Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS Raster for Met Data

2011-07-12 Thread Michael Akinde

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to try a few experiments with our code, 
and probably get back to this later.


Michael A.

- Original Message -
> > - Original Message -
> > > For sure doing overlay gis operations like st_intersection is not
> > > possible when the srid of the two geometries is different. In this
> > > case you would have to reproject (ST_Transform) the geometry so it
> > > fit
> > > the srid of right grid. But if your application is able to decide
> > > which grid it must query then it should also be able to decide
> > > which
> > > tale it must query and hence putting all your grids in different
> > > table
> > > should not be a problem.
> >
> > For the general case (particularly in the coast example, where the
> > queries are
> > basically just Lon/Lat), we would not know which grid contains the
> > answer.
> > Consequently we would have to do two queries (one to determine the
> > grid to
> > query and one to query the specific grid), where today we make do
> > with one. I
> > suspect that this would cost us a fair bit of performance.
> You could have a table of the outlines of each dataset and use CASE to
> determine to which srid reproject your point. All that in one query.
> > > You can easily get the x,y upperleft corner of a pixel with the
> > > Raster2WorldcoordX(0,0) and Raster2WorldcoordY(1,0) functions. Is
> > > that
> > > what you need?
> >
> > Not quite - I was thinking more of World2RasterCoord, but using a
> > geometry to
> > extract multiple raster points. Essentially, ST_INTERSECT, but
> > returning raster
> > coordinates rather than world coordinates and value.
> You can extract every point of a complex geometry using a mixture of
> ST_PointN(),ST_NPoints(),ST_NumGeometries() and ST_GeometryN(). Have a
> look in the PostGIS doc.
> Pierre
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] wrong ST_Polygonize

2011-07-12 Thread karpi . lists

Hello Ralf,
thank you again for your response.
As you note, the endpoints really differs:
(on byte 20) .. i've missed this..

St_shortestLine(), or manual snap in qgis will propably be solution ,)


>your last two linestrings did not intersect.
>st_snaptogrid(geom, 0.01) can fix it or to preserve topologie, you can
>close the gap with a linestring from st_shortestLine().

karpi prijmeni
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] ST_ConcaveHull

2011-07-12 Thread Ahmad Aburizaiza
Try this.

Select ST_ConcaveHull(ST_Collect(the_geom)) FROM table;

Ahmad Aburizaiza
PhD student at **George Mason University**
Geography and Geoinformation Science Department
Fairfax, VA, USA
Tel : +1-703-981-0354*

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Brian Sanjeewa Rupasinghe <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a building polygon table and from the following query i get the
> polygon
> coordinates.
> select st_astext (st_geometryn(the_geom, 1))
> from building_poly;
> Now what i need is to get the concave hull of all polygon coordinates.
> I tried the following query but it does not work.
> SELECT ST_ConcaveHull(ST_Union(select st_astext (st_geometryn(the_geom,
> 1))
> from building_poly), 1)  As convexhull;
> How to correct it?
> Cheers, Sanjeewa.
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Issue with ST_Line_Interpolate_Point dropping m values

2011-07-12 Thread Craig McIlwee
Well I think Ive found the issue.  The function handles LINESTRING and 
MULTILINESTRING just fine, but gives 0 M values for LINESTRINGM and 
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(the_line, 0.5))
FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(1 2 3, 4 5 6, 6 7 8)') 
as the_line) As foo;
"POINTM(3.5 4.5 0)"
Is this expected behavior?  For now I think I can work around it by pulling the 
EWKT over to my client, doing a string replace on MULTILINESTRINGM to 
MULTILINESTRING, then using ST_GeomFromEWKT in a subsequent query.  It will 
certainly complicate my code and introduce a bit of I/O overhead, but it seems 
to work.
[] On Behalf Of Craig 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 2:07 PM
Subject: [postgis-users] Issue with ST_Line_Interpolate_Point dropping m values
Im using PostGIS 1.5 and am having trouble with the ST_Line_Interpolate_Point 
function, the M value of the returned points are always 0.   An example query 
with output is:
select st_asewkt(st_line_interpolate_point(st_geometryn(the_geom, 1), 
0.88364273)) from wgs_statecov_tway;
"SRID=4326;POINTM(-90.4466123484958 38.8893086051018 0)"
My geometries are MULTILINESTRINGM type, and examination with ST_AsEWKT shows 
proper M values as you see below.  I also use the M value for other LRS 
select st_asewkt(st_endpoint(the_geom)) from wgs_statecov_tway;
"SRID=4326;POINTM(-90.2232337557835 38.8615691007846 136.351980792317)"
The odd thing is that when I try the example query from the reference manual 
everything works fine.
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(the_line, 0.5))
FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(1 2 3, 4 5 6, 6 7 8)') 
as the_line) As foo;
"POINT(3.5 4.5 5.5)"
Based on this, it seems like I must be doing something but because the query is 
so simple I have no idea what that could be.  Any ideas?
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This e-mail communication (including any attachments) may contain confidential 
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postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Issue with ST_Line_Interpolate_Point dropping m values

