Re: [postgis-users] Running postgis from apache user

2012-02-09 Thread Martin Spott
Roberto Marzocchi wrote:

> Within a pywps script I want to access to postgresql database using Grass
> gis and I receive an error message:
> "*ERROR 1: PostgreSQL ddriver doesn't currently support database creation.*"
> I have already verified the correctness of the command running it from
> normal unix user and I think the problem is a misconfiguration of
> postgis/postgresql.

Without any knowledge of what you actually tried to do - because you
didn't tell us - I'd recommend to take error messages seriously.
It's not that uncommon for certain DB middleware _not_ to support
creation of new databases (with ODBC being one of the popular

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Re: [postgis-users] Installing a fully functional PostGIS 2.0 on

2011-12-27 Thread Martin Spott
THX1138 wrote:

> So I add these bindings after configuring/building/installing gdal but they
> must be installed before configuring/building/installing postgis?

In order to build GDAL for PostGIS you should have these installed
(libraries and header files):
 - Proj.4
 - Python

Follow either the fine READMEs or the respective websites,

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Re: [postgis-users] Installing a fully functional PostGIS 2.0 on

2011-12-27 Thread Martin Spott
THX1138 wrote:

> Thanks for your help on this, I really appreciate it! When building gdal 1.8
> or 1.9 what dependencies/drivers/configuration options are needed for
> postgis2.0 to function correctly if any?

Very few, but if you're building GDAL with Python bindings, you'll get
PostGIS raster for free  ;-)

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Re: [postgis-users] BYTE_ORDER in SVN trunk on Solaris/i386

2011-12-27 Thread Martin Spott
Thanks a lot for the recent fixes, I've just migrated my PostGIS DB to
SVN trunk (the backend to scenemodels./

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Re: [postgis-users] BYTE_ORDER in SVN trunk on Solaris/i386

2011-12-21 Thread Martin Spott
Sandro Santilli wrote:

> We used to have our owh byte order detector as well. May still be
> there (symbol getMachineEndian). Should do fine.

Oh, I just found out there _is_ a ticket at:

  which I didn't notice at first.

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Re: [postgis-users] BYTE_ORDER in SVN trunk on Solaris/i386

2011-12-19 Thread Martin Spott
Paul Ramsey wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 8:58 AM, Martin Spott  wrote:
>> Martin Spott wrote:
>>> at least according to my experience, liblwgeom/lwout_wkb.c (and
>>> probably others as well, but I didn't check) is missing a declaration
>>> of BYTE_ORDER on Solaris platforms.
>>   with GCC,

> Is that define in a different header on Solaris? Or just nonexistent?

As far as I can tell there's no such thing as BYTE_ORDER on Solaris (in
contrast to Linux, which has "endian.h") and it looks like all the
other tools in the chain (PostgreSQL, PROJ.4, GEOS, GDAL) don't make
any use of it.
There's "asm/byteorder.h" on both Linux and Solaris/i386, but I'm
uncertain if it's of any use here.  Neither Solaris/SPARC not AIX are
having either of them  ;-)

I just found out that I'm not the first to face this item  ;-)

  but including "" doesn't help.

Just by accident I stumbled over this one - apparently they're rolling
their own:

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Re: [postgis-users] BYTE_ORDER in SVN trunk on Solaris/i386

2011-12-16 Thread Martin Spott
Martin Spott wrote:

> at least according to my experience, liblwgeom/lwout_wkb.c (and
> probably others as well, but I didn't check) is missing a declaration
> of BYTE_ORDER on Solaris platforms.

  with GCC,

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[postgis-users] BYTE_ORDER in SVN trunk on Solaris/i386

2011-12-16 Thread Martin Spott
at least according to my experience, liblwgeom/lwout_wkb.c (and
probably others as well, but I didn't check) is missing a declaration
of BYTE_ORDER on Solaris platforms.

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Re: [postgis-users] importing planet_110928.osm, fail after 5 days

2011-10-09 Thread Martin Spott
Torsten Mohr wrote:

> i just set up PostGis and imported OSM data.  it took 5 days and failed at
> the end, out of memory.
> Does "out of memory" mean RAM or can it also mean disk space?

