpd_recipient_restrictions list that will accomplish the
- if the client is in mynetworks
- and it passes a check_policy_service test
- then allow the message
- otherwise, reject the message

However, with the following setting:
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,
check_policy_service unix:private/mypolicy, reject_unauth_destination
it seems that the permit_mynetworks finds the allowed client, returns
a "permit", and the check does not progress any further.  It works as
expected if I remove permit_mynetworks, but I was hoping to filter out
IP addresses before calling the policy script, which seems more

Is there a way to accomplish what I am looking to do?

PS. I'm also a bit concerned with the warnings about:
specify check_policy_service AFTER reject_unauth_destination or
else your system can become an open relay.
but if I put the policy check after reject_unauth_destination, the
policy never gets called.

--- postconf -n 
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
html_directory = no
inet_interfaces = all
mail_owner = postfix
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
mynetworks =
myorigin = $mydomain
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/README_FILES
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/samples
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
setgid_group = postdrop
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, check_policy_service
unix:private/mypolicy, reject_unauth_destination
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

Implication of policy_time_limit

2009-05-04 Thread Brian Mathis
What is the effect of the policy_time_limit parameter on an smtpd
policy process?  In the readme I see the mentions that the default 100
sec is "too short for a policy daemon that may run for as long as an
SMTP client is connected to an SMTP server process".  What does that
mean and what are the implications?

My guess is that after 100s, the subprocess will be killed if it's in
use or not, and then what happens to the connecting client?  Also, if
a new client connects and the subprocess has shut down, will smtpd
start a new subprocess, or does that need to wait until a new smtpd
starts up?

P.S. The SMTPD_POLICY_README.html file says the default is 1000
seconds, but the spawn(8) page says 100 seconds.

Re: Daily outbound message counts?

2009-06-28 Thread Brian Mathis
Look into log analysis tools like pflogsumm.

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Ville Walveranta wrote:
> I would like to have a daily report of the total number of email
> messages sent out through a Postfix installation (all users, all
> domains combined). What would be the easiest way to "increment a
> counter" every time a mail goes out?
> I would mostly use the daily count as an alarm of possible abuse, i.e.
> to let me know if a user is pushing out, for example, thousands of
> messages per day which could be in violation of the data center's mass
> mail policy.
> Thanks,
> Ville

Re: OT: ethics

2009-07-01 Thread Brian Mathis
In general this is a bad idea and you should stop doing it
immediately.  In the best case it would be seen by the other side as
an attack on them from you.  In the worst case they might retaliate
even more against you with some other kind of attack.  Considering
that over 80% of spam is now sent by botnets
you'd be scanning infected machines and not learning anything about
anyone other than a home user's ISP, and risking that ISP from
reporting YOU as an attacker to your ISP.

The best thing you could do (and even this will have marginal success)
is to report the IP to the ISP that owns the address you received the
spam from.  They might be able to take that system offline.

Otherwise, just block the suckers and move on.  You probably have
better things to do with your time.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 3:37 PM, ghe wrote:
> Wietse says something like "Spam is war -- RFCs don't apply." OK, but how
> about nmap ethics?
> I've started hitting spam IPs and their nets with nmap to find out who they
> are and maybe a little of what they're up to (and using the info to decide
> if the net belongs in my packet filter). What's the opinion of the list? Is
> this OK, or just plain rude?
> --
> Glenn English