Re: Mail stuck (Connection Timed-Out)

2012-01-30 Thread Gonzo Fernandez
I was reading about Defferred queue full of dictionary attack bounces which I 
think might be an issue here. 

So i performed a qshape analysis and I got this:

command: qshape deferred | head

 T  5 10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1280+
 TOTAL 583  0  0  0  0  0   1   8  47   25   502 214  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   00   214 191  0  0  0  0  0   1   6  26   10   148  62  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   7550  26  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   1025  12  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   31 8   5  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   10 4   5  0  0  0  0  0   0   1   00 4   4  0  0  0  0  0   0   0   12 1

Luckily the active and and incoming queues aren't showing any signs of 
backscatter. I'm going to be checking firewall tomorrow to see if there's an 
issue there. Thanks for your help.

Gonzo Fernandez

On Jan 30, 2012, at 9:09 PM, Noel Jones wrote:

 On 1/30/2012 10:30 PM, Noel Jones wrote:
 On 1/30/2012 6:46 PM, Gonzo Fernandez wrote:
 Thank you Noel. Our server sends out copies of email confirmations
 to our clients and if the client decides to make a large order they
 end up pushing our volume up and we end up getting blocked by their
 mail server. I seem to be getting connection timed out on a lot of
 the hosts. I even try to telnet to ip and port 25 but it keeps
 timing out. I used grep to search in /var/log/maillog and I got
 this. Any ideas?
 This isn't a postfix problem.  If you can't telnet to any client
 port 25, then you have a connectivity problem; maybe your ISP is
 blocking that port, or some firewall has been misconfigured.
 Contact your networking team or your ISP.
 If you can't telnet to this one destination port 25, they're
 blocking you.  You'll need to contact them to get this resolved.
 Good luck.
  -- Noel Jones
 If the destination can't handle the load you're sending it, you can
 slow postfix down.  Details here:
 Of course, this won't help until they stop blocking you.
  -- Noel Jones

Re: Postfix Not Sending Emails. Timeout on Cleanup socket error.

2011-12-15 Thread Gonzo Fernandez
Hi guys,

So far no luck searching for 8A2993E3003B. :(
The system is heavily used. From what I understand this machine relays all mail 
to our main mx server and we have a lot of email being relayed daily. The 
strange part is that it works all week up until late Saturday/Sunday in the AM 

Here are all log files for mail. I have searched all log files for the specific 
string but no luck. Performing another search for all warning, error, fatal, 
panic on all previous log files has given me a bit more info. The following is 
certain errors I have noticed pop up more often than not:

 #  egrep (warning|error|fatal|panic): /var/log/maillog* | more

/var/log/maillog:Dec 11 05:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 
timeout on cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
/var/log/maillog:Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 
8A2993E3003B: read timeout on cleanup socket
/var/log/maillog:Dec 13 12:04:13 batch-ca4-02 postfix/postdrop[15153]: warning: 
uid=0: Illegal seek
/var/log/maillog:Dec 13 04:04:13 batch-ca4-02 postfix/sendmail[15152]: fatal: 
root(0): queue file write error
/var/log/maillog:Dec 14 12:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/postdrop[12285]: warning: 
uid=0: Illegal seek
/var/log/maillog:Dec 14 04:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/sendmail[12280]: fatal: 
root(0): queue file write error
/var/log/maillog:Dec 15 12:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/postdrop[21744]: warning: 
uid=0: Illegal seek
/var/log/maillog:Dec 15 04:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/sendmail[21739]: fatal: 
root(0): queue file write error
/var/log/maillog.1:Dec  4 05:18:29 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[6555]: warning: 
timeout on cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
/var/log/maillog.1:Dec  4 05:45:13 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[6555]: warning: 
0433D3E3003A: read timeout on cleanup socket
/var/log/maillog:Dec 15 12:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/postdrop[21744]: warning: 
uid=0: Illegal seek
/var/log/maillog:Dec 15 04:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/sendmail[21739]: fatal: 
root(0): queue file write error
/var/log/maillog.1:Dec  5 12:03:47 batch-ca4-02 postfix/postdrop[4667]: 
warning: uid=0: Illegal seek
/var/log/maillog.1:Dec  5 04:03:47 batch-ca4-02 postfix/sendmail[4660]: fatal: 
root(0): queue file write error

(I tried searching for 0433D3E3003A as well but to no avail.)

