Re: [postgis-users] Timezone for a given lat/long

2017-03-22 Thread John Abraham
I use

select tz.tzid from location
join tz_world tz on st_within(location."locationPoint", tz.geom) 

with the tz_world shapefile that I'm 99% sure I got from

John Abraham

> On Mar 22, 2017, at 3:23 PM, suraj birla  wrote:
> How to find the timezone for a given lat/long  using postgis?
> We have to requirement to fnd the local timezone for millions of records 
> which has  UTC timestamp and lat/long info.
> Google provide API but it's single request per call.. Not feasible for milion 
> records.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks
> Suraj
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] A little freelance job to write a postgis function to cut a compass corner off a polygon

2016-10-03 Thread John Abraham
I need some functionality that I think is best put into a function, probably in 
pgsql.  This has been on the todo list for years, but since I can't seem to get 
to it, maybe one of you would like to help out. I don't think it should take 
long for someone who has the skills. I'd really appreciate the help.

You obviously need to have some experience writing postgis functions. The 
function would divide up a polygon by cutting off one of the compass corners 
using east-west and north-south lines. I think you'll have to use a bisection 
method to find the correct position of one of the lines, as the area (rather 
than the extent) of the corner-section to be cut off will be specified as a 
function parameter.  

I wrote down the planned algorithm and threw it on upwork here 
<>  (I'm not sure whether upwork 
is the best platform to ask for postgis freelance work, let me know if you have 
other ideas.)

Hope someone can help,

John Abraham

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ST_Intersection very slow

2015-02-25 Thread John Abraham
Wow guys.  131 seconds is a lot faster than 10 days.

Remi, if you can work out a fast intersection method that uses points and lines 
as a preprocessor to dealing with the polygons, I think it would be a great 
addition to PostGIS.  ST_Intersection in PostGIS is often quite a bit slower 
than the implementation in Geomedia, Mapinfo, and (I hear) ArcGIS, so any 
functionality that results in speed improvements would be great.

Mark, I can't wait to figure out why your system was fast!  I was following 
your (preliminary) tutorial and gridding the data was progressing very slowly.  

I have a provincial boundary file but there seems to be much ambiguity in GIS 
representations of the provincial boundary, so I won't send you the one I have. 
 I can try to assemble one from other sources.

John Abraham

On Feb 25, 2015, at 6:28 AM, Mark Wynter  wrote:

> Hi John
> I’ve just crunched your whole dataset.  The process takes 131 seconds for the 
> vector tiling (using a 16 CPU machine).  Plus another 170 seconds for data 
> prep at the start including making the poly's valid.
> For a 2 CPU machine, it will take circa 15 minutes, or double that using a 
> single CPU.
> Only one small issue outstanding - and that relates to clipping the regular 
> grid prior to tiling.  For clipping I used the union of the 
> abmiw2wlcv_48tiles as supplied with the data - the problem is the 
> abmiw2wlcv_48tiles are rough and ready, which produces voids. The voids using 
> my method unfortunately get the same feature class as lc_class = 32.  You’ll 
> see this clearly on second screenshot.
> The way around this is to clip the regular grid using a high-res shapefile of 
> the Alberta state boundary prior to the tile crunching the 
> lancover_polygons_2010 table.  This is easily done - I just didn’t have the 
> state boundary data.
> I need to get some sleep. John, Remi,  I will share with you the code 
> tomorrow.  For others, I’ll be posting a tutorial that steps through the 
> methods touched upon in this thread..
> John, the only difference between my tutorial and its application to your 
> land cover data was a few tweaks to the data prep stage. Otherwise the same 
> code pattern (no modification at all needed to the worker_function).  It was 
> great to test the code with your data.
> Speak tomorrow.
> Mark

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ST_Intersection very slow

2015-02-24 Thread John Abraham
Following advice from Mark and Remi, I am now tiling the troublesome layer.  
It's not going quickly.  I'm trying an intersection of the layer with only 5 of 
my 10kmX10km grids and it has been running for 30 min.  I have 8680 grids, 
which is more features than the layer I was originally working with (2709 
polygons). I was hoping that intersection with squares would go much faster 
than an intersection with arbitrary polygons, but I can confirm that it's 
definitely not orders of magnitude faster.

So, I think my idea of simplifying things recursively with a quad grid is worth 
a shot.  Mark, can you point me to your Quadgrid function?

