Re(2): Fwd: HTML printing

2015-06-26 Thread DDV


I'm printing directly from Powermail.


This is how French text looks in the html mail message and in plain
text: je suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je

This is how the mail looks when printed and when viewed in web browser:
je suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je

Are you printing directly from PowerMail, or from the web browser after
using view message in web browser? In the later case, you may try to
force the browser to interpret the file as UTF-8.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

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couldn't live without it.
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 =  (+x-)  = 

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Fwd: HTML printing

2015-06-22 Thread DDV


I'm still trying to solve this problem.

This is how French text looks in the html mail message and in plain text: je 
suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je pensais.

This is how the mail looks when printed and when viewed in web browser: je 
suis désolé, ça n'a pas marché avec la chambre à laquelle je pensais.

I tried fiddling with the characters sets to no avail.

Powermail 6.2.1
OSX 10.10.3

Thanks for any help,


 Begin Forwarded Message 
Subject: HTML printing
Date Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2015 10:56 AM
From: DDV
To: PowerMail Discussion List


Recently I'm having trouble to print HTML messages, french characters end up 
é becomes é, ê becomes ê and so on. On screen it reads fine and when printing 
as plain text it reads fine as well.
Any suggestions to print HTML as it should?


- End Forwarded Message -

HTML printing

2015-05-30 Thread DDV


Recently I'm having trouble to print HTML messages, french characters end up 
é becomes é, ê becomes ê and so on. On screen it reads fine and when printing 
as plain text it reads fine as well.
Any suggestions to print HTML as it should?


 =  (+x-)  = 

 Find out what happened today

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Re(2): [ANN] PowerMail 6.2.1b1 available for testing

2013-11-27 Thread DDV

No problem so far here on OS X 10.9
MacBook Pro 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 4Gb 1067 Mhz

Geoff Roynon wrote:

Every time I start this version of PowerMail it crashes and I have to
click on the Reopen button to get it going.

Karsten Liere wrote:

Same here - I've sent the crash log, however, have yet not received an

Are there other people also having this problem?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   Foxtrot is amazingly fast, and the built-in highlighting is a
fantastic idea.
  Constantin von Wentzel, Arlington MA

 Download a demo version from

Re: Connection failure

2013-11-24 Thread DDV

I’m waiting for the man
(with a valid upgrade coupon)
34,30 euros in my hand


 You need to upgrade to the latest PowerMail.
 Previous versions used an old networking API that has been removed from 

Connection failure

2013-11-23 Thread DDV

I just upgraded to Mavericks and Powermail gives me a Connection failure ‘Make 
sure your internet connection is active’, while it is active. Any settings that 
need to be changed?
Still using Powermail 5.5.3


Frequent crashes and finally dead

2013-08-16 Thread DDV


I'm getting frequent crashes lately when moving messages from my inbox
to a different folder, not always but more frequently all the time.
This morning Powermail refused to open and all first aids didn't bring
my Message Database back to life. A backup from two days ago worked
after rebuilding indexes.
Still using Powermail 5.5 but it worked fine until a couple of months
ago when this problem started occurring. Theoretically there's no need
for me to upgrade since I don't need rich text formatting, but maybe I'm
missing out on reliability or compatibility issues as well. Anyway, I
tried several times to get an upgrade coupon from the Powermail website
to no avail
Any suggestions on how to keep my Database and (10 years of messages)
reliable and healthy?


PowerMail version: PowerMail version 5.5.3 build 4480 English (intel)
Message Database 492mb
Mac OS version: 10.8.4

powermail 5.5.3 on mountain lion

2012-08-30 Thread DDV


will powermail 5.5.3 still function when i upgrade from osx 10.6.8 to
mountain lion?
thanks for the info.


printing email with attachment visible

2011-10-25 Thread DDV


i need to send someone proof that an email i sent contained an
attachment. the attachment was most likely removed by the recipient's
firewall since a reply contained a *** PROBABLY SPAM *** addition to the
message subject.
when i print an email from powermail, the print shows subject, date
sent, from, to, cc, and the message text. but there is no visible
mentioning of an attachment like there is in the message window.
anybody an idea how this can be done?


