Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

On 7/25/2011 10:52 PM, Paragon Corporation wrote:


Is your pgsql2shp not exporting .prj files?  It should be if you are
exporting an sql query or table/view with a known srid and all records have
the same srid. It should be doing this from version PostGIS 1.3.6 on.  I
wrote that logic because I had similar issues with users using ArcMap not
being able to overlay the exports with their other data layers.


Hmmm, I recently upgraded and just now checked and yes it is writing the 
.prj file.  Sorry for old information and glad to know you are on top of 
these issues.

RCSID: $Id: pgsql2shp.c 5181 2010-02-01 17:35:55Z pramsey $ RELEASE: 1.5 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI
ArcView 9 compatibility

On 7/21/2011 3:23 AM, Ben Madin wrote:

G'dat all,

We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and
the maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView
version 9" (their words, not mine).

I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending
that sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm
sure that if what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView
version 9" it will become our problem.

Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using
valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not
or might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?

Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me

(I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in
PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send
them to other people, so I have no reason to be concerned except that
the client insists on this line remaining the contract!)

Hi Ben,

I use ArcGIS Explorer and it will not open shapefiles that do not have
.prj file. What I do in this case if to just write a script that
generates that appropriate .prj that I need. The other option that might
be work better for you is to use ogr2ogr to export the postgis table
into a shapefile as I believe that will write the .prj file appropriately.

-Steve W
postgis-users mailing list

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postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-25 Thread Paragon Corporation

Is your pgsql2shp not exporting .prj files?  It should be if you are
exporting an sql query or table/view with a known srid and all records have
the same srid. It should be doing this from version PostGIS 1.3.6 on.  I
wrote that logic because I had similar issues with users using ArcMap not
being able to overlay the exports with their other data layers.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Stephen
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI
ArcView 9 compatibility

On 7/21/2011 3:23 AM, Ben Madin wrote:
> G'dat all,
> We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and
> the maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
> specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView
> version 9" (their words, not mine).
> I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending
> that sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm
> sure that if what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView
> version 9" it will become our problem.
> Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using
> valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not
> or might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?
> Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me
> with?
> (I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in
> PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send
> them to other people, so I have no reason to be concerned except that
> the client insists on this line remaining the contract!)

Hi Ben,

I use ArcGIS Explorer and it will not open shapefiles that do not have 
.prj file. What I do in this case if to just write a script that 
generates that appropriate .prj that I need. The other option that might 
be work better for you is to use ogr2ogr to export the postgis table 
into a shapefile as I believe that will write the .prj file appropriately.

-Steve W
postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-25 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

On 7/21/2011 3:23 AM, Ben Madin wrote:

G'dat all,

We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and
the maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView
version 9" (their words, not mine).

I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending
that sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm
sure that if what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView
version 9" it will become our problem.

Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using
valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not
or might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?

Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me

(I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in
PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send
them to other people, so I have no reason to be concerned except that
the client insists on this line remaining the contract!)

Hi Ben,

I use ArcGIS Explorer and it will not open shapefiles that do not have 
.prj file. What I do in this case if to just write a script that 
generates that appropriate .prj that I need. The other option that might 
be work better for you is to use ogr2ogr to export the postgis table 
into a shapefile as I believe that will write the .prj file appropriately.

-Steve W
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread Richard White
We run a production system that produces via OGR, amongst many other
vector formats, shapefiles for every version of ArcView and have never
had a problem with them being used by thousands of customers.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: 21 July 2011 16:08
To: PostGIS Users Discussion
Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI
ArcView 9 compatibility

There's no reason to think the Shape files produced by shp2pgsql won't
work in any and all versions of Arc.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Ben Madin
> G'dat all,
> We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and
the maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView
version 9" (their words, not mine).
> I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending
that sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm sure
that if what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView version 9" it
will become our problem.
> Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using
valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not or
might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?
> Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me
> (I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in
PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send them
to other people, so I have no reason to be concerned except that the
client insists on this line remaining the contract!)
> cheers
> Ben
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

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postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread Paul Ramsey
There's no reason to think the Shape files produced by shp2pgsql won't
work in any and all versions of Arc.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 12:23 AM, Ben Madin
> G'dat all,
> We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the maps 
> returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on specifying that 
> the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView version 9" (their words, 
> not mine).
> I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending that 
> sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm sure that if 
> what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView version 9" it will become 
> our problem.
> Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using valid 
> OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not or might not 
> work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?
> Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me with?
> (I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and 
> exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send them to other people, 
> so I have no reason to be concerned except that the client insists on this 
> line remaining the contract!)
> cheers
> Ben
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread David Fawcett
As George points out, there is a published spec.