Mark suggested counting points.   Counting points (and rounding to the nearest 
1) gives:

select round(st_npoints(geom)/100,-2) as point100, count(*)
from lancover_polygons_snap group by round(st_npoints(geom)/100,-2) 
order by point100 desc;


The one with about 263 points represents the developed land in the region 
(towns and cities including roads that connect them).

Mark also suggested counting interior rings.   

select round(ST_NumInteriorRings(st_geometryN(geom,1)),-1) as rings10, 
avg(st_numpoints(geom)) as avgpts,
count(*) as numfeatures
from lancover_polygons_snap group by 
order by rings10 desc;


John Abraham

"POSTGIS="2.0.3 r11128" GEOS="3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" 
GDAL="GDAL 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08" LIBXML="2.7.8" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" (core 
procs from "2.0.3 r11132" need upgrade) TOPOLOGY (topology procs from "2.0.3 
r11132" need upgrade) RASTER (raster procs from "2.0.3 r11132" need upgrade)"

On Feb 24, 2015, at 3:31 PM, Rémi Cura  wrote:

> Hey,
> I highjack this interesting discussion, sorry =)
> If you have one single massive Polygon (no multi).
> You can generate a point table (keeping path of course) with ST_DumpPoints.
> Then you construct an index on this table.
> Then you perform your Intersection with indexed points, which will be very 
> fast.
> Then you reconstruct parts of polygon.
> It will require some advanced to very advanced SQL (like windows function) to 
> make it work tough.
> I think it would be faster than other alternatives, because basicaly it 
> amounts to using the optimized R-Tree index on points, vs a custom and 
> non-otpimized Quad tree index on polygon.
> Moreover when using a recusrive strategy, you end up computing the same think 
> a lot with geos.
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2015-02-24 23:10 GMT+01:00 Mark Wynter :
> > Thanks Mark.  I will indeed do the st_dump, but I don't think it will help 
> > much (very few multis).  I think the tiling will help a lot.  What I 
> > wonder, though, is how long it will take to tile?  Afterall, it's still an 
> > st_intersection operation to tile each geometry against each tile.
> I’ve almost finished writing the tutorial - where I address many of these 
> points.The variables that affect performance are:
> * how you’ve written your ST_Intersection query
> * multi vs. non-multi
> * size and complexity of geoms
> * no. available CPUs (for parallelisation)
> * tile batch size - important!!!
> All strategies in combination may be necessary if your queries are taking 
> forever.
> For the demonstration dataset (a multi polygon representing whole of 
> Australia), my tutorial tiling query incorporates ST_Intersection and 
> ST_Difference subqueries to produce tiled features representing land and 
> water.
> I achieved a 49x reduction in the query time to tile the whole of Australia, 
> starting with a single multi polygon.
> The more complex the query, the more significant this time saving is in 
> absolute terms.
> > Is there a quad tree type tiling algorithm i

Re: [postgis-users] ST_Intersection very slow.

2015-02-24 Thread John Abraham
Thanks Mark.  I will indeed do the st_dump, but I don't think it will help much 
(very few multis).  I think the tiling will help a lot.  What I wonder, though, 
is how long it will take to tile?  Afterall, it's still an st_intersection 
operation to tile each geometry against each tile.

Is there a quad tree type tiling algorithm in a function?  If I do 256 x 256 
tiles, doing it all at once would be 65536 operations of 
st_intersection(complex_geom, square).  With a quad tree I'll only have 4 
operations of st_intersection(complex_geom, square), and then 16 of 
(a_little_less_complex_geom, square), and then 64 of (even_less_complex_geom, 
square) and so on, for 8 nests.  The last one will still be 65536 operations, 
but the complex geoms should be a lot simpler by the time I get down to that 
level.  What do you think, is this worth trying?  Or is intersecting with a 
square fairly simple regardless of how complex the other geometry is?

(Your reply initially fell into my junk mail, so I missed it, and also haven't 
tried these things yet, partly because I missed your email.)

