[postgis-users] how to transfer wkt geometry from mysql to postgis?

2012-08-09 Thread Robert Buckley

I have wkt geometry data in mysql stored in blob format.
I need to get this data into a postgis db and am looking for the 
quickest-easiest way to do it. I have managed to select the data ASTEXT but 
can then only copy it into QGIS - export to shape - import to postgisbut 
this is probably not the easiest way.

Is there a way to directly import a table from mysql into postgis?

thanks for any help,

Robert ___
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Are views slow ing down my wms?

2012-07-13 Thread Robert Buckley
Thanks for all your replies and helpful comments. I will be able to do some 
good analysis next week on the recommendations posted,



 Von: Brent Wood pcr...@yahoo.com
An: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net 
CC: robertdbuck...@yahoo.com 
Gesendet: 6:19 Samstag, 14.Juli 2012
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] Are views slow ing down my wms?

There are a couple of possibilities:

Postgis is slowing down for some reason, or Geoserver is.

If you can run a query against the view you can check Postgis performance as 
Greg suggests. With only 10,000 or so rows in 3 tables it is not likely that 
Postgis will be slowing down much due to the views, or indexes. 

Tomcat/Geoserver are perhaps more likely culprits in my experience.

You haven't said how much they are slowing down, or how much memory, cpu, etc 
are available or being used.

Try running top in a terminal while it is being used to see which processes are 
loading up the system, although this will be of limited use with tomcat. 

Brent Wood

--- On Sat, 7/14/12, Greg Williamson gwilliamso...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: Greg Williamson gwilliamso...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Are views slow ing down my wms?
To: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Date: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 1:43 PM

Robert --

It is possible that you are missing an index on something -- in a smaller 
table the query planner will ignore an index and do sequential reads because 
it is a faster strategy; missing an index won't effect a small table but as 
the # of rows grows the sequential scan becomes much more painful.

Might also be a limited amount of memory (work_mem setting) dedicated to 
searches -- the default works ok for small sorts but at the number of rows 
being considered grows so too does the memory required. Once postgres reaches 
the limit set (which is per search and one query may have more than one sort)  
it dumps the whole search to disk, which
 can be much slower than the all in RAM version.

You might try running the SQL in the view inside an EXPLAIN ANALYZE  command 
and see if there are oddities -- wildly divergent row counts, sequential scans 
on large tables, etc.

You might also post the version of postgres (e.g. 9.1.x) as that may be useful 
information in seeing what is going on. Also, changes from default postgres 
settings and information about RAM might help shed some light.

Greg Williamson

 From: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com
To: Post GIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net 
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2012 10:30 PM
 [postgis-users] Are views slow ing down my wms?


I have created a database structure which has 3 main postgis tables (1 for 
lines,polygones, and points) which each contain between 5-10,000 features. 
These tables then feed views which split the geometries into understandable 
groups which are then served through geoserver in Tomcat6, linux-Ubuntu 10.04.

I have noticed that the performance of the wms is getting considerably worse. 
Is this to do with the views or simply the amount of data being served?

Should I in hindsight have split the table into separate tables instead of 
creating views?

thanks for any help,


postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Are views slow ing down my wms?

2012-07-11 Thread Robert Buckley

I have created a database structure which has 3 main postgis tables (1 for 
lines,polygones, and points) which each contain between 5-10,000 features. 
These tables then feed views which split the geometries into understandable 
groups which are then served through geoserver in Tomcat6, linux-Ubuntu 10.04.

I have noticed that the performance of the wms is getting considerably worse. 
Is this to do with the views or simply the amount of data being served?

Should I in hindsight have split the table into separate tables instead of 
creating views?

thanks for any help,

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Changing regional setting for a numeric field in a single database

2012-06-28 Thread Robert Buckley

on trying to import data from csv I am now having a problem with regional 

At the moment it looks like this;

db=#show client_encoding;


db=#show lc_numeric;


The problem is that I have getting this error;

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type numeric: 2.000,000

I have defined this field as...


and thus the problem is that the decimal and thousand separators are mixed up.

Would anyone know how I can set this properly to this one database?

Thanks for any help,

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] versioning control: anyone tried this?

2012-04-25 Thread Robert Buckley

I have just read about this..


Does anyone have any experience with it? does it work? Problems? etc.

Great to hear from anyone who has positive experience with it,


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] migrating mysql database with skt geometries into a postgis db?

2012-04-19 Thread Robert Buckley

I have this taskanyone got any tips on how to acheive thisß


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] ST_Boundary(geometry) for polyon to line conversion?

2012-04-11 Thread Robert Buckley


Is this the function I would use to convert a polygon to a polyline?


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] change the encoding for existing table

2012-04-04 Thread Robert Buckley

I am testing the SpatialKit extention for ArcGIS which uploads data into 
Postgresql. When uploading into the database there is not an option to specify 
encoding types. Usually I choose latin1 over UTF-8 because latin1 enables 
the use of german characters (ä,ö,ü andß)  although i have never understood 
why I should this instead of UTF-8 which apparently also contains these 

Anyway...The tables created by the SpatialKit extention seem to cause a problem 
with these characters. In order to test if the problem really is to do with the 
encoding, I would like to change it to latin1.

