Hello Witse do you mean to use HOLD action on header_checks ?

like this ?

/^Subject:.*hacked*/ HOLD

And that whats suppose to do ?

It is holded the email on the queue ?  and I can check with mailq command ?
and later detele from queue and email me a alert

Sorry for ask and not try, because we have only enviroment on producction
and dont make a misstake on the service.


El lun., 27 abr. 2020 a las 12:59, Wietse Venema (<wie...@porcupine.org>)

> jmpatagonia:
> > Hello I need help to using header_checks, I create a rule
> >
> > /^Subject:.*hacked*/ DISCARD
> An alternative is to use HOLD action, assuming you aren't using
> software that hijacks the HOLD feature for other purposes, such as
> mailscanner. Then you can review the email with "postcat -q" and
> delete it with "postsuper -d".
> > that work propertly, but a want to know it is posible to email me o to
> alert
> > me when this rule occur or is aplicated. For some way. Oviusly I see
> that on
> > the mail.log
> A logfile scanner such as fail2ban could do that for you. Ideally
> there is a rate limit so that you won't be email bombed.
>         Wietse

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