Re: Why does rebuilding database mount file systems?

2005-05-05 Thread PowerMail Engineering

A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Anyway, I have an idea.  I move PM folder a lot.  Between machines,
carry with 2.5 drives, etc.  This might be the source of problem.
Since PM being a native Mac app, I'd think it is not using absolute path
but rather using relative path, which should work, but it might not be
when you duplicate the directory for backup purpose?

Attachments received (or sent) with a version prior of PowerMail 5 are
referred by a path relative to the attachment folder. So if they have
been moved, or renamed, the connection is lost.
Attachments received (or sent) with PowerMail 5.x are referred by an
alias relative to the attachment folder. Aliases use both a file ID, and
a path. If you move or rename the file, it is still found by ID. If you
move your data to another machine, the ID is not preserved, but the file
is still found by its path, if it has not been renamed.
When you compact your database, or perform a verification of the
consistency, attachment aliases are verified; if the path has changed
but they are still found by ID, the path is update, and vice versa.
So, it's a good thing to compact or verify your database from time to
time, and especially before moving your database to another machine, to
ensure that the attachment references are fully up to date.

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   What amazes me is the content search, the foxtrot engine is amazing!
I have about 100mb of emails and searches are instantaneous!
  Boh Heong Yap, PowerMail user

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Re: Why does rebuilding database mount file systems?

2005-05-05 Thread A-NO-NE Music

Tim Lapin / 2005/05/04 / 07:34 PM wrote:

It is possible that you both need to run some disk checks and/or
permission utilities?

Not sure how it would help but I run these utils more than anyone else
because of beta testings I do.

Anyway, I have an idea.  I move PM folder a lot.  Between machines,
carry with 2.5 drives, etc.  This might be the source of problem. 
Since PM being a native Mac app, I'd think it is not using absolute path
but rather using relative path, which should work, but it might not be
when you duplicate the directory for backup purpose?


- Hiro


Re: Why does rebuilding database mount file systems?

2005-05-05 Thread Tim Lapin

On   Wednesday, May 4, 2005,   A-NO-NE Music   sent forth:

Steve Abrahamson / 2005/05/04 / 12:44 PM wrote:

On a related not about file references, I've noticed over time that PM
has lost file reference integrity. An example: I got pics from a ski trip
from a friend; when I went back to find that picture, PM thought the
enclosure was an html file - clearly wrong.

On a related note :-)
If the mail is older than a few month, all the attachments within PM
display are grayed.  Nope, I didn't move them.  I can find them in the
attachment directory easily, but this can be time consuming if the file
name is rather generic.  I was kinda giving up on it, tho.


- Hiro

I have not seen this.  In fact, just for fun I went back a year and found
my attachments to be selectable and in working order.

It is possible that you both need to run some disk checks and/or
permission utilities?

Tim Lapin

Re: PowerMail for OS 9

2005-05-05 Thread waynefb

If you do this, I would recommend using a format like Eudora. I don't think 
even the PM option is backwards compatible to the Mac OS 9 version, but it's 
been a while since I tried this.


-Original Message-
Sent: May 4, 2005 1:19 PM
To: PowerMail list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: PowerMail for OS 9

Hi, I'm using PowerMail 5.1 on Mac OS X 10.3. 
I may be traveling with my trusty, but old G3/266 powerbook that runs Mac
OS 9. Can I use an older version of PowerMail and my recent Mail db
together in Mac OS 9? I understand that I'm on my own to sync my email
back together (or not) when I stop using the Powerbook and return to
using my Mac OSX desktop machine. But it sure would be great to have all
my old mail at the ready, and not have to set up all my 23 mail accounts
again just becasue I'm going to use a MAc OS 9 machine for a while. 


