Re: sent messages with IMAP

2010-11-21 Thread H.R. Riggs

Beatrix Willius wrote on 11/21/10 at 9:11 PM:

No, Sent messages should show up on every client. And really don't do
Gmail with IMAP. Their IMAP implementation is weird. Besides with Gmail
there isn't a big difference between IMAP and POP.

You are correct. I just figure out that in PM if you expland the [Gmail]
folder, the Gmail Sent folder is there.

I don't know anything about Gmail's IMAP implementation. But regarding
Gmail, it's free and it gives you lots of storage. Regarding IMAP, I
want to be able to access my mail from multiple devices.

Those are the reasons I'm trying to switch.

On 21.11.2010, at 03:19, H.R. Riggs wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out IMAP and it seems that the following is true.

 Let's say I sent a message from PM using the IMAP account. The message
 shows up in my Sent message folder on PM. It also shows up in my Sent
 message folder in the IMAP account (in this case, Gmail). But it doesn't
 look like the client sees that folder. So, e.g., if I go to another
 machine and use an email client, whether it be PM, or Outlook or Mail, I
 won't see that sent message. Is that correct?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Regards

Trixi Willius
Mail Archiver X: archive, clean and search email
Fractals, 3d landscapes etc.

Re: migrating to IMAP

2010-11-21 Thread H.R. Riggs

Beatrix Willius wrote on 11/21/10 at 9:12 PM:

Hi H.R.,

haven't tried it for IMAP but in general the tool is good:

This doesn't seem to work with Powermail. At least, PM is not an option.

The problem will be the odd 2 GB limit of PM.

On 20.11.2010, at 19:56, H.R. Riggs wrote:

 Is there an easy way to migrate to IMAP? That is, to get all my messages
 from my desktop machine (that I've collected over the years using POP)
 onto the IMAP account (gmail), with all the many, many folders?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Regards

Trixi Willius
Mail Archiver X: archive, clean and search email
Fractals, 3d landscapes etc.

migrating to IMAP

2010-11-20 Thread H.R. Riggs
Is there an easy way to migrate to IMAP? That is, to get all my messages
from my desktop machine (that I've collected over the years using POP)
onto the IMAP account (gmail), with all the many, many folders?



sent messages with IMAP

2010-11-20 Thread H.R. Riggs
I'm trying to figure out IMAP and it seems that the following is true.

Let's say I sent a message from PM using the IMAP account. The message
shows up in my Sent message folder on PM. It also shows up in my Sent
message folder in the IMAP account (in this case, Gmail). But it doesn't
look like the client sees that folder. So, e.g., if I go to another
machine and use an email client, whether it be PM, or Outlook or Mail, I
won't see that sent message. Is that correct?




2010-07-16 Thread H.R. Riggs
PowerMail is crashing pretty frequently lately. It seems to happen most
often when I right-click to correct the spelling of a word. Of course,
this is very inconvenient, because it means I've just typed an email
which is then lost.

Any suggestions?


Re: Crashing

2010-07-16 Thread H.R. Riggs

MB wrote on 7/16/10 at 10:20 AM:

H.R. Riggs said:

PowerMail is crashing pretty frequently lately. It seems to happen most
often when I right-click to correct the spelling of a word. Of course,
this is very inconvenient, because it means I've just typed an email
which is then lost.

Any suggestions?

Are you using the OS X buil-in spell checker or something else? OS version?


It just happened when I was working with the address book, so I don't
think it's the built-in spell checker.

Check your fonts with Font Book or similar.
Look in the crashreport in Console: LOG FILES  ~/Library/Logs/
Crashreporter PowerMail.crash and post the report to http:// or similar. Then post your pastebin-link to this list and
perhaps also to PowerMail support.

Here it is.


PM 6.0.5 build 4621 sv | OS X 10.5.8 | PowerMac G5 Dual 2.0 | 4GB / 1.5TB

Error -981

2010-06-03 Thread H.R. Riggs
When I do a search, and click on a message in the search window, I often get

Error -981

When I go to the Mail Browser window, and select the same message there,
it does not happen.