2011-07-12 Thread Craig McIlwee
Im using PostGIS 1.5 and am having trouble with the ST_Line_Interpolate_Point 
function, the M value of the returned points are always 0.   An example query 
with output is:
select st_asewkt(st_line_interpolate_point(st_geometryn(the_geom, 1), 
0.88364273)) from wgs_statecov_tway;
"SRID=4326;POINTM(-90.4466123484958 38.8893086051018 0)"
My geometries are MULTILINESTRINGM type, and examination with ST_AsEWKT shows 
proper M values as you see below.  I also use the M value for other LRS 
select st_asewkt(st_endpoint(the_geom)) from wgs_statecov_tway;
"SRID=4326;POINTM(-90.2232337557835 38.8615691007846 136.351980792317)"
The odd thing is that when I try the example query from the reference manual 
everything works fine.
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Line_Interpolate_Point(the_line, 0.5))
FROM (SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(1 2 3, 4 5 6, 6 7 8)') 
as the_line) As foo;
"POINT(3.5 4.5 5.5)"
Based on this, it seems like I must be doing something but because the query is 
so simple I have no idea what that could be.  Any ideas?
Open Roads Consulting, Inc.
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P - Think before you print.
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] topology point - linestring

2011-07-12 Thread matze09

Stephen, Nicolas wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
>> Maybe st_linecrossingdirection could be used ?
>> (
>> using a tiny linestring composed of one point and a slight translation
>> of this point ?
> How about st_shortestline [1] this gives you a vector from the point to 
> the line, now you can get a vector along you reference line from start 
> to that point or that point to the end of the the reference line. If you 
> compute the cross product of those to vectors and the sign of the Z 
> value of the cross product is positive you point is to the right, 
> negative to the left and zero means you are on the line.
> I think I would probably wrap this into a stored procedure that returns 
> a record like distance|side|point_on_line or something like that.
> -Steve
> [1] 

hi nicolas, hi steve,

thanks a lot for your quick replies. i stumbled over the
st_linecrossingdirection function before but thought
it wouldn't be the most efficient way. well, it certainly isn't but at least
it seems to work.
i included the st_closestpoint function since it might be faster than
st_line_locate_point and st_line_interpolate_point.

the function below takes a point and a linestring as arguments and returns
-1/0/1 according to the topology. it works fine except for points where the
closest point coincides with the 
line's start/endpoint (in that case, the result is always 0 because there is
no intersection.)
will try to fix that later.

for now thanks and all the best,

CREATE FUNCTION pointToLinePos(geometry,geometry) RETURNS integer
FROM ( SELECT st_closestpoint($2,$1) AS pt ) AS foo;'
RETURNS null on null input;

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Sent from the PostGIS - User mailing list archive at

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] converting to lat long

2011-07-12 Thread pcreso

Instead of storing lat & long columns of numbers, create a point geometry with 
Postgis, you can still select the lat & long values as shown below.

select addgeometrycolumn('','tablename','geom',4326,'POINT',2);

To run this change 'tablename' to the name of the table with the geocode 
column. This will give you a Postgis geometry column to store lat/long points 

geocode is presumeably a string datatype, and there are a number of ways to 
parse this, here is one example. I'm assuming each value will always be 4 
digits then "/" then 4 digits, as in your example. If not, then you'll need 
another approach.

update tablename
set geom=setsrid(makepoint(substr(geocode,6,4)::decimal(6,2)/100,

This takes characters 6-9 of the geocode value, converts to a number, divides 
by 100, then does the same to characters 1-4, which generates your lon & lat 
(in xy order) values as you describe them, then assigns a srid of 4326 to tell 
postgis the coordinates are indeed lat/long ones, and sets the value of each 
point geometry to these coordinates.