John Abraham

On Feb 19, 2015, at 6:52 PM, Mark Wynter  wrote:

>> So I've was running this query for 866000 s (10 days) before I decided to 
>> kill it:
>> One potential thing I've realized is that a few of the geometries in tazjan2 
>> are multipolygons, not single polygons.  But it's only a few.  There are a 
>> few very large and complex polygons in lancover_polygons_snap, but again, 
>> most of the 998031 are simple small polygons, about half would be 
>> ST_CoveredBy the polygons in tazjan2 and most of the rest would only overlap 
>> two or three of the polygons in tazjan2.
> A common offender - the multipolygons.
> You can get an immediate performance improvement by 
> ST_Dump(wkb_geometry).geom into a new table, with a new serial id, but 
> retaining the original poly_id so you can don’t lose the multipolygon 
> provenance of each polygon.
> Complex operations on the multipolygon table, like ST_Intersection(), are 
> extremely slow - Because the query has to access and compute the operation on 
> each of the geometry elements contained within the multi.
> Another massive performance gain can be achieved by “Tiling” your dumped 
> polygon table - which has the effect of breaking your geometries into smaller 
> features, which you can then “union” back together again, after running 
> ST_Intersection on your vector tiles.  Don’t try to tile your multi polygon 
> table - you’ll still be waiting days.
> Take the coastline of Australia - a single multi polygon
> SELECT Count(ogc_fid) as num_rows, SUM(ST_NumGeometries(wkb_geometry)) as 
> num_geoms, SUM(ST_NPoints(wkb_geometry)) as num_points FROM abs_aus11;
>  num_rows | num_geoms | num_points 
> ---+--
> 1 |  6718 |1622598
> If you need to query the intersection of a polygon with land, and the water, 
> its near impossible.  Many, many days.
> Hence we need to take a different approach.
> The first thing you can do is to dump the multi polygon table.
> Then create a regular vector grid.
> Then tile the both your Polygon tables using the vector grid.
> Put indexes on the resultant tiled tables.
> Then run your ST_Intersects.
> The result is many more geometries, and points, but now we get the benefit of 
> geometry indexes.
> As a result of tiling Australia coastline, we now get
> SELECT Count(tid) as num_rows, SUM(ST_NumGeometries(wkb_geometry)) as 
> num_geoms, SUM(ST_NPoints(wkb_geometry)) as num_points FROM abs_aus11_tiled;
>  num_rows | num_geoms | num_points 
> ---+--
> 17222 | 29020 |6513770
> Each geometry also has a tile_id, and the original poly_id.  The tile_id’s 
> are really useful for subsetting your queries, and for using tile-id’s as an 
> additional join condition.  At any time you can rapidly rebuild your original 
> geometries doing ST_Union() GROUP BY poly_id.
> Using the approach of dumping and tiling, queries that once took days now 
> takes minutes at most.  And as Remi mentioned, you can parallelise the 
> process.  The concept of vector tiling in PostGIS is analogous to Map Reduce 
> and assigning Key Value Pairs.  Its about chunking your data, doing lots of 
> fast operations on the smaller bits, and then consolidating your outputs.  
> You don’t necessarily have to write a SQL function to do the SQL 
> parallelisation.   My preference is Bash and GNU Parallel because you can 
> write vanilla SQL and execute via psql in parallel.   For me its now about 
> the speed I can write the SQL.
> So we’re 

Re: [postgis-users] ST_Intersection very slow.

2015-02-19 Thread John Abraham
Thanks for the hint, Rémi.  I'll give it a try, to see if the st_intersection 
is slow (as compared to just st_intersects).

Here's my EXPLAIN ANALYZE for my 5 zone test:

"Nested Loop  (cost=1.56..80.91 rows=8 width=560) (actual 
time=3929258.738..19756123.479 rows=29 loops=1)"
"  Join Filter: (_st_intersects(p.geom, n.the_geom) AND ((NOT (p.geom && 
n.the_geom)) OR (NOT _st_touches(p.geom, n.the_geom"
"  CTE sometaz"
"->  Limit  (cost=0.00..1.56 rows=5 width=9537) (actual time=0.433..0.576 
rows=5 loops=1)"
"  ->  Seq Scan on tazjan2  (cost=0.00..843.09 rows=2709 width=9537) 
(actual time=0.415..0.511 rows=5 loops=1)"
"  ->  CTE Scan on sometaz n  (cost=0.00..0.10 rows=5 width=80) (actual 
time=0.460..0.724 rows=5 loops=1)"
"  ->  Index Scan using lancover_polygons_snap_geom_idx on 
lancover_polygons_snap p  (cost=0.00..12.47 rows=5 width=480) (actual 
time=0.242..65.640 rows=16 loops=5)"
"Index Cond: (geom && n.the_geom)"
"Total runtime: 19756143.935 ms"

Here it is explained in layspeak:

So, am I reading this right, that it took 5.5 hours to st_intersects 5 
(multi)polygons with 29 (multi)polygons, and find the 8 that intersected?  That 
the index scan was fast (328ms), and returned only a few (16, or maybe 29) of 
the 998031 polygons, but that the actual intersection afterwards, between just 
a few polygons, was so very slow?

