Re: ot: policyd advise

2017-12-16 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Dec 16, 2017, at 10:55 AM, Voytek  wrote:
> thanks. I guess on this server it was never configured as logs are full of
> DUNNOs, didn't notice any other labels

It depends on the plugins enabled in iRedAPD config file, you can turn
on debug mode to see more details: 

> is iRedAPD available/supported as 'stand alone' with my current postfix, ,
> or just as part of iredmail ?

iRedAPD is a Postfix policy server, of course you can remove it if you
don’t need it.

We replaced Policyd/Cluebringer by iRedAPD, with extra features and
improvements, i suggest you check what features/plugins it offers first
before making the final decision. Plugin directory is /opt/iredapd/plugins/.

For iRedMail / iRedAPD related questions/issues, it’s better move to
iRedMail online support forum: 

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project:
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).
Available on Telegram:

Re: ot: policyd advise

2017-12-14 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Dec 15, 2017, at 6:31 AM, Voytek  wrote:
> Q1: in a multi line config like this, is it possibly to comment out one
> line in place like so?

iRedAPD works on two Postfix protocol state: RCPT, END-OF-MESSAGE.
Different states have different functions. for example, greylisting plugin
only works in RCPT state, but throttle plugin works on both states.

If mail is rejected in RCPT state, we don’t need client to send full message
and move to END-OF-MESSAGE state.

> Q2: is there a way to assess from maillogs? effectiveness ? what else ?
> that this deamon has ?

iRedAPD logs to /var/log/iredapd/iredapd.log. If some email was rejected
by iRedAPD (e.g. greylisting), Postfix will log the rejection too.

> Q3: what are my options to update from policyd 1.x to (greylist,
> throttling, what else should I look at ?)

Policyd v1 is dead, v2 is not under active maintenance in passed 2 years (4
commits in 2017, no commit in 2016).

Policyd v2 is a completely rewritten with different SQL structure, and Policyd
developers didn’t offer any upgrade/migration tutorial. You’re on your own.

You’re free to use any policy servers which work well with Postfix, but if
you use iRedMail + iRedAdmin-Pro, it’s better move to iRedAPD to get
the best integration, and get support from iRedMail online support forum: 

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project:
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).
Available on Telegram:

Re: Do you know an FOSS email system for kids?

2017-04-16 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Apr 15, 2017, at 10:31 PM, Dedeco Balaco Baco  
> wrote:
> - messages can be sent to any email account

This is not a problem.

> - answers must only be read after the contact is added and the supervisor 
> confirmed its safety

Sounds like quarantining and audit.

Amavisd or similar softwares supports quarantining spam/virus/bad-header/banned 
and also clean messages to SQL database (or file system), you need a web UI to 
view them and release/delete them.

> - or each message from strange accounts can be marked as safe without adding 
> the sender to the contact; process repeated for each message

Not sure what this means, but sounds like some kind of whitelisting and 
blacklisting. Is it?

> - messages from contacts are received faster, do not need to be previously 
> read by supervisor account

Like whitelisting. Bypass the quarantine for whitelisted senders.

> - a copy of all messages can be read by the supervisor account at anytime, 
> even after they are erased within the safe account

Use BCC for simple archiving or monitoring, or archive software like Piler:

> Such a system (or program) is not that hard to develop.

“not that hard”? No matter hard or easy, it takes time.

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project:
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).
Available on Telegram:

Re: Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-19 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Aug 19, 2016, at 11:56 AM, Bill Cole 
>  wrote:
> So, is this policy server listening on port 1234 or port ?
> I'll assume this is just inconsistent (and pointless) obfuscation...

Just a pointless obfuscation. Sorry about this.

> As Wietse noted more tersely, the only way to handle concurrent connections 
> is to not block your ability to accept and handle a new connection while you 
> wait for the completion of anything that might take time with an existing 
> connection. You have to hand off a new connection to a new thread or process 
> without reading from it or writing to it, and get back to accepting new 
> connections as quickly as possible. I'm not fluent in Python and haven't 
> worked with network server code in any language for decades, so I can't say 
> specifically what you need to do in your program, but I know for sure that 
> trying to serialize your transactions in a single threaded design is 
> unworkable.

Got your point. I'm working on fix this programming issue.

Thank you very much, Bill. :)

Re: Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-19 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Aug 19, 2016, at 10:10 AM, Richard James Salts  
> wrote:
> It sounds like similar behaviour to what postfix is logging, so at least you 
> have a way to replicate it now. Try checking netstat -antp | grep : and 
> see what state all the tcp sockets are in. If you're seeing a lot in SYN 
> state it means that your python process has been too busy to process the 
> information from the kernel. If you're seeing a lot in TIME_WAIT it might be 
> that the rate of connections is too high and you're running out of 
> port -> combinations. This obviously won't 
> solve the problem but will give you an idea of what's happening.