How can I do this in postgresql on a postgis table?


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Editing with arcgis without ArcSDE

2012-04-02 Thread Robert Buckley

I am trying to find a way to edit postgresql geospatial data with ArcGIS but 
without ArcSDE.

I have found ST-LInks SpatialKit (http://www.st-links.com/Pages/default.aspx) 
which I have installed on ArcGIS 9.3.1 and on another PC with ArcGIS 10. After 
successfully installing I can´t load a sinlge layer into ArcMap!!always an 
error message which cannot be clicked off or ArcGIS Crashes!!! Really rubbish 
software, and they want people to pay for it!?!

Anyway. does anyone else know of any other software tools that enable 
connections with ArcGIS for editing geometries?

Thanks for any tips,

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Any other way to use alias headers for fields?

2012-03-26 Thread Robert Buckley

I was just wondering if there is any other way in postgresql in which I could 
assign alias names to columns other than creating views and assigning the field 
names with the AS operator?

I have shapefiles with column names which have cryptic titles. When I upload 
them into postgis and serve them in my viewer application, the original 
cryptic column names will be displayed. It would be nice to change them for 
the use in the viewer application but have the original names retained also to 
ensure that updates to the data can be done easier.


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] how to create a hole in a polygon table?

2012-02-28 Thread Robert Buckley

I am trying to create an inner buffer of a polygon geometry table.
Unfortunately this is the only way I can think of which will enable me to make 
a certain symbol for a polyon layer. The SLD Filter difference might do it, 
but it needs to be nested and i´m not sure if this is possible.

anywayMy polygons need to be symbolized with a thin outline AND an inside 
Buffer of 3 mm(150m  at a scale of 1:50 000)in essence just an inside ring.

This means I need to first buffer my polygon geometry and then substract the 
buffer from the original polygon. = ST_Difference (i think!?!)

my attempt created some geometries but not what I was expecting...

create view rrop08.rrop_01_13_innerbuffer AS

SELECT ST_Difference(a.st_buffer, b.the_geom)

FROM rrop08.rrop_01_13_buffer a, rrop08.rrop_01_f b;

rrop08.rrop_01_f  = the original polyon

rrop08.rrop_01_13_buffer = the inner buffer ___
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] how to create a hole in a polygon table?

2012-02-28 Thread Robert Buckley
Thanks for the advice.

Unfortunately I don´t understand what you have just told mehalf-brush? 

are these sld specifications?...I am delivering wms data using sld´s to style 
the data.

could you please clarify?



 Von: Paul Ramsey pram...@opengeo.org
An: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Gesendet: 19:20 Dienstag, 28.Februar 2012
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] how to create a hole in a polygon table?
Rather than geometry processing, work on your rendering engine. You
can usually achieve an interior band (the classic National Geographic
political boundary, yes?) with a half-brush (rather than a full
circle, use a half-circle), and just ensuring your polygons are
consistently oriented.


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Robert Buckley
robertdbuck...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I am trying to create an inner buffer of a polygon geometry table.
 Unfortunately this is the only way I can think of which will enable me to
 make a certain symbol for a polyon layer. The SLD Filter difference might
 do it, but it needs to be nested and i´m not sure if this is possible.

 anywayMy polygons need to be symbolized with a thin outline AND an
 inside Buffer of 3 mm(150m  at a scale of 1:50 000)in essence just an
 inside ring.

 This means I need to first buffer my polygon geometry and then substract the
 buffer from the original polygon. = ST_Difference (i think!?!)

 my attempt created some geometries but not what I was expecting...

 create view rrop08.rrop_01_13_innerbuffer AS

 SELECT ST_Difference(a.st_buffer, b.the_geom)

 FROM rrop08.rrop_01_13_buffer a, rrop08.rrop_01_f b;

 rrop08.rrop_01_f  = the original polyon

 rrop08.rrop_01_13_buffer = the inner buffer

 postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] how to create a hole in a polygon table?

2012-02-28 Thread Robert Buckley
Thanks for that...shame it didn´t work.

I have already looked at negative buffers, but they create a polygon within a 
polygon and not a hole within a negative-buffered polyon. i.e my polygon 
needs to be transparent in the center past the negative buffer so underlying 
features can be seen.

