[postgis-users] Linear referencing capability

2012-08-23 Thread Melpati, Muni
In a shapefile, especially routes, you can have user defined measures 
(m-values, usually in miles), they might not be same when you measure the two 
dimenstional line, from  start to end vertices of any feature. These shapefiles 
would have begin and end post fields as attributes.

It is not the case for any shapefiles with line types since two dimensional 
measures deviate from real distance from point a to point b. Moreover they 
would not be in miles.

I was asking if I import a shapefile of polyline M into PostGIS would I be 
able to get measure in miles given a point or would I be able to get points 
given a measure in miles? Orelse there is different mechanism in PostGIS

to the same job. If so how it is done. I know there are few methods to retrieve 
a mile point or a measure give a point in PostGIS. Doesn't this require 
calibrating the route, first, like I found out in this link 
(http://www.faunalia.com/lrs). Sorry for not being very clear in my previous 
question. I thought people might have confounded this situation and can easily 
understand it. Please let me know if still do not understand or help me if you 

Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 21:12:04 -0400

From: Paragon Corporation l...@pcorp.usmailto:l...@pcorp.us

Subject: Re: [postgis-users] created linear referencing system

To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'


Message-ID: 527D56A990434161A53D6CA92B3D9ED9@O

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


Not sure what you are asking and maybe others have a similar problem

understanding.  That might be why you haven't received an answer.

What do you mean by linear reference capable?  All spatial data that is of

linestrings can be linearly referenced.  Are you talking about a specific

tool you are using?

when you load your data from shape file to PostGIS, the data is still the

same.  If it had linestrings before, it should still have linestrings.



[mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Melpati,


Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 4:07 PM


Subject: [postgis-users] created linear referencing system


I have asked this question before and could not get straight answer. I have

a shape file which Linear reference capable. How to import such data?

If I load the data using shape file loader, would the imported data is

linear reference capable. If not how to recreate linear referencing system

on imported data?

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] created linear referencing system

2012-08-21 Thread Melpati, Muni
I have asked this question before and could not get straight answer. I have a 
shape file which Linear reference capable. How to import such data?
If I load the data using shape file loader, would the imported data is linear 
reference capable. If not how to recreate linear referencing system on imported 

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Could not add all rasters to a table

2012-08-15 Thread Melpati, Muni
Hi Park,

I could not find gdalinfo.exe on my windows machine. I have installed postgis 
2.0. Should I install gdalinfo separately? I could not google to the 
application download. Where should I find it?

I could not find scale x/y values for the raster files. Moreover, I do not see 
any problem in viewing them in ArcMap. They might overlap little bit on the 
edges. But that is usually the case with raster images.

Any help to sort of the problem. Thanks.

Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2012 11:43:51 -0700

From: Bborie Park bkp...@ucdavis.edumailto:bkp...@ucdavis.edu

Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Could not add all rasters to a table.


Message-ID: 502a9c67.5040...@ucdavis.edumailto:502a9c67.5040...@ucdavis.edu

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

The error is just that: at least one raster isn't aligned with the other 
rasters being added to that table.  One way to see what could be going on is to 
use gdalinfo on the four rasters.  Check the values for the upper-left corner, 
scale and skew.  The scale and skew should be the same while the upper-left 
corners should be divisible without a remainder...

(rast1X - rast2X) / scaleX = whole number

(rast1Y - rast2Y) / scaleY = whole number

If all that looks good, post the outputs from gdalinfo for all four rasters so 
that I can take a look and see if there are strange floating point issues...


On 08/14/2012 11:32 AM, Melpati, Muni wrote:


 I am getting this error raster with different alignment found in the set of 
 rasters being converted to postgis raster while I load all four jpg files 
 into a new table. When I view them ArcMap they just seems to align well.

 What must be going wrong?

 Here is the text in the bat file:


 cd /D %~dp0

 raster2pgsql -I -C -e -Y -F -s 26986 -t 300x300  -l 2,4

 F:\PostGIS\raster\*.jpg private_schema.rasterly1 | psql -h localhost

 -U postgres -d gis_raster -p 5433


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Could not add all rasters to a table.

2012-08-14 Thread Melpati, Muni
I am getting this error raster with different alignment found in the set of 
rasters being converted to postgis raster while I load all four jpg files into 
a new table. When I view them ArcMap they just seems to align well.
What must be going wrong?

