[postgis-users] Proper way to upgrade after using CREATE EXTENSION postgis?

2012-06-25 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
Hello all,

I installed PostGIS 2.0 and added it to a database using:


Today, I built and installed 2.0.1 and tried to upgrade the extension using:


However, this failed with:

ERROR:  cannot drop cast from geometry to geometry because extension 
postgis requires it
HINT:  You can drop extension postgis instead.

So, I tried the old school way of running the upgrade scripts:

psql -f /usr/local/share/postgis/postgis_upgrade_20_minor.sql 

But this also fails:

 Scripts versions checked for upgrade: ok
(1 row)

psql:/usr/local/share/postgis/postgis_upgrade_20_minor.sql:46: ERROR: 
 cannot drop function addgeometrycolumn(character varying,character 
varying,character varying,character varying,integer,character 
varying,integer,boolean) because extension postgis requires it
HINT:  You can drop extension postgis instead.
psql:/usr/local/share/postgis/postgis_upgrade_20_minor.sql:47: ERROR: 
 current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction 
...(thousands of similar errors)...

So, it appears there is no way to upgrade PostGIS without running `DROP 
EXTENSION postgis` which would cascade to all spatially-enabled tables.

Am I missing a step or is there a circular dependency here that is breaking 
the upgrade process?

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Proper way to upgrade after using CREATE EXTENSION postgis?

2012-06-25 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Monday, June 25, 2012 12:33:06 PM UTC-8, Paragon Corporation wrote:

 It worked fine for me upgrading from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1. 
 I used: 
 ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE TO 2.0.1;   

 Which version of PostGIS are you using. 

 As stated in the first email, I was moving from version 2.0 to 2.0.1.

However, I just re-installed 2.0 to get the output of 
postgis_full_version(). Along the way I updated PostgreSQL from 9.1.3 to 
9.1.4 and then re-tried the 2.0.1 upgrade.

This time ALTER EXTENSION worked without complaint. Perhaps there was a bug 
in Postgres that got fixed by the 9.1.4 upgrade.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Loading a shapefile into a postgres database remotely

2012-06-03 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Sunday, June 3, 2012 10:05:45 AM UTC-7, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

 The server has to be configured to listen on and to allow 
 connection over the network device. 

 Look at your pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files. and if you make 
 changes to these you have to restart the server before the changes take 


Another trick that I use all the time is to tunnel the SQL connection from 
the remote server to my machine:

ssh -L5432:localhost:5432 user name@remote server address 

Then I can connect to the remote database as if it was running locally and 
there is no need to mess with the pg_hba.conf file and figure out how to 
secure the open port, route communication through firewalls, etc.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Loading a shapefile into a postgres database remotely

2012-06-03 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Sunday, June 3, 2012 10:22:03 AM UTC-7, David Quinn wrote:

 I have already edited the pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files and can 
 connect remotely using pgadmin so I think that is not a problem.

 Charlie, should I include this code in the command that I described 
 earlier, or is it something that I should run first?

It is something that you should run first, in a separate terminal. Note 
that since you are using Windows you may not have an `ssh` command unless 
you have installed a suite of UNIX tools such as MSYS. You may also be able 
to set up a SSH tunnel using PuTTY.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS through xCode

2012-06-01 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Friday, June 1, 2012 4:30:41 AM UTC-7, chris mollis wrote:

 Right.. using REST calls is the way to do that.   You'll basically need to 
 do any complex geo queries/functions in PostGIS and then return vectors of 
 lon/lat points which you then display with the MapKit apis.

 On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 7:24 AM, Charles Galpin wrote:

 Hi Ahmad

 You won't connect to the database directly. Depending on what the data is 
 you can use a variety of methods. Simple REST style calls to a web server 
 which runs code to query the database and return the data could be 
 sufficient, but for anything more complex I suggest using a WMS server like 
 geoserver or mapserver.

 If you want your app to run on multiple platforms consider doing it in 
 html 5.