filesalvage powermail database

2008-01-03 Thread DDV


does anybody have experience with recovering a powermail database from
an emptied trash? i tried with filesalvage, but this only recognizes
usual file types such as jpgs, word docs, etc. a powermail database
doesn't have any extension (as far as i can tell), which makes it even
more difficult to trace it.
data rescue, any experience?


powermail not connecting

2007-05-28 Thread DDV


since a week powermail suddenly fails to get mail from a particular
server. i have no problems to get mail from other servers, and with
identical settings, 'apple mail' and 'popmonitor' do get the mail from
this particular server.
what could be the cause and/or where can i find out what the problem might be?


powermail 5.5.3
powerbook 1.33 GHz
mac os x 10.4.9

garbled html

2007-02-14 Thread DDV


i have a problem reading html mails, not the kind of html that has
images and colors and stuff integrated, but usually it's just plain
message that people reply to. i send them a message from powermail in
plain text, they reply (from hotmail or gmail account) in html, and all
i can see is ddv wrote. after that it looks like all the text is
printed on top of each other in an unreadable font


incoming outgoing time

2005-04-21 Thread DDV


i'm on a trip, 9 timezones away from my usual locations. i changed the
time zone in date  time system preferences, but it looks like powermail
didn't get it all. incoming messages ar shown at the right time, but
outgoing messages are still registered at my home time. now replies show
up 9 hours earlier in the list when ordered by 'date sent'. any ideas?

powermail 5.1 os 10.3.7 using postfix



 DDV in Vladivostok
   14 april - 12 may 2005


Re: printing

2004-11-25 Thread DDV


Bring away the file Setup Database from directory Power Mail Files.
(Do not delet-it yet.)
Restart PM.

that did the trick, but then all my 'setup' stuff is gone of course. any
way to re-import it? i didn't delete it because i use it now ;)


Re(2): printing

2004-11-25 Thread DDV


Seems. that it's an error code of your printer. Brother?

i use several printers, including a 'brother'. but even when that printer
isn't checked because i rarely use it, powermail won't print.

as a test, i deleted the printer from print center. still get the same error.

Other idea:
The font with which the mail should be printed is not ok.
(To check this, use the same font in an other application and print-it out.)

i save the message as text, open it in text edit, use same font and it
prints fine.


Re(2): printing

2004-11-25 Thread DDV


 when printing a text message from powermail, it shows error -9465.

if you use the last beta-version (5.1b3) there is an issue with printing
(it's openly announced with the beta readme) but I don't remember
exactly what. Check the readme.

upgraded to 5.1, but i still get error -9465 when i want to print


Re(2): what *really* happens when trash is deleted?

2004-10-14 Thread DDV


The reference of the message is erased from the DB, but the message
content is still present in the file until new messages are received.
This means that you can't recover the message, but you may find its
content by examining the message database file with a file editor like

it's also possible to open the message database with bbedit, there you
can find message  header with a simple search  a bit of luck.


Re: 28th Line

2004-09-08 Thread DDV


i had the same thing, albeit with the second item instead of 28th. + with
powermail 4 on os 9.1!
it went away after i rebuilt the database on startup  compacted the
database from the file menu afterwards.
indeed it was quite harmless, but pretty weird for sure.


PowerMail support has no idea what's going on, so I'd like to find out
whether anyone else is experiencing this.

PowerMail 5.0.1
OS X 10.3.5

In every folder, the 28th item is highlighted as though it is selected.
It is not selected, however. If I click on any other message, I can open
it, delete it, etc. But that 28th message always remains highlighted.

It's not harmful on its own, but it's so confusing, that I am always
afraid I will delete the wrong message when I click on the trash icon.

Anyone else see this?


empty mail trash / leave on server

2004-05-04 Thread DDV


just wondering, what happens if i have 'leave mail on server' on, then
move a message to the trash and then empty the trash? is the message
still on the server?
i know i can select 'delete from server when deleting locally', but what
if i share the mailbox with a collegue who still might want to read the
messages after i trashed them (and emptied the trash and compacted the
mail database).



2004-03-03 Thread DDV


i use powermail 4.1.2 on an english system 10.2. i send mail in english,
dutch and sometimes french or german, so i have the spelling set to
multilingual. some words (like 'powermail') are not in the dictionary.
tried many times to add them, but this never seems to work. the 'custom
dictionary' file remains zero kb.
how does this work - if it works?