If you want to see the resulting lat/long values now stored in the geom column, 

select geocode, astext(geom) from tablename;
select geocode, y(geom) as lat, x(geom) as lon from tablename; 


  Brent Wood

--- On Wed, 7/13/11, Yamini Singh  wrote:

From: Yamini Singh 
Subject: [postgis-users] converting to lat long
To: "PostGIS User List" 
Date: Wednesday, July 13, 2011, 12:58 AM

Hi All,

I have a column 'geocode' in a table which has
attributes like 2329/4727 now I would like to convert these attributes in 
column to 'lat' and 'long'. For example, 'Lat' column will 
have attribute '23.29' and 'long' column will have attribute  '47.27'.

Is there a way through which this can be
converted automatically by a query or so.
Looking fwd..




-Inline Attachment Follows-

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postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] topology point - linestring

2011-07-12 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

On 7/12/2011 10:57 AM, Nicolas Ribot wrote:

hi all,

within a linear referencing task i need the shortest distances of all points
to the linestring.
that itself wouldn't be a problem with st_line_locate_point and st_distance,
but i also need to know the topological position of the point relative to
the linestring (left, right or on the linestring).

e.g. the linear referencing tool in ArcGIS indicates the relative location
of a point to a line by means of a (un-)signed distance value (the tool
returns positive and negative distance values).

i haven't found any postgis function yet for this problem.
does anyone know of a function which solves this? or a workaround which runs
as quick as possible?

thanks in advance and
best regards,


Hi Matthias,

Maybe st_linecrossingdirection could be used ?
using a tiny linestring composed of one point and a slight translation
of this point ?

How about st_shortestline [1] this gives you a vector from the point to 
the line, now you can get a vector along you reference line from start 
to that point or that point to the end of the the reference line. If you 
compute the cross product of those to vectors and the sign of the Z 
value of the cross product is positive you point is to the right, 
negative to the left and zero means you are on the line.

I think I would probably wrap this into a stored procedure that returns 
a record like distance|side|point_on_line or something like that.



postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] topology point - linestring

2011-07-12 Thread Nicolas Ribot
> hi all,
> within a linear referencing task i need the shortest distances of all points
> to the linestring.
> that itself wouldn't be a problem with st_line_locate_point and st_distance,
> but i also need to know the topological position of the point relative to
> the linestring (left, right or on the linestring).
> e.g. the linear referencing tool in ArcGIS indicates the relative location
> of a point to a line by means of a (un-)signed distance value (the tool
> returns positive and negative distance values).
> i haven't found any postgis function yet for this problem.
> does anyone know of a function which solves this? or a workaround which runs
> as quick as possible?
> thanks in advance and
> best regards,
> matthias

Hi Matthias,

Maybe st_linecrossingdirection could be used ?
using a tiny linestring composed of one point and a slight translation
of this point ?

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] converting to lat long

2011-07-12 Thread Ben Madin
FWIW - PostGIS uses long lat format...

If you are confident about the data consistency, this should be a pretty 
straightforward task - if you are not sure, it might still be quite simple if 
you are prepared to look into the mystical world of regular expressions. 
PostgreSQL offers support for these on the previously recommended string 
expressions page, but you will also need to look at the pattern matching page.

If you haven't ever looked at regular expressions, there are a number of very 
good resources available on the web. They are annoyingly useful, so worth 
investing some time in learning about them.



On 12/07/2011, at 8:58 PM, Yamini Singh wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have a column 'geocode' in a table which has attributes like 2329/4727 now 
> I would like to convert these attributes in another column to 'lat' and 
> 'long'. For example, 'Lat' column will have attribute '23.29' and 'long' 
> column will have attribute  '47.27'.
> Is there a way through which this can be converted automatically by a query 
> or so.
> Looking fwd..
> Thanks
> YJ
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] wrong ST_Polygonize

2011-07-12 Thread Ralf Suhr

your last two linestrings did not intersect. 
st_snaptogrid(geom, 0.01) can fix it or to preserve topologie, you can 
close the gap with a linestring from st_shortestLine().