On production server, my policy server was running with original Python. After 
discussions in this thread, i thought it was too slow to process those 
requests, so i now run it with pypy to (hopefully) get better performance. But 
unfortunately, still same issue.

When I saw lots of "Connection timed out" and "Connection reset by peer", the 
output of repeat command "netstat -antp | grep : | awk '{print $6}' | sort 
| uniq -c | sort -nr" are:



Re: Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-18 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear Bill,

Thanks very much for helping.

> On Aug 19, 2016, at 4:17 AM, Bill Cole 
>  wrote:
>> What do you mean "run" the policy service? It's a python program.
> Which must be running in order for it to be listening for connections.
> Likely mechanisms would be via a SysV init script in /etc/init.d/ or via a 
> systemd service definition.

On some old Linux distributions, it's run with a SysV init script, but on 
CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 16.04, it's run via systemd.

> If your policy server is listening on, you could try this:
> for x in {1..100} ; do nc 1234 & done
> That attempts to make 100 TCP connections to with 100 
> different 'nc' processes, all running in the background.
> If your policy server is accepting the connections, running the "jobs" 
> command after all of those background processes have launched should show 
> them all in "Stopped(SIGTTIN)" state, meaning that they are connected and 
> waiting for input.

I did this test with shell:

for i in $(seq 200); do
nc 1234 &

'jobs' commands show 200 "Stopped" jobs.

> If all 100 processes connect in a reasonable time, the next step would be to 
> do the same test, but with input piped into all of the nc commands simulating 
> what Postfix sends to a policy server.

I tested with shell commands below:

for i in $(seq 1000); do
(cat <

Re: Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-18 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Aug 18, 2016, at 10:02 PM, Wietse Venema  wrote:
> What are you using to "run" the policy service? Try using "telnet
> 9998" or "nc 9998" to test it.

Thanks Wietse. :)

What do you mean "run" the policy service? It's a python program.

> In particular, what happens when you make 100 simultaneous connections?

Any idea how i can simulate 100 concurrent connections on Linux command line?

Re: Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-17 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Aug 18, 2016, at 8:46 AM, Noel Jones  wrote:
> There was an example on the link I sent earlier.
> #
> = 3600

Seems this setting is not ok for me: The example in Postfix doc does have a 
transport ( defined in, but i don't have one. Is it 
still working?

"postconf -n" reports:

postconf: warning: /etc/postfix/ unused parameter:

Re: Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-17 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Aug 18, 2016, at 8:46 AM, Noel Jones  wrote:
> #
> = 3600

"postfix check" reported "unused parameter:", i 
thought it was illegal parameter.
I added this one and restarted Postfix, let's see whether or not it fixes my 

Thank you very much, Noel. :)

Re: Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-17 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Aug 18, 2016, at 12:17 AM, Noel Jones  wrote:
> Have you defined a time limit as described in
> The default time limit of 1000s may be too short.

My policy server is a inet server (check_policy_service inet:, 
not a transport defined in, how can i define the time limit for inet 

> Otherwise, show your config.

"postconf -nf":
"postconf -Mf":

Policy server problem: connection timed out or connection reset by peer

2016-08-17 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear all,

I got a problem with my own Postfix policy server (written in Python). Postfix 
usually works fine with it, but sometimes it raised error like this:

Aug 17 08:32:52 mail1 postfix/smtpd[24298]: warning: problem talking to server Connection reset by peer
Aug 17 08:34:05 mail1 postfix/smtpd[24771]: warning: problem talking to server Connection timed out

Then time Postfix raised these errors, my policy server is still working and 
properly processing requests (checked its log file).

I don't know how to reproduce this issue, except wait (especially when server 
is busy, but randomly). Do you have any idea/hint about how i can debug this 
issue? either Postfix side or my policy server side, or both.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Re: No From: address in policy delegation protocol?

2016-06-28 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Jun 28, 2016, at 11:15 PM, Wietse Venema  wrote:
> To examine SMTP-level events AND message content, use one of the

Dear Wietse,

Thanks very much for showing me the direction. :)

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project:
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).

Re: No From: address in policy delegation protocol?

2016-06-28 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Jun 28, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Benning, Markus  wrote:
> Policy service is just a table lookup. From what restriction do you call
> the policy lookup?

