Address rewriting v Virtual alias domains

2021-06-15 Thread Mono DHS
Hello all,

I would like to implement rewriting of envelope recipient addresses
as they are recieved by smtpd(8) prior to the respective message being
fed into "the queue", based solely on the form of the envelope recipient
addresses in question. So far, I was able to figure out that to accomplish
this task for arbitrary address/domains, the virtual(5) tables are the
means to express these relationships, and that the cleanup(8) daemon
does the actual work.

Specifically, I would like to make sure that the case-insensitive
   forward-path as required by RFC 5321 [1] is rewritten
to   , where

mydestination = $myhostname


Secondly, I would like to have either forward-path  
and each of the(no  $proxy_interfaces  here)
rewritten to the forward-path   .

Assuming that I maintain neither local domains nor relay domains, and only
virtual mailbox domains, and that

myorigin = $myhostname

holds, the first requirement might be accomplished with having

append_at_myorigin   = yes
local_recipient_maps = inline:{ { postmaster = - } }

although I am uncertain about whether the maps specified
for  local_recipient_maps  perform case-folding like virtual(5)
maps do.  The LOCAL_RECIPIENT_README did not help in this regard,

To satisfy the second requirement, I currently have

virtual_alias_domains =
inline:{ { postmaster = postmaster@⟨some virtual mailbox domain⟩ } }

and this is where the problem starts.

The manpage to virtual(5) suggests in section TABLE SEARCH ORDER that
it first tries left hand sides of the form  ⟨local-part⟩@⟨domain⟩ ,
then  ⟨local-part⟩ and finally  @⟨domain⟩ .  It also introduces the
concept of virtual alias domains and that with an empty
 virtual_alias_domains , the /first line/ of (any of) the maps
in  virtual_alias_maps  tell cleanup(8) what that virtual alias domain
is. However, since only the left hand side of that first line is being
evaluated to decide what that virtual alias domain is, an ambiguity is
introduced w.r.t. non-virtual alias domain rewriting.  This is because,
syntactically, a ⟨local-part⟩ like  postmaster  is indistinguishable
from a ⟨domain⟩ [2], more so  firstname.lastname  (notice the dot).

So, the question is, how do I tell Postfix to disable its virtual alias
domain machinery, yet have the full power of address rewriting with
virtual(5) at my disposal?


[2] Command 
Argument Syntax

Description: PGP signature

EHLO argument validation

2021-08-08 Thread Mono DHS
Hello all,

RFC 5321, in section, states that a valid argument to the
EHLO command is either a ⟨Domain⟩ or an ⟨address-literal⟩.

Postfix allows the adminstrator to selectively control access to
the SMTP server either by ⟨Domain⟩ via the  check_helo_access ,
the  check_helo_mx_access  or  check_helo_ns_access  tables,
or by the IP addresses resolved from that ⟨Domain⟩
via  check_helo_a_access  tables.

Since ⟨address-literal⟩s are legal arguments for the EHLO command,
which of the  check_helo_access  or  check_helo_a_access  tables
are appropriate to control access to the SMTP server based on
⟨address-literal⟩s, as opposed to the IP addresses resolved
from ⟨Domain⟩s?


Description: PGP signature

Re: EHLO argument validation

2021-08-08 Thread Mono DHS

On 2021-08-08, at 16:13 (UTC+0200), Matus UHLAR - fantomas had the following to 

: are you searching for disabling particular strings in helo/ehlo command?

No, I would like to validate the argument to the EHLO command
(actually, to both the EHLO and HELO commands, but see below).

The standard says that it must have the form of a ⟨Domain⟩ or
⟨address-literal⟩ (only ⟨Domain⟩s allowed with HELO), and be a
"primary host name" [1] for the former.  A primary host name is
defined as an FQDN that resolves to an A or  RRset, as opposed
to merely an MX RRset.

However, there are globally well-defined domain names [2], as well
as IP addresses [3], that satisfy these respective productions, yet have
special semantics that preclude them from appearing in any /meaningful/
SMTP conversation on the public Internet -- either as argument to the
EHLO/HELO command or the ⟨Domain⟩ part in a ⟨Mailbox⟩, where only
⟨Domain⟩s are allowed.  It's only logical, then, to weed them out
before we even invoke the DNS lookup machinery in our attempts to
resolve a domain name that -- by definition -- is to produce an
NXDOMAIN from any well-administered public DNS server, anyway.