(The query was this:

with sometaz as (select * from tazjan2 limit 5)
SELECT p.lc_class, n.taz
 , CASE 
   WHEN ST_CoveredBy(p.geom, n.the_geom) 
   THEN p.geom 
  ) END AS geom 
 FROM lancover_polygons_snap AS p 
   INNER JOIN sometaz AS n 
ON (ST_Intersects(p.geom, n.the_geom) 
  AND NOT ST_Touches(p.geom, n.the_geom) );


John Abraham

On Feb 19, 2015, at 11:56 AM, Rémi Cura  wrote:

> Hey,
> you could try to not use CASE (so separate the spatial join from the 
> processing, which is easy to parallelize (assuming you have more than one 
> core )).
> First generate the table with  
> CREATE TABLE psatial_mapping_between_lancover_and_taz AS 
> SELECT row_number() over() as row_id, p.your_primary_key, n.your_primary_key
>  FROM lancover_polygons_snap AS p 
>INNER JOIN tazjan2 AS n 
> ON (ST_Intersects(p.geom, n.the_geom) 
>   AND NOT ST_Touches(p.geom, n.the_geom) );
> Then when you have your table, you can do your processing (put into a SQL 
> function , it is cleaner),
> and you parallelize on the "row_id".
> Basically you get min(row_id), ax(row_id), you spearate it into N parts, then 
> execute the parts with your K processes.
> (both bash and python have utilities for this).
> Of course if it is actually the spatial join that is slow, you can also 
> parallelise this.
> (by cutting lancoverinto N pieces for instance )
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2015-02-19 19:45 GMT+01:00 John Abraham :
> So I've was running this query for 866000 s (10 days) before I decided to 
> kill it:
> create table taz_and_lancover_10_fast_2 as
> SELECT p.lc_class, n.taz
>  , CASE 
>WHEN ST_CoveredBy(p.geom, n.the_geom) 
>THEN p.geom 
> ST_Multi(
>   ST_Intersection(p.geom,n.geom)
>   ) END AS geom 
>  FROM lancover_polygons_snap AS p 
>INNER JOIN tazjan2 AS n 
> ON (ST_Intersects(p.geom, n.the_geom) 
>   AND NOT ST_Touches(p.geom, n.the_geom) );
> Explain shows this, it's using the spatial index:
> "Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..310492.35 rows=483105 width=9973)"
> "  Join Filter: (_st_intersects(p.geom, n.the_geom) AND ((NOT (p.geom && 
> n.the_geom)) OR (NOT _st_touches(p.geom, n.the_geom"
> "  ->  Seq Scan on tazjan2 n  (cost=0.00..843.09 rows=2709 width=9493)"
> "  ->  Index Scan using lancover_polygons_snap_geom_idx on 
> lancover_polygons_snap p  (cost=0.00..21.67 rows=5 width=480)"
> "Index Cond: (geom && n.the_geom)"
> There are 2709 rows in tazjan2 and 998031 rows in lancover_polygons_snap, so 
> I appreciate that it's a bit of a large problem.  But MapInfo was able to do 
> it interactively in a few days and Geomedia was also able to do it in about a 
> day.  
> Both MapInfo and Geomedia ran out of memory (8GB machines) until the problem 
> was broken into two regions (North and South), but postgresql seems to be 
> chewing on the problem using only 400MB.  The interactive approach in MapInfo 
> was to divide lancover_polygons_snap by lc_class, to further divide each 
> region into about 10 subproblems.  Perha

[postgis-users] ST_Intersection very slow.

2015-02-19 Thread John Abraham
So I've was running this query for 866000 s (10 days) before I decided to kill 

create table taz_and_lancover_10_fast_2 as
SELECT p.lc_class, n.taz
 , CASE 
   WHEN ST_CoveredBy(p.geom, n.the_geom) 
   THEN p.geom 
  ) END AS geom 
 FROM lancover_polygons_snap AS p 
   INNER JOIN tazjan2 AS n 
ON (ST_Intersects(p.geom, n.the_geom) 
  AND NOT ST_Touches(p.geom, n.the_geom) );

Explain shows this, it's using the spatial index:

"Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..310492.35 rows=483105 width=9973)"
"  Join Filter: (_st_intersects(p.geom, n.the_geom) AND ((NOT (p.geom && 
n.the_geom)) OR (NOT _st_touches(p.geom, n.the_geom"
"  ->  Seq Scan on tazjan2 n  (cost=0.00..843.09 rows=2709 width=9493)"
"  ->  Index Scan using lancover_polygons_snap_geom_idx on 
lancover_polygons_snap p  (cost=0.00..21.67 rows=5 width=480)"
"Index Cond: (geom && n.the_geom)"

There are 2709 rows in tazjan2 and 998031 rows in lancover_polygons_snap, so I 
appreciate that it's a bit of a large problem.  But MapInfo was able to do it 
interactively in a few days and Geomedia was also able to do it in about a day. 