Here is the text in the bat file:
cd /D %~dp0
raster2pgsql -I -C -e -Y -F -s 26986 -t 300x300  -l 2,4 F:\PostGIS\raster\*.jpg 
private_schema.rasterly1 | psql -h localhost -U postgres -d gis_raster -p 5433

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] view raster data and query performance

2012-07-30 Thread Melpati, Muni
I cannot answer for that. If anyone had this problem and fixed it, I would like 
to know how they have done it.

Moreover, When I tries to store raster data outside the database, I could not 
even add the layer from QGIS. When I tried to add the layer using postgis 
plugin, I find raster layer related columns (pixel type, is extrernal file, 
pixel size x, pixel size y in the load potgis raster layer  interface, has 
values none. I must have done something wrong. When I add this raster layer, 
QGIS crashes.

Here is the syntax I have used:

raster2pgsql -I -R -e -Y -F -s 26986 -t 128x128  c:\PostGIS\raster\dowell.jpg 
public.raster | psql -U postgres -d gisdb -h localhost -p 5432

Anything wrong with it. Thanks.

Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 12:16:52 +0200

From: Paolo Cavallini cavall...@faunalia.itmailto:cavall...@faunalia.it

Subject: Re: [postgis-users] view raster data and query performance


Message-ID: 50165f14.6060...@faunalia.itmailto:50165f14.6060...@faunalia.it

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Il 27/07/2012 23:22, Melpati, Muni ha scritto:

 I have also changed postgresql.config file to improve the performance

 with no noticeble difference. Can anyone faced this problem or have

 any suggestion to improve the performance? Thanks in advance.

Agreed, it is so slow to be barely usable in real world. I suppose this is due 
to the GDAL provider, right?

All the best.


Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] view raster data and query performance

2012-07-27 Thread Melpati, Muni
I am having some performance issues in querying data with arcgis and pgadmin 

1)  If the vector data has many records like 60,000 records, arcgis, from 
remote machine, could not retrieve all the records of the vector data.  If I 
select all feature it displays the attributes with a warning that it take long 
time to retrieve large data. It takes considerable time before being able to 
see all selected attributes. If switch selection, in this case no selection, 
again, I would not be able to see any records. I open task manager in the 
server machine and noticed, while I switch between select all to none feature, 
the cpu is shooting all the way upto 60%.

2)  I have also imported raster data by splitting  a raster file into  400 
tiles. It is taking considerable time even to view all rows in pgadmin III. It 
is also considerably slow in view in QGIS, on the same machine, as well.
What must be going wrong.
I have also changed postgresql.config file to improve the performance with no 
noticeble difference. Can anyone faced this problem or have any suggestion to 
improve the performance? Thanks in advance.
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS

2012-07-05 Thread Melpati, Muni
Hi Simon,

Thank you for helping me on this. I have no issues with accessing the tables 
from pgadmin III. Infact I loaded the data using Postgis shapefile loader 
plugin. I could see, from pgadmin III, that gid is primary key.  When I queried 
data from ArcMap, I checked gid column as only unique identifier field. I did 
not install ArcSDE on the machine. With regards to configuration. What 
configuration files (ArcSDE sever config file) I need to look to make sure no 
network issues are there? Cause the message, I get when I open the table of the 
queried layer in ArcMap is

Could not load data from the data source. If you can correct the problem, 
press the refresh button to reload data. Possible problems can include bad 
network connection, invalid field, etc. The SQL statement was not a select 
statement. The operation is not supported by this implementation.

Any suggestions you may have? Thanks in advance.



Can you interact with the postgresql/Postgis data natively (ie via pgAminIII) 
without error? Can't think of any case where this might not be the case. This 
smells very much like an ArcGIS/ArcSDE configuration problem. In the old days, 
when one used the ArcSDE administration command line tools, one would use 
sdelayer to create a layer over an existing table. That sdelayer command 
included arguments to tell ArcSDE what column contained the unique identifier 
and whether it was SDE maintained or user maintained. ArcSDE, back then, didn't 
require the column to be a primary key, only unique.

sdelayer -o add -l table,column -e entity_mask [-t storage_type] 
[Spatial_Index][{-R SRID | [Spatial_Ref_Opts]}] [-M minimum_id] [{-f 
init_features,avg_points | -k config_keyword}] [-E {empty | 
xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax}] [-L {ON | OFF}] [-C 
row_id_column[,{SDE|USER}[,min_ID]]] [-P {HIGH | BASIC}] [-S 
layer_description_str] [-i {service | port# | direct connection}] [-s 
server_name] [-D database_name] -u DB_user_name -p DB_user_password [-q]

For -C .

