[ANN] PowerMail 5.6.1 universal released

2007-12-13 Thread CTM info

We are pleased to announce the release of PowerMail 5.6.1, available
free of charge to PowerMail 5 users, from:



>> Main fix

+ Incidental to the Leopard Keychain bug fix contained in 5.6, there may
have been a crash once after modifying an account's password. This is
now fixed.

>> Known work-arounds [documented as of 5.6.1]

+ The method for accessing passwords stored in keychains had to change
for Leopard compatibility, but due to what appears to be an Apple bug,
some older passwords may not be found and need to be re-entered once on
first usage. Fortunately this is only a one-time event, once the
passwords are re-entered, life can go on.

+ If you store your passwords in the keychain, make sure it is unlocked
while using PowerMail on Leopard - Apple has changed its security
policies and you may now be prompted for a keychain password at every
fetch if the keychain is locked (one alternative is to store passwords
in PowerMail's settings and not use the keychain for these).

+ On systems with Safari 3 installed, selecting text in an HTML message
for copying requires double-clicking on the first word to be selected,
then shift-clicking on the last word.

>> Other fixes and enhancements

+ Disk image includes the latest version of MisFox, now a preference pane


>> New search features and performance increase (please see full release
notes on disk image for syntax examples)

+ Occasional searches on large databases are now much faster, as the
index optimization phase is now performed transparently

+ No longer will you see a "Optimizing index" modal dialog at the
beginning of a search !

+ Searching using "matches the search pattern" option now supports
excluded words inside quoted strings

+ Searching using "matches the search pattern" option now supports
exclusion of exact phrases

+ Searching using "matches the search pattern" or "includes at least one
of the words" options now allows to combine multiple quoted strings (in
addition to multiple simple words) with an OR operator (using the
vertical bar | in case of "matches the search pattern")

+ You may now specify words to be found within a given proximity range

+ You can now search exact strings within a given proximity range

>> Leopard compatibility

+ On Mac OS X 10.5, scheduled connections could fail if the account's
password was saved in the keychain

>> Other fixes and enhancements

The maximum number of messages, during the demo period, has been
multiplied five-fold to 1000 messages in order to improve the ability to
properly evaluate PowerMail.

+ When the default character set for outgoing message is UTF-8, messages
that only contains characters from the ISO-8859-1 charset were sent in
UTF-8, instead of ISO-8859-1 as required - this has been fixed.

+ Disk image includes the latest version of SpamSieve



Re: Keychain Bug [was: Password (was DNS restored for PowerMail's ...]

2007-12-13 Thread listes
CTM info <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Expect a version 5.6.1 before Friday.

good news, yes!

remove ".listes" and add a dot after fh please
enlevez ".listes" et ajoutez un point après fh