On 12 Jun 2011, at 11:23, Wiebe Cazemier wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Reindl Harald" <h.rei...@thelounge.net>
>> To: postfix-users@postfix.org
>> Sent: Sunday, 12 June, 2011 10:04:02 AM
>> Subject: Re: unverified_recipient_tempfail_action = permit
>> Am 12.06.2011 09:06, schrieb Wiebe Cazemier:
>>>> so you do not need any backup-MX because if your primary
>>>> is not available the deferring happens on the sender
>>>> this is the way smtp works
>>> Default defer time for most SMTP servers is only 3 to 5 days, that
>>> is not long enough for me.
>> jokingly if you are longer than 3 times down with your primary MX
>> you should consider outsourving you mailservices!
> Well, I also have some private servers and if I'm on vacation, I have a hard 
> time fixing broken hardware. At this time, I have no cloud platform or other 
> redundant platform in place.
> Plus, people sending me mail will get a defer notice. I'd rather prevent that.
>> really - in the last ten years our longest outage of the mailserver
>> was 10 hours bcause a hardware-failure, so why does it bother
>> me how long is the defer time out there and if our server si longer
>> than 5 days down my smallest problem are a hand of mails bouncing
>> back to the sender
>>>>> So if you would accept mail when the primary is down, you may
>>>>> very
>>>>> briefly
>>>>> create backscatter, but it allows you to operate a backup MX
>>>>> server
>>>>> without
>>>>> syncing recipient maps, or have any other knowledge about it
>>>> nut the backup-mx is really useless if it depends on the primary
>>>> one
>>>> for
>>>> proper working and in the reality a backup-mx is useless, really
>>> I kind of disagree. It doesn't rely on the primary for proper
>>> functioning,
>>> it just makes use of knowledge of the primary when it can.
>> normally the backup-mx will get no messages as long as the primary is
>> available
>> so there are no valid/ivalid RCPT cached
> That is in a world where there is no spam. In a world where there is no spam, 
> I don't need recipient address verification to reject mail on the backup to 
> begin with. So when the primary is down, all is well.
> The only reason I do need recipient address verification is spam. And having 
> the abused backup MX verify at the primary side, for me, is a good enough way 
> to prevent backscatter.
>> if your primary si down your backup-mx does know nothing and is a
>> backscatter
>> so cinfigure your mailservices properly or consider outsourcing them
>> to anybody
>> who can do this and makes a service level agreement where your mx is
>> not down
>> for some days
> I understand your point of view, but I think it should be possible to 
> configure a MX server as backup for anyone who wants to use it, without 
> maintaining extra address information, at the cost of creating backscatter 
> when the primary is down (which can partly be avoided by installing good spam 
> filtering).

Possible backscatter is no argument against this extra option. This has to be 
dealt with on the backup mx anyways.

Outsourcing is not a fix either. We're talking about small-scale operations 
here. People who mostly run their servers for privacy reasons to avoid putting 
all their data in the iCloud. It already happened to me that I was on a ship 
for some days and found the primary mail server unresponsive for some reason. 
With a backup mx just blindly accepting everything in such a case, I just need 
to fix the primary and flush the backup mx to get all the mail delivered 

I also kept a list of valid recipients on my backup mx for quite some time, but 
this is no elegant solution. I need to collect the list from various SLQ- and 
LDAP sources every few hours. Of course it works but when there is a new setup 
on the primary server, it's the first thing to be forgotten.

Allowing unverified_recipient_tempfail_action=permit would help greatly with 
these smaller operations where:

-emails should be accepted by _SOME_ server at all cost to prevent 
-the main server is not 100% reliable (because it's on a private 
ADSL-connection or so)
-database replication for keeping a list of recipients isn't really worth it
-but we still want some verification to prevent spam from piling up.

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