Am Dienstag 12 Juli 2011, 14:22:02 schrieb
> Hello,
> i was falled into troubles with ST_Polygonize, there is example:
> three linestrings:
> 010220110802002C35CC432E0325C1E84311A7272930C12B79E346610325C1E
> E78E89A372930C1
> 01022011081500CBA455B5270325C1798A4C671D2930C10C37E255270325C1D
> DFC01F41D2930C115767D09270325C1D3AA98831E2930C125297FD0260325C19E976B151F29
> 30C1E6CC28AB260325C1F734D3A81F2930C12B48A599260325C19C23263D202930C1A3BA089
> C260325C1E3F5B9D1202930C1BC6550B2260325C195F3E365212930C1CAAF62DC260325C117
> DEF9F8212930C171410F1A270325C103B4528A222930C12F3D0F6B270325C15C73471923293
> 0C1CD9005CF270325C175D933A5232930C14B607F45280325C1AD1F772D242930C1DD89F4CD
> 280325C129B474B1242930C15842C867290325C1BEED9430252930C157C949122A0325C136B
> A45AA252930C15534B5CC2A0325C12246FB1D262930C1CB4F34962B0325C1879D308B262930
> C14C95DF6D2C0325C1A34468F1262930C18F35BF522D0325C119C82C50272930C12C35CC432
> E0325C1E84311A7272930C1
> 01022011080200F2E13C88810325C1158B099BD32830C1CBA455B5270325C17
> 68A4C671D2930C1
> They are touched in their end points:
> 0101201108CBA455B5270325C1798A4C671D2930C1
> 01012011082C35CC432E0325C1E84311A7272930C1
> ST_Touches is correct
> true
> ST_Relate is correct:
> FF1F00102
> So.. why they are not polygonized together ? Why is polygonized only the
> multipointed linestring without two short adjacent lines? Can be this
> workarounded in some way (but if I want to avoid to change entities by
> snapping) ?
>  thanks for response, pk
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] topology point - linestring

2011-07-12 Thread matze09

hi all,

within a linear referencing task i need the shortest distances of all points
to the linestring.
that itself wouldn't be a problem with st_line_locate_point and st_distance,
but i also need to know the topological position of the point relative to
the linestring (left, right or on the linestring).

e.g. the linear referencing tool in ArcGIS indicates the relative location
of a point to a line by means of a (un-)signed distance value (the tool
returns positive and negative distance values).

i haven't found any postgis function yet for this problem.
does anyone know of a function which solves this? or a workaround which runs
as quick as possible?

thanks in advance and
best regards,

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Sent from the PostGIS - User mailing list archive at

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] converting to lat long

2011-07-12 Thread MarkW
Just to add to the other good advice you've already received:

If the data are in the format with an actual slash, as a single string (not
sure from your email), then string functions can help you get to the point
where you can divide, or create geometry, if that's where you're at:


On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Yamini Singh  wrote:

>  *Hi All,*
> *I have a column 'geocode' in a table which has attributes like 2329/4727
> now I would like to convert these **attributes **in another column to
> 'lat' and 'long'. For example, 'Lat' column will have **attribute '**23.29'
> and 'long' column will have **attribute ** '47.27'.*
> *Is there a way through which this can be converted automatically by a
> query or so.*
> *Looking fwd..Thanks*
> *YJ*
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] converting to lat long

2011-07-12 Thread Gheorghiu, Mihai
I would suggest that first you check your data has a consistent format, i.e. 
"zero" is represented as , 12.3 degrees is represented as 1230 and 1.23 
degrees is represented as 0123.
Otherwise you need to do a little preparation work...



[] On Behalf Of John 
Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 9:13 AM
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] converting to lat long

Looks like you already have lat/long coordinates and don't need to use 
ST_Transform.  Make sure you know if the original values are in 'decimal 
degrees' or 'degrees minutes seconds'.  If in DD, just divide your values by 
100 which should be easy in SQL.  If in DMS, then you need to parse the data 
first.  I'm not sure how to do that in SQL but sure it's possible.