I currently only have the domain names listed in a  check_helo_access
table with a  REJECT  action for each and all its sub-domains, and would
like to extend this functionality to ⟨address-literal⟩s for the EHLO
command case.  The way I understand the workings of the  check_helo_access
tables is that no DNS lookup is performed before the table is consulted.
So far, so good.

The  check_helo_a_access  tables are only consulted with the /result/
of a DNS lookup, and are therefore not suitable, since we do not need
to look up an ⟨address-literal⟩ EHLO argument.

My current approach consists of either having both domain names and
IP addresses in one  check_helo_access  table (operationally preferred,
but insufficient for specifying all IP address forms) or use /two/
 check_helo_access  tables in succession: one access(5) table for
domain names followed by one cidr_table(5) for IP addresses.  The
latter is a consequence of the fact that these special addresses
are all defined as CIDR blocks, and some of them with prefixes
that aren't integer-multiples of 8, which rules out access(5)
tables for those IP addresses.

Another complication arises with SMTP clients that only introduce
themselves with the HELO command.  In that particular case, as
near-pathological as it may seem these days, I would /only/ like
the domain name table to be consulted, and not the IP address table,
since, well, ⟨address-literal⟩s aren't allowed as arguments to the
HELO command.

Any comments, suggestions?



Description: PGP signature

Re: EHLO argument validation

2021-08-09 Thread Mono DHS

On 2021-08-08, at 10:25 (UTC-0400), Wietse Venema had the following to say:

: Mono DHS:
: Checking application/pgp-signature: FAILURE

Perhaps  hkps://  might help.

Key servers are the bane of OpenPGP.  I don't own/control the domain of
the email address I am writing under, so there is no way for me to have
DANE records of my public keys in the DNS.

: There is a comment in the function that implements check_xxx_yy_access:
: /*
:  * Treat an address literal as its own MX server, just like we treat a
:  * name without MX record as its own MX server. There is, however, no
:  * applicable NS server equivalent.
:  */

Basically, all I want is to avoid DNS lookups where they contribute no
new information.  And we certainly do not need those for ⟨address-literal⟩s.

It would appear that  check_helo_a_access  tables provide indeed what
I need.  Its documentation somewhat strays from what the code actually
makes the reader believe, because the former does only mention "IP addresses
for the HELO or EHLO hostname", and not its capability to deal with
⟨address-literal⟩s.  That's an important operational distinction to

There is another comment in  check_server_access()  a little further down,
that reads

 * If the request is type A or , fabricate an MX record that points
 * to the domain name itself, and skip name-based access control.

What is "name-based access control", and how does it differ from
what  check_domain_access()  does?


Description: PGP signature

Re: ALPACA writeup

2021-08-09 Thread Mono DHS

On 2021-08-03, at 14:11 (UTC-0400), Wietse Venema had the following to say:

: > Just wondering, did you add the anti-http stuff because of ALPACA or was it 
already there?
: > 
: Postfix 2.2 added both the GET etc. configurable forbidden word
: list and header detection (changelog says 20041124).

Out of utter bewilderment and honest curiosity, I'd be interested to know
how and why /non/-SMTP commands would be considered for the implementation
of an SMTP MTA in the first place.

Haven't seen anything even remotely concerning HTTP in any SMTP standard.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ALPACA writeup

2021-08-09 Thread Mono DHS

On 2021-08-09, at 09:39 (UTC-0400), Wietse Venema had the following to say:

: > Haven't seen anything even remotely concerning HTTP in any SMTP standard.
: You assume that clients will adhere to the SMTP standard.

Oh, no, I assume that we speak SMTP when it is agreed upon to do so,
and nothing else, with emphasis on the latter.  Consequently, anything
that does not look like SMTP is rejected.

The Internet has a nice way of signaling "only SMTP spoken here" by
offering SMTP MTA services on TCP port 25 and 587/465 for SMTP Submission.

The general public already conflating the Web with the Internet is bad
enough, at least systems people should be able to keep separate things
separate, simple and robust.