CartoDB is also a good choice that is worth some investigation:


They do a great job of wrapping a web-accessible API around PostGIS tables. 
The source code for the entire system is also freely available on 
GitHub---but it does take a bit of work to unbox, configure and maintain by 

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Adding geometry to an existing table

2012-04-28 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Saturday, April 28, 2012 12:03:09 PM UTC-7, pcr...@pcreso.com wrote:

 Hi Shaun,

 You add a geometry column to the table, then run an update sql to populate 

 eg, assuming your table is called mytable, located in the public schema,  
 you want to create a two dimensional point with lat/long coordinates 
 (EPSG:4326) called geom:

And _assuming your lat/lon coordinates are referenced to WGS 84_ or, for 
small to medium scales, NAD 83---then EPSG:4326 is the right coordinate 
system. Not all lat/lon coordinates are equal.

For example the error between mis-identifying lat/lon in NAD 27 as lat/lon 
in WGS 84 is about half a city block.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS 2.0.0 Released

2012-04-04 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Tuesday, April 3, 2012 2:04:17 PM UTC-7, Paul Ramsey wrote:

 The PostGIS development team is super excited,
 can hardly believe that they are actually doing this,
 aren't maybe even sure that they are ready to make
 this kind of commitment, not so young, and not when
 we have so much more living to do, but:

 PostGIS 2.0.0 is complete and available for download.


 The development process for 2.0 has been very long,
 but has resulted in a release with a number of exciting
 new features.

  * Raster data and raster/vector analysis in the database
  * Topological models to handle objects with shared boundaries
  * PostgreSQL typmod integration, for an automagical
geometry_columns table
  * 3D and 4D indexing
  * Index-based high performance nearest-neighbour searching
  * Many more vector functions including
* ST_Split
* ST_Node
* ST_MakeValid
* ST_OffsetCurve
* ST_ConcaveHull
* ST_AsX3D
* ST_GeomFromGeoJSON
* ST_3DDistance
  * Integration with the PostgreSQL 9.1 extension system
  * Improved commandline shapefile loader/dumper
  * Multi-file import support in the shapefile GUI
  * Multi-table export support in the shapefile GUI
  * A geo-coder optimized for free US Census
TIGER (2010) data

 We are greatly indebted to our large community of beta testers
 who valiantly tested PostGIS 2.0.0 and reported bugs so we could
 squash them before release time.

 And also we want to thank our parents for making PostGIS possible.


 The PostGIS development team

Awesome news!

However, the link to the manual for PostGIS 2.0 is currently returning a 


postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-16 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:40:00 AM UTC-7, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

 Ok, I now have a nightly build set up that is tracking the PostGIS trunk. 
 Binaries are being built for Oneric (11.11) and Precise (12.04-dev)


 I will ponder upgrading GEOS and GDAL and setting up a stable build for 
 the most recent beta releases.

The PostGIS nightly builds have been augmented with GEOS 3.3.2 and now 
include the topology plugin. GDAL 1.7.x is still being used from the 
official Ubuntu repositories. The installation steps are now:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:sharpie/for-science  # To get GEOS 3.3.2
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:sharpie/postgis-nightly
sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1-postgis

The build of GEOS 3.3.2 was created using the following steps:

  * Forking the official Ubuntu sources for GEOS 3.2.2.
  * Backporting GEOS from Debian Wheezy to get to 3.3.1 along with 
associated packaging updates.
  * Merging in 3.3.2 from the official GEOS tarball.

This was accomplished by:

bzr branch lp:ubuntu/geos
cd geos
bzr merge debianlp:wheezy/geos
# De-stage all Debian patches prior to an upstream import
quilt pop -a
bzr merge-upstream  # Finds the latest GEOS tarball and merges it in!
quilt push -a # Fix any outdated patches.

I had to fix one patch conflict caused by the last command, but otherwise 
everything went smoothly.

GDAL is at 1.9.0 in Debian Experimental, but backporting looks like a 
moderate headache so I'm holding off for now. I may set up a stable build 
of PostGIS beta packages, but it looks like we are pretty close to 2.0 so I 
may wait until the official release. The nightly builds against the SVN 
trunk _should_ be pretty stable in the lead up to 2.0.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-15 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:18:35 AM UTC-7, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

 On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 12:02:24 AM UTC-7, Sandro Santilli wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 07:50:32PM -0700, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

  I was wondering if anyone has a Personal Package Archive for Ubuntu 
 that is 
  tracking the 2.0 beta releases. I looked at the UbuntuGIS and Postgis 
  project pages on Launchpad, but the only releases listed there were for 
  1.5.x. Even the unstable repostory of UbuntuGIS was still tracking 

 I'm not aware of any. It'd be very welcome if you want to setup one.


