Re: [postgis-users] Help in Defending FOSS SDI

2010-08-02 Thread Edward Mac Gillavry

Please feel free to provide your management with the technical design document 
for the SDI in the Netherlands.

The document is in English, so you don't have to brush off your Dutch language 
skills. Also read Paul Ramsey's take on the document:

Kind regards,


Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2010 15:31:10 -0700
Subject: [postgis-users] Help in Defending FOSS SDI

Some so called SDI experts feel that FOSS SDI cannot perform at-par with
Proprietary SDI.
 provide examples to fight a case from an Indian state which swears by 
Free and Open Source Software. We can never expect a better level 
playing field. 

Kerala - India

Here are some excerpts from a document that has false claims supporting 
Proprietary Software.

 it is worthwhile to mention here that the OSS (Open Source Software) 
does not match the advanced functionalities of many of the commercial 
(proprietory) software that is in the market. Image processing and 
analysis capabilities of the open source software is not comparable to 
the commercial software when one require to carry out advanced data 
manipulations, image fusion, 3D modeling, ortho-correction, 
 stereo-image/air photo interpretation (PROBABLY REFERRING TO GRASS), advanced 
geospatial analysis 
etc., In such cases, certain proprietary software become an integral 
part of the Spatial Data Infrastructures, which can not be avoided. At a
 later stage the some of the proprietary software need to be purchased.

It is a well known fact that web portal that run with OSS are neither 
OGC-compliant norinteroperable(PostGIS and Webservers to react). At the present 
juncture it is only possible to establish the KSDI Geoportalwith the available 
COTS enterprise software.

The detailed PDF document will be emailed on demand.

This is a case that has the potential to set trends in India.
 Hope to have a good discussion such that we can sum it up and present 
at a meeting being conducted on August 11th 2010, to settle the issue. 


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Re: [postgis-users] Help in Defending FOSS SDI

2010-08-02 Thread Mark Cave-Ayland

Ravi wrote:

Some so called SDI experts feel that FOSS SDI cannot perform at-par with
Proprietary SDI.
Please provide examples to fight a case from an Indian state which 
swears by Free and Open Source Software. We can never expect a better 
level playing field.

Kerala - India

Here are some excerpts from a document that has false claims supporting 
Proprietary Software.

However, it is worthwhile to mention here that the OSS (Open Source 
Software) does not match the advanced functionalities of many of the 
commercial (proprietory) software that is in the market. Image 
processing and analysis capabilities of the open source software is not 
comparable to the commercial software when one require to carry out 
advanced data manipulations, image fusion, 3D modeling, 
ortho-correction, auto-georeferencing, stereo-image/air photo 
interpretation (PROBABLY REFERRING TO GRASS), advanced geospatial 
analysis etc., In such cases, certain proprietary software become an 
integral part of the Spatial Data Infrastructures, which can not be 
avoided. At a later stage the some of the proprietary software need to 
be purchased.

The issue I see with this paragraph is that it is merely handwaving and 
FUD; I don't see any specifics given. In particular, I would ask for the 
specific processes and workflows they are referring to (in particular 
which software/plugins they are using) so that you can point them 
towards an equivalent OSS solution.

It is a well known fact that web portal that run with OSS are neither 
OGC-compliant nor
interoperable(PostGIS and Webservers to react). At the present juncture 
it is only possible to establish the KSDI Geoportal

with the available COTS enterprise software.

This is just completely wrong; PostGIS is based upon the OGC SFS for 
storing geometries and we have worked hard to ensure that it meets the 
standard in all regards. In terms of other applications, servers like 
Mapserver and Geoserver speak standards-compliant WMS/WFS/KML so again I 
am amazed that they are making this claim.

If they are looking for ex-commercial software, there is always 
Autodesk's open-sourced MapGuide application. Or, if they really do want 
to use proprietary software in the stack somewhere, then ArcGIS Server 
supports PostGIS from version 9.3.

This is a case that has the potential to set trends in India. Hope to 
have a good discussion such that we can sum it up and present at a 
meeting being conducted on August 11th 2010, to settle the issue.

If the above sample is representative of the document, then you need to 
do a lot of research into debunking these false claims and the FUD 
around them. The excerpts you have provided are so full of lies that I 
can't help but feel there is a clash of commercial interest somewhere in 
this project.



Mark Cave-Ayland - Senior Technical Architect
PostgreSQL - PostGIS
Sirius Corporation plc - control through freedom
t: +44 870 608 0063

Sirius Labs:
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Re: [postgis-users] Help in Defending FOSS SDI

2010-08-02 Thread Simon Greener

Gee, somebody is desperate.
On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 20:07:55 +1000, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

Ravi wrote:

Some so called SDI experts feel that FOSS SDI cannot perform at-par with
Proprietary SDI.
Please provide examples to fight a case from an Indian state which
swears by Free and Open Source Software. We can never expect a better
level playing field.