If you're using "osm2pgsql", it usually runs out of RAM.  Check the
"-s" option   ah, I see, you already did.

> postgres@schleim:/tmp/osm2pgsql/osm2pgsql> bzcat 
> /local/ftp/osm3/planet-110928.osm.bz2 | osm2pgsql -d gis -S -m -
> s -C 4000 -

Default builds of "osm2pgsql" are capable of reading compressed dumps. 
I've never checked if it makes any difference, but you might try to
omit the 'bzcat' and to feed the dump directly into "osm2pgsql"
(replacing the STDIN "-").  Given that your machine is equipped with
only 8 GByte of RAM, using 4 GByte cache is quite a lot.  You might
consider starting with no cache mem at all.

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Re: [postgis-users] compile on solaris 11 sparc

2011-09-15 Thread Martin Spott
Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

> [...] I'm not sure what the correct command line should be to 
> invoke the pre-processor in Sun's compiler is though.

  cc -E   ;-)

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Re: [postgis-users] compile on solaris 11 sparc

2011-09-02 Thread Martin Spott
Doug McComber wrote:
> On 09/ 2/11 04:59 AM, Martin Spott wrote:

>> CC="gcc -m64"
>> CXX="g++ -m64"
>> CPP="gcc -m64 -E"
> /opt/studio11/SUNWspro/bin/cc -Xa -E -traditional-cpp | 
> grep -v '^#' >
> /bin/sh: line 1: /opt/studio11/SUNWspro/bin/cc: not found

Here's the difference. In order to call GCC as the preprocessor, you should
add "-E", otherwise configure will (at least I'd expect it this way) realize
this is not a working CPP and will look for an alternate - which typically
is 'cc' on Solaris.

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Re: [postgis-users] compile on solaris 11 sparc

2011-09-02 Thread Martin Spott
Paul Ramsey wrote:

> My guess is that your gcc is generating a 32-bit object and then
> failing to link it to the 64-bit library.

As an alternative, you might try building 64-bit binaries of everything, at
least this is what I'm doing on Solaris and the result is working properly.
Just set an appropriate environment - I guess these should work for GCC:

CC="gcc -m64"
CXX="g++ -m64"
CPP="gcc -m64 -E"

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Re: [postgis-users] Reg PostGIS Shapefile Loader

2011-08-08 Thread Martin Spott
Harshad Shrikhande wrote:

>No record was inserted into the database as a psql exception occurred
> saying 'Invalid value for a double type field'.

Sounds to me like a column in the table was defined as a double and you
tried inserting values of an incompatible type (maybe string or the

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Re: [postgis-users] PostGIS 2.0 installation error

2011-07-04 Thread Martin Spott
Denis Rykov wrote:

> Is PostGIS 2.0 incompatible with PostgreSQL 9.1 server?

No  ;-)
Recent PostGIS SVN works nicely here, at least on a test-scenario I'm
running with PostgreSQL 9.1beta2,

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Re: [postgis-users] "--with-gdalconfig";

2011-06-07 Thread Martin Spott
Hi Jorge,

Jorge Arévalo wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Martin Spott  wrote:
>> Martin Spott wrote:

>> BTW, on this custom setup with GDAL installed in '/opt/PostgreSQL/',
>> additionally to adding "/opt/PostgreSQL/bin" to $PATH, it's required to
>> set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "/opt/PostgreSQL/lib" and $PYTHONPATH to
>> "/opt/PostgreSQL/lib/python2.5/site-packages" in order to let configure
>> detect "GDAL Python bindings...".

> Mmm... can you execute /opt/PostgreSQL/bin/gdal-config --help? Could
> you send the whole configure output?

