Re: [postgis-users] Projection problem

2010-07-24 Thread Jaime Fiers
Hi Ralf.

You gave me the correct way.  Thanks a lot.

Finally, I used a similar SQL, with the double transformation you said, and
result is good:

 SELECT GID, transform_geometry(transform( geom, 4326), '+proj=longlat
+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs '::text, '+proj=utm +ellps=intl +zone=30
+units=m +towgs84=-131,-100.3,-163.4,-1.244,-0.02,-1.14 +no_defs'::text,
 AS geom
   FROM capa_25830;


2010/7/23 Ralf Suhr

 Hi Jaime,

 to get transformation with towgs84 parameter working you have to use wgs84
 ellipsoid. Transform from ETRS89 to wgs84 and second from wgs84 to ED50.

 ST_Transform(ST_Transform( 25830_geom, 4326), 23030)


 Am Freitag 23 Juli 2010, 08:42:39 schrieb Jaime Fiers:
  Hello guys
  I hava a little problem with Postgis projection.
  I need get a reprojected view.  Original data layer is in SRS=25830
  UTM30) and view in SRS=23030 (ED50 UTM30)
  I try this:
   SELECT id, transform_geometry(GEOMETRY, '+proj=utm +zone=30
  +units=m +no_defs
  99988,-9.39 '::text,
   '+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=intl +units=m +nadgrids +no_defs'::text,
 FROM capa_25830;
  (If we do not include +nadgrids we don't get anything, but that is not
  I always get a +-90 meter error.
  Can anybody help me.
  Thanks in advance
 postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] JASPA (JAva SPATial) for PostgreSQL and H2released. HSQLDB is planned to be supported.

2010-07-24 Thread José Carlos Martínez

Hi all,

Paragon Corporation escribió:


We don't know too much about JASPA project, but here is our general feeling
based on the underlying architecture and quick glance at the docs.

From our general understanding JASPA implements all its PostgreSQL functions
using Java stored procs.  There are several consequences of this some good
and some bad

The Good
 1) JASPA uses JTS directly so doesn't suffer from the need to port JTS
functionality to GEOS.  So you will probably see new features introduced in
JTS in Jaspa sooner than you will see it in PostGIS.
yes I think so but jaspa uses a slightly modifed version of JTS. Some 

M/Z handle

Anyways, a JTS original library can be modified in less than one hour.

2) Good/Bad -- Not tied to a specific database platform (though it only
really supports PostgreSQL/HSQL at the moment) -- I kind of consider this a
good/bad of rasdaman as well.  Its good in the sense that you can run it in
other databases, but bad in the sense that your architecture is either more
complicated and/or you don't play as nicely with the native functionality a
database offers.  JASPA its not quite as much of an issue as it is for
rasdaman since the functions are implemented as PostgreSQL stored functions
and can use just like you use PostGIS functions.

I understand your point of view but one of the goal (I think the most 
important one) of jaspa
is to aim to be easier to extend than postgis even for a not computer 
science expertice
and to be able to use different databases. Im not talkig about plpgsql 
(this one is easy) but

lwgeom, geos, native postgres funtions, etc.

The proof that jaspa is easier to extend is: just with 22000 lines of 
code jaspa does almost everything postgis1.4 does.

and its been developped just for one person in one year
(of course thanks to the use of other open source projects as postgis, 
jts, geotools, etc.)
I think it means jaspa is really easy to extend and to support new 
Another point is GeoTools which I think its another stargate for new 

3) They seem to implement a lot of things above the core JTS -
Like Delaunay triangles and some topology.  Sounds interesting.

Jaspa supports some JTS 1.11 new functionality as you said for example 
delaunay triangles.

Of course this is not a jaspa praiseworthy as it is a JTS merit.
From jaspa 0.1 we will start developing new functionalities as:

- hibrid topology
- topology rules
- cluster/tolerance
- geodesic support

They claim PostGIS 1.4 compatibility, but not sure if that means 100% -- it
does look like they do support at least ST_Dump functions (and have
implemented some of the PostGIS non-geography functions)
About PostGIS 1.4 compatibily I meant that almost all the postgis 
methods are implemented in jaspa. It is not 100% but it is close to 
that. Around 94% of the postgis methods work in jaspa. Im working in 
postgis long transaction methods (they are already implemented but i 
need a pljava patch to support to cancel triggers..luca ferrari did one 
already)..with the long transaction methods the supported

functions are 97%.