Andrea Aime thought it could be done with the Difference SLD filter, but I 
can´t seem to get it to work due to my lack of understanding of how the filter 




 Von: Paul Ramsey pram...@opengeo.org
An: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Gesendet: 22:33 Dienstag, 28.Februar 2012
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] how to create a hole in a polygon table?
I was thinking of something like this, but it doesn't work.
Unfortunately Geoserver doesn't have the ability to create offset
lines, so there's no nice way to do this without doing a little
negative buffer on the shape (which incidentally, you could do using
the geometry transformation facility on the fly


?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
StyledLayerDescriptor version=1.0.0
    NameUSA states/Name
    UserStyle      Namepopulation/Name
      TitleUnited States/Title
      AbstractA Simple Brush Style/Abstract
             OnlineResource xlink:type=simple
xlink:href=file:///Users/pramsey/green_bottom.gif /
         CssParameter name=stroke-linecapround/CssParameter
         CssParameter name=stroke-dasharray1 0 1 0/CssParameter

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Robert Buckley
robertdbuck...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Thanks for the advice.

 Unfortunately I don´t understand what you have just told mehalf-brush?

 are these sld specifications?...I am delivering wms data using sld´s to
 style the data.

 could you please clarify?



 Von: Paul Ramsey pram...@opengeo.org
 An: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com; PostGIS Users Discussion
 Gesendet: 19:20 Dienstag, 28.Februar 2012
 Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] how to create a hole in a polygon table?

 Rather than geometry processing, work on your rendering engine. You
 can usually achieve an interior band (the classic National Geographic
 political boundary, yes?) with a half-brush (rather than a full
 circle, use a half-circle), and just ensuring your polygons are
 consistently oriented.


 On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 10:04 AM, Robert Buckley
 robertdbuck...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I am trying to create an inner buffer of a polygon geometry table.
 Unfortunately this is the only way I can think of which will enable me to
 make a certain symbol for a polyon layer. The SLD Filter difference
 do it, but it needs to be nested and i´m not sure if this is possible.

 anywayMy polygons need to be symbolized with a thin outline AND an
 inside Buffer of 3 mm(150m  at a scale of 1:50 000)in essence just an
 inside ring.

 This means I need to first buffer my polygon geometry and then substract
 buffer from the original polygon. = ST_Difference (i think!?!)

 my attempt created some geometries but not what I was expecting...

 create view rrop08.rrop_01_13_innerbuffer AS

 SELECT ST_Difference(a.st_buffer, b.the_geom)

 FROM rrop08.rrop_01_13_buffer a, rrop08.rrop_01_f b;

 rrop08.rrop_01_f  = the original polyon

 rrop08.rrop_01_13_buffer = the inner buffer

 postgis-users mailing list

 postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] ..

2012-02-01 Thread Robert Buckley

How are you doing?

Wed, 1 Feb 2012 21:07:08
Hooper, while a rough-and-ready old chap, with a big fortune made in cattle 
dealing, is really an uncut diamond; a fine old fellow at heart, as you will 
see.Two busy days followed during which Bill and Gus went to the city with 
Professor Gray to purchase materials in full for the power plant. (c) Ananda 
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Can´t exit comand after command

2011-11-27 Thread Robert Buckley

Probably a newbie question, but in putty, when I do certain commands e.g \dt 
*.* and the results go over more than one page, I can´t seem to exit or end the 
command. The page ends with the word (END) highlighted and I can´t do anything 
to start another command.

I´ve tried   Ctrl d but nothing happens

Is this a putty problem or a postgresql prob?

thanks for anby help,

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Trignometry and triangulation to find location from photo

2011-10-18 Thread Robert Buckley
Hi ,

I have a task which I though would be a good learning excercise for me, however 
it turns out that I need to go back to elementary school and pay more attention!

I though I would ask the forum incase anyone has done anything similar. It is 
only marginally related to postgis but if anyone knows of a better forum please 
let me know.

The Problem:

I have a postgis database populated with points which represent locations of 
wind turbines. I need to regularly update the database when new turbines are 
built or old ones are replaced or removed.
Usually I recieve coordinates or a shapefile, but this time I have only 
recieved a photograph taken at eye-level which show 5 existing wind turbines( 
for which I have points) and the foundation of the new windturbine presently 
being built.

Using the existing wind turbines as reference points, and knowing their heights 
is the only information I have to determine the location of the new wind 
turbine. Using trignometry and triangulation techniques is it possible to 
determine the location of the new wind turbine?

I´m sure there is software to do this, but I thought asking here might bring me 
closer to an answer quicker.

thanks for any help,

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] multiple queries in one phpscript?

2011-10-06 Thread Robert Buckley
How does this affect performance? are the queries executed when the javascript 
scripts are loaded into the browser or only when the chart is displayed in the 

Von: Nicolas Ribot nicolas.ri...@gmail.com
An: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Gesendet: 11:21 Donnerstag, 6.Oktober 2011 
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] multiple queries in one phpscript?

 I am pretty new to postgresql and php.
 I have a webmapping application which uses postgresql/postgis as its
 In the application there is a charts website-page which picks out data from
 the postgis tables and displays them using the Ext.js library.
 Up until now I have been using one php script which includes one postgresql
 sql-query which is used to populate the chart.
 If I have multiple charts which use mulitple queries, am I able to put them
 in one php script or do I need a seperate script for each query?
 Please excuse me if this should not be posted here...but I consider this
 more of a postgis/webmapping question as a sencha/extjs question.