Specifies the name of the row ID column of the layer's business table and the 
optional minimum row ID value

For the register operation, it also specifies whether the row ID is to be 
registered as user or ArcSDE maintained. If ArcSDE maintained, you can specify 
the starting value (min_ID) for the row ID. If no minimum ID is specified, it 
defaults to 1. If you intend to register the feature class with the 
geodatabase, you should register the row ID column as ArcSDE maintained.

For the feature_info operation, it specifies the name of the row ID column that 
will be output to a table in the database.

Double check that this is your table/column configuration aligns with what I 
have said.



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS 10

2012-07-03 Thread Melpati, Muni
Hi William,
Thank you for response. It is great that you showed interest in helping me on 
this. After playing with the query tool, it was very evident that I need to 
pick one single unique identifier field. The problem I am facing happens 
despite the fact that I selected one single field as unique identifier.  I have 
two layers (one with 13,000 records and another with 55,600 records). Smaller 
file works like any other shape file. The larger file would through up loading 
data problem.

Note: If I, either select a bunch features  or use identify tool, I could see 
all the attributes. In other cases, though I could not see attributes, I could 
see all the features on the map.
I could also use attribute query tool on the same data and select records and  
view them.  However, I simply having trouble with opening the table and viewing 
all the records.
Also I am unable to export to shapefile from ArcMap when this problem occurs.

Message: 5

Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2012 13:41:33 +0200

From: William Humphrey Temperley 

Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS


To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


[mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Melpati, 

Sent: 28 June 2012 21:19


Subject: [postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS 10

Hi I was querying posgis layers from ArcGIS 10. I found that if add postgis 
layer with huge number of records, I am having trouble with accessing its 
attributes. When I try to open the table I get Could not load data from the 
data source. If you can correct the problem, press the refresh button to reload 
data. Possible problems can include bad network connection, invalid field, etc. 
The SQL statement was not a select statement. The operation is not supported by 
this implementation.

I found similar problem somewhere in GIS forums where the user had to change 
the MAXBLOBSIZE value to -1 (unlimited) in the SDE SERVER CONFIG FILE. Is there 
similar fix to postgis/postgres? I appreciate your support.


By default ArcGIS uses all the fields in the query as the unique key.  Tools 
such as identify labeling and the attribute table do not work when this is the 
case. To make them work the primary key of the data source should be used as 
the unique key. This also speeds up the loading of data.

After writing a query, you need to click the Validate button and tick Show 
advanced options. The Next button will now be highlighted - click it.

Uncheck all fields in the Unique identifier fields list except the correct 
primary key or unique field.  The attribute table should now work if you 
provided a unique key.


Will Temperley

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS

2012-07-03 Thread Melpati, Muni
The selected unique identifier column is GID (created by postgis). So, it has 
to be unique identifier.

Based on the fact that I could see selected feature attributes or I could see 
attributes using identifier tool,

I have to assume that query tool retrieves this information upon user action 
(in this case select a feature).

That is why I am wondering if I need to modify something like it was done with 
SDE Server config file to improve the performance of the query application. 

Message: 18

Date: Tue, 03 Jul 2012 17:50:55 +0200

From: William Humphrey Temperley 

Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS


To: 'PostGIS Users Discussion'



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I haven't seen this behaviour -- being able to see the attributes with

identify but not being able to use the attribute table properly.

Are you 100% certain the unique identifier column you have chosen is unique,

i.e. is it a primary key, or does it have a unique constraint on it?

Duplicate keys might cause this behaviour, but I'm not sure.



[mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Melpati,


Sent: 03 July 2012 17:28


Subject: [postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS 10

Hi William,

Thank you for response. It is great that you showed interest in helping me

on this. After playing with the query tool, it was very evident that I need

to pick one single unique identifier field. The problem I am facing happens

despite the fact that I selected one single field as unique identifier.  I

have two layers (one with 13,000 records and another with 55,600 records).

Smaller file works like any other shape file. The larger file would through

up loading data problem.

Note: If I, either select a bunch features  or use identify tool, I could

see all the attributes. In other cases, though I could not see attributes, I

could see all the features on the map.