The Bad
While PostgreSQL does support java stored procs, its not a common choice.
I'm not sure exactly why.  As I recall a while back -- it had something to
do with the way Java classes were created and so forth similar to why .NET
is not a supported option in PostgreSQL. Times have changed though so may
not be a bad option now. This means
A) Most likely it will be harder to install on all platforms.  

yes I agree, but
Pljava will support postgres 9 at least. Hope  jaspa project helps to 
keep pljava project running too.

Anyways, we are just talking about postgres but
H2 is easier in this sense and I hope we can develop jaspa for hsqldb soon.
The huge problem  now: h2 and hsqldb do not support spatial indexes.

B) Not as tried and tested as C binding functions.  So things such as memory
management between the core PostgreSQL layer and library layer  I suspect
will be better in PostGIS than they are in JASPA.
yes I think so. pljava is not as fast as directly accessing sql types 
from c and

jaspa is not c. Anyways if you check the performance its not bad at all, and
the performance about some methods can be surprising.

C) There are lots of functions implemented directly in PostGIS  that are not
in JTS or GEOS (and GEOS is not a direct port in and of itself of JTS -- it
has some 3D glue that JTS lacks).  Example are my favorite functions
implemented directly in PostGIS -  All the geography support introduced in
PostGIS 1.5,  ST_ClosestPoint (native PostGIS), ST_AsGML/ST_GeomFromGML/KML,
ST_Dump functions  etc.

I would say about 50 percent of the functions in PostGIS are not derived
from JTS/GEOS though there are some overlaps 

[postgis-users] PostGIS to SpatiaLite

2010-07-24 Thread Mike Toews
Hi all,

I need to copy several PostGIS tables to a SpatiaLite file, so it can
be used on field laptops. A similar question appeared a year ago[1],
but there were no solutions.

I understand that ogr2ogr has support for SpatiaLite using GDAL 1.7.x,
however I cannot seem to configure the GDAL source to enable
SpatiaLite[2]. Yet another option is FME, but I don't have time/budget
for this. FDO doe

Are there any other freely available server-side tools to do the
conversion? Thanks.


postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS to SpatiaLite

2010-07-24 Thread Mike Toews
Ok ok, I've finally tamed ogr2ogr to a working state. When configuring
GDAL, use --with-spatialite=/usr/local (for a locally installed
SpatiaLite library), then make and install GDAL (note my build attempt
with Ubuntu 10.04 was unsuccessful for reasons I don't have time to
care for, but my build with 9.04 works).

To create the SpatiaLite file export the first layer:
$ ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco SPATIALITE=yes myfile.sqlite PG:dbname=mydb
user=myuser password=mypass myschema.mytable

And for additional layer/tables:
$ ogr2ogr -f SQLite -update myfile.db PG:dbname=mydb user=myuser
password=mypass myschema.my2ndtable

The resulting file work with viewers, including SpatiaLite GUI/GIS, Quantum GIS.

I've started


On 24 July 2010 10:43, Mike Toews wrote:
 Hi all,

 I need to copy several PostGIS tables to a SpatiaLite file, so it can
 be used on field laptops. A similar question appeared a year ago[1],
 but there were no solutions.

 I understand that ogr2ogr has support for SpatiaLite using GDAL 1.7.x,
 however I cannot seem to configure the GDAL source to enable
 SpatiaLite[2]. Yet another option is FME, but I don't have time/budget
 for this. FDO doe

 Are there any other freely available server-side tools to do the
 conversion? Thanks.



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] speeding up not in query

2010-07-24 Thread David Epstein
I have one spatial table and one non-spatial table each with about 380k
rows. They can be joined by parcelnum. However, there are some parcel
numbers in each table that do not match. I want the full rows of the
non-matching from each. I've made a standard (b-tree) index for
parcelnum in both tables and then ran this query to get non-matching
rows in a single direction:

FROM survey
WHERE survey.parcelnum NOT IN
(SELECT parcel_esri.parcelnum
FROM parcels_esri)

This query has already run for 35 minutes and is still running. I have a
laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with two P8700 2.53GHz CPUs and 3.8GB
of memory. Only 1 CPU and 1.3GB of memory is being used. Is there
anything I can do to speed up not-in (and join) queries?

thank you,

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] JASPA (JAva SPATial) for PostgreSQL and H2released. HSQLDB is planned to be supported.

2010-07-24 Thread muhammad imran
One solid point that I was keen to look so far is that the new opportunity for 
integration java-based technologies with the database, for instance, as Jose 
mentioned the geotools. Furthermore, since Oracle is the leading commercial 
database solution provider and it supports the java technology so a new 
opportunity for attracting the professionals that may lead to the emerging of 
bigger communities.  