Hi Robert,

Yes, you can put any number of queries in a single PHP file.

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] schemas and postgis data

2011-09-22 Thread Robert Buckley
I have just read this explaining about how to structure data and functions 
within postgresql

...The public schema is where the PostGIS functions and system tables get 
installed, so if you dump that schema you get all those definitions in your 
dump. If those definitions are mixed in amongst your data, loading them into a 
fresh database gets tricky: are the paths to the libraries the same? are there 
function name clashes? (The utils/postgis_restore.pl script attempts manfully 
to strip out PostGIS components from a dump file to allow a clean restore, but 
it is hard to get 100% performance.)
If, on the other hand, all your data is neatly separated into its own schema, 
you can neatly backup just that schema and avoid having PostGIS system 
information mixed in with your data. That means you can easily restore your 
data into any version of PostGIS and PostgreSQL that you like. So upgrades are 
easy easy easy.
Remember: Store your data in a schema other than public.

Basically Paul recommends saving geodata in a different schema to the postgis 

My questions are...
1if the data is located in a different schema which does not have the 800 odd 
postgis functions, are the functions still available to the data?
2are cross schema queries allowed?
3 does it also make sense to seperate non-spatial tables into their own 

thanks for any advice,

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] copying tables from one schema to another

2011-09-22 Thread Robert Buckley

As a follow-up to my earlier post (Re: [postgis-users] schemas and postgis 
data) I have another question.

I had originally put all my data into the public schema. I want to move my 
geodata to the schema data, so I just used to following command in the 
pgadmin3 sql editor

create table data.new_table as (select * from public.old_table);

although this works, the schema is not copied..ie the primary key and other 
contraints are missing.

So i have done this

# first create new table and copy schema
create table data.table_2(like table_1 including defaults including constraints 
including indexes);

#then copy data into table_2
insert into data.table2(select * from public.table_1);

Is there a better/quicker/safer way of doing this? possibly with pgadmin3?___
postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] where did pg_toast,pg_toast_temp1 come from?

2011-09-22 Thread Robert Buckley

when I left work today these pg_toast tables were not in my database. when I 
looked later ther were.

Can anyone tell me where they came from and why they are automatically created 
in every database?


postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] where did pg_toast,pg_toast_temp1 come from?

2011-09-22 Thread Robert Buckley

my version is 8.4. The table contains strings but are not too long...under 



Von: Greg Williamson gwilliamso...@yahoo.com
An: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com; 
postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Gesendet: 21:19 Donnerstag, 22.September 2011 
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] where did pg_toast,pg_toast_temp1 come from?

Rob -- 


when I left work today these pg_toast tables were not in my database. when I 
looked later ther were.

Can anyone tell me where they came from and why they are automatically created 
in every database?

You don't state what version of postgres this happens on, but in general TOAST 
tables are created by the system to hold long compressed values (typically text 
aka varlena tables). I think you can turn this facility off, but in general 
postgres will try to take very long strings, for example, and compress them, 
putting them into a toast table to that the row size of the original table 
doesn't grow excessively. See, for example, 

So I suspect what happened is that someone entered some long text values and 
postgres created the toast tables to handle these long strings.


Greg Williamson___
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] where did pg_toast,pg_toast_temp1 come from?

2011-09-22 Thread Robert Buckley
Ok thanks,

Is it dangerous to delete toast tables?

Von: Greg Williamson gwilliamso...@yahoo.com
An: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com; 
postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Gesendet: 22:43 Donnerstag, 22.September 2011 
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] where did pg_toast,pg_toast_temp1 come from?

Rob --



my version is 8.4. The table contains strings but are not too long...under 


According to http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/DevWikiPostGISCoding:

All PostGIS objects are varlena, they don't have a fixed size. ...

So maybe you got some large geometries that triggered TOAST processing ?

Greg W.

Von: Greg Williamson gwilliamso...@yahoo.com
An: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com; 
postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net; PostGIS Users Discussion 
Gesendet: 21:19 Donnerstag, 22.September 2011 
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] where did pg_toast,pg_toast_temp1 come from?

Rob -- 


when I left work today these pg_toast tables were not in my database. when I 
looked later ther were.

Can anyone tell me where they came from and why they are automatically 
created in every database?

You don't state what version of postgres this happens on, but in general TOAST 
tables are created by the system to hold long compressed values (typically 
text aka varlena tables). I think you can turn this facility off, but in 
general postgres will try to take very long strings, for example, and compress 
them, putting them into a toast table to that the row size of the original 
table doesn't grow excessively. See, for example, 

So I suspect what happened is that someone entered some long text values and 
postgres created the toast tables to handle these long strings.


Greg Williamson

postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] simple puffer script

2011-08-23 Thread Robert Buckley

I have to use postgis to create a puffer layer. I could do this within postgis, 
but the problem is that I have to display the result in my webapp!

