Re: setup for personal computer, no domain, smarthost

2017-08-05 Thread reader
>Wietse wrote:
>> I forgot about authentication.
>> relayhost = []:587
>> See for this and other 
>> information of interest.
>That doesn't seem to work yet at least not by itself but could also be
>seriuosly inept pilot error. But before I start posting logs
>and so on, I'm trying to get masquerading to help this work.  But must not
>be understanding the docu well enough 
>This page:
>says in part:



>masquerade_domains ="
>I thought that might mean I could do:
>masquerade_domains = u0.local.lan
>But still get complaints from smarthost about u0.local.lan not recognized.
>I think I will try 
>  masquerade_domains =
>Might be more like what is expected to do.
>I'm still tinkering so should know soon.

That didn't do it either. The most significant log message below:

Aug 5 22:49:17 u0 postfix/smtp[18892]: CC02E182330:
delay=5.4, delays=0.06/0.03/5.3/0.04, dsn=5.1.8, status=bounced (host[] said: 553 5.1.8
... Domain of sender address rea...@u0.local.lan
does not exist (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

I'm not really sure what that last sentence is trying to tell me but I 
had hoped the masquerading would rewrite that to be

Seems like what I need is to be able to make the righthand side say 
`' in both From: and the Sender info.

But perhaps I have something else in screwed up.

Included below:
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Ubuntu)
biff = no
append_dot_mydomain = no
readme_directory = no

smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtpd_scache
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache
smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated

masquerade_domains =

relayhost = []:587
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relay_passwords
smtp_sasl_security_options =
myhostname = u0.local.lan
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
myorigin = u0.local.lan
mydestination = u0.local.lan, u0, localhost
mynetworks = [:::]/104 [::1]/128
mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
mailbox_size_limit = 5120
recipient_delimiter = 
inet_interfaces = all
inet_protocols = all
home_mailbox = mbox

Re: setup for personal computer, no domain, smarthost

2017-08-05 Thread reader

Wietse wrote:
> I forgot about authentication.
> relayhost = []:587
> See for this and other 
> information of interest.

That doesn't seem to work yet at least not by itself but could also be
seriuosly inept pilot error. But before I start posting logs
and so on, I'm trying to get masquerading to help this work.  But must not
be understanding the docu well enough 

This page:
says in part:

"Address masquerading is disabled by default, and is implemented by the
cleanup(8) server. To enable, edit the masquerade_domains parameter in the file and specify one or more domain names separated by whitespace or
commas. When Postfix tries to masquerade a domain, it processes the list from
left to right, and processing stops at the first match.


masquerade_domains ="

I thought that might mean I could do:
masquerade_domains = u0.local.lan

But still get complaints from smarthost about u0.local.lan not recognized.

I think I will try 
  masquerade_domains =
Might be more like what is expected to do.

I'm still tinkering so should know soon.

Re: setup for personal computer, no domain, smarthost

2017-08-05 Thread reader
Sorry about the delay, I tried to reply on:
   gmane.mail.postfix.user but never say my replies appear so
now trying to reply thru the mailing list.

Marat Khalili  writes:

> On 05/08/17 17:05, wrote:
>> Details:
>> Setup: Newish install of ubuntu-26 (still making settings etc)

Marat K wrote:
> Not sure what ubuntu-26 is, but I'm using smarthost configuration in
> Ubuntu. Local gurus can advice on installing from source, but it is
> not necessary.

A dopey typo... looking at something else... should be: ubuntu-17.04

Harry wrote
>> I want to be able to pull mail from various pop3 and imap accounts.
>> Probably with fetchmail (I've used for many years)

Marat K wrote:
> Nothing to do with postfix.

Well that's good news.

When I used sendmail, fetchmail would pass incoming mail to port25 for
sendmail to deliver. I don't know how postfix works but I thought it might be
the same way when used with fetchmail.

Harry wrote:
>> With sendmail I used the smarthost method by masquerading as newsguy.
>> Not sure how to do it with postfix. Or if something
>> else entirely is needed.

Ubuntu has interactive installer for package postfix that allows you
to create smarthost configuration. Did you try it? 

Yes, but that didn't help the masquerading part. What I said above was that
the SmartHost wasn't enough without masquerading.

I've been thru the config thing, repeatedly and have not seen any 
questions about masquerading.

I did find something in the docs but what I understood them to be saying
isn't working .. not yet anyway... still tinkering with it.

setup for personal computer, no domain, smarthost

2017-08-05 Thread reader
Setup postfix for single user home machine.
Receive mail for single user
Send out mail from single user (Thru smarthost)
(I do have credentials for a few online smtp servers)

Setup: Newish install of ubuntu-26 (still making settings etc)

I'm a long time sendmail user but recently have not been able to get
it working... as has happened many times, something has changed
somewhere in the chain and my setup no longer works.

After being told many times to ditch sendmail and use postfix ...
I'm only starting to try to understand postfix but my situation is:

Single user home machine on home lan.
No real domain (my ISP is comcast but does not offer Static IP for its
users .. or any kind of personal domain name)

I want to be able to pull mail from various pop3 and imap accounts.
Probably with fetchmail (I've used for many years)
AND be able to send mail out thru a smarthost, also done for many
years but it is becoming increasingly difficult to setup.

Smarthost is probabably  That is what I've been
using for some time, and I have a very old account with them for

With sendmail:
I used the smarthost method by masquerading as newsguy.
Not sure how to do it with postfix. Or if something 
else entirely is needed.