I could also use attribute query tool on the same data and select records

and  view them.  However, I simply having trouble with opening the table and

viewing all the records.

Also I am unable to export to shapefile from ArcMap when this problem



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Unable to add the postgis 2.0 shapefile loader plug-in to postgres 8.4.12

2012-06-28 Thread Melpati, Muni
I have installed postgis 2.0 over Postgres 8.4.12. However, I could not see the 
postgis shapefile loader plugin in the pgadmin III plugins. However, I can see 
it from the start menu.
I checked the plugins.ini. It is consistent with what described at 
  For my installation postgisgui\shp2pgsql-gui.exe is actually located at 
D:\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin and PG bin path is rightfully specified at 
D:\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin. Is there anything that would have gone wrong? Thanks.
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Unable to add the postgis 2.0 shapefile loader plug-in to postgres 8.4.12

2012-06-28 Thread Melpati, Muni

Problem solved. I was only looking at plugins in wrong location. Thanks.
From: Melpati, Muni
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 11:06 AM
To: 'postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net'
Subject: Unable to add the postgis 2.0 shapefile loader plug-in to postgres 

I have installed postgis 2.0 over Postgres 8.4.12. However, I could not see the 
postgis shapefile loader plugin in the pgadmin III plugins. However, I can see 
it from the start menu.
I checked the plugins.ini. It is consistent with what described at 
  For my installation postgisgui\shp2pgsql-gui.exe is actually located at 
D:\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin and PG bin path is rightfully specified at 
D:\PostgreSQL\8.4\bin. Is there anything that would have gone wrong? Thanks.
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Unable to add the postgis 2.0 shapefile loader plug-in to postgres 8.4.12

2012-06-28 Thread Melpati, Muni
This problem is solved. I was looking at wrong plugins.ini file. Thanks.
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Problem with using query layer in ArcGIS 10

2012-06-28 Thread Melpati, Muni
Hi I was querying posgis layers from ArcGIS 10. I found that if add postgis 
layer with huge number of records, I am having trouble with accessing its 
attributes. When I try to open the table I get Could not load data from the 
data source. If you can correct the problem, press the refresh button to reload 
data. Possible problems can include bad network connection, invalid field, etc. 
The SQL statement was not a select statement. The operation is not supported by 
this implementation.

I found similar problem somewhere in GIS forums where the user had to change 
the MAXBLOBSIZE value to -1 (unlimited) in the SDE SERVER CONFIG FILE. Is there 
similar fix to postgis/postgres? I appreciate your support.
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Linear referencing with PostGIS

2012-05-16 Thread Melpati, Muni
We have various web-based GIS applications that consume the data from 
enterprise database (oracle/ArcSDE) . These applications need linear 
referencing capabilities of the ArcSDE. We currently do this using java API 
provided by ESRI. Some of these web application provide user capabilities to 
query distance, in miles, of a road segment give a location on the road. Our 
data has linear referencing capabilities and other features such as topology 
which are essential to our business needs. I came to know while older PostGIS 
doesn't provide such capabilities. I am wondering if newer versions offer any 
similar functionalities. Is it possible to provide similar capabilities with 
PostGIS and Postgresql? Thanks in advance.
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] One-click installer or building from the source code (postgresql)

2012-05-14 Thread Melpati, Muni
Can someone atleast provide references to previous studies with regards to 
using a combination of postgresql, PostGIS and ArcSDE products for maintaining 
GIS and raster data. Thanks in advance.

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] One-click installer or building from the source code (postgresql)

2012-04-25 Thread Melpati, Muni
I am new postgresql and PostGIS. We are conducting feasibility study of using 
Postgresql and postGIS and/or SDE.
Our business requires using raster data and Esri and postgis geodatabase. 
Currently, we are using ArcSDE over Oracle to store raster data and vector data.
We also have web applications that consume data from the ArcSDE.

As part of feasibility study I would like to know the difference between using 
one-click installer and building from the source code for postgresql 
I learnt that building from the source code is for user who are interested in 
building postgresql. I am under impression that we are only going to use 
postgresql is for mainting geodatabase.
Most likely we would be using ArcSDE over postGIS and Postgressql as it offers 
flexibility. Do you think having the ability to build postgresql would help in 
maintaining geodatabase in Postgresql?
What is the best method of installing Postgresql? Also Can you share if you 
have documentation of previous studies on using this combination of these 
software products?

Your information is greatly appreciated.

postgis-users mailing list