I have seen many examples on how to puffer, but none where a user inputs a 
from a textbox e.g 50 and presses a button to calculate a puffer over the data 
with a 50m puffer and then displays the resulting vector layer in the 

Is this very complex?
How should I start coding this?  PHP to script the postgis query? 

thanks for any scripts, tips or advice.


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] using pgShapeLoader to upload csv file

2011-08-08 Thread Robert Buckley

What is the easiest way  to load a table into posgresql?

Usually I would just upload a shapefile into the database, but for a specific 
project I am required to build a relational database system with 1 shapefile 
lots of other tables linked with Foreign Keys. 

I have never done this before for a Postgis project and was wondering on the 
best way to do this.

The tables and shapes have been already created in an ESRI personal geodatabase.

thanks for any help,

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] getting started with postgis functions and openlayers

2011-08-01 Thread Robert Buckley

I am pretty well versed with getting data into postgis and displaying them with 
Geoserver /Openlayers/Geoext etc

I am now logically looking into the possibilities of running postgis functions 
that´s what it´s there for!) and displaying the results in my apps.

As a newbie in this area, I can´t see how this can happen dynamically. I have 
carried out spatial functions on data in the posgresql commandline...but what 
I do now? Can I make a view of the results? Export the results into it´s own 

Can this be done client-side...ie the user were able to select a point and run 
buffer command, how would this then be saved in postgis and then displayed in a 
map online? Is this even how it all works?

thanks for any feedback,

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] simple question about views and tables

2011-06-29 Thread Robert Buckley

I have a table called windturbines. 
I have created a view called v_sum_yield.

I would now like to either create another view which consists of both tables 
joined with the column bez, or join the view to the original table.

The table comprises of single wind turbines and their yield per year. I need to 
sum the yields according to the region. This table then needs to be served as 
wfs/wms through geoserver.

my first step was...

CREATE VIEW v_sum_yield AS
select region, sum(yield) AS result 
from windturbines
group by region

and then to create another view comprising of an left outer join to the 


FROM windturbines LEFT OUTER JOIN v_sum_yield ON (windturbines.region = 

the result is..
ERROR: column region specified more than onceSQL Status:42701

however if I just run the selection with the CREATE VIEW v_join AS...it works 

can anyone tell me why?


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] add a rank to population statistics- is this a case for a sequence?

2011-04-07 Thread Robert Buckley

I have a table containing population statistics.

I would like to have an column which automatically updates the rank for each 
dataset. Would I somehow use a sequence to calculate this, or is there another 
way to do this?


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] datatype question in postgis

2011-03-09 Thread Robert Buckley

I have a project on my desktop gis which I would like to transfer to the web 
offer as a map service. Currently the project consists of around 90 layers (all 
shps) -points/lines and polygons.

If I serve them through postgresql into geoserver should I keep the data 
structure as it is, or should I combine all polygons to one shp -all polylines 
into one shp and points to one shp and then import into three different postgis 
tables? what are the implications for serving my data? 

Is it quicker to serve fewer larger tables or many smaller tables? Is there a 
geometry type which takes all geometries(ie points,lines and polygons)? so that 
I could serve all my data from one table?...obviously the symbology of 90 
classes would make the sld file slightly worrying, but would this be better 
having 90 separate sld´s?

thanks for any tips,


postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] images in postgresql

2011-03-08 Thread Robert Buckley
Thanks for all the replies.

My Wind turbine table will only have around 300 - maximum 500 points. The 
shouldn´t change until either a turbine vanishes or gets repowered (ie. 

I am pretty new to postgis so when you all start talking about TOAST I start 
thinking about food rather than data formats. TOAST, Large blob, OID...how do I 
decide? As the images will be (hopefully) displayed over the web and they 
shouldn´t be more than 50 kb each. They are simply there to display a nice 
picture when someonw clicks on the map. 

The table will however be updated with new turbines and we will certainly find 
errors so that some will have to be deleted or moved.

Would it be easier to keep them all in one table rather than in separate tables?



Von: Paragon Corporation l...@pcorp.us
An: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Gesendet: Dienstag, den 8. März 2011, 6:00:00 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] images in postgresql

My understanding is the same (as long as you don't select the  column that is) 
otherwise has to be detoasted. As I recall, I think a small bit  will be stored 
and then the rest that doesn't fit into (I can't recall maximum  space), gets 
chunked into toast records.
Its true for most of the databases I've worked with - e.g.  large text or blobs 
just the pointer is stored in the main table, except  PostgreSQL makes this 
decision conditionally on size and other databases make it  beforehand based on 
data type.
However -- UPDATES will be painful I think because even though  the data is 
toasted, PostgreSQL will still create an MVCC copy of the  whole record when 
doing updates and slushing around big pictures and  geometries can be painful.  
So if your other wind turbine info gets changed  more often than the photos, I 
would keep them separate.