Re: PM Attachment support

2009-10-09 Thread H.R. Riggs
FWIW, this is actually pretty high on my list.


Alan Harper wrote on 10/8/09 at 5:10 PM:

Yeah--I have lots of issues with PowerMail--but I continue to use it and
love it. Putting attachments into a folder associated with a PowerMail
folder is very low on the list, maybe even lowest.

But, if CTM wanted to have a questionnaire about what we want to see in
PowerMail moving forward I would be happy to participate.


Alan Harper
5170 Parkridge Drive
Oakland, CA 94619

Portraits of a Seductive Landscape
Images of Baja California

Craig Dudley ( said on 10/8/09:

Dear PowerMail Discussion lurkers,
It has been five years now since this was proposed. We haven't seen
*ANY* indication
the PM development team is even acknowledging their attachment support
needs some
serious improvement. I don't suggest they need to implement improved
support as I proposed. But it would be nice if they suggested one or
more alternatives.

ANyone else want to chime in on this? Do you have a better idea? Please
it so PM development can see other views and/or frustrations.


Craig Dudley
Systems  Communications Sciences, Inc.
244 Poor Farm Rd.
New Ipswich, NH 03071-3922
603-878-1148   Fax 603-925-1978

I find the way PM handles Attachments frustrating. It is difficult
to know which attachments in the Attachments folder are associated
with messages in different PM folders.

So, since people are asking for new things to be added to PM, I
would like to request a feature that will have PM move an attachment,
associated with email that is moved to a PM folder, into a Finder
folder of the same name in the Attachment folder.

For example, if I move a message, with attachment a.pdf attached,
from my Inbox to a folder named myfolder, PM would move the
attachment a.pdf into a Finder folder (in PM Attachments) named
myfolder. If there is already a file named a.pdf in Finder folder
myfolder, then PM would do it's normal appending of a numeric suffix
to the file name. If the Finder folder does not exist, then PM would
create one.

I haven't found any script to do this and it looks tricky to do right,
especially the duplicate Finder file name problem where we need to
append a numeric to the end of the attachment file name so it doesn't
over write the existing file of the same name.


Craig Dudley
Systems  Communications Sciences, Inc.
244 Poor Farm Rd.
New Ipswich, NH 03071-3922
603-878-1148   Fax 603-878-1929

Re: Back

2009-05-12 Thread H.R. Riggs
Mirko Kranenburg wrote on 5/13/09 at 2:30 PM:

That, and the tremendeous speed of PM, in connecting, but especially in
searching mails, whereever they are in my nested folder structure.

The searching is priceless.

Re: Scripts do not run in 6.0.2

2009-04-27 Thread H.R. Riggs

FYI, I'm using 6.0.2 and I use this script all the time. I am on a G5
machine, though.


George Henne wrote on 4/27/09 at 5:01 AM:

Today, after I started up my system, some of my script do not run. In
particular, the Delete Message Immediately script has stopped working. I
select the messages to delete, select Delete Message Immediately, and
nothing happens. 

Does anyone have any ideas what could be going on?

George Henne 
NS BASIC Corporation 

Re: error

2008-12-18 Thread H.R. Riggs

Matthias Schmidt wrote on 12/18/08 at 9:04 PM:

Am/On Wed, 17 Dec 2008 20:56:51 -1000 schrieb/wrote H.R. Riggs:

In trying to send email through one of my accounts, I get the following
error message from PM:

A network interface error occurred
Class-NetP, what=100, when=1

Any suggestions?

this means either a problem with the network, but most often a problem
with the mail-server.

Thanks, I have resolved the problem. It was a mail-server issue.



2008-12-17 Thread H.R. Riggs
In trying to send email through one of my accounts, I get the following
error message from PM:

A network interface error occurred
Class-NetP, what=100, when=1

Any suggestions?



Re: spell checker

2008-04-21 Thread H.R. Riggs
Great! Thanks.