- John

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Yamini Singh>> wrote:
Hi All,

I have a column 'geocode' in a table which has attributes like 2329/4727 now I 
would like to convert these attributes in another column to 'lat' and 'long'. 
For example, 'Lat' column will have attribute '23.29' and 'long' column will 
have attribute  '47.27'.
Is there a way through which this can be converted automatically by a query or 

Looking fwd..


postgis-users mailing list

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postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] converting to lat long

2011-07-12 Thread James David Smith

I'm a beginner, so take with a pinch of salt, but first I'd question
why you want/need to separate the latitude & longitude?

I would keep them together and store them as a point in a new column.
First create a column to store the Lat & Long in with something like

SYNTAX:SELECT AddGeometryColumn(, ,
, , )
EXAMPLE:  SELECT AddGeometryColumn('parks', 'park_geom','4326', 'POINT', 2 );

Then you want to populate that column, with the existing data from
your geocode column. Using something like this:

UPDATE tablename
SET latlongcolumn = ST_GeomFromText('geocode', 4326)

I guess that there is a way to pull out the lat and long into seperate
columns, but I don't know how to do that I'm afraid.



On 12 July 2011 13:58, Yamini Singh  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a column 'geocode' in a table which has attributes like 2329/4727 now
> I would like to convert these attributes in another column to 'lat' and
> 'long'. For example, 'Lat' column will have attribute '23.29' and 'long'
> column will have attribute  '47.27'.
> Is there a way through which this can be converted automatically by a query
> or so.
> Looking fwd..
> Thanks
> YJ
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] converting to lat long

2011-07-12 Thread John Callahan
Looks like you already have lat/long coordinates and don't need to use
ST_Transform.  Make sure you know if the original values are in 'decimal
degrees' or 'degrees minutes seconds'.  If in DD, just divide your values by
100 which should be easy in SQL.  If in DMS, then you need to parse the data
first.  I'm not sure how to do that in SQL but sure it's possible.

- John

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Yamini Singh  wrote:

>  *Hi All,*
> *
> *
> *I have a column 'geocode' in a table which has attributes like 2329/4727
> now I would like to convert these **attributes **in another column to
> 'lat' and 'long'. For example, 'Lat' column will have **attribute '**23.29'
> and 'long' column will have **attribute ** '47.27'.*
> *Is there a way through which this can be converted automatically by a
> query or so.*
> *
> *
> *Looking fwd..*
> * *
> *Thanks*
> *YJ*
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] converting to lat long

2011-07-12 Thread Yamini Singh

Hi All,

I have a column 'geocode' in a table which has
attributes like 2329/4727 now I would like to convert these attributes in 
column to 'lat' and 'long'. For example, 'Lat' column will have attribute 
'23.29' and 'long' column will have attribute  '47.27'.

Is there a way through which this can be
converted automatically by a query or so.
Looking fwd..



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] wrong ST_Polygonize

2011-07-12 Thread karpi . lists

i was falled into troubles with ST_Polygonize, there is example:

three linestrings:



They are touched in their end points:

ST_Touches is correct
ST_Relate is correct:

So.. why they are not polygonized together ? Why is polygonized only the 
multipointed linestring without two short adjacent lines?
Can be this workarounded in some way (but if I want to avoid to change entities 
by snapping) ?

 thanks for response, pk

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Newbie - Spatial Join with a large dataset

2011-07-12 Thread Nicolas Ribot
> Rich,
> If you've got those details then you should be good to go. Use the
> ST_Within Function to select the points that are within the polygons
> of the contients that you want to show.


If you have a table listing the continent of each country, you could
use it to split your data without using a spatial operator. It may be

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Extras Tiger Geocoder: additional indexes for improved performance?

2011-07-12 Thread Daniel Weitzenfeld
Are there indexes I can add to the Tiger database to make the Geocoder run
I saw this thread, but I wasn't sure what the takeaway was:
I'm getting good speeds - 330 ms avg. on a challenging test set - but I'm
wondering if there are 'easy' ways to make it even faster.

postgis-users mailing list