 From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net  
[mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Ben  Madin
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 8:31 PM
To: PostGIS Users  Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] images in  postgresql


On 06/03/2011, at 4:28 PM, Robert Buckley wrote:

Thewindturbine table exists in EPSG:4326. I made a seperate table for the 
imagesbecause I didn´t wan´t to blow the size of the wind turbine table out 
ofproportion and jeopardize performance.

My understanding - and if I'm wrong I need to know(!) - is that the sort of  
data you are talking about (large geometries or blobs - for your pictures) are  
not stored in the primary table, but in associated storage space, known as 

This has important implications for indexing, but is brilliant because the  
content of these data fields does not directly impact on the number of pages  
that the table takes, hence rapid searching is still possible.



Iam making a simple application to show wind turbines as wms and I wanted 
show the turbine in a popup. I´m not sure how to get the popup to display

Any examples?


 Von: Paragon Corporation l...@pcorp.us
An: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Gesendet: Samstag, den 5. März 2011, 18:21:49Uhr
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] images inpostgresql

Is there areason why you have the points in a separate table or do you 
points inboth tables and you want to relate by a spatial join?
  If its a1 to 1 relationship, we would just put them in the sametable.
As far asforeign keys go, you should have some identifier the same in the 
twotables.  Do you? 
So it would beof the form
SELECTwt.wt_id, wt.geom, p.picture
FROMwindturbines As wt INNER JOIN pictures As p ON wt.wt_id =p.wt_id
or if they arespatially related by space
SELECT wt.wt_id, wt.geom,p.picture
FROM windturbines As wt INNER JOIN pictures Asp ON ST_DWithin(wt.geom, 
pt.geom, 10)
The 10 dependson the spatial reference system or if you are using 
type then itmeans 10 meters.  So I'm treating the wind turbine location 
picturelocation as the same if they are within 10 meters apart.
BTW: you mightwant to read the first chapter of our upcoming book.  It's a 
freedownload and answers this type of question with concreteexamples.

From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net 
[mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On
n Behalf Of RobertBuckley
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 5:39AM
To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-users] images inpostgresql


Iam just experimenting at the moment with a project and could do with some 

I have created

Re: [postgis-users] images in postgresql

2011-03-06 Thread Robert Buckley
thanks for the tip,

your book looks great...ill have to get it.

The windturbine table exists in EPSG:4326. I made a seperate table for the 
images because I didn´t wan´t to blow the size of the wind turbine table out of 
proportion and jeopardize performance.

I am making a simple application to show wind turbines as wms and I wanted to 
show the turbine in a popup. I´m not sure how to get the popup to display 

Any examples?


Von: Paragon Corporation l...@pcorp.us
An: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Gesendet: Samstag, den 5. März 2011, 18:21:49 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] images in postgresql

Is there a reason why you have the points in a separate table  or do you have 
points in both tables and you want to relate by a spatial  join?
  If its a 1 to 1 relationship, we would just put them in  the same table.
As far as foreign keys go, you should have some identifier the  same in the two 
tables.  Do you? 
So it would be of the form
SELECT wt.wt_id, wt.geom, p.picture
FROM windturbines As wt INNER JOIN pictures As p ON wt.wt_id =  p.wt_id
or if they are spatially related by space
SELECT wt.wt_id, wt.geom, p.picture
FROM windturbines As wt INNER JOIN pictures As p ON  ST_DWithin(wt.geom, 
pt.geom, 10)
The 10 depends on the  spatial reference system or if you are using geography 
type then it means 10  meters.  So I'm treating the wind turbine location and 
picture location as  the same if they are within 10 meters apart.
BTW: you might want to  read the first chapter of our upcoming book.  It's a 
free download and  answers this type of question with concrete examples.

 From: postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net  
[mailto:postgis-users-boun...@postgis.refractions.net] On Behalf Of Robert 
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2011 5:39  AM
To: postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Subject: [postgis-users] images in postgresql


I  am just experimenting at the moment with a project and could do with some  

I have created a database which contains photos of  Windturbines.  I also have 
postgis database with the locations (points)  of the wind turbines and would 
like join the photos to the points via a link  table or foreign key.

As you can tell, I haven´t too much experience with  postgresql and relational 
database design. But i can imagine that the task  should not be too difficult.

I am just a bit unsure how to go about it.  The photos are on the linux server 
and the creation of the table and the insert  of the image was successfull. But 
how do i get the  join and how would I  display this photo in a geoext project?

thanks for any  tips,


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] images in postgresql

2011-03-05 Thread Robert Buckley

I am just experimenting at the moment with a project and could do with some 

I have created a database which contains photos of Windturbines.  I also have a 
postgis database with the locations (points) of the wind turbines and would 
join the photos to the points via a link table or foreign key.

As you can tell, I haven´t too much experience with postgresql and relational 
database design. But i can imagine that the task should not be too difficult.

I am just a bit unsure how to go about it. The photos are on the linux server 
and the creation of the table and the insert of the image was successfull. But 
how do i get the  join and how would I display this photo in a geoext project?

thanks for any tips,


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] insert to database - error

2011-03-01 Thread Robert Buckley


Ubuntu 10.04
postgresql 8.4

I am experiencing the following:

I can edit a postgis database geometry in Quantum GIS but I can´t insert into 
a postgis table inserted with shp3pgsql. ( I used the opengeo-suite windows 
version to upload the shp)

my error is here message is here ..