Postfix is configured to call the policy server at protocol state RCPT
(smtpd_recipient_restrictions) and END-OF-MESSAGE

I understand what a policy service does, just want to know whether
or not Postfix parses the submitted mail message to get 'From:'
address and send it to policy server. This is not mentioned in Postfix

> The From: is a header instead of a smtp protocol field.
> It may be only available within a header check.

This makes sense. But with header check, you get one header each
time, we cannot compare two headers.

A content filter should work in this case, but it's not my purpose.

Zhang Huangbin, founder of iRedMail project:
Time zone: GMT+8 (China/Beijing).

Re: No From: address in policy delegation protocol?

2016-06-27 Thread Zhang Huangbin

> On Jun 28, 2016, at 1:46 PM, Zhang Huangbin  wrote:
> I can reproduce this issue with a simple Python program:
> *) construct mail message with forge sender address. e.g. 'From: 
> '
> *) send email as normal/legal user "" with smtp auth.
> *) while sending email, specify the sender address as 
> "".
> *) When user received the email, his MUA shows the address in 'From:' as 
> sender.

Here's the python code:

No From: address in policy delegation protocol?

2016-06-27 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear all,

I have a simple Postfix policy server, and got a problem to reject sender login 
mismatch (sender != sasl_username) with Outlook 2016: user is able to specify a 
From: address, it would be any address you want, and the From: address is not 
passed to policy server.

I can reproduce this issue with a simple Python program:

*) construct mail message with forge sender address. e.g. 'From: 
*) send email as normal/legal user "" with smtp auth.
*) while sending email, specify the sender address as "".
*) When user received the email, his MUA shows the address in 'From:' as sender.

In this case:

- address '' is not available in policy server
- attributes 'sender=' and 'sasl_username' are ''

So the question is, does Postfix parse the submitted mail message to get 
'From:' address? How can i overcome this?

Thanks for helping. :)

Re: Feature request: able to search sql/ldap without extension (

2015-04-03 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear Wietse,

Thanks for your reply, and congratulations to your new job. :)

> On Apr 4, 2015, at 12:19 AM, Wietse Venema  wrote:
> Postfix will automatically query with
> 1) the full email address,
> 2) the address without extension, 
> 3) the domain.
> ...

> The 1/2/3 query order is currently hard-coded. It should be made
> configurable.

Any plan to implement this?

iRedMail project:

Feature request: able to search sql/ldap without extension (

2015-04-03 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear Postfix developers,

I posted a question about how to construct a sql/ldap query to query
accounts without extension part in email address last month:

For example, query recipient '' with LDAP filter:

query_filter= (mail=%s)
query_filter= (mail=%u@%d)

It will always include '+extension' part in filter. The feature i'm requesting
is to add one more expansion (e.g. %n) which doesn't include '+extension'

For example:

query_filter = (mail=%n@%d)

It will query '' without '+extension' part.

I know we can use some SQL builtin functions to construct this query
filter, but it's impossible for LDAP. That's why i'm requesting this feature.

Hope you can consider my request and implement it in future release.
Thanks. :)

iRedMail project:

Re: About table search order: not to query ''

2015-03-12 Thread Zhang Huangbin
On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:10 AM, Viktor Dukhovni

>> In this case, SQL is flexible. but any solution for LDAP table? we cannot do
>> this in ldap query filter.
> No.

OK, thanks.

BTW, any plan to support this (ignore '+extension' in table lookup)?

Re: About table search order: not to query ''

2015-03-11 Thread Zhang Huangbin
On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:03 AM, Viktor Dukhovni
> You may well be able to do something with advanced SQL string
> manipulation to short-circuit queries that contain "+".
> SELECT result
> FROM table
> WHERE key = '%u@%d'
> AND key NOT LIKE '%%+%%'
> An SQL server may well optimize that query away when the key contains
> a "+" and not do any disk I/O.

In this case, SQL is flexible. but any solution for LDAP table? we cannot do
this in ldap query filter.

Again, thanks for your help. :)

Re: About table search order: not to query ''

2015-03-11 Thread Zhang Huangbin
On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 11:46 PM, Viktor Dukhovni
> Not at present.  You can only suppress lookups for bare keys which
> can happen when the domain is $myorigin or matches $mydestination
> by interpolating the lookup key into the query via '%u@%d' instead
> of '%s'.  That will filter out keys with no @domain part.

Thanks Victor. :)

I'm afraid that '%u' doesn't work, it still has '+extension' in query.
for example:

*) part of my testing ldap lookup file:

query_filter= (mail=%u@%d)

*) Testing with 'postmap':

# postmap -v -q '' ldap:./
postmap: dict_ldap_lookup: ./ Searching with filter

As you can see, '%u' doesn't drop extension '+abc' in my test.
Anything wrong in my testing?