I build shapefiles using tools based on OGR (and pgsql2shp) often and
they work fine with ArcGIS products.

On thing to note.  The spatial and attribute index file specifications
are not public.  So, the client may want to build these index files
once they receive the data.  Without them, you have a complete and
fully functioning shapefile, but people will often want to add these
indexes to increase performance.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 6:53 AM, George Rodrigues da Cunha Silva
> Em quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011 08:15:43, MarkW escreveu:
>> Do the shptree and related shapefile utilities that come with the osgeo
>> installs apply here? I've only used them in association with MapServer, so I
>> don't know if shptree's indexes are usable by ESRI software.
>> Mark
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Ben Madin > > wrote:
>>    G'dat all,
>>    We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and
>>    the maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist
>>    on specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's
>>    ArcView version 9" (their words, not mine).
>>    I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on
>>    spending that sort of money (more than the contract is worth).
>>    However, I'm sure that if what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's
>>    ArcView version 9" it will become our problem.
>>    Do
> es anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created
>>    using valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp
>>    would not or might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?
>>    Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help
>>    me with?
>>    (I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in
>>    PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send
>>    them to other people, so I have no reason to be concerned except
>>    that the client insists on this line remaining the contract!)
>>    cheers
>>    Ben
>>    ___
>>    postgis-users mailing list
>> ___
>> postgis-users mailing list
>> postgis-users@postgis.refractions.n
> et
> There is an open specification of the shapefile format
> Shape is still the 'de facto' format for exchanging GIS data. I can't think
> of anything else right now.
> Regarding compatibility, they are compatible AFAIK. Never had an issue.
> George
> --
> George Rodrigues da Cunha Silva
> Desenvolvedor GIS
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread George Rodrigues da Cunha Silva

Em quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011 08:15:43, MarkW escreveu:
Do the shptree and related shapefile utilities that come with the osgeo 
installs apply here? I've only used them in association with MapServer, 
so I don't know if shptree's indexes are usable by ESRI software.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Ben Madin>> 

G'dat all,

We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and
the maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist
on specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's
ArcView version 9" (their words, not mine).

I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on
spending that sort of money (more than the contract is worth).
However, I'm sure that if what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's
ArcView version 9" it will become our problem.


es anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created

using valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp
would not or might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?

Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help
me with?

(I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in
PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send
them to other people, so I have no reason to be concerned except
that the client insists on this line remaining the contract!)



postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list


There is an open specification of the shapefile format

Shape is still the 'de facto' format for exchanging GIS data. I can't 
think of anything else right now.

Regarding compatibility, they are compatible AFAIK. Never had an issue.



George Rodrigues da Cunha Silva
Desenvolvedor GIS
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread MarkW
Do the shptree and related shapefile utilities that come with the osgeo
installs apply here? I've only used them in association with MapServer, so I
don't know if shptree's indexes are usable by ESRI software.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Ben Madin

> G'dat all,
> We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the
> maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on specifying
> that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView version 9" (their
> words, not mine).
> I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending that
> sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm sure that if
> what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView version 9" it will become
> our problem.
> Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using valid
> OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not or might not
> work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?
> Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me with?
> (I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and
> exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send them to other
> people, so I have no reason to be concerned except that the client insists
> on this line remaining the contract!)
> cheers
> Ben
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread Phil Bartie
Maybe download the free ESRI arc explorer to test it out
On Jul 21, 2011 3:23 PM, "Ben Madin"  wrote:
> G'dat all,
> We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the
maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on specifying
that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView version 9" (their
words, not mine).
> I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending that
sort of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm sure that if
what we send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView version 9" it will become
our problem.
> Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using
valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not or
might not work on "ESRI's ArcView version 9"?
> Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me
> (I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in PostGIS
and exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send them to other
people, so I have no reason to be concerned except that the client insists
on this line remaining the contract!)
> cheers
> Ben
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread Andreas Forø Tollefsen
I am unsure about the details, but can only talk for myself. I have exported
a lot of PostGIS data to shapefiles without ever having a problem.
Both geometry and attribute table seem to be working without a hitch.