Re(2): bold folders

2003-11-29 Thread DDV


How many unread messages are displayed in the counter (near the
horizontal scrollbar of the message list)?

all of them list 1 message unread. one of them is a folder i only use for
(manual) archiving, so no unread messages ever get there anyway.

Maybe you have unread messages in some unexpanded subfolders?

nope, one of them doesn't have subfolders at all.

'view unread only' shows zero messages and counts 0 messages


bold folders

2003-11-29 Thread DDV


it's been on the list before, so i checked out my messages, and did all
the things recommended. but i still have 3 bold folders with 'unexisting'
unread messages.
- rebuilt index
- compacted database
- checked consistency
- low level rebuild
as well all together as one by one
also verified and reset permissions on disk etc.
grrr what did i miss?


Re(6): Hidden unread message in In Tray

2003-09-11 Thread DDV


i had the same problem - powermail got stuck indexing about halfway
17.000 messages and ended up in the dreadful loop. the indexing gets
stuck on 1 or more messages that are 'corrupt'. since powermail starts
indexing where it stopped as soon as you launch it after force quit, it
hits the 'corrupt' message right away, goes into loop before you can turn
off indexing (which solves the problem but you can't profit the new
search performance at full speed).
to find the 'corrupt' message you can export each folder (+ subfolder
separately), if one folder fails to export because of memory failure, the
message is in there. narrow down the content of the folder by moving
messages to a temporary folder until you find it. delete the message and
you should be able to start up powermail. however, turn off indexing
right away. i have one message still in my trash which doesn't want to go
when i empty trash. if i start indexing and the indexing process comes to
the trash, i'll hit the loop again.
so i'm waiting for the powermail team to solve 2 problems, how can i use
the new super-indexing system?, and how can i get rid of that one
'corrupt' message in my trash?


Hmm, so it's not the size. Powermail *was* handling mine fine for a few 
days, but now I'm stuck in an endless loop ... no matter what start up 
fixes I apply, once PowerMail finally comes up it flashes a dialog box 
saying it doesn't hae enough memory. If you click OK it just comes back 
again. The only way out is to force quit, which means it needs to 
rebuild everything again at the next startup.

The memory problems first started when I asked PowerMail to rebuild the 
index (to deal with *another* problem). It seems stuck in a cycle of 
unhappiness at doing that. I've tried canceling the indexing in the 
little progress bar before the memory error pops up, but I can't get 
its attention fast enough. If I revert to a saved version of the 
PowerMail files (about a day old) then everything is O.K. So maybe I 
could selectively copy some good files from that folder to make this 
problem go away. If anyone has had similar problems and successfully 
resolved them, I'd appreciate hearing how. I don't plan to continue 
with PowerMail right now, but I would like to get my hands on that lost 
day's mail (I thought I had told PowerMail to leave messages on the 
server, but apparently not).

Re(6): error not enough memory

2003-09-08 Thread DDV


I managed to delete the messages as follows:
ctrl-click (or right-click with a 2 button mouse) on it
select 'Move to Mail Trash' from the pop-up
use the keyboard 'Cmd-backspace' for emptying the trash

tried all those, the trash will empty all other messages, but one little
devil keeps sticking in there, resulting in error. at least the error
doesn't loop. on the other hand the trash keeps counting messages, even
when they're gone. it now says '92 messages' with only one there.


Re(4): error not enough memory

2003-09-07 Thread DDV


You don't have to import the messages again. Just use the export function
to see where it hangs, so you can determine the problem message and then
delete it as described. As a result you should end up with a 'clean'
powermail database.

yep, did exactly that. but i'm unable to delete 1 message, which still
locks up indexing. script 'delete message immediately doesn't work.
rebuilt database.
any way to remove it manually from the file with bbedit perhaps?


not enough memory to empty trash

2003-09-07 Thread DDV

still trying to upgrade from 4.1.2 to 4.2 

traced down 2 messages out of about 17000 that were the culprit, they
couldn't be exported either. so i removed them.
now one of them is sitting in the trash, and no way to empty it
always get error 'not enough memory'
i rebuilt the database etc, no avail.

don't like to export all the folders because 1. subfolders don't get
exported so i have to rename a bunch of folders i use for manual sorting
and 2. i filter messages to get a specific label color depending on
they're incoming outgoing etc. all that disappears during export/import.

and of course, 4.2 still locks up on indexing

eh, any ideas?


