Re: DB Message Full With Low # Messages

2005-05-24 Thread Marlyse Comte

If you never quit PM all your trashed email will accumulate in the Trash
of PM - it has been times that when I finally quit PM I had more than
4,000 messages accumulated and that will take a while to delete. If you
accumulated 67,000 email, you haven't quit PM in a long time. You can
keep the Trash slim and trim without quitting the application by going
from time to time under the menubar, powermail, empty trash.

You definitely want to compact your database. BUT, as you do seem to have
some anormality, I would first make a backup of your message and address
book database. The address database is a separate file., so no, that will
not make your database bigger What I would do in your case is in the
finder locate the 2 files, select them both and from the Finder action
menu choose 'make archive'. The generated file which will be called
'archive' I'd add the date to something like '20050524-archive'.

Then I would launch PM with the combo keys held down - I forget always
what they are and have to fiddle around myself, I guess it's something
like option+command while launching PM. In the dialogbox I would choose
first just compact. That might take a while. Then  I'd quit and do the
same startup procedure and now I'd select verify database, reindex
etc all nice maintenance options. Usually I'd do it all in one run
through, but as you seem to have some other, unhandled problems, I'd go
with that, even though I do not know if this improves anything.

In the finder you should see the size of the message database
considerably shrunk. When I do cleaup like that, i.e. I archive my PM
data to eMA, my database easily shrinks from 200 mb down to 4 or 5 mb.


 former message(s) quotes: -


This is the strange thing happened to me yesterday:

PowerMail advised me that it can't handle a message database bigger than
2GB, so I selected some 40/50 messages stored in a folder since about a
year ago, moved them to trash, and when told PM to delete the trash
folder; an alert window then reported I was going to delete something
like 67.000 messages. I really had something like 2.000 messages
distributed in all folders. Probably, this has something to do with the
fact  I can't still see messages in the trash folder. Is it possible that
some kind of invisible files are piled up somewhere in PM? How can the
actual size of my message DB's be 1.91 GB with not more than 2000 visible

In any case, I'll try to proceed as if the only problem was the DB's size
and would like to ask you:

1. Is the message database increased by the Address Book as well?
2. If compacting the Database, can I still read single messages?
3. What would you prefer between compacting the DB and exporting the

Thank you in advance
Giovanni Andreani


my life:
my view:
my work:

Re: DB Message Full With Low # Messages

2005-05-24 Thread Olaf Drümmer

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Tue, 24 May 2005 10:59:52 +0200

In any case, I'll try to proceed as if the only problem was the DB's size
and would like to ask you:

1. Is the message database increased by the Address Book as well?
2. If compacting the Database, can I still read single messages?
3. What would you prefer between compacting the DB and exporting the

Having been a PowerMail 5.x user (now at 5.2) for quite some time I can
say that compacting a database has always worked reliably for me, and it
doesn't have any disadvantages (it just reorganizes the databse to
consume less space) - no message are lost or anything like that.

Nevertheless - as your database may have some weird problem I'd suggest
to do the follwing:
- make a backup copy of the folder with message database and everything
else (even though PowerMail when compacting will leave a copy of the
original message database behind, called Message Databse.old - to be
deleted manually after you have made sure compacting worked OK)
- compact the database

Then figure out where that leaves you. Even with 67.000 mails you should
not even get near 2.0 GB (I have about 200.000 mails, and I am at around
1.3 GB after compacting).

Address book should only affect your address database, not your message



DB Message Full With Low # Messages

2005-05-24 Thread Giovanni Andreani


This is the strange thing happened to me yesterday:

PowerMail advised me that it can't handle a message database bigger than
2GB, so I selected some 40/50 messages stored in a folder since about a
year ago, moved them to trash, and when told PM to delete the trash
folder; an alert window then reported I was going to delete something
like 67.000 messages. I really had something like 2.000 messages
distributed in all folders. Probably, this has something to do with the
fact  I can't still see messages in the trash folder. Is it possible that
some kind of invisible files are piled up somewhere in PM? How can the
actual size of my message DB's be 1.91 GB with not more than 2000 visible

In any case, I'll try to proceed as if the only problem was the DB's size
and would like to ask you:

1. Is the message database increased by the Address Book as well?
2. If compacting the Database, can I still read single messages?
3. What would you prefer between compacting the DB and exporting the messages?

Thank you in advance
Giovanni Andreani


2005-05-24 Thread Anthony Sanna

I want to bring my mail settings and databases from work to my home
computer.  Will the folder: home/Library/Mail/PowerMail Files and the
files: home/Library/Preferences/com.ctmdev.PowerMail.plist  home/
Library/Preferences/PowerMail Prefs do it?

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.

Re: Display Question for 5.2 users

2005-05-24 Thread A-NO-NE Music

Bob Moody / 2005/05/23 / 01:20 PM wrote:

try trashing the .plist file for PM.  Also rebuild permissions,
reprebind the system, run the cron scripts, and maybe even run
diskwarrior (but get the new version first if you're using tiger.)

Wait, wait, wait!

PM's pref is not .plist,
There is no such thing as rebuild permissions,
Prebind has been abandoned since OSX10.3.4 (I think), and certainly
Tiger doesn't know what the heck it is,
Running cron only cleans log files (along with NetInfo stuff but you
don't need to know),

DW is always a good idea :-)

By the way, PM is not really a refresh-clean app.  It has been this way
since I got PM.  Jerome, any chance of QE implementation in a future?


- Hiro


Re: Display Question for 5.2 users

2005-05-24 Thread Ben Kennedy

Bob Moody wrote at 1:20 pm (-0400) on Mon 23 May 2005:

try trashing the .plist file for PM.  Also rebuild permissions,
reprebind the system, run the cron scripts, and maybe even run
diskwarrior (but get the new version first if you're using tiger.)

Holy crap Bob, calm down!  Do you do this every time a mild anomaly comes
up in software?  Do you rush into the emergency room seeking a full
physical when you suspect a hangnail?  :)

In answer to your question Tim... I see what you describe from time to
time, though I can't remember when recently last I've seen it.


Ben Kennedy, chief magician
zygoat creative technical services
613-228-3392 | 1-866-466-4628

Re: Display Question for 5.2 users

2005-05-24 Thread Bob Moody

Tim Lapin, thank you for your message.

try trashing the .plist file for PM.  Also rebuild permissions,
reprebind the system, run the cron scripts, and maybe even run
diskwarrior (but get the new version first if you're using tiger.)

Mon, 23 May 2005 12:17:50 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello all,

As you can see by my sig, I am using PM 5.1.  I am still experiencing an
intermittent problem that I've seen since at least 4.x if not 3.x.

When moving a bunch of messages to the trash, the folder portion of the
main browser window gets overwritten with the names of the moved
messages.  It's only a display problem; when I close and then re-open the
browser window, all is as it should be.  As I've stated, it does not
happen all the time and I can't pin down exactly under what conditions it
does happen:
a)  number of messages moved
b)  total load on my system
c)  type/content of most recent message viewed
d)  phase of the moon
e)  whether I've eaten pizza that night,...

Does anyone else still experience this?  Is it fixed on 5.2?  Is there
something else I can do?

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400OS 10.3.9PowerMail 5.1 640 MB RAM 40+40 GB HDs

Bob Moody, fundraising consultant
Owner, Moody Associates
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Is there a Signature file?

2005-05-24 Thread John Leiher

I was wondering if there is an actual signature file in
Powermail? I would like to clear my signature entries
out but would also like to save them to a text file
if possible for future use.