PowerMail Engineering wrote on 4/21/08 at 10:40 PM:

H.R. Riggs wrote:

I just noticed that PM is using Excaliber for spell checking. I think
that's from years ago. How does one change it to use OS X's spell
checker? If I go to preferences and try to change it, it asks for the
spelling application, but where is it?

What you define in the preferences is the application used when you do
check via external application from the spelling menu. This was the
Mac OS 9 days spell checking. Checking spelling as you type, and the
other items in the spelling menu, are always performed using Mac OS X's
spell checker.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

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Spotlight couldn't find. FoxTrot Personal Search is far more efficient
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  Janie Angus, Nevada

 Download a demo version from

spell checker

2008-04-20 Thread H.R. Riggs
I just noticed that PM is using Excaliber for spell checking. I think
that's from years ago. How does one change it to use OS X's spell
checker? If I go to preferences and try to change it, it asks for the
spelling application, but where is it?



Re: Script to delete orphaned attachments?

2007-11-27 Thread H.R. Riggs
Here's a challenge for those that are so inclined. I would find this
useful, and I think others might as well. Write a script to do the following:

1. Go through all messages. For any message with an attachment in the
Attachments folder

2. Put the attachment in a subfolder under Attachments that has the same
structure as the Mail folder/subfolder that the message is in.

In other words, if I have a message in Folder/Subfolder, then the
related attachment would go in

~/Mail/Powermail Files/Attachments/Folder/Subfolder

If the attachment has already been moved out of Attachments, the script
should do nothing.

Subsequent variation is:

3. A script that would do it for the selected messages only.


P.S. If anybody has such a thing, I would appreciate getting a copy.

Ben Kennedy wrote on 11/27/07:

Marlyse Comte wrote at 7:28 PM (-0600) on 11/27/07:

wanted to try this one - sounds very useful - but can't get it to
compile, it gets a hiccup on else set theFolder to folder... any hints
how to get it to compile? (I think I'm good on the line endings so far).

Right, I found the same thing, and forgot to mention.

In the fifth paragraph, put a newline following then on this line:

if not (exists folder (attachFolder  msgAttachFolder as string)) then set

i.e. the following set theFolder to... should commence on its own line.


Ben Kennedy (chief magician)
zygoat creative technical services

Re: Messgae Folders

2007-03-05 Thread H.R. Riggs
Verifying consistency should fix this (has for me). Do this on startup
(hold down command-option).


Anthony Sanna wrote on 3/5/07:

I think that this may have been covered before, but with the PowerMail
that I have on my home Mac, certain of the Mail Folders' names stay
bold, even though all of the mail in them has been read.  I've changed
the Display pref's back and forth, but to no avail.

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.

Re: Updating PM's UI?

2005-08-12 Thread H.R. Riggs

This is potentially pretty naive from a business perspective. Any
producer that does not listen to customer feedback is not going to be in
business for the long haul. Given the amount of these discussions on
this list, I assume CTM monitors it to aggregate customer opinions.
However, if they do not then all this discussion is indeed a waste of
time, and hopefully they have another mechanism to accomplish this. If
that is the case, then it would be nice to let everyone know.


Mikael Byström wrote on 8/11/05:

H.R. Riggs said:

I would have to say that rather than spend the time updating the UI at
this point, I think the handling of attachments can be improved.
I find suggestions and opinion on in what order CTM should and should not
implement specific features to be quite wasteful and pointless. I suggest
what we should do at this list regarding features is to discuss their
merits and shortcomings and leave it to CTM to decide what to implement
and when.

I used to religiously file attachments in the appropriate folder as
they came in. I still do that with some attachments, but I find many
don't really have an appropriate folder and I leave them in the
Attachments folder. This means that the # of files in the Attachments
folder is rather large. It would be nice if PM would automatically file
the attachments in subfolders with names corresponding to the mail
subfolders where the message is stored. This should apply, of course,
only to attachments in the Attachments folder, not to those that I've
moved out of it.
So you're suggesting an improvement to setting up just this functionality
in the filter section? This could be accomplished with a filter wizard or
similar. What other ways can you people imagine to achieve attachments
being moved to useful places automagically?