About table search order: not to query ''

2015-03-11 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear all,

According to Postfix document, virtual(8), ''
is looked up first, then ''. Is it possible to
skip/ignore the address extension and just query ''?
(by the way, i want to ignore the extension in SQL/LDAP lookup.)

Thanks for your time and help. :)

The search order is as follows. The search stops upon  the  first  suc-
cessful lookup.

o When  the  recipient  has  an  optional  address  extension  the
   user+extens...@domain.tld address is looked up first.

o The  u...@domain.tld  address,  without  address  extension,  is
   looked up next.

Typo error in web site: /postconf.5.html

2014-04-22 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear developers,

There's a typo error in

# Handle both Postfix and qmail extensions (Postfix 2.11 and later).
recipient_delimiters = +-

Looks like it should be 'recipient_delimiter', not 'recipient_delimiters' (ends 
with 's'). recipient_delimiters doesn't work at all.

Re: Why Postfix always complain "unexpected EOF" with my own tcp_table program?

2013-07-28 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:

> 1) Use a network sniffer to see what Python actually sends. You may
> assume that your program sends \n, but Postfix does not receive \n.

Thanks Wietse, and John.
I think this is the root cause, will try a network sniffer later.
> 2) Unrelated to this bug: closing the connection after one request
> is inefficient.

My program closes the connection immediately.

Why Postfix always complain "unexpected EOF" with my own tcp_table program?

2013-07-27 Thread Zhang Huangbin
Dear all,

I wrote a simple daemon service in Python, it's used in Postfix transport_maps 
like this:

transport_maps = tcp:

It always returns '200 my_transport\n' as described in Postfix manual page 
tcp_table(5), but Postfix always complains "unexpected EOF" like below:

Jul 27 22:51:53 d7 postfix/trivial-rewrite[4260]: warning: read TCP map reply 
from unexpected EOF (Success)

This Python daemon server uses 'asynchat' module, and return '200 
my_transport\n' with 'async_chat.push()' method like this:

self.push('200 my_transport\n')

Any idea why Postfix always complain "unexpected EOF"?

Thanks for your time.

Re: Show username for "SASL LOGIN authentication failed:"?

2013-06-09 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 10:09 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:

> Dovecot uses login_log_format_elements to determine what it logs for 
> login attempts... you'll find the variables it supports here:
> Mine (which logs the username) looks like:
> login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lport=%{lport} 
> mpid=%e %c session=<%{session}>

This works for IMAP/POP3/Managesieve services provided by Dovecot, and
logged in Dovecot log file, but it won't appear in Postfix/Dovecot log files for
SMTP service.

Zhang Huangbin
iRedMail: free, open source mail server solution for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu,
openSUSE, FreeBSD, OpenBSD.

Re: Latest package for RHEL6

2012-10-24 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Monday, October 22, 2012 at 10:56 PM, Morten Stevens wrote:

> I have backported Postfix 2.9.x for my company and I am also package
> maintainer for Fedora.
> Here are my latest builds for el6:

Do you enable PostgreSQL support in this package?

Re: Problem with eMail on Cloud Servers

2012-08-15 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 8:53 AM, wrote:

> How can I configure the new servers to use the one file format?
> (I know it's less efficient - so I've been told several times)

We use Postfix + Dovecot for mail server.

To use Maildir format in Postfix, set home_mailbox=Maildir/ in Postfix
In Dovecot, set "mail_location = maildir:/%Lh/:INDEX=/%Lh/".

If you need a quick mail server solution, take a look at 
instead of setup all components manually.


Zhang Huangbin
iRedMail: Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, openSUSE,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD:

Re: Minimal permissions on /etc/postfix

2012-07-24 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 12:09 AM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:

> We store our virtual_foo_maps in,
> /etc/posfix/maps/virtual_foo_maps.pgsql
> and so the (read-only) database credentials are visible in that file.
> I'd like to tighten this up if possible, but I don't want to do anything
> stupid.
> If I'm not going about this all wrong, what can I do to prevent e.g. SSH
> users from reading the DB credentials? Ideally, I'd also like to prevent
> them from reading the rest of the maps, which contain lists of
> addresses, clients, etc.

Works for me with owner 'root', group 'postfix', permission 0640.

Zhang Huangbin

iRedMail: Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
CentOS, Scientific Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, Gentoo, openSUSE,
FreeBSD, OpenBSD:

Re: Postfix, POP/IMAP server, virtual users, web administration - what do you use?

