Send-Only Server Config?

2009-01-08 Thread
Hi All,

I'm hoping for a little guidance with this.  My apologies for not
doing a proper search on this first, but I'm a bit pressed for time.

I've been asked to build a mail server for the purpose of sending mail
from various machines within a LAN to anywhere on the Net.  I'm
guessing that this would be considered a "relay" in a sense, since the
server will not be receiving mail from the outside, but please correct
me if I'm wrong.

My first question is, is this a do-able solution?  I've only built 1
Postfix server previously, and it took me awhile and didn't quite work
as expected (due to my own lack of configuration, not with Postfix.)
I'm not going to use Exim or Qmail, as I believe this setup would be
very simplistic, and Postfix should be more than able to handle this,
along with any potential add-ons later on (automatically archiving all
outbound messages to another address, adding virus scanning, etc.)

Is there any documentation available on how to get this setup?  Again,
my apologies for not researching this in more detail, but I need to
get an answer out as soon as possible, and I figured this list would
be my best bet.



Re: Send-Only Server Config?

2009-01-08 Thread Noel Jones wrote:

Hi All,

I'm hoping for a little guidance with this.  My apologies for not
doing a proper search on this first, but I'm a bit pressed for time.

I've been asked to build a mail server for the purpose of sending mail
from various machines within a LAN to anywhere on the Net.  I'm
guessing that this would be considered a "relay" in a sense, since the
server will not be receiving mail from the outside, but please correct
me if I'm wrong.

My first question is, is this a do-able solution?  I've only built 1
Postfix server previously, and it took me awhile and didn't quite work
as expected (due to my own lack of configuration, not with Postfix.)
I'm not going to use Exim or Qmail, as I believe this setup would be
very simplistic, and Postfix should be more than able to handle this,
along with any potential add-ons later on (automatically archiving all
outbound messages to another address, adding virus scanning, etc.)

Is there any documentation available on how to get this setup?  Again,
my apologies for not researching this in more detail, but I need to
get an answer out as soon as possible, and I figured this list would
be my best bet.



This is very do-able, and is very nearly the default 
configuration.  To accept mail from only your local network, 
use something like:

mynetworks =
smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

with appropriate adjustments to the mynetworks setting.
Or just firewall port 25 from the internet.

Documentation to get you started:

If you have more specific questions later, please see

Noel Jones

Re: Send-Only Server Config?

2009-01-08 Thread
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Noel Jones  wrote:
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm hoping for a little guidance with this.  My apologies for not
>> doing a proper search on this first, but I'm a bit pressed for time.
>> I've been asked to build a mail server for the purpose of sending mail
>> from various machines within a LAN to anywhere on the Net.  I'm
>> guessing that this would be considered a "relay" in a sense, since the
>> server will not be receiving mail from the outside, but please correct
>> me if I'm wrong.
>> My first question is, is this a do-able solution?  I've only built 1
>> Postfix server previously, and it took me awhile and didn't quite work
>> as expected (due to my own lack of configuration, not with Postfix.)
>> I'm not going to use Exim or Qmail, as I believe this setup would be
>> very simplistic, and Postfix should be more than able to handle this,
>> along with any potential add-ons later on (automatically archiving all
>> outbound messages to another address, adding virus scanning, etc.)
>> Is there any documentation available on how to get this setup?  Again,
>> my apologies for not researching this in more detail, but I need to
>> get an answer out as soon as possible, and I figured this list would
>> be my best bet.
>> TIA,
>> ~MD
> This is very do-able, and is very nearly the default configuration.  To
> accept mail from only your local network, use something like:
> #
> mynetworks =
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
>  permit_mynetworks
>  reject
> with appropriate adjustments to the mynetworks setting.
> Or just firewall port 25 from the internet.
> Documentation to get you started:
> If you have more specific questions later, please see
> --
> Noel Jones

Awesome, thanks!


Re: Send-Only Server Config?

2009-01-14 Thread Thomas wrote:

I've been asked to build a mail server for the purpose of sending mail
from various machines within a LAN to anywhere on the Net.  I'm
guessing that this would be considered a "relay" in a sense, since the
server will not be receiving mail from the outside, but please correct
me if I'm wrong.

I do something similar - having several linux servers in the internet.
All of them can only send mail - to the relayhost:

#  varies with domain and host, of course
mydomain = 
mynetworks =
myorigin = $mydomain
relayhost = 

The relayhost receives mail from all domains and all ips/networks of 
those clients:

# main part:
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, , 
, , , , 

mydomain = 
mynetworks =, , , , ,
myorigin = $mydomain

# some additional config:
append_dot_mydomain = no
biff = no
mailbox_size_limit = 1073741824
message_size_limit = 1024
recipient_delimiter = .
relocated_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relocated
# for tests etc:
#soft_bounce = no
#soft_bounce = yes

# security and access:
strict_rfc821_envelopes = yes
smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)
smtpd_client_restrictions = reject_invalid_hostname
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions = reject_invalid_hostname
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, 
reject_unknown_recipient_domain, permit_sasl_authenticated, 

smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_address
smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache
smtpd_use_tls = yes

Works great :)

IF you can read and send mail from any mail client - the mails do not 
get back to the single client servers!

They stay at the relay host and can be read there via imap/pop...