These are generated after the required environment had been set
accordingly - the compressed 'config.log':


Do you want me to create more of them, with $PYTHONPATH,

'gdal-config --help' just returns the usual output - I'm uncertain if
this is what you're looking for:

foxtrot: 0:54:48 ~> /opt/PostgreSQL/bin/gdal-config --help
Usage: gdal-config [OPTIONS]

But this one for example looks quite reasonable:

foxtrot: 0:56:57 ~> /opt/PostgreSQL/bin/gdal-config --libs
-L/opt/PostgreSQL/lib -lgdal

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postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] "--with-gdalconfig";

2011-06-07 Thread Martin Spott
Martin Spott wrote:

>  but the check "checking for GDAL >= 1.6.0..." fails with "not >
found". Adding the directory "/opt/PostgreSQL/bin" to the $PATH helps.

BTW, on this custom setup with GDAL installed in '/opt/PostgreSQL/',
additionally to adding "/opt/PostgreSQL/bin" to $PATH, it's required to
set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "/opt/PostgreSQL/lib" and $PYTHONPATH to
"/opt/PostgreSQL/lib/python2.5/site-packages" in order to let configure
detect "GDAL Python bindings...".

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Re: [postgis-users] "--with-gdalconfig";

2011-06-07 Thread Martin Spott
Hi Jorge,

Jorge Arévalo wrote:

> You need to specify --with-raster too.

I already did that - actually that's the reason why 'configure' stops
after the GDAL test fails  ;-)
This is the complete 'configure' command line:

  ./configure --prefix=/opt/PostgreSQL \
--with-projdir=/opt/PostgreSQL \
--with-geosconfig=/opt/PostgreSQL/bin/geos-config \
--with-gdalconfig=/opt/PostgreSQL/bin/gdal-config \
--with-topology --with-raster

Thanks for responding,
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[postgis-users] "--with-gdalconfig"; Was: How do you use PostGIS Raster?

2011-06-07 Thread Martin Spott
Pierre Racine wrote:

> I'm preparing a presentation and I need some use cases for PostGIS
> Raster. I would be grateful if people already using the raster side of
> PostGIS would describe what they already do it.

Inspired by this call I started aiming at using PostGIS Raster for
my/our project. While trying to build PostGIS with raster support, I
noticed that declaring "--with-gdalconfig=..." with 'configure' didn't
work as expected (Linux Debian 5/Lenny on AMD64).
GDAL 1.8.0 is installed alongside with PostgreSQL, PROJ.4 4.7.0 and
GEOS 3.3.0 in /opt/PostgreSQL/. I've downloaded the 'postgis-2.0.0SVN'
snapshot as of revision 7325 (which is pretty close to current head).

I'm calling 'configure' with:


 which is present:

foxtrot: 15:31:36 /usr/local/src/postgis-2.0.0SVN> ls -l 
-rwxr-xr-x 1 martin users 1365 Jun  6 23:30 /opt/PostgreSQL/bin/gdal-config

 but the check "checking for GDAL >= 1.6.0..." fails with "not
found". Adding the directory "/opt/PostgreSQL/bin" to the $PATH helps.
There is no other 'gdal-config' in the $PATH.

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Re: [postgis-users] multiline with with to polygon

2011-06-03 Thread Martin Spott
Jaime Lop wrote:

> Is there an easy way to convert multi lines with a width to polygons?
> For example, I have a corridor defined as 100 kms around a given line.

PostGIS doesn't support this feature, as far as I can tell from my
limited insight, but if it would, I'd be one of its users  ;-)

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Re: [postgis-users] Building on Solaris 10 x86

2011-03-26 Thread Martin Spott
"Andreas Luka" wrote:

> Could you support us with some more information
> 1. Build Platform Sparc or x86

Over the past years I've been running PostGIS on Sparc as well as on
x86 - the database behind '' is now running on
Solaris10/AMD64 and has been running on Solaris10/SPARC until last

> 2. Compiler Version and compiler options

The DB mentioned above has always been built with GCC (currently 3.4.3
on AMD64), but at home I was having a test instance built with
SunStudio11. I have to admit that I've already deinstalled the latter
one and therefore can't tell you which software versions I used. It's
been quite old, must have been back in 2006, PostgreSQL-8.1.1 

> 3. C-library version

The current MapServer setup reports:

  NAME:  Sun Workshop Compilers Bundled libC
  CATEGORY:  system
  ARCH:  i386
   VERSION:  5.10,REV=2004.12.20

> I have no problems to compile geos and proj.4, but postgis is quiet
> difficult. The make file read some build-information from the
> postgresql installation (like the used compiler and some path).