Both MapInfo and Geomedia ran out of memory (8GB machines) until the problem 
was broken into two regions (North and South), but postgresql seems to be 
chewing on the problem using only 400MB.  The interactive approach in MapInfo 
was to divide lancover_polygons_snap by lc_class, to further divide each region 
into about 10 subproblems.  Perhaps subprobleming this is the way to go?  Can't 
the query subproblem it based in the indices or would I have to do that 

One potential thing I've realized is that a few of the geometries in tazjan2 
are multipolygons, not single polygons.  But it's only a few.  There are a few 
very large and complex polygons in lancover_polygons_snap, but again, most of 
the 998031 are simple small polygons, about half would be ST_CoveredBy the 
polygons in tazjan2 and most of the rest would only overlap two or three of the 
polygons in tazjan2.

I must be doing something wrong.  Any hints?

I have
 max_connections set to 100 (currently only 11 connections active)
 work_mem was defaulting to 1MB, I just bumped it to 256MB (machine has 32GB 
but it's Postgresql9.1 (x86), i.e. 32bit version
 shared_buffers was 32MB, I am trying 512MB, could go higher
 effective_cache_size was defaulting to 128MB, I am trying 20GB.
 random_page_cost was 4.0, this is VMWare virtual server.  I am trying 2.0 

I'm trying an "explain analyze" with just 5 rows of tazjan2, a 5 x 998031 
intersection problem with indices shouldn't take that long, should it?  It's 
been running for a little over an hour.  I'm wondering if the few complex 
polygons in lancover_polygons_snap are causing the slowness?  Is there some 
fast way to divide complex polygons, e.g. apply a 1km grid over them?  

PostGISfullversion(): "POSTGIS="2.0.3 r11128" GEOS="3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8" 
PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" GDAL="GDAL 1.9.2, released 2012/10/08" 
LIBXML="2.7.8" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" (core procs from "2.0.3 r11132" need upgrade) 
TOPOLOGY (topology procs from "2.0.3 r11132" need upgrade) RASTER (raster procs 
from "2.0.3 r11132" need upgrade)"

John Abraham

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Getting TopologyExections when trying to node linestrings to create an overlay

2015-02-08 Thread John Abraham
Well I could say that using PostGIS ST_Intersects with "messy data" always 
seems to give me TopologyExceptions.  I've had luck with various combinations 
of ST_SnapToGrid and ST_Buffer(0), but with messy data there always seems to be 
some weird case that requires manually edits.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad 
news.  Frankly, I don't understand why the GEOS library has to throw that 

I would encourage you to isolate particular problems and file bug reports.  
Improvements in GEOS to eliminate the underlying error(s) would certainly be 

John Abraham

> On Feb 8, 2015, at 1:43 PM, BladeOfLight16  wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 11:28 AM, BladeOfLight16  <>> wrote:
> I'm trying to create a polygon overlay. The basic process is relatively 
> simple: 1) Get the boundaries 2) Union the boundaries to node the linestrings 
> 3) Polygonize the noded outlines 4) Filter out holes using a contains or 
> intersects test. The problem I'm running into is that I'm getting 
> "GEOSUnaryUnion: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between 
> LINESTRING" errors from ST_Union. 
> [a lot snipped] 
> I haven't seen any response to this. I was just wondering if anyone else had 
> a chance or intentions to look this over. Granted, it's pretty long and 
> involved (sorry for that), but I thought all the details I included were 
> important. I do know it went through the mailing list; someone on IRC helped 
> me find it in the... I guess it's not the archives; I don't know what it's 
> called. But the online browsing mechanism. Thanks to anyone who's taking a 
> look.
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Topology: cannot delete slivers (or gaps)

2014-11-03 Thread John Abraham
Just FYI in case you’re interested I found it much easier to use the triangle 
algorithm here on an exported shape file 
It’s called Planar Partition Repair.  It got rid of all the slivers and 
overlaps with ease.