 Allright, I'll take a shot at it. Looks like there is a Launchpad 
 repository that is synching with PostGIS SVN every 6 hours or so---perhaps 
 I can get a nightly build set up.


Ok, I now have a nightly build set up that is tracking the PostGIS trunk. 
Binaries are being built for Oneric (11.11) and Precise (12.04-dev) and can 
be installed thusly:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:sharpie/postgis-nightly
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1-postgis


   - No build of `postgis` or `libpostgis-java`, the only package provided 
   is `postgresql-9.1-postgis` which contains the PostGIS plugins, extensions 
   and command line tools.
   - Builds against GEOS 3.2.2, supplied by the standard Ubuntu 
   repositories, thus the topology extension is unavailable.
   - Builds against GDAL 1.7.0, supplied by the standard Ubuntu 
   repositories, thus some raster functionalities are unavailable.

The raw materials that went into creating this build were the PostGIS 
repository on Launchpad which synchs with the upstream SVN trunk ~every 6 


This repostory can be cloned using bazaar via `bzr branch lp:postgis`. The 
other component is the official Ubuntu PostGIS repository that contains the 
debian packaging materials:


This repository can be cloned using `bzr branch lp:ubuntu/postgis`. My 
strategy was to fork `lp:ubuntu/postgis`, edit the contents of the debian 
subdirectory to make it compatible with 2.0-dev and then publish the edited 
fork to Launchpad under my `+junk` section. After this was done, I set up a 
`bzr-builder` recipe that fuses `lp:postigs`, which tracks the upstream 
PostGIS repo, with the debian subdirectory contained in 
`lp:~sharpie/+junk/postgis`, which contains my edited packaging info, to 
create a nightly build:

# bzr-builder format 0.3 deb-version 
nest-part packaging lp:~sharpie/+junk/postgis debian debian

Pretty slick. I will ponder upgrading GEOS and GDAL and setting up a stable 
build for the most recent beta releases.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-15 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen

On Thursday, March 15, 2012 10:42:52 AM UTC-7, Stephen V. Mather wrote:

   Pretty slick. I will ponder upgrading GEOS and GDAL and setting up a 
 stable build for the most recent beta releases.


 Wow.  That would be awesome.

GDAL should be pretty simple. The problem with GEOS is that it is pretty 
far down at the base of the GIS foodchain---so lots of libraries that are 
used by GDAL also use GEOS and would need to be updated as well. I doubt I 
will have the time to compile my way through everything between GEOS and 

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-14 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 12:02:24 AM UTC-7, Sandro Santilli wrote:

 On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 07:50:32PM -0700, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

  I was wondering if anyone has a Personal Package Archive for Ubuntu that 
  tracking the 2.0 beta releases. I looked at the UbuntuGIS and Postgis 
  project pages on Launchpad, but the only releases listed there were for 
  1.5.x. Even the unstable repostory of UbuntuGIS was still tracking 1.5.x.

 I'm not aware of any. It'd be very welcome if you want to setup one.


Allright, I'll take a shot at it. Looks like there is a Launchpad 
repository that is synching with PostGIS SVN every 6 hours or so---perhaps 
I can get a nightly build set up.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-14 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:21:48 AM UTC-7, Denis Rouzaud wrote:

  That would be amazing.
 But, there is no ppa for geos 3.3 either and I am not sure about gdal 
 It might be a little early to have a ppa repo and dependencies with 
 unavailable packages

 My 2 cents.

Pretty sure I built PostGIS from source against GDAL 1.7 and GEOS 3.2.2 
from the Oneiric standard repository.

Are there any critical functions that are inactive without the latest and 
greatest versions of these libraries?