Diffucult to tell without any further information.

> I hope we have some day a smooth build-process and can include
> postgis in to the openindiana-distribution. The EnterpriseDB solaris
> version works well, but is still at version postgresql 8.3

The above MapServer site is (currently) running PostgreSQL-9.0.2,
Proj-4.7.0, GEOS-3.2.2 and PostGIS-1.5.2 - everything built quite
smootly - with GCC, because this is our sponsor's favourite  :-)

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Re: [postgis-users] Building on Solaris 10 x86

2011-03-24 Thread Martin Spott
Vinicius Carvalho wrote:

> Thanks Jorge, after creating the symlink it passes that part but it
> seems that my gcc is not what postgis expects :(

I'm not sure which symlink you set, but from my perspective this looks
very much like an inconsistent compiler setup. There are strong signs
that you're mixing SunStudio and GCC, calling GCC as if it were
SunStudio CC, to be precise - which obviously leads to incompatible
compiler flags.

I'd recommend properly removing, deinstalling either one or the other -
and if you're using SunStudio (which I personally recommend because
I've been using it successfully for years and the resulting binaries
are quite efficient) strictly avoid installing GNU binutils.

> Man I hate Solaris ...

I think you're shooting the messenger  :-)

Have fun,
 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Signal 11

2010-12-21 Thread Martin Spott
Hi Nicklas,

Nicklas Avén wrote:

> I get this error, but no crash.

Thanks for checking. Wether it crashes the DB server or not might
probably related to the respective platform or setup - I guess  ;-)

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[postgis-users] Signal 11

2010-12-20 Thread Martin Spott
Hi folks,
I'm having a case where a certain statement reproducibly crashes the
server process. The system is running Solaris10 on Intel Xeons, all
specific software is compiled into 64-bit binaries using GCC-3.4.3:

 - PROJ.4 4.7.0
 - GEOS 3.2.2
 - libiconv 1.13.1
 - PostgreSQL 9.0.1
 - PostGIS 1.5.2

I have created a (rather largish) SQL script, containing just one
single "ST_Difference" statement plus two POLYGON's, which reproducibly
segfaults the server:

Would anyone do me the honour of checking wether it works correctly on
their system ?

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postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] How To build postGIS on debian with pbuilder?

2010-05-21 Thread Martin Spott
Stephen Woodbridge wrote:

> Does anyone know how to build postGIS using pbuilder on Debian lenny.
> I have been about to build geos-3.2.0 and proj-4.6.1

Get the "usual suspects" like GEOS and PROJ.4 from the fine

and feel free to check if the packages at this location are suited to
fill the gap:

Everything except the 'postgresql-8.4-postgis' is copied unmodified
from official Debian repositories, the PostGIS package is my own
backport using the respective Debian Sid source packages.

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Re: [postgis-users] Best way to

2007-12-08 Thread Martin Spott
> We are developing a solution using geoserver with postgis postresql 
> server. Out database is going to be huge [...]

What means 'huge' ? The site stores
approx 80 GByte of data online in more than 200 tables (plus 50 GByte
stuff that's used just occasionally) and it performs pretty well if not
t many people hammer on it.

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Re: [postgis-users] Tiger Files on Windows PostGIS

2007-09-29 Thread Martin Spott
"Obe, Regina" wrote:

> It is my understanding that the 2007 and up Tiger files are going to be
> in ESRI shape.

I've read the same, yet I don't know of any release date. I have the
complete TIGER 2006se set online at:

and I'd offer to produce a set of shapefiles or a complete PostGIS
table dump of the road files (approx 4 GBytes in compressed, native
format). Please contact me via EMail if you'd like me to do that.

Don't try to export the whole TIGER layers from that database as a
single Shapefile !! This simply won't work because Shapefiles are
limited at 2 GByte per file and you're get corrupted, worthless files.

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