2010-09-29 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Sep 27, 2010, at 6:58 PM, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

> What do you use with Postfix, if you have virtual users (i.e. in a SQL 
> database)?
> I know web-cyradm, which works pretty well with Cyrus (IMAP/POP) and Postfix 
> - all users, domains, aliases etc. are stored in a SQL database. However, 
> web-cyradm seems to be more or less abandoned now, with the last update from 
> 2005.
> What other options do you use with Postfix, when it comes to "web-based" 
> virtual users/domain/aliases management? With IMAP/POP servers like Cyrus, 
> Courier, Dovecot?

Another one: iRedMail + iRedAdmin. It's under active development.


Re: Integration with Active Directory

2010-03-12 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Mar 12, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Goutam Baul wrote:

> Hello Everybody,
> I am facing a scenario where the client needs a mailing solution while the 
> user information will be kept in a Microsoft Active Directory server. I was 
> trying to search for any material that talks about whether it is possible to 
> make postfix and courier-imap talk to Microsoft ADS. I have done 
> implementation with Open LDAP but not with ADS. Another work around might be 
> to have LDAP for the mailing solution and create an application for user 
> management that ensures that the LDAP and the MDS are always in sync. This 
> would not be an elegant one and it would be great if the mailing solution 
> (postfix,courier-imap,courier-authlib all in Linux] could talk to the ADS. 
> May I request for some pointer please?

You can try Postfix + Dovecot + Windows Active Directory 2003 + Roundcube 
webmail. I deployed one for customer based on iRedMail, works like a charm.

Postfix and Dovecot can auth user against AD directly, include normal user, 
mail list, and Roundcube can use AD as global LDAP address book too. :)

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, FreeBSD:

Re: how to build a (enterprise) postfix system

2010-02-03 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Jan 29, 2010, at 6:13 AM, David Touzeau wrote:

> Take a look here : 
> 2010/1/28 ml ml  >:
> > Hello List,
> >
> > we are planing to set up a new E-Mail (Cluster) system with postfix.
> > Our goal is that this is all ldap based and that our customers can
> > manage their own:
> > - E-Mail Addresses
> > - Passwords
> > - Black/White lists
> > - Spamasassin reports
> > - Autoreply/vacatation
> > - Filter rules
> > - etc..

Also take a look here:

- OpenLDAP
- Postfix
- Dovecot + sieve (filter rule, vacation message)
- Amavisd + SpamAssassin + ClamAV
- Policyd (v1.x)
- Roundcube webmail (AJAX)

Re: smtpd_sender_login_maps is missing in proxy_read_maps

2009-10-13 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Oct 14, 2009, at 4:42 AM, Wietse Venema wrote:

A little background may be in order.

Thanks Victor and Wietse for your detail description.

In my case, smtpd_sender_login_maps only lookup username field in LDAP/ 
MYSQL, so i think it's safe to add it in proxy_read_maps manually.  

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu:

smtpd_sender_login_maps is missing in proxy_read_maps

2009-10-13 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Hi, all.

smtpd_sender_login_maps is missing in proxy_read_maps, is it a good  
idea to add it by default? so that we can use proxymap(8) in  
smtpd_sender_login_maps (with default proxy_read_maps).

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu:

Re: postfix 2.3.x vs postfix 2.6 stable

2009-10-12 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Oct 10, 2009, at 2:55 AM, Eero Volotinen wrote:

I am currently using postfix 2.3.x on RHEL for mail proxy and  

Is there any good reason to update to 2.6 ? and if is, is there any  
good and stable rpm repositories for RHEL 5 on web ?

As i know, postfix-2.3.x which shipped in RHEL/CentOS doesn't support  
'receive_override_options=no_address_mappings'. You have to update to  
2.3.14 or newer version.

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu:

Re: Any way to avoid message duplication after mailing list expansion?

2009-09-28 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Sep 27, 2009, at 1:33 AM, Gianni Sandigliano wrote:

The desired feature would be:
1) avoid delivering to an address in bcc: list when the same address  
is already listed in cc: or to:
2) avoid delivering to an address in cc: list when the same address  
is already listed in to:

You need something like 'receive_override_options =  
no_address_mappings' in postfix:

Search 'no_address_mappings' here:

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu:

Re: SMTP Authentication for users from LDAP?

2009-09-28 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Sep 29, 2009, at 3:55 AM, Mala Dibbs wrote:

query_filter = (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(|(mail=%s)))

query_filter = (&(objectclass=posixAccount)(|(mail=%s)))

I think ldap filter here should be '(&(objectclass=posixAccount)(mail= 

The ldap users Mailboxes are stored in /home/vmail/%uid/Maildir. Is  
it a problem if this directory/Maildir does not exist and this user  
wants to send an Email.