 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

PowerMail for OS 9

2005-05-05 Thread Dr Dave

Hi, I'm using PowerMail 5.1 on Mac OS X 10.3. 
I may be traveling with my trusty, but old G3/266 powerbook that runs Mac
OS 9. Can I use an older version of PowerMail and my recent Mail db
together in Mac OS 9? I understand that I'm on my own to sync my email
back together (or not) when I stop using the Powerbook and return to
using my Mac OSX desktop machine. But it sure would be great to have all
my old mail at the ready, and not have to set up all my 23 mail accounts
again just becasue I'm going to use a MAc OS 9 machine for a while. 


 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

Re: Why does rebuilding database mount file systems?

2005-05-05 Thread Christian Roth

Dr Dave wrote:

because I eventually group all
the attachments together by year (at least) so as to keep the current
attachments folder less cluttered  easier to find recent attachments.

I have created a simple AppleScript to create a folder for each email
that has attachments and move attachments there. This way, attachments
(at least have a higher chance) to keep the original file names and not
get inserted a number like in, test etc. when during the
months, people send attachments with identical names.

I have this set to run as the first filter on *any* incoming message.

It sure can be optimized, but I'm no AppleScript scripter. I also copied
portions of the default Copy outgoing attachments script. Maybe it is
of use to someone:

global theFolder

tell application PowerMail
set attachFolder to attachment folder

set theMessages to current messages
repeat with msg in theMessages
set msgStatus to status of msg
if (msgStatus is unread) or (msgStatus is confirmed) or 
(msgStatus is
read) then
set attachList to attachments of msg
if (count items of attachList)  0 then
set theDate to time received of msg
set msgAttachFolder to 
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  (year 
of theDate)
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  -
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  (month 
of theDate as number)
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  -
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  (day 
of theDate as number)
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder   
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  
(((time of theDate) / 3600)
as integer)
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  -
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  
time of theDate) mod
3600) / 60) as integer)
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder   
set senderAddress to sender of msg
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  (email 
address of senderAddress)
set msgAttachFolder to msgAttachFolder  
tell application Finder
if not (exists folder (attachFolder  
msgAttachFolder as string)) then
set theFolder to (make new 
folder at attachFolder with properties
{name:(msgAttachFolder as string)})
set theFolder to folder 
(attachFolder  msgAttachFolder as string)
end if
end tell
repeat with attachIdx from (count items of 
attachList) to 1 by -1
set attachFile to file of (item 
attachIdx of attachList)
tell application Finder
set newAttachFile to (move 
attachFile to theFolder without
replacing) as alias
end tell
delete attachment attachIdx of msg
make new attachment at msg with 
properties {file:(newAttachFile as
end repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell

Regards, Christian.

Re: Why does rebuilding database mount file systems?

2005-05-05 Thread Dr Dave

Sure. If I rename an attachment, or move several attachments together
into a folder; they  lose connection from the email message that they
come from. Pretty weak. 

I can't say for sure if my old emails (2004) lose their connections to
the attached files by themselves or not, because I eventually group all
the attachments together by year (at least) so as to keep the current
attachments folder less cluttered  easier to find recent attachments. 
 Dave Nathanson
 Mac Medix

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), Steve Abrahamson's message of 9:44 AM, 5/4/05

On a related not about file references, I've noticed over time that PM
has lost file reference integrity. An example: I got pics from a ski trip
from a friend; when I went back to find that picture, PM thought the
enclosure was an html file - clearly wrong. I had to root through the
Attachments folder manually to find the jpg I was looking for. This is
not uncommon with older mail.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


Re: Why does rebuilding database mount file systems?

2005-05-05 Thread A-NO-NE Music

Steve Abrahamson / 2005/05/04 / 12:44 PM wrote:

On a related not about file references, I've noticed over time that PM
has lost file reference integrity. An example: I got pics from a ski trip
from a friend; when I went back to find that picture, PM thought the
enclosure was an html file - clearly wrong. I had to root through the
Attachments folder manually to find the jpg I was looking for. This is
not uncommon with older mail.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?

On a related note :-)
If the mail is older than a few month, all the attachments within PM
display are grayed.  Nope, I didn't move them.  I can find them in the
attachment directory easily, but this can be time consuming if the file
name is rather generic.  I was kinda giving up on it, tho.


- Hiro