Kerala - India

Here are some excerpts from a document that has false claims supporting
Proprietary Software.

However, it is worthwhile to mention here that the OSS (Open Source
Software) does not match the advanced functionalities of many of the
commercial (proprietory) software that is in the market. Image
processing and analysis capabilities of the open source software is not
comparable to the commercial software when one require to carry out
advanced data manipulations, image fusion, 3D modeling,
ortho-correction, auto-georeferencing, stereo-image/air photo
interpretation (PROBABLY REFERRING TO GRASS), advanced geospatial
analysis etc., In such cases, certain proprietary software become an
integral part of the Spatial Data Infrastructures, which can not be
avoided. At a later stage the some of the proprietary software need to
be purchased.

The issue I see with this paragraph is that it is merely handwaving and
FUD; I don't see any specifics given. In particular, I would ask for the
specific processes and workflows they are referring to (in particular
which software/plugins they are using) so that you can point them
towards an equivalent OSS solution.

It is a well known fact that web portal that run with OSS are neither
OGC-compliant nor
interoperable(PostGIS and Webservers to react). At the present juncture
it is only possible to establish the KSDI Geoportal
with the available COTS enterprise software.

This is just completely wrong; PostGIS is based upon the OGC SFS for
storing geometries and we have worked hard to ensure that it meets the
standard in all regards. In terms of other applications, servers like
Mapserver and Geoserver speak standards-compliant WMS/WFS/KML so again I
am amazed that they are making this claim.

If they are looking for ex-commercial software, there is always
Autodesk's open-sourced MapGuide application. Or, if they really do want
to use proprietary software in the stack somewhere, then ArcGIS Server
supports PostGIS from version 9.3.

This is a case that has the potential to set trends in India. Hope to
have a good discussion such that we can sum it up and present at a
meeting being conducted on August 11th 2010, to settle the issue.

If the above sample is representative of the document, then you need to
do a lot of research into debunking these false claims and the FUD
around them. The excerpts you have provided are so full of lies that I
can't help but feel there is a clash of commercial interest somewhere in
this project.



SpatialDB Advice and Design, Solutions Architecture and Programming,
Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Associate; Oracle Database 10g SQL 
Certified Professional
Oracle Spatial, SQL Server, PostGIS, MySQL, ArcSDE, Manifold GIS, FME, Radius 
Topology and Studio Specialist.
39 Cliff View Drive, Allens Rivulet, 7150, Tasmania, Australia.
  Voice: +61 362 396397
Mobile: +61 418 396391
Skype: sggreener
Longitude: 147.20515 (147° 12' 18 E)
Latitude: -43.01530 (43° 00' 55 S)
GeoHash: r22em9r98wg
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Re: [postgis-users] Help in Defending FOSS SDI

2010-08-02 Thread Bèrto ëd Sèra
Hi all,

one thing you may want to point out to the Indian Authorities is also that
the phrase A highly scalable system may therefore be confronted with high
license costs should be be understood according to what geoinformation is.
A large system has a large number of potential external users, many of which
DO NOT get financed from the same source.

A national govt may well be (at least temporarily) rich enough to scale
proprietary software, but the local govt cannot, so cannot NGOs and other
actors that can actually play a big role in creating and managing additional
information layers, if they are allowed to do it. So the concept of
scalability needs to be read not as a constant, in the case of proprietary
software, but rather as space with higly modulated local needs. Yet, no
matter how modulated they get, a zero cost fits them all.

There is also, obviously, the question of resource availability. How many
programmers can you hire at an acceptable price to cope with proprietary
software vs FOSS? If you are interested in producing such comparison I can
have a look at my contacts in India. I'm aware of some organisations that
deal with FOSS in India, and I suppose they can provide us with cost

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Help in Defending FOSS SDI

2010-08-02 Thread Peter Baumann
For what it's worth: I cannot speak about FOSS in general, but for 
raster servers I dare to take position.
Open-source rasdaman repeatedly has been reported to have a performance 
way superior to ArcSDE.

Some more voices (look at the Oracle one!):
“world leading technology. -- Aerovista France (market survey, 2004)
“I am not easy to impress, but this is unique. -- Eng. Hans Jacoby, 
Infrastructure Management, German Railways
“Most favourable tool for Data Mgmnt Services -- NIMA (USA) Pathfinder 
evaluation 2003; 700 vendors invited
“Impressive software - Oracle will never do anything that elaborate in 
functionality and architecture. -- Jeffrey Xie, Senior Tech. Staff, 
GeoRaster, Oracle USA
Your performance continues to amaze me. -- David Adler, Senior 
Database Engineer, IBM USA

most comprehensive implementation -- Rona Machlin, ACM SIGMOD, 2007

Starting this fall rasdaman will be integrated with GDAL (works 
already), MapServer, PostGIS. Rasdaman can exploit multiple processors 
and can be distributed (free version) and supports transparent tape silo 
access (commercial version). Installations grow by just adding the new 
compute nodes and editing a configuration script. Multi-Petabyte 
scalability is not an issue.