Dovecot LDA (deliver) can create maildir for new users automatic.

Where can I configure postfix to use /home/vmail as homebase for  
user-dirs instead of /home?

You can set 'virtual_mailbox_base' in postfix

PS: if you are not familiar with postfix+dovecot, you can try iRedMail  
open source mail server solution:

Setup a full-featured mail server in less than 2 minutes.

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu:

Re: python framework for a policy daemon?

2009-09-10 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Sep 9, 2009, at 5:50 PM, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:

Is there a ready to use python framework for a policy daemon?
I have a nice idea for a policy daemon :)


Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu:

Re: Testing/verifying a DKIM setup

2009-07-04 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Jul 3, 2009, at 12:08 PM, KLaM Postmaster wrote:

Does anybody know how I can test whether my DKIM setup, keys etc, is
Is there a public/open testbed.

Send a mail to your gmail account, and find out the DKIM verifing  
result in the mail header.

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux,
  CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu:


2009-06-29 Thread Zhang Huangbin

On Jun 29, 2009, at 5:41 PM, K bharathan wrote:

hi all
currently i've gota smtp out postfix server and one main and several  
subdomains are using it to send mails out
want to put a DKIM sign on all the outbound mails; understand there  
are MAIL-DKIM and DKIMproxy, DKIM-milters etc..

which one i can choose for this purpose
do i've to add anything to  dns zone infos of all these subdomains
guidance appreciated

Another program you can use: amavisd-new-2.6.x.

Amavisd-new can sign all outgoing mails and verify incoming mails.

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux & CentOS 5.x,
  Debian 5.0.x, Ubuntu 8.04 & 9.04:

Re: Disabling a domain

2009-05-28 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Eduardo Júnior wrote:


I have a Postfix Server 2.4.0 with virtual domains and interface 

I want disabling a domain through postfixadmin. There's the option ACTIVE.

You must query 'active' column in virtual domain lookup map. like this:

query   = SELECT domain FROM domain WHERE domain='%s' AND backupmx='0' AND 

Best regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL, CentOS,
 Debian, Ubuntu:

Re: Performance issue about maildir path.

2008-12-14 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Wietse Venema wrote:

Zhang Huangbin:

Hi, all.

Normally, i use '' as users' maildir path, if
i change them to hash style, e.g. 'A0/B0/',
will it speed up the index operation for MDA? If we have 1 users,
which maildir path style will improve performance?

The performance will depend on the underlying file system.  Different
file systems handle large directories in different ways. To find
out, you would need to do measurements. Postfix has smtp-source
(and smtp-sink) tools for stress testing.



Thanks Wietse & Sahil. :)

Best regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

Performance issue about maildir path.

2008-12-14 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Hi, all.

Normally, i use '' as users' maildir path, if
i change them to hash style, e.g. 'A0/B0/',
will it speed up the index operation for MDA? If we have 1 users,
which maildir path style will improve performance?

Thanks very much. :)

Best regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

Re: autoresponder for virtual users

2008-11-06 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Martin Strand wrote:

 Hi all.
 I'm looking to implement an auto-response mechanism which:
 - only sends responses to senders who pass SPF checks
 - responds from certain virtual aliases as well as certain virtual users
 - doesn't respond to mailing lists
 - finds the response message/subject through mysql
 - supports per-recipient charset (iso-8859-15 or utf-8)
 - doesn't respond several times to the same sender within a certain 

time period

 Searching the list archive and Google turned up yaa as the best 

alternative, but it seems to have disappeared :(

 Are there any other good options?
 I suppose I could write something myself, but this feels like a fairly 

common thing to do so I was hoping someone else had already done it.

Try managesieve service and pysieved:



Avelsieve: Sieve Mail Filters Plugin for Squirrelmail:

Plugin for Roundcube WebMail:

Horde WebMail support managesieve too (via Ingo).
Thunderbird has plugin for managesieve too.

Best regards.

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

Re: [ANN] iRedMail-0.3: Open Source Mail Server Solution

2008-09-25 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Rod Dorman wrote:

 On Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 23:36:44, Zhang Huangbin wrote:
> Joe Sloan wrote:
>>  ...
>> It's kind of strange that you call it "mutl-platform" when it's 

redhat only.

>  ...
> iRedMail was ported from OpenBSD, but it is incompatibility now.

 That's an odd porting philosophy.

 The conventional practice is to feed your diffs back to the original
 developers so ideally it will become multi-platform.

Hi, Rod.