After days of scratching around the forums and reading this...


..I  decided to do the same a make a simple table in postgis  - 1 x id  
column  (type - integer, primary key, NotNull) and 1 x the_geom column  ( 
- geometry)

I loaded it into geoserver and was able to start editing immediately

Is it then something to do with the constraints inserted by shp2pgsql?..( I 
removed all of them one by one and tested the insert, but it still didn´t work)

Possibly do to with the GID column? I ccan´t remove this column without 
the geometry structure.

Idon´t understand what the problem is with the table imported from a shapefile 
using shp2pgsql



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] How to set up a db for editing in postgis?

2011-02-28 Thread Robert Buckley

I have been trying to edit with a postgis databank for ages now and can´t seem 
to get it working.

I have geoserver setup in tomcat6 on ubuntu 10.04.
I have postgres8.4 running with postgis.
I can connect to postgis through pgadmin
I have set up an editing web interface with geoext/openlayers

I have tried editing a geoserver layer from a shapefile and it works ok!!!  I 
had to play with the permissions and found that I could only edit when the file 
permissions were 0777

To edit in postgis I first created a db in postgis called zgb  the owner is 
postgresql usergeoadmin1

The tables in postgis give all privilages to public
In geoserver the files are owned by tomcat6 except www which is owned by 
geoadmin1 - this is so that I can´t edit the .js and.html in winscp

I am really confused as to how to set permissions to be able to edit a 
postgisdb. How should the privalages be set to be able to edit geometries?

If it turns ot that this is not really an issue, what else could be restricting 
the editing ability of my app?

What should I generally watch out for to be able to edit postgis?

thanks for any help,


postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Postgresql 8.4 for Ubuntu 8.04? Compatible????

2011-01-27 Thread Robert Buckley

I am having errors trying to commit modified features in geoserver.

I have a test server where is works, and a work server where it doesn´t.

the test server is Ubuntu 10.04 with postgres/postgis 8.4

the work server is Ubuntu 8.04 with postgres/postgis 8.3 ( I can´t upgrade due 
to virtual server incompatibilties)

I wanted to try and isntall postgres 8.4 on Ubuntu 8.3 but in the hardy 
Universe repositories nothing is found. Does this mean that the versions are 



postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Postgresql 8.4 for Ubuntu 8.04? Compatible????

2011-01-27 Thread Robert Buckley
using this repository i can find postgresql 8.4 but there is not postgis 

does anyone know if postgis 8.3 can be installed into postgresql 8.4?...or 
alternatively if I can get postgis8.4 from another secret repository?.am I 
letting myself in for trouble by doing this?



Von: Nabil Servais nabil.serv...@gmail.com
An: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 27. Januar 2011, 12:23:05 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] Postgresql 8.4 for Ubuntu 8.04? Compatible


On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:17, Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I am having errors trying to commit modified features in geoserver.

 I have a test server where is works, and a work server where it doesn´t.

 the test server is Ubuntu 10.04 with postgres/postgis 8.4

 the work server is Ubuntu 8.04 with postgres/postgis 8.3 ( I can´t upgrade
 due to virtual server incompatibilties)

 I wanted to try and isntall postgres 8.4 on Ubuntu 8.3 but in the hardy
 Universe repositories nothing is found. Does this mean that the versions are
 not compatible?

No that mean, the package for postgresql 8.4 is not available. you
have 2 solutions, compile postgresql and postgis or find an repository
wich purpose postgresql 8.4 with postgis. I think threre's the
backport repo for this.



 postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Postgresql 8.4 for Ubuntu 8.04? Compatible????

2011-01-27 Thread Robert Buckley
This backport doesn´t list postgis-8.3

apt-get install postgresql-8.4 -postgis postgresql-contrib-8.4

I was wanted to do this...

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Postgresql 8.4 for Ubuntu 8.04? Compatible????

2011-01-27 Thread Robert Buckley
Thanks...but there is an error with the source...

Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: Die folgenden Signaturen 
konnten nicht überprüft werden, weil ihr öffentlicher Schlüssel nicht 
verfügbar ist: NO_PUBKEY 089EBE08314DF160
W: Probieren Sie âapt-get updateâ, um diese Probleme zu korrigieren.

couldn´t check the source??

oh well! never mind

Von: Nabil Servais nabil.serv...@gmail.com
An: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 27. Januar 2011, 13:45:04 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] Postgresql 8.4 for Ubuntu 8.04? Compatible

I give you the adress of the ppa, you have to add this in your source.list.

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu hardy main

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 13:23, Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Sorry about the dumb questions...

 I tried to enter this into my repository but keep getting errors when I
 apt-get update.


 How can I get the repository to stick?