2011/7/21 Maria Arias de Reyna 

> El Jueves 21 Julio 2011, Ben Madin escribió:
> > We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the
> > maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
> > specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView
> version
> > 9" (their words, not mine).
> If ArcView has no public specification of their Shapefiles, you can always
> tell
> your potential client all the problems derivated from using a privative and
> dark format. In fact, you *should* at least mention it.
> It will save you a lot of troubles in the future. If you explain it right,
> clients usually understand it and _sometimes_ they agree to move to open
> formats.
> Anyway, you should ask your client for a couple of examples of their
> shapefiles
> and compare them with yours. Maybe the difference is small and you can
> post-
> process your generated shapefiles to adjust them.
> --
> María Arias de Reyna Domínguez
> Área de Operaciones
> Emergya Consultoría
> Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 607 43 74 27
> Fax: +34 954 51 64 73
> ___
> postgis-users mailing list
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread Maria Arias de Reyna
El Jueves 21 Julio 2011, Ben Madin escribió:
> We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the
> maps returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on
> specifying that the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView version
> 9" (their words, not mine). 

If ArcView has no public specification of their Shapefiles, you can always tell 
your potential client all the problems derivated from using a privative and 
dark format. In fact, you *should* at least mention it.

It will save you a lot of troubles in the future. If you explain it right, 
clients usually understand it and _sometimes_ they agree to move to open 

Anyway, you should ask your client for a couple of examples of their shapefiles 
and compare them with yours. Maybe the difference is small and you can post-
process your generated shapefiles to adjust them.

María Arias de Reyna Domínguez
Área de Operaciones

Emergya Consultoría 
Tfno: +34 954 51 75 77 / +34 607 43 74 27
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73 
postgis-users mailing list

Re: [postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread Peter Hopfgartner
Since there is no official spec for "shapefiles", there are some 
differences between the different shapefiles producers and consumers.
Shapefiles produced with current PostGIS 1.5.3 should be reasonable 
ready for ArcView. We, and even more some of our customers, open PostGIS 
produced Shapefiles with ESRI product regularly.


On 07/21/2011 09:23 AM, Ben Madin wrote:

G'dat all,

We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the maps returned in 
shapefile format. In the contract they insist on specifying that the shapefiles are 
compatible with "ESRI's ArcView version 9" (their words, not mine).

I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending that sort of money 
(more than the contract is worth). However, I'm sure that if what we send back doesn't open in 
"ESRI's ArcView version 9" it will become our problem.

Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using valid OGC geometry 
in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not or might not work on "ESRI's 
ArcView version 9"?

Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me with?

(I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and 
exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send them to other people, 
so I have no reason to be concerned except that the client insists on this line 
remaining the contract!)



postgis-users mailing list

postgis-users mailing list

[postgis-users] Shapefiles exported from PostGIS and ESRI ArcView 9 compatibility

2011-07-21 Thread Ben Madin
G'dat all,

We have a client (potential client) who wants some mapping done and the maps 
returned in shapefile format. In the contract they insist on specifying that 
the shapefiles are compatible with "ESRI's ArcView version 9" (their words, not 

I don't have "ESRI's ArcView version 9", and don't intend on spending that sort 
of money (more than the contract is worth). However, I'm sure that if what we 
send back doesn't open in "ESRI's ArcView version 9" it will become our 

Does anyone have any reason to suspect that a shapefile created using valid OGC 
geometry in PostGIS and exported using pgsql2shp would not or might not work on 
"ESRI's ArcView version 9"?

Are there any issues that someone who is across platforms can help me with?

(I routinely use shapefiles created using valid OGC geometry in PostGIS and 
exported using pgsql2shp in QGIS and MapServer and send them to other people, 
so I have no reason to be concerned except that the client insists on this line 
remaining the contract!)



postgis-users mailing list