Description: PGP signature

Re: ALPACA writeup

2021-08-10 Thread Mono DHS
Hello again,

On 2021-08-09, at 09:39 (UTC-0400), Wietse Venema had the following to say:

: There was a Postfix-users thread that led to this.

Uh, oh.  The example conversation is noteworthy for two reasons.

First, upon receiving input consisting of the three tokens "POST",
"/", and "HTTP/1.0", the server should have recognised that such a
token sequence does not constitute a valid SMTP command line.

Second, when replying with code 502, the server suggests that in fact
there exists in the standard SMTP protocol definition or the local
interpretation of it an action named "POST", and the server recognised
it as such, but it is not (yet) implemented.  This differs semantically
from "I do not recognise this token sequence as a command line at all".

The semantics for 502 are made very clear in RFC 5321 [1,2], where 504
(command implemented, but one of its parameters isn't) for example, is
considered a refinement of 502.

The server hanging on to a connection is the expected behaviour when
replying with 502, because in such a case, there was no violation of
SMTP proper.  The server, merely unable to fulfill the request,
understood it and is giving the client the choice to try and keep
going with both sides still speaking SMTP.  However, upon receiving
the token "POST", the server should have instead replied with code
500 (Syntax error, command unrecognized) [3], where, on the server's
side, the choice to keep going is much harder to justify, since the
client obviously isn't even willing to speak SMTP and it is likely
that this will not change.

: The current implementation is based on this contribution:

I remember coming across the documentation for  smtpd_forbidden_commands
and wondered what that was for.  Now I understand that it is a consequence
of the interpretation of the example conversation.  Perhaps a more suitable
name would have been  smtpd_forbidden_command_line_tokens , lest people
start thinking "POST" is actually an SMTP command.

Are there plans to revisit the SMTP command parsing and handling logic
in the server in one form or another?  Are people making active use of
the  smtpd_forbidden_commands  parameter?



Description: PGP signature

Re: EHLO argument validation

2021-08-10 Thread Mono DHS

On 2021-08-09, at 16:33 (UTC+0200), Matus UHLAR - fantomas had the following to 

: I don't know where you got that address is not allowed in helo/ehlo - it is.

The (current) standard says that it is for EHLO and it is not for HELO [1].



Description: PGP signature

Re: ALPACA writeup

2021-08-10 Thread Mono DHS

On 2021-08-10, at 07:39 (UTC-0700), Stephen Satchell had the following to say:

: On 8/10/21 7:00 AM, Mono DHS wrote:
: > Are there plans to revisit the SMTP command parsing and handling logic
: > in the server in one form or another?  Are people making active use of
: > the  smtpd_forbidden_commands  parameter?
: > 
: Longer answer:  See this shell sequence:
: > # postconf smtpd_forbidden_commands
: > smtpd_forbidden_commands = CONNECT GET POST
: > # postconf mail_version
: > mail_version = 3.4.13

Same here (same version), since it's the default.

Anyone added more or other tokens, like, e.g. "EXPUNGE" and "RENAME"
(both IMAP), "HAVESPACE" and "SETACTIVE" (both ManageSieve) or anything
else imaginable that may or may not be thrown at the server at any point
in time?

An open door philosophy such as the one implied by  smtpd_forbidden_commands
does and can /not/ provide protection from the big bad world, even and
especially in practical terms.  This is simply because it starts with
an "anything permitted" policy and only then selectively, more or less
arbitrarily, closes the door for specific tokens that have been observed
in the wild, perhaps as part of a deliberate action or just misconfiguration.
Administrators of such a system are relegated to eternally playing catch-up
with the outside world.

In contrast, robust protocol implementations are designed according
to a constructivist philosophy, starting with a clean slate, "nothing
permitted" policy and only ever adding what's permitted by the protocol,
and that protocol alone.  Any input such a server is presented with that
lies outside that protocol definition is rejected outright or dealt with
in other ways according to local policy.

And the right to reject non-SMTP input follows from operating an
SMTP MTA on the well-known TCP port 25, while at the same time holding
up the fundamental principle upon which the success of the Internet is
based, namely of being liberal in what one accepts and conservative in
what one sends.


Description: PGP signature