 Von: Robert Buckley robertdbuck...@yahoo.com
 An: PostGIS Users Discussion postgis-users@postgis.refractions.net
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 27. Januar 2011, 13:14:08 Uhr
 Betreff: Re: [postgis-users] Postgresql 8.4 for Ubuntu 8.04? Compatible

 This backport doesn´t list postgis-8.3

 apt-get install postgresql-8.4 -postgis postgresql-contrib-8.4

 I was wanted to do this...

 postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] How to remotely edit a postgis db over a webclient?

2011-01-26 Thread Robert Buckley

Slight variation of the first question, but still very relevant.If I have 
non-gis users who want to edit the data, are there any examples of webclients 
that could also do simplified editing?..



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] How to remotely edit a postgis db over a webclient?

2011-01-26 Thread Robert Buckley

I am trying to offer partners from my organization the ability to edit my data.

1 possibilty is that I could just instruct them to download the desktop 
applications so that this would be possible, but then they would need training 
etc to be able to use it. Some do not even have the permissions to install in 
there organization.

I was actually looking for an opensource web client that could offer editing of 
postgis through a browser. I have been developing with Openlayer/Geoext but 
that for editing purposes it is very complicated and time consuming. I was 
wondering if there were any out of the box solutions available.

GeoMajas looks interesting. I have never worked with maven though. I was hoping 
for something lighter.



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] geoext tutorial - wfs-t editor: save strategy not working.

2011-01-26 Thread Robert Buckley

after considerable testing, I have found that I am able to move and edit 
but I cannot create new points using the wfs-t editor tutorial.

I can however user QGIS to create, edit and move all features.

what does this tell me?... I´ve no idea...but it´s not working over a browser!

Anyone got any ideas?



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] How to remotely edit a postgis db?

2011-01-25 Thread Robert Buckley

i have installed postgis on postgresql and everything seems to working fine.
At the moment I uploading tables through shp2psql and this is working too.

I would now like to edit the data from remote pcs. I have experience using 
various open source gis software e.g Jump, QGIS, svSIG, Udig etc but I cannot 
edit and commit changed through these gis systems.

My system is Ubuntu 8.04.
postgresql is version 8.3 / postgresql-8.3-postgis

I installed postgis as sudo...therefore the installation folder is owned by root

cd .. /usr/share/postgresql
drwxr-xr-x  6 root root 4096 2011-01-25 15:22 8.3

I have created a user called geoserver for gis work

sudo -u postgres -i
createuser geoserver
createdb -E UTF8 -O geoserver gis

and then created the language...

createlang plpgsql gis

I was following these instructions by the way. 

So...as far as I can see, I have a working installation of postgresql with 
postgis isntalled. I can log in to postgresql with pgadmin3 and see my gis db 
which is spatially enabled with the postgis functions. Fantastic!

I uploaded a shp and even loaded it into geoserver which displayed it perfectly.

so...Now I want to edit the data...

1. does user geoserver have editing permission? How can I find out?
2. is postgres a user account on ubuntu or just the login name for the 
db?...When I look in my /home folder on ubuntu there is no folder there called 
postgres so I guess no!?!?
3. Why can´t I just log in through any of the software mentioned above and 

I would be grateful for any pointers...


Robert Buckley

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] How to remotely edit a postgis db?

2011-01-25 Thread Robert Buckley

with Quantum GIS v1.6.0 I just managed to connect and edit!!!
I don´t believe i because I was trying all last night and it wasn´t working?
ok...so it works! great!

As a newbie then, I have a questions?

How do I define different users to different tables in a database?...I was 
thinking of creating various databases for different users. Could I then define 
different user accounts/roles to the databases to ensure that only correct 
person is able to edit his/her database?...for example I have a region with 10 
counties. If I create 10 databases for each county, I could then assign 10 
(county_1, county_2 ...county_10) to database_1, Database_2...Database_10 etc 
that the user County_2 can only edit the database County_2.

does that make sense? Is it feasable/doable?



postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] import shape or sql to postgres automatically

2010-12-13 Thread Robert Buckley

I find it easyest with the built in GUI from the opengeosuite. You can download 
the community edition and use the whole Shape2postgis import tool as part of 

here is the link to the download.

Simply install the desktop version and start the dashboard. In PGAdmin3 for 
Opengeo there is the llink to the postgis importer tool.

Hope this helps,

Robert Buckley

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Can anyone interpret this error? ERROR: current transactio

2010-12-12 Thread Robert Buckley

Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy



postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Can anyone interpret this error? ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block

2010-12-11 Thread Robert Buckley

What is this error message?  Encountered whilst loading data into ubuntu.linux
  ERROR: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of  
transaction block 


this occurs during the very first startup of opengeo-suite



postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Can anyone interpret this error? ERROR: current transaction

2010-12-11 Thread Robert Buckley

I outputted the error into a file and found the beginning of the problem..


ERROR:  could not load library 

/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by 

Any logical reason why this couldn´t load?


Robert Buckley

postgis-users mailing list