Thanks for your reply.

I'm the original developer, I spent most time to make this solution
full-featured on *ONE* distro (RHEL/CentOS). When it seems to be
stable, i will try to make it work on other distros, such as Debian,
SuSE, OpenBSD.

Best regards.

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

Re: Duplicating messages

2008-09-24 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Jie Wang wrote:

Hello, everyone,
I need to duplicate all the email messages for one destination server 
and send the copies to another destination. More specifically,  I need 
to send all the original emails to and send all the 
copies to Both and 
have the identical user names. How do I achieve this with Postfix 
acting like a gateway/proxy?
Jie Wang

You can use a virtual_alias_maps or bcc_maps.

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

Re: [ANN] iRedMail-0.3: Open Source Mail Server Solution

2008-09-24 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Joe Sloan wrote:

Zhang Huangbin wrote:

Hi, all.

I'd like to introduce this open source email server solution here,
hope it can help people who need mail server solution.

* Multi-platform Support
   * OS: RHEL/CentOS

It's kind of strange that you call it "mutl-platform" when it's redhat only.

What about debian?
what about ubuntu?
what about suse?

This doesn't even cover the main linux distros. What about freebsd,
darwin or solaris?



Hi, Joe.

Sorry for this confused definition. I will change this in project page. 
Thanks very much.

iRedMail was ported from OpenBSD, but it is incompatibility now. I will 
port it to other distros if i have enough time.

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

[ANN] iRedMail-0.3: Open Source Mail Server Solution

2008-09-24 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Hi, all.

I'd like to introduce this open source email server solution here,
hope it can help people who need mail server solution.

Installation Guide:

iRedMail is:
   * Mail server solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux and CentOS
 5.x, support both i386 and x86_64.
   * A shell script set, used to install and configure all mail server
 related software automatically.
   * Open source project (GPL v2).

Main Components:
   * Apache (2.2.3, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * PHP (5.1.6, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * MySQL (5.0.45, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * OpenLDAP (2.3.27, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * Postfix (2.3.15)
   * Dovecot (1.1.3)
   * Amavisd (2.6.1)
   * SpamAssassin (3.2.5, shipped within RHEL/CentOS)
   * ClamAV (0.94)
   * Policyd (1.82, +patches)
   * Pysieved (1.0)

Features ( ):

* Fast Deployment
   * Deploy full-featured mail solution in less than 2 minutes.

* Multi-platform Support
   * OS: RHEL/CentOS
   * Version: 5.x (5.0, 5.1, 5.2)
   * Arch: i386, x86_64

* Popular and standard protocols, mail user agent support
   * HTTP (access mailbox via web browser), HTTPS
   * SMTP, SMTPS, Submission
   * POP3, POP3S

* Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus
   * SPF (Sender Policy Framework) support.
   * DKIM support.
   * Greylist, Blacklist, Whitelist.
   * Blacklist HELO.
   * HELO Randomization Prevention (HRP).
   * Spamtrap.

* Sender & Recipient Throttling

* Recipient and Deliver Restrictions
   * Enable/Disable deliver.
   * Enable/Disable recipient;
   * Enable/Disable POP3;
   * Enable/Disable IMAP;

* Web Mail:
   * Roundcube Web Mail (0.1.1)
   * SquirrelMail (1.4.15)
   * Horde WebMail (1.0.2)

* Mail Server Management:
   * No limits on the number of domains or users.
   * Simple mail backup and monitor (per-user and per-domain).
   * Web based interface to manage
   * mailboxes, virtual domains and aliases.
   * MySQL database, LDAP.
   * Per-domain and per-user sent and recivied mail backup.
   * Provide mail statistics for mail server that produces daily,
 weekly, monthly and yearly graphs of received, sent, bounced and
 rejected mail.

Help needed:
   * PostfixAdmin improvement:
   - Add per-user and per-domain bcc feature, etc.
   - Ability to edit whitelist, blacklist in policyd's database.
   * Roundcube plugin:
   - Per-user blacklist (Implemented with policyd with 'rcpt_acl'

- Open Source Mail Server Solution for RHEL/CentOS 5.x:

- eBooks, Free eBooks, RapidShare Download, Free eBooks Download, Fast
 and Reliable:

Re: restriction class and mysql lookup

2008-08-20 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Thanks mouss. :)

Use hash file as replacement now.

Re: restriction class and mysql lookup

2008-08-19 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Magnus � wrote:

On Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 04:48 CEST,
 Zhang Huangbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:



In my record:
mysql> select username,restriction_class,restricteddomain from 

| username | restriction_class | restricteddomain |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | internal_deliver_only | |

Replace mysql lookup by hash file, it works:
cut<<   OK

So, what SQL query should i use in mysql lookup file?