As for FOSS standards support, your folks may want to have a look at which gives demos of 1-D to 4-D earth science use 
cases, all based on OGC standards.

I myself am leading the raster-relevant working groups within OGC, plus 
editor of currently 9 specification documents. In this capacity I know 
that FOSS is of high importance to OGC and receives high attention 
there. The forthcoming WCS 2.0 standard (adoption vote ends by August 
17) will have open-source rasdaman as its reference implementation. We 
already have done first steps on the way to make sure the specification 
is implementable and scalable. BTW, WCS 2.0 will rely on a unified 
coverage model which allows coverages to float between services relying 
on different OGC standards, such as WPS, WCS, SWE Common, GML.

HTH - best of luck,

On 08/02/2010 12:31 AM, Ravi wrote:

Some so called SDI experts feel that FOSS SDI cannot perform at-par with
Proprietary SDI.
Please provide examples to fight a case from an Indian state which 
swears by Free and Open Source Software. We can never expect a better 
level playing field.

Kerala - India

Here are some excerpts from a document that has false claims 
supporting Proprietary Software.

However, it is worthwhile to mention here that the OSS (Open Source 
Software) does not match the advanced functionalities of many of the 
commercial (proprietory) software that is in the market. Image 
processing and analysis capabilities of the open source software is 
not comparable to the commercial software when one require to carry 
out advanced data manipulations, image fusion, 3D modeling, 
ortho-correction, auto-georeferencing, stereo-image/air photo 
interpretation (PROBABLY REFERRING TO GRASS), advanced geospatial 
analysis etc., In such cases, certain proprietary software become an 
integral part of the Spatial Data Infrastructures, which can not be 
avoided. At a later stage the some of the proprietary software need to 
be purchased.

It is a well known fact that web portal that run with OSS are neither 
OGC-compliant nor
interoperable(PostGIS and Webservers to react). At the present 
juncture it is only possible to establish the KSDI Geoportal

with the available COTS enterprise software.

The detailed PDF document will be emailed on demand.

This is a case that has the potential to set trends in India. Hope to 
have a good discussion such that we can sum it up and present at a 
meeting being conducted on August 11th 2010, to settle the issue.

Ravi Kumar

Dr. Peter Baumann
 - Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen
   tel: +49-421-200-3178, fax: +49-421-200-493178
 - Executive Director, rasdaman GmbH Bremen (HRB 147737), mail:
   tel: 0800-rasdaman, fax: 0800-rasdafax, mobile: +49-173-5837882
Si forte in alienas manus oberraverit hec peregrina epistola incertis ventis 
dimissa, sed Deo commendata, precamur ut ei reddatur cui soli destinata, nec preripiat 
quisquam non sibi parata. (mail disclaimer, AD 10xx)

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Help in Defending FOSS SDI

2010-08-01 Thread Ravi
Some so called SDI experts feel that FOSS SDI cannot perform at-par with
Proprietary SDI.
 provide examples to fight a case from an Indian state which swears by 
Free and Open Source Software. We can never expect a better level 
playing field. 

Kerala - India

Here are some excerpts from a document that has false claims supporting 
Proprietary Software.

 it is worthwhile to mention here that the OSS (Open Source Software) 
does not match the advanced functionalities of many of the commercial 
(proprietory) software that is in the market. Image processing and 
analysis capabilities of the open source software is not comparable to 
the commercial software when one require to carry out advanced data 
manipulations, image fusion, 3D modeling, ortho-correction, 
 stereo-image/air photo interpretation (PROBABLY REFERRING TO GRASS), advanced 
geospatial analysis 
etc., In such cases, certain proprietary software become an integral 
part of the Spatial Data Infrastructures, which can not be avoided. At a
 later stage the some of the proprietary software need to be purchased.

It is a well known fact that web portal that run with OSS are neither 
OGC-compliant nor
interoperable(PostGIS and Webservers to react). At the present juncture it is 
only possible to establish the KSDI Geoportal
with the available COTS enterprise software.

The detailed PDF document will be emailed on demand.

This is a case that has the potential to set trends in India.
 Hope to have a good discussion such that we can sum it up and present 
at a meeting being conducted on August 11th 2010, to settle the issue. 


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