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-14 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:32:50 AM UTC-7, Denis Rouzaud wrote:

  You are right, but there notices in 

 GEOS geometry library, version 3.2.2 or greater, but GEOS 3.3.2+ is 
 recommended. Without GEOS 3.3, you will be missing some major enhancements 
 with handling of topological exceptions and improvements to geometry 
 validation and making geometries valid such as ST_ValidDetail and 
 ST_MakeValid. GEOS 3.3.2+ is also required for topology support. GEOS is 
 available for download fromhttp://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ 
 3.3+ is backward-compatible with older versions so fairly safe to upgrade.

 GDAL, version 1.6 or higher (1.9 or higher is preferable since some things 
 will not work well with lower versions). This is needed for raster support 
 and will be required in final release of PostGIS 2.0. 

 I am no expert, but I am not sure it's good idea to deliver builds of 
 postgis in a sub-optimal config. 

Well, a sub-optimal build gets more work done than no build any day of the 
week. Plus, all of this work has to be done eventually---easier to improve 
something than start from scratch.

It does look like a GDAL upgrade to 1.9 would be a good idea though if the 
final version will require it. I have plenty of experience building this 
stuff from maintaining most of the GIS stack for the Homebrew package 
manager on OS X. Entirely new to Debian packaging though, so that will slow 
me down quite a bit.


On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:32:50 AM UTC-7, Denis Rouzaud wrote:

  You are right, but there notices in 

 GEOS geometry library, version 3.2.2 or greater, but GEOS 3.3.2+ is 
 recommended. Without GEOS 3.3, you will be missing some major enhancements 
 with handling of topological exceptions and improvements to geometry 
 validation and making geometries valid such as ST_ValidDetail and 
 ST_MakeValid. GEOS 3.3.2+ is also required for topology support. GEOS is 
 available for download fromhttp://trac.osgeo.org/geos/ 
 3.3+ is backward-compatible with older versions so fairly safe to upgrade.

 GDAL, version 1.6 or higher (1.9 or higher is preferable since some things 
 will not work well with lower versions). This is needed for raster support 
 and will be required in final release of PostGIS 2.0. 

 I am no expert, but I am not sure it's good idea to deliver builds of 
 postgis in a sub-optimal config.

 On 03/14/2012 04:29 PM, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote: 

 On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:21:48 AM UTC-7, Denis Rouzaud wrote: 

  That would be amazing.
 But, there is no ppa for geos 3.3 either and I am not sure about gdal 
 It might be a little early to have a ppa repo and dependencies with 
 unavailable packages

 My 2 cents.
 Pretty sure I built PostGIS from source against GDAL 1.7 and GEOS 3.2.2 
 from the Oneiric standard repository.

  Are there any critical functions that are inactive without the latest 
 and greatest versions of these libraries?


 postgis-users mailing 

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-14 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:40:22 AM UTC-7, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

 It does look like a GDAL upgrade to 1.9 would be a good idea though if the 
 final version will require it. I have plenty of experience building this 
 stuff from maintaining most of the GIS stack for the Homebrew package 
 manager on OS X. Entirely new to Debian packaging though, so that will slow 
 me down quite a bit.


Actually, after re-reading the installation notes, it doesn't look like 
GDAL 1.9 is mandatory---just that GDAL = 1.6 will be mandatory once 
PostGIS 2.0 is released.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-14 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:44:16 AM UTC-7, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

 On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:40:22 AM UTC-7, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

 It does look like a GDAL upgrade to 1.9 would be a good idea though if 
 the final version will require it. I have plenty of experience building 
 this stuff from maintaining most of the GIS stack for the Homebrew package 
 manager on OS X. Entirely new to Debian packaging though, so that will slow 
 me down quite a bit.


 Actually, after re-reading the installation notes, it doesn't look like 
 GDAL 1.9 is mandatory---just that GDAL = 1.6 will be mandatory once 
 PostGIS 2.0 is released.


Allright, took a few jabs at this and here is what I have found so far:

  - Without GEOS 3.3.2, PostGIS must be configured `--without-topology` so 
this definitely knocks out a big chunk of 2.0 functionality.