Re(2): error not enough memory

2003-09-07 Thread DDV

yes, that could be the problem. it started indexing allright but now
hangs with 16109 messages to go. i updated another database with 22000
messages without any problems.
a bit tedious indeed having to export and import :(


downloaded the new 4.2 final. when i open the application, it starts to
reindex and then suddenly stops with the message 'not enough memory'. the
message keeps coming up when clicking 'ok'. the only way to get out is to
force-quit powermail. it indexed about 100 messages and now stops each
time on launch immediately. how can i increase memory?

I encountered the same problem when trying to create the new search index.
PM probably 'hangs' on one or two corrupted HTML-messages. (At least it
was in my case).
I reported this problem and my workaround on this list on July 7. For
this workaround you need to access (a copy of) your database with the
previous pm version.

this is what I wrote:

/ snip---

From: Karel Gillissen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Powermail Testing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Hang on indexing (reproducable)
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 17:37:05 +0200

Same problem here.
In my case it appeared to be two corrupted HTML-messages which I received
on 15-01-2001.
(I could read them at that time with pm3 but they somehow got ... well I
don't know, I never opened them since)

Here is how I pinpointed them (a bit tedious, but it works):

Try to export your mail database (I used eudora mailbox format, but
tabulated text will do also)
Most probably the export-proces hangs at the same messages which concern
the index-problem. Force quit pm and examine the exportfile to see where
it has stuck. If your mail database is in one large folder it might help
to export the database in handy proportions by selecting parts and doing
an export on the selected messages only.

If all's well you know now which messages to delete.

In my case I deleted them by crtl-click on them and select 'Move to mail
trash' as pm hanged itself when trying to read the messages (or select
them in 3-pane view).

(for Jérôme: these are the same messages I reported to you in my
Meiringen report, Indexing gave the message 'An error occurred not enough
memory' which kept on coming after clicking it away; I had to do a force-
quit to bail out)

/snip --

Re(2): error not enough memory

2003-09-06 Thread DDV

The first thing I recommend is that you disable indexing immediately in
preferences when starting the application. We do know about the loop
condition, but not why it happens.

how can i disable indexing? application starts indexing immediately on launch

Eventually (but unfortunately not in the next few days) we woould like to
reproduce this with your database out here.

my database is 70mb


error not enough memory

2003-09-06 Thread DDV


downloaded the new 4.2 final. when i open the application, it starts to
reindex and then suddenly stops with the message 'not enough memory'. the
message keeps coming up when clicking 'ok'. the only way to get out is to
force-quit powermail. it indexed about 100 messages and now stops each
time on launch immediately. how can i increase memory?

mac os x 10.2.5 on ibook 600mhz 384mb ram


sender bug

2003-05-10 Thread DDV


find below header from a french version of powermail running on a french
OS 9.2
the email address field in setup is filled in correctly with
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' but nevertheless when an email is sent the sender will
show up 'kurt ryslavy', which is the field 'real name'.
a bug?


-- RFC822 Header Follows --
Received: from ( [])
by mxrelay (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id h4A8mQF08389
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 10 May 2003 08:48:37 GMT
Received: from [] ( [])
by (8.12.9/8.12.9/Skynet-OUT-2.21) with ESMTP id
for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Sat, 10 May 2003 10:47:59 +0200
(envelope-from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
From: Kurt Ryslavy
Subject: test4
Date: Sat, 10 May 2003 10:43:38 +0200
X-Mailer: CTM PowerMail 4.1 fr
Organization: Kurt Ryslavy
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-UIDL: ]B_!M20!!LG¥!a^`!
Status: U

Re(3): Some messages jam Powermail

2003-04-06 Thread DDV


Thanks, but PM don't retrieve the message from the server, it lock before...
I don't see the illegal message, it is still on the server, the only way
is to delete it on the server.
The PM Team had contacted me, I 'll send us the message and they will see
if the problem is still on PM 4 version.

i had the same problem a couple of days ago, unable to tell which message
is bogging powermail down unless you have an alternative way to go look
on the server.
by the way, mailwatcher and all this kind of applications don't work over
a proxy server, anyone knows one that does (over wingate 4 - win 95)?
and yes, it also happens in powermail 4.1.2 on osx 10.2