--- On Sat, 7/24/10, José Carlos Martínez wrote:

 From: José Carlos Martínez
 Subject: Re: [postgis-users] JASPA (JAva SPATial) for PostgreSQL and 
 H2released. HSQLDB is planned to be supported.
 To: PostGIS Users Discussion
 Date: Saturday, July 24, 2010, 11:11 PM
 Hi all,
 Paragon Corporation escribió:
  We don't know too much about JASPA project, but here
 is our general feeling
  based on the underlying architecture and quick glance
 at the docs.
  From our general understanding JASPA implements all
 its PostgreSQL functions
  using Java stored procs.  There are several
 consequences of this some good
  and some bad
  The Good
   1) JASPA uses JTS directly so doesn't suffer
 from the need to port JTS
  functionality to GEOS.  So you will probably see
 new features introduced in
  JTS in Jaspa sooner than you will see it in PostGIS.
 yes I think so but jaspa uses a slightly modifed version of
 JTS. Some changes:
 M/Z handle
 Anyways, a JTS original library can be modified in less
 than one hour.
  2) Good/Bad -- Not tied to a specific database
 platform (though it only
  really supports PostgreSQL/HSQL at the moment) -- I
 kind of consider this a
  good/bad of rasdaman as well.  Its good in the
 sense that you can run it in
  other databases, but bad in the sense that your
 architecture is either more
  complicated and/or you don't play as nicely with the
 native functionality a
  database offers.  JASPA its not quite as much of
 an issue as it is for
  rasdaman since the functions are implemented as
 PostgreSQL stored functions
  and can use just like you use PostGIS functions.
 I understand your point of view but one of the goal (I
 think the most important one) of jaspa
 is to aim to be easier to extend than postgis even for a
 not computer science expertice
 and to be able to use different databases. Im not talkig
 about plpgsql (this one is easy) but
 lwgeom, geos, native postgres funtions, etc.
 The proof that jaspa is easier to extend is: just with
 22000 lines of code jaspa does almost everything postgis1.4
 and its been developped just for one person in one year
 (of course thanks to the use of other open source projects
 as postgis, jts, geotools, etc.)
 I think it means jaspa is really easy to extend and to
 support new functionalities.
 Another point is GeoTools which I think its another
 stargate for new functionalities.
  3) They seem to implement a lot of things above the
 core JTS -
  Like Delaunay triangles and some topology. 
 Sounds interesting.
 Jaspa supports some JTS 1.11 new functionality as you said
 for example delaunay triangles.
 Of course this is not a jaspa praiseworthy as it is a JTS
 From jaspa 0.1 we will start developing new functionalities
 - hibrid topology
 - topology rules
 - cluster/tolerance
 - geodesic support
  They claim PostGIS 1.4 compatibility, but not sure if
 that means 100% -- it
  does look like they do support at least ST_Dump
 functions (and have
  implemented some of the PostGIS non-geography
 About PostGIS 1.4 compatibily I meant that almost all the
 postgis methods are implemented in jaspa. It is not 100% but
 it is close to that. Around 94% of the postgis methods work
 in jaspa. Im working in postgis long transaction methods
 (they are already implemented but i need a pljava patch to
 support to cancel triggers..luca ferrari did one
 already)..with the long transaction methods the supported
 functions are 97%.
  The Bad
  While PostgreSQL does support java stored procs, its
 not a common choice.
  I'm not sure exactly why.  As I recall a while
 back -- it had something to
  do with the way Java classes were created and so forth
 similar to why .NET
  is not a supported option in PostgreSQL. Times have
 changed though so may
  not be a bad option now. This means
  A) Most likely it will be harder to install on all
 yes I agree, but
 Pljava will support postgres 9 at least. Hope  jaspa
 project helps to keep pljava project running too.
 Anyways, we are just talking about postgres but
 H2 is easier in this sense and I hope we can develop jaspa
 for hsqldb soon.
 The huge problem  now: h2 and hsqldb do not support
 spatial indexes.
  B) Not as tried and tested as C 

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS to SpatiaLite

2010-07-24 Thread Ricardo Bayley
I havent tried it much, but I know QGIS has this option.
The OGR module does this. It is very good.

Hope it works for you

On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Mike Toews wrote:

 Ok ok, I've finally tamed ogr2ogr to a working state. When configuring
 GDAL, use --with-spatialite=/usr/local (for a locally installed
 SpatiaLite library), then make and install GDAL (note my build attempt
 with Ubuntu 10.04 was unsuccessful for reasons I don't have time to
 care for, but my build with 9.04 works).