Here is the paper and thanks to Martijn 
Meijers and team.

Then I rebuilt the topology layer in PostGIS from the fixed up Simple Feature 
Class multi polygon layer.

John Abraham

On Nov 3, 2014, at 9:13 AM, Rémi Cura  wrote:

> Just for completeness sake,
> if your input geom is really ambiguous with the precision you choose,
> it may be faster in both human and machine time to use grass 7 to import and 
> clean the topology,
> then export from grass 7 to postgis topology with the built-in grass function.
> I ressort sometime to this trick because grass cleaning functionality are 
> very advanced.
> Cheers,
> Rémi-C
> 2014-11-03 17:04 GMT+01:00 Guillaume Drolet :
> Sandro Santilli wrote
> >> I suggest you take a look at edges having face 1831 on either
> >> the right or left edge. Do any edge exist ?
> >
> > edge 5187 has face 1831 as its right face
> >
> >> The correct procedure to drop those slivers would be to assign
> >> those small areas to the (closest|biggest|leftmost|youpickit)
> >> TopoGeometry object, to one and only one, and then, if you really
> >> need it, drop the edge internal to the TopoGeometry.
> >
> >> I made a QGIS plugin which may help you do some of these things
> >> manually, which is useful in some cases, mainly to understand the
> >> issues.
> >
> > The plugin you made is a great tool (thanks). I will first try to get the
> > number of slivers down to
> > a manageable number, which I had with setting the tolerance at 2.0 m, and
> > then apply the
> > TopoGeometry approach above.
> >
> >> So the error was right about there being another edge attached to the
> >> node:
> >
> >>  ERROR:  SQL/MM Spatial exception - other edges connected (3912)
> >
> >> I'm guessing 3912 and 3908 are the two parallel edges in the picture
> >> you attached:
> >
> > You're right, they are the two parallel edges. And it's the same for most
> > of
> > the some 650 slivers I have.
> >
> >> Again, QGIS may help you getting more info out of the visual, enable
> >> the DBManager core plugin, select your topology schema and select
> >> Schema->TopoViewer from the menu.
> >
> > I didn't know about the TopoViewer tool. I was importing the topology
> > tables (node, edge, face)
> > like any other PG geometry tables. Will explore with this new tool.
> >
> >
> >> It's probably easier to clean up nodes for an areal topology than to
> >> clean up faces. With my QGIS plugin (PostGIS Topology Editor) you can
> >> select all nodes and click on a button which will drop all the ones
> >> that are safe to drop.
> >
> > You're right! I'll create my topology again but with the 2.0 m tolerance,
> > then run
> > my function for getting rid of nodes that are not at intersections and
> > finally,
> > I will use the approach you suggested of working with the TopoGeometry
> > objects and the
> > relation table to eliminate the remaining slivers.
> >
> > Will keep you posted on how it goes. Again, I really appreciate your help.
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Guillaume.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the PostGIS - User mailing list archive at
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] postgis-users Digest, Vol 152, Issue 3

2014-10-04 Thread John Abraham
Yes that was basically my algorithm: combinations of buffer, intersection, then 

I was using st_makevalid too, it didn't help, everything was considered valid, 
yet I was getting errors. 

I was unaware of st_snap as a separate function than st_snaptogrid. Maybe that 
was the missing piece. Thanks. 

Nonetheless, the triangulation algorithm from Martijn seems so much cleaner and 
more powerful than any of this. .  I 
don't even see a reason to try st_snap. 

John Abraham

Sent from my iPhone, please excuse any typos. 