# ls -ld /var/log/maillog*
-rw--- 1 root root 194889523 Dec 15 10:48 /var/log/maillog
-rw--- 1 root root 370337428 Dec 11 04:04 /var/log/maillog.1
-rw--- 1 root root 644886321 Dec  4 04:03 /var/log/maillog.2
-rw--- 1 root root 250479845 Nov 27 04:03 /var/log/maillog.3
-rw--- 1 root root  11139266 Nov 20 04:02 /var/log/maillog.4

I also commented out fallback relay as it was active but left blank in Not sure if that has anything to do with it but better safe than 

# When relaying mail as backup MX, disable fallback_relay to avoid MX loops
relay unix  -   -   n   -   -   smtp
#   -o fallback_relay=

I'm going to wait and see what happens this weekend and when it happens again 
I'll try to get more info for you. Thanks again for the help.

Gonzo Fernandez
Network Engineer

On Dec 14, 2011, at 11:01 PM, Lorens Kockum wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 05:43:58PM -0800, Gonzo Fernandez wrote:
 I'm not sure I'm understanding the log file info you would like. I tried 
 doing grep search for 8A2993E3003B on all log files under /var/log/* and 
 only found the following line to show up:
 Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 8A2993E3003B: 
 read timeout on cleanup socket
 Can you please be more specific? Thanks for your patience and help. 
 Your log line is dated 5 AM plus a little. Maybe your log file
 got rotated (that usually happens at 4 or 5 AM). The reason
 that your grep on all log files did not yield the result is
 probably that the rotated log files are zipped. zgrep (at least
 my version) behaves nicely when the files aren't zipped, so
   zgrep 8A2993E3003B /var/log/maillog*
 should yield the information Wietse was asking for. If not, an
ls -ld /var/log/maillog*
 would be useful.
 Is this a very heavily used system?

Re: Postfix Not Sending Emails. Timeout on Cleanup socket error.

2011-12-15 Thread Gonzo Fernandez
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: 7905B3E3003A: 
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: trigger_server_accept_fifo: 
trigger arrived
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: master_notify: status 0
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: request: 87 (W)
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: qmgr_scan_start: start 
incoming queue scan
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: master_notify: status 1
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: qmgr_active_feed: queue 
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: qmgr_active_feed: 
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: qmgr_message_alloc: active 
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: 7905B3E3003A:, size=1084, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: start sorted recipient list  
Dec 11 04:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[28082]: qmgr_message_sort:
Dec 11 04:09:39 batch-ca4-02 postfix/smtpd[31631]: rewrite stream disconnect
Dec 11 04:09:39 batch-ca4-02 postfix/smtp[31689]: idle timeout -- exiting 
Dec 11 04:16:47 batch-ca4-02 postfix/smtpd[31631]: idle timeout -- exiting
Dec 11 05:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: timeout on 
cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
Dec 11 05:30:09 batch-ca4-02 postfix/smtpd[5663]: dict_eval: const  mail
Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 8A2993E3003B: 
read timeout on cleanup socket
Dec 11 05:53:51 batch-ca4-02 postfix/smtpd[5663]: dict_eval: const  ipv4

I know I originally stated that the email is from the pickup but now I'm not so 
sure. I'm seeing a lot of postfix/smtp verbose messages.
I hope this helps.

Gonzo Fernandez
Network Engineer

On Dec 15, 2011, at 2:07 PM, Lorens Kockum wrote:

 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 11:49:35AM -0800, Gonzo Fernandez wrote:
 /var/log/maillog:Dec 14 04:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/sendmail[12280]: 
 fatal: root(0): queue file write error
 /var/log/maillog:Dec 15 12:03:07 batch-ca4-02 postfix/postdrop[21744]: 
 warning: uid=0: Illegal seek
 In addition to what Wietse asked for in another mail just now,
 do look at the output of the commands
 That should show if there is a hardware problem.
 If it is not, then is it not possible that the 8A2993E3003B you
 are worrying about is a locally submitted mail from some system
 daemon (like logwatch) that is too big for your configured
 system limits? The times on the error messages make me suspect
 some kind of cron job.
 8A2993E3003B would then be a minor consequence of your main
 problem, which is mail freezing up over weekends.
 To diagnose that problem, it would be interesting to grep on a
 queue id that was correctly queued, like (from an earlier mail):
 Dec 12 10:08:50 batch-ca4-02 postfix/pickup[26935]: warning: 884643E30022: 
 message has been queued for 1 days
 Since mails such as those have been correctly queued, there
 should be a wealth of information about when and how and why
 it's staying in the queue so long.

Re: Postfix Not Sending Emails. Timeout on Cleanup socket error.

2011-12-15 Thread Gonzo Fernandez
Hi Wietse,

The UID 500 is from our batch email not spam. It constantly sends out emails to 
our clients on a regular basis. Also, I turned off verbose logging on all 
options. I originally turned it on to try and figure out why it was getting 
stuck on the weekends, but now it is off. I will see if that helps this 
weekend. Thank you.