 To create the SpatiaLite file export the first layer:
 $ ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco SPATIALITE=yes myfile.sqlite PG:dbname=mydb
 user=myuser password=mypass myschema.mytable

 And for additional layer/tables:
 $ ogr2ogr -f SQLite -update myfile.db PG:dbname=mydb user=myuser
 password=mypass myschema.my2ndtable

 The resulting file work with viewers, including SpatiaLite GUI/GIS, Quantum

 I've started


 On 24 July 2010 10:43, Mike Toews wrote:
  Hi all,
  I need to copy several PostGIS tables to a SpatiaLite file, so it can
  be used on field laptops. A similar question appeared a year ago[1],
  but there were no solutions.
  I understand that ogr2ogr has support for SpatiaLite using GDAL 1.7.x,
  however I cannot seem to configure the GDAL source to enable
  SpatiaLite[2]. Yet another option is FME, but I don't have time/budget
  for this. FDO doe
  Are there any other freely available server-side tools to do the
  conversion? Thanks.
 postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] speeding up not in query

2010-07-24 Thread Michael Smedberg
You might want to try a not exists constraint, like this:

FROM survey
(SELECT parcel_esri.parcelnum
FROM parcels_esri WHERE parcel_esri.parcelnum = survey.parcelnum)

On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 2:09 PM, David Epstein wrote:

 I have one spatial table and one non-spatial table each with about 380k
 rows. They can be joined by parcelnum. However, there are some parcel
 numbers in each table that do not match. I want the full rows of the
 non-matching from each. I've made a standard (b-tree) index for
 parcelnum in both tables and then ran this query to get non-matching
 rows in a single direction:

 FROM survey
 WHERE survey.parcelnum NOT IN
 (SELECT parcel_esri.parcelnum
 FROM parcels_esri)

 This query has already run for 35 minutes and is still running. I have a
 laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with two P8700 2.53GHz CPUs and 3.8GB
 of memory. Only 1 CPU and 1.3GB of memory is being used. Is there
 anything I can do to speed up not-in (and join) queries?

 thank you,

 postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] speeding up not in query

2010-07-24 Thread Paragon Corporation
What does your query plan look like?  Do you have an indeed in place for the
parcelnum columns and are they the same data type.
You may want to verify the index is being used by looking at the query plan.
We have run into similar issues which we documented here.
But couldn't figure out under what circumstances this happens.  
IN optimizations have changed a lot over various versions of PostgreSQL.
Which version are you using?
Leo and Regina


[] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 10:06 PM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] speeding up not in query

You might want to try a not exists constraint, like this: 

FROM survey
(SELECT parcel_esri.parcelnum
FROM parcels_esri WHERE parcel_esri.parcelnum = survey.parcelnum)

On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 2:09 PM, David Epstein wrote:

I have one spatial table and one non-spatial table each with about 380k
rows. They can be joined by parcelnum. However, there are some parcel
numbers in each table that do not match. I want the full rows of the
non-matching from each. I've made a standard (b-tree) index for
parcelnum in both tables and then ran this query to get non-matching
rows in a single direction:

FROM survey
WHERE survey.parcelnum NOT IN
(SELECT parcel_esri.parcelnum
FROM parcels_esri)

This query has already run for 35 minutes and is still running. I have a
laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with two P8700 2.53GHz CPUs and 3.8GB
of memory. Only 1 CPU and 1.3GB of memory is being used. Is there
anything I can do to speed up not-in (and join) queries?

thank you,

postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] speeding up not in query

2010-07-24 Thread Paragon Corporation
Even better idea since you are looking for non matches.  Use a LEFT JOIN

SELECT survey.*
FROM survey LEFT JOIN parcel_esri.parcelnum
ON (survey.parcelnum = parcel_esri.parcelnum)
WHERE parcel_esri.primary_key IS NULL;

Your primary key stuff a field that never has null values.

Leo and Regina

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2010 5:09 PM
Subject: [postgis-users] speeding up not in query

I have one spatial table and one non-spatial table each with about 380k
rows. They can be joined by parcelnum. However, there are some parcel
numbers in each table that do not match. I want the full rows of the
non-matching from each. I've made a standard (b-tree) index for parcelnum
in both tables and then ran this query to get non-matching rows in a single

FROM survey
WHERE survey.parcelnum NOT IN
(SELECT parcel_esri.parcelnum
FROM parcels_esri)

This query has already run for 35 minutes and is still running. I have a
laptop running Ubuntu 9.04 64bit with two P8700 2.53GHz CPUs and 3.8GB of
memory. Only 1 CPU and 1.3GB of memory is being used. Is there anything I
can do to speed up not-in (and join) queries?

thank you,

postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list