> On Oct 4, 2014, at 6:18 AM, Mark Wynter  wrote:
> Don't have the benefit of seeing your image...
> For those that intersect, what about ST_difference to rid overlaps and 
> ST_Snap to fill voids... 
> Or ST_Buffer both, take the intersection, union it to one of the polys and 
> difference it with the first original 
> I recall a project 6 months back where client handed me a bunch of polys that 
> lacked common edges because they were created almost freehand ... 
> I can't pull up my code because I'm on annual leave, but I recall I wrote a 
> stored procedure that looped through each poly at a time, found the nearest, 
> and used a combination of functions to produce a valid edge between each pair.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 4 Oct 2014, at 4:30 am, wrote:
>> Send postgis-users mailing list submissions to
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>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>> than "Re: Contents of postgis-users digest..."
>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. A little tired of non-noded intersections betweenpolygons --
>>node them all (John Abraham)
>> --
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2014 12:29:30 -0600
>> From: John Abraham 
>> To:
>> Subject: [postgis-users] A little tired of non-noded intersections
>>  betweenpolygons -- node them all
>> Message-ID: <>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
>> I?m trying to clean up a geometry layer, a division of a province into 
>> smaller areas.  Once it?s cleaned up I?d like to start using a topology, so 
>> that no-one else ever has to deal with these problems? but? meanwhile...
>> I keep getting non-noded intersections or other topology exceptions when I?m 
>> searching for (or removing) overlapping polygons or searching for (or adding 
>> in) missing bits between polygons.
>> I?ve used all kinds of combinations of st_buffer(0), st_cleangeometry(), 
>> custom versions of st_cleangeometry(), and st_snaptogrid to try to fix 
>> things.
>> I?ve noticed a pattern with the types of problems I?m currently dealing 
>> with.  Basically, they are non-noded intersections between polygon edges.  
>> Eg, there is a polygon that has a not-quite-exactly-north-south boundary on 
>> its west side that it shares with its western neighbor.  But the neighbor's 
>> boundary is longer, extending north past the corner of the original, and 
>> it?s defined by a different pair of points.  If the image comes through, you 
>> can see it below.  The Greenish polygon obviously has node at its north-west 
>> corner, but the brownish polygon, to the west of it, does not have a node at 
>> that location, its boundary is longer so is defined by more distant end 
>> points.
>> I?m wondering if I could use something like st_node to add a node in the 
>> western polygon, so the corner between them is defined identically on both 
>> sides? Then, presumably, I wouldn?t be getting these 
>> ERROR: GEOSUnaryUnion: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection 
>> between LINESTRING (144297 5.66546e+006, 144201 5.67011e+006) and LINESTRING 
>> (144203 5.67002e+006, 144204 5.67002e+006) at 144203.19006961776 
>> 5670017.7300232062
>> type of errors.  But ST_Node only works on lines, not polygons.
>> PS I was wat

Re: [postgis-users] A little tired of non-noded intersections between polygons -- node them all

2014-10-03 Thread John Abraham
Wow Martijn.

Thank you SO much.  It seems to have worked.  This will get a lot of use, I 
think.  You really should get it into PostGIS as a function, for better 
visibility and for the benefit of the world.  

I can’t wait to try it on one of my larger problems (e.g. a cadastral data set 
with about 2 million parcels).

For everyone else, here’s the paper:

John Abraham

On Oct 3, 2014, at 1:23 PM, Martijn Meijers  wrote:

> Hi John,
> We know the pain you describe.
> For this we've developed at our research group:
> *
> Documentation here:
> *
> Not integrated with PostGIS at the moment and only reading shapefiles, but it 
> should clean exactly the type of data that you describe into properly noded 
> polygons (with gaps and overlaps removed/filled).
> Martijn
> -- 
> Martijn Meijers
> GIS-technology
> Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment
> Delft University of Technology
> P.O. Box 5030 | Julianalaan 134 (building 8), room 01.oost.330
> 2600 GA Delft | 2628 BL Delft
> The Netherlands
> tel (+31) 15 2785642

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] A little tired of non-noded intersections between polygons -- node them all

2014-10-03 Thread John Abraham
I’m trying to clean up a geometry layer, a division of a province into smaller 
areas.  Once it’s cleaned up I’d like to start using a topology, so that no-one 
else ever has to deal with these problems… but… meanwhile...

I keep getting non-noded intersections or other topology exceptions when I’m 
searching for (or removing) overlapping polygons or searching for (or adding 
in) missing bits between polygons.

I’ve used all kinds of combinations of st_buffer(0), st_cleangeometry(), custom 
versions of st_cleangeometry(), and st_snaptogrid to try to fix things.

I’ve noticed a pattern with the types of problems I’m currently dealing with.  
Basically, they are non-noded intersections between polygon edges.  Eg, there 
is a polygon that has a not-quite-exactly-north-south boundary on its west side 
that it shares with its western neighbor.  But the neighbor's boundary is 
longer, extending north past the corner of the original, and it’s defined by a 
different pair of points.  If the image comes through, you can see it below.  
The Greenish polygon obviously has node at its north-west corner, but the 
brownish polygon, to the west of it, does not have a node at that location, its 
boundary is longer so is defined by more distant end points.