  - 2.0.0beta2 can compile against the dependencies supplied for PostGIS 
1.5.x via `apt-get build-dep postgis` with the addition of GDAL 1.7.0 via 
`apt-get install libgdal1-dev`. However, 2.0.0beta3, released today, and 
the current SVN head fail during configure:

RASTER: Raster support requested
checking for GDAL = 1.6.0... found
checking gdal.h usability... yes
checking gdal.h presence... yes
checking for gdal.h... yes
checking ogr_api.h usability... yes
checking ogr_api.h presence... yes
checking for ogr_api.h... yes
checking cpl_conv.h usability... yes
checking cpl_conv.h presence... yes
checking for cpl_conv.h... yes
checking for GDALAllRegister in -lgdal... no
configure: error: could not find gdal

This is odd, because running nm against the libraries shows that the symbol 
is there:

vagrant@vagrant-64:~/postgis-2.0.0beta3$ nm --dynamic 
/usr/lib/libgdal1.7.0.so | grep GDALAllRegister
0021a820 T GDALAllRegister

Don't know if this is a bug in the latest beta, or a problem with Ubuntu's 
GDAL 1.7.0 libraries. Any advice would be appreciated.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-14 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:00:37 PM UTC-7, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

   - 2.0.0beta2 can compile against the dependencies supplied for PostGIS 
 1.5.x via `apt-get build-dep postgis` with the addition of GDAL 1.7.0 via 
 `apt-get install libgdal1-dev`. However, 2.0.0beta3, released today, and 
 the current SVN head fail during configure:

 RASTER: Raster support requested
 checking for GDAL = 1.6.0... found
 checking gdal.h usability... yes
 checking gdal.h presence... yes
 checking for gdal.h... yes
 checking ogr_api.h usability... yes
 checking ogr_api.h presence... yes
 checking for ogr_api.h... yes
 checking cpl_conv.h usability... yes
 checking cpl_conv.h presence... yes
 checking for cpl_conv.h... yes
 checking for GDALAllRegister in -lgdal... no
 configure: error: could not find gdal

 This is odd, because running nm against the libraries shows that the 
 symbol is there:

 vagrant@vagrant-64:~/postgis-2.0.0beta3$ nm --dynamic /usr/lib/
 libgdal1.7.0.so | grep GDALAllRegister
 0021a820 T GDALAllRegister

 Don't know if this is a bug in the latest beta, or a problem with Ubuntu's 
 GDAL 1.7.0 libraries. Any advice would be appreciated.


Found the problem in config.log:

configure:19617: gcc -o conftest  -I/usr/include/gdal  conftest.c 
-lgdal  -L/usr/lib -lgdal1.7.0 5
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgdal

The configure script is trying to link against both libgdal and 
libgdal1.7.0, but libgdal.so does not exist, only libgdal1.7.0.so. 
According to config.log, this has been identified and stored in 

LIBGDAL_LDFLAGS='-L/usr/lib -lgdal1.7.0'

But the test scripts are still trying to pass `-lgdal`. Looks like a bug in 
the PostGIS configure script.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-14 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:05:14 PM UTC-7, Sandro Santilli wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 01:00:37PM -0700, Charlie Sharpsteen wrote:

- Without GEOS 3.3.2, PostGIS must be configured `--without-topology` 
  this definitely knocks out a big chunk of 2.0 functionality.

 Yep, what about a GEOS ppa ?


Possible, but i'm trying to start simple---the fewer plates spinning on the 
stage the better.

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Are there any Ubuntu PPAs that serve PostGIS 2.0 beta releases?

2012-03-13 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen

I was wondering if anyone has a Personal Package Archive for Ubuntu that is 
tracking the 2.0 beta releases. I looked at the UbuntuGIS and Postgis 
project pages on Launchpad, but the only releases listed there were for 
1.5.x. Even the unstable repostory of UbuntuGIS was still tracking 1.5.x.

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] postgis-2.0.0alpha5

2012-02-18 Thread Charlie Sharpsteen
PostGIS 2.0 pre-releases are now available to OS X users through the Homebrew 
package manager http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew. Install thusly:

brew install postgis --devel

One data point: Compiled 2.0alpha5 using Clang from Xcode 4.3 and it 
appears to be working nicely---at least for the toy problems I ran through 
postgis-users mailing list