Gonzo Fernandez
Network Engineer

On Dec 15, 2011, at 5:35 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:

 Gonzo Fernandez:
 # egrep 884643E30022 /var/log/maillog
 Dec 12 10:08:50 batch-ca4-02 postfix/pickup[26935]: warning: 884643E30022: 
 message has been queued for 1 days
 Dec 12 10:08:50 batch-ca4-02 postfix/pickup[26935]: 884643E30022: uid=500
 What user acccount has uid=500? Is this your web server? Perhaps
 you have an exploitable web application. This is very popular with
 To block local submissions from this user,
authorized_submit_users = !username, static:anyone
 Dec 12 10:08:50 batch-ca4-02 postfix/qmgr[26936]: qmgr_active_feed: 
 Please turn off all your verbose logging in It makes
 Postfix VERY VERY SLOW and makes mail overload problems much worse.
 On the other hand, if your email overload is caused by spam, please
 turn on verbose logging on everything, to slow down the delivery
 of spam.

Re: Postfix Not Sending Emails. Timeout on Cleanup socket error.

2011-12-14 Thread Gonzo Fernandez
Hi Wietse,

I apologize for the confusion. Here is the result of the following command. The 
mail arrived via pickup (local).

# grep 8A2993E3003B /var/log/maillog
Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 8A2993E3003B: 
read timeout on cleanup socket

Gonzo Fernandez
Network Engineer

On Dec 13, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:

 Gonzo Fernandez:
 Dec 11 05:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: timeout on 
 cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
 Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 8A2993E3003B: 
 read timeout on cleanup socket
 Did the email arrive via smtpd (network), or via pickup (local)?
 $ grep 8A2993E3003B /the/log/file

Re: Postfix Not Sending Emails. Timeout on Cleanup socket error.

2011-12-14 Thread Gonzo Fernandez
I'm not sure I'm understanding the log file info you would like. I tried doing 
grep search for 8A2993E3003B on all log files under /var/log/* and only found 
the following line to show up:

Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 8A2993E3003B: 
read timeout on cleanup socket

Can you please be more specific? Thanks for your patience and help. 

Gonzo Fernandez
Network Engineer

On Dec 14, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:

 Gonzo Fernandez:
 Hi Wietse,
 I apologize for the confusion. Here is the result of the following command. 
 The mail arrived via pickup (local).
 PLEASE show the logfile records that I asked for.
 # grep 8A2993E3003B /var/log/maillog
 Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 8A2993E3003B: 
 read timeout on cleanup socket
 Gonzo Fernandez
 Network Engineer
 On Dec 13, 2011, at 12:35 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
 Gonzo Fernandez:
 Dec 11 05:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: timeout on 
 cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
 Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 
 8A2993E3003B: read timeout on cleanup socket
 Did the email arrive via smtpd (network), or via pickup (local)?
 $ grep 8A2993E3003B /the/log/file

Postfix Not Sending Emails. Timeout on Cleanup socket error.

2011-12-13 Thread Gonzo Fernandez
Hi all,

I'm not too familiar with postfix but our server seems to stop sending emails 
usually only on the weekends. The rest of the week it's fine but once it gets 
to about Saturday/Sunday morning it gets stuck. I've come in usually on Monday 
and type mailq only to find hundreds if not thousand or so emails stuck in 
the incoming queue. I have to restart the postfix service for all the emails to 
get sent.

I was hoping someone a little more experienced than me can point me in the 
right direction and explain what's going on as I'm not that familiar with it 
yet. I'm sure I'm not the first to have this issue and I've searched online but 
have found nothing specific that could be causing this. This is what cat 
/var/log/maillog | grep warning shows:

Dec 11 05:09:19 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: timeout on 
cleanup socket while reading input attribute name
Dec 11 05:31:27 batch-ca4-02 postfix/cleanup[31691]: warning: 8A2993E3003B: 
read timeout on cleanup socket

Here is my postconf -n:

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
html_directory = no
in_flow_delay = 10s
inet_interfaces = localhost
mail_owner = postfix
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
mydomain =
myorigin = $mydomain
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/README_FILES
relayhost = 192.168.x.x
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.3/samples
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
setgid_group = postdrop
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550

Can anyone please help?? If I need to submit more info please let me know. 
Thank you!

Gonzo Fernandez
Network Engineer

Re: Postfix Not Sending Emails. Timeout on Cleanup socket error.

2011-12-13 Thread Gonzo Fernandez

Gonzo Fernandez
Network Engineer

On Dec 13, 2011, at 12:21 PM, Brian Evans - Postfix List wrote:

 egrep '(warning|error|fatal|panic):' /some/log/file | more