I’m wondering if I could use something like st_node to add a node in the 
western polygon, so the corner between them is defined identically on both 
sides? Then, presumably, I wouldn’t be getting these 
ERROR: GEOSUnaryUnion: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between 
LINESTRING (144297 5.66546e+006, 144201 5.67011e+006) and LINESTRING (144203 
5.67002e+006, 144204 5.67002e+006) at 144203.19006961776 5670017.7300232062
type of errors.  But ST_Node only works on lines, not polygons.

PS I was watching Paul Ramsey’s presentation on the web from Foss4G and I agree 
that PostGIS is fantastic and gaining so much momentum, and perhaps even 
“asymptotically approaching perfection”.  But these types of topology errors 
always seem to trip me up.  Isn’t there something that can be done in the 
underlying GEOS functions to make these less common?  Or is everything an edge 
case that needs a special algorithm?  I’m frankly rather surprised that these 
errors don’t seem common for more people (based on my limited google search 
hits): are others not using ST_Union or ST_Intersects very much?  Or does 
everyone else have boundaries that are defined in topologies, or with every 
point specified?  Or is there just some trick, that no-one’s ever told me 
about, to add in the necessary points on edges so that identical line segments 
are defined by the same pairs of points?

Feeling frustrated,
John Abraham

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] postgis-users Digest, Vol 143, Issue 15

2014-09-17 Thread John Abraham
Hey Paul there are many problems with the clean geometry functions, so this
contribution is very useful.

I'm trying it now, I notice it returns a GeometryCollection sometimes, so I
had to use
to get my multipolygons back.

The old function wasn't returning "null", but it was returning geometries
where st_area() = null.  Whatever that means. Yours seems to have fixed the
problem in general, thank you.

However comparing the ST_Area of the original and the cleaned, I see a few
of my multi polygons have lost considerable area.  In one case, a tiny
infinitesimally narrow "finger" stuck out from the polygon, and a tiny
section of the finger was retained but the bulk of the polygon was lost.
 In another case, it looks like the corner was twisted around itself, and
so the twisted corner was retained and the bulk of the polygon was lost.  I
can manually make these edits, I think, and your algorithm is better than
the original, but it's not perfect yet :)

John Abraham

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:00 PM, 
wrote:Message: 3
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 14:42:29 +1000
From: Paul Pfeiffer 
Subject: [postgis-users] Updated cleangeometry function

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I have been having problems with the clean geometry function referenced at returning null
geometries. So I have fixed the script and I'm providing it below if anyone
else wants to test it and let me know I could update the wiki.

(Requires Postgres v9 +)

-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-- $Id: cleanGeometry.sql 2014-01-16 Paul Pfeiffer
-- cleanGeometry - remove self- and ring-selfintersections from
-- input Polygon geometries
-- Copyright 2014 Paul Pfeiffer
-- Version 2.0
-- contact: nightdrift at gmail dot com
-- modified from cleanGeometry.sql 2008-04-24 from
-- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
-- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-- This software is without any warrenty and you use it at your own risk
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cleangeometry(geom "public"."geometry")
RETURNS "public"."geometry" AS
inGeom ALIAS for $1;
outGeom geometry;
tmpLinestring geometry;
sqlString text;


outGeom := NULL;

-- Clean Polygons --
IF (ST_GeometryType(inGeom) = 'ST_Polygon' OR ST_GeometryType(inGeom) =
'ST_MultiPolygon') THEN

-- Check if it needs fixing
IF NOT ST_IsValid(inGeom) THEN

sqlString := '
-- separate multipolygon into 1 polygon per row
WITH split_multi (geom, poly) AS (
(ST_Dump($1)).path[1] -- polygon number
-- break each polygon into linestrings
split_line (geom, poly, line) AS (
(ST_DumpRings(geom)).path[1] -- line number
FROM split_multi
-- get the linestrings that make up the exterior of each
line_exterior (geom, poly) AS (
FROM split_line
WHERE line = 0
-- get an array of all the linestrings that make up the
interior of each polygon
line_interior (geom, poly) AS (
array_agg(geom ORDER BY line),
FROM split_line
WHERE line > 0
-- use MakePolygon to rebuild the polygons
poly_geom (geom, poly) AS (
CASE WHEN line_interior.geom IS NULL
ST_Buffer(ST_MakePolygon(line_exterior.geom), 0)
ST_Buffer(ST_MakePolygon(line_exterior.geom, line_interior.geom), 0)
FROM line_exterior
LEFT JOIN line_interior USING (poly)

IF (ST_GeometryType(inGeom) = 'ST_Polygon') THEN
sqlString := sqlString || '
FROM poly_geom