Use any query that returns "OK" is the lookup key is "".

query = SELECT "OK" FROM restrictions WHERE restricteddomain = '%s'

Thanks Magnus. :)

It works. But which filed should i use to match 'username' ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in 
query string?

query = SELECT "OK" FROM restrictions WHERE restricteddomain='%s' AND 

Thanks very much.

Re: restriction class and mysql lookup

2008-08-18 Thread Zhang Huangbin

mouss wrote:
so your check_recipient_access returns '', which is not a valid 

what are you trying to do? you cannot implement checks based on 
multiple fields at a time, so your table design is suspicious 
(username and restricteddomain are independent). 

Thanks mouss. :)

i want to restrict this user, and 'internal_deliver_only' means user 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' can *ONLY* send mail to restricteddomain (

In my record:
mysql> select username,restriction_class,restricteddomain from 

| username | restriction_class | restricteddomain |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | internal_deliver_only | |

Replace mysql lookup by hash file, it works:
cut<<   OK

So, what SQL query should i use in mysql lookup file?

Thanks very much. :)

Best Regards.

Zhang Huangbin

- iRedMail: Mail Server Solution for Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux &
 CentOS 5.x:

restriction class and mysql lookup

2008-08-18 Thread Zhang Huangbin

Hi, all.

I'm confused about restriction class and the mysql lookup file format. 
What i should use in 'query'?

Thanks very much. :)

MySQL table structure:
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | 
Extra |

| username  | varchar(255) | NO   | | 
|   |
| restriction_class | varchar(255) | NO   | | 
|   |
| restricteddomain  | varchar(255) | NO   | | 
|   |
| created   | datetime | NO   | | -00-00 00:00:00 
|   |
| expired   | datetime | NO   | | -12-31 00:00:00 
|   |
| modified  | datetime | NO   | | -00-00 00:00:00 
|   |


I have this record in table 'restrictions':
mysql> select username,restriction_class,restricteddomain from restrictions;
| username | restriction_class | restricteddomain |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | internal_deliver_only | |

In Postfix
smtpd_restriction_classes = internal_deliver_only, internal_recipient_only
internal_deliver_only = check_recipient_access 
mysql:/etc/postfix/internal_deliver_only.mysql, reject
internal_recipient_only = check_sender_access 
mysql:/etc/postfix/internal_recipient_only.mysql, reject


File: /etc/postfix/internal_deliver_only.mysql:
user= vmail
password= [EMAIL PROTECTED]&16544*4832)12715
hosts   =
port= 3306
dbname  = vmail
query   = SELECT restricteddomain FROM restrictions WHERE 
username='%s' AND restriction_class='internal_deliver_only'


Output of 'postconf -n':
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
allow_min_user = no
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
debug_peer_level = 2
delay_warning_time = 4h
enable_original_recipient = no
header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/header_checks
home_mailbox = Maildir/
html_directory = no
inet_interfaces = all
local_recipient_maps = $alias_maps $virtual_alias_maps $virtual_mailbox_maps
mail_name = iRedMail
mail_owner = postfix
mail_version = 0.2-rc4
mailbox_command = /usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver
mailbox_size_limit = 15728640
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
maximal_backoff_time = 4000s
message_size_limit = 15728640
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost, localhost.localdomain, 
localhost.$myhostname, mysql:/etc/postfix/virtual_domains.mysql

mydomain =
myhostname =
mynetworks =
myorigin =
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.14/README_FILES
receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
recipient_bcc_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/recipient_bcc_maps_domain.mysql, 

relay_domains = $mydestination
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.3.14/samples
sender_bcc_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/sender_bcc_maps_domain.mysql, 

sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
setgid_group = postdrop
smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining
smtpd_enforce_tls = no
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks,permit_sasl_authenticated, 
check_helo_access pcre:/etc/postfix/helo_access.pcre
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_sender_access 
mysql:/etc/postfix/sender_access.mysql, check_recipient_access 
mysql:/etc/postfix/sender_access.mysql, permit_mynetworks, 
reject_unknown_sender_domain, reject_unknown_recipient_domain, 
reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, 
permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_unauth_destination, 
reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname, reject_invalid_helo_hostname, 
check_policy_service inet:

smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient = yes
smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender = yes
smtpd_restriction_classes = internal_deliver_only, internal_recipient_only
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = no
smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sender_login_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/sender_login_maps.mysql
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_authenticated_sender_login_mismatch, 