Re: PowerMail crashes with 10.4.1

2005-05-29 Thread H.R. Riggs

I think there are different things going on here for folks. One person
solved the problem by trashing the Custom Dictionary, but that wouldn't
work for me, I don't think, because my Custom Dictionary is 0 KB. In any
event, I was also having problems with TextEdit (which I discovered
because Jerome asked me if spelling was working in TextEdit). Not only
did spelling not work with TextEdit, but if I typed a sentence ending
with a period, a second period would be added when I added the space. I
did an Archive and Install, and found the problems reappeared when I
installed Logitech Control Center. (Disclaimer: Jerome says that this is
not a problem for him.) I did another Archive and Install, and found the
problem also occurred when I installed Default Folder X. So as long as I
don't install those two apps, PM is working fine (so far).


Marlyse Comte wrote on 5/28/05:

trash Stuffit and get the latest version of it. If you have, just re-
install it anyways.


 former message(s) quotes: -

Same problem here.

I just migrated to a new machine which I updated to 10.4.1, from a mac
running 10.3.9

Now everytime I try to launch PM, it crashes immediately.

I have tried each of the suggestions in this thread
- delete com.ctmdev.PowerMail.plist
- delete PMKey
- delete PowerMail Prefs
- delete Custom Dictionary

Also tried to replace current .app file with the latest download

Any other suggestions??


On 5/27/05, H Ronald Riggs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just upgraded to OX 10.4 and then updated to 10.4.1. Now, PM 5.2
 crashes whenever I try to create a new message, open an existing
 message, or optimize my search index. I sent a crash log to Jerome, but
 I'm hoping that someone here can help. I noticed from an earlier message
 the suggestion of trashing the PM keys from home/Library/Preferences,
 but that didn't work.


my life:
my view:
my work:

Re: PM quits before it runs

2004-12-24 Thread H.R. Riggs

FWIW, I used it to transfer files from a G4 to a G5 and it worked great.
I was very impressed. I only had to install one program (Stuffit Deluxe,
I think).


A-NO-NE Music wrote on 12/23/04:

I've been using, and am using now, PM 4.1 on my G4 Powerbook. I just
bought a G5 iMac. At the time I bought it, I skipped the instructions for
moving files from my old computer to my new one via firewire. 

Good move.  There are many reports 'transfer' is more trouble than

Re: CPU Usage query_PowerMail V. 5.1b3 demo

2004-10-21 Thread H.R. Riggs

I experience it. You are not alone!

A-NO-NE Music wrote on 10/21/04:

Sean McBride / 04.10.19 / 1:17PM wrote:

I do have CPU-usage problems with PM 5.1b3 though.  When checking for
mail, PM briefly uses 100% CPU for about 2 seconds.  The app becomes
totally unresponsive and the mail checking progress bar freezes up. 
Quite annoying.  I have a 1.2 GHz G4.  Anyone see this?

Yup, yup, and is not PM5 specific.  I have had this since PM4, and no one
else has seen it until now.  You just made me finally feel I am not alone :-)


- Hiro


Re: eyeball

2004-09-08 Thread H.R. Riggs

Ah yes, thanks. It wasn't part of the default.

Tim Lapin wrote on 9/7/04:

On   Tuesday, September 07, 2004,   H.R. Riggs   sent forth:

It's that search window that I'm trying to get. It used to show up with
the eyeball. I can't seem to figure out how to get the search window.
Maximizing the browser didn't show it for me.

Under PM 5.x, the search field is now in the toolbar running across the
top of the browser window.  It is an oval shape with a magnifying glass
and a default search value of subject written in it.

You have to show your toolbar to see it.  You might even have to modify
your toolbar, although I would imagine a search function would be part of
the default set.

Hope this helps.

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400OS 10.3.5PowerMail 5.0.1 384 MB RAM 40+10 GB HDs

Re: eyeball

2004-09-07 Thread H.R. Riggs

It's that search window that I'm trying to get. It used to show up with
the eyeball. I can't seem to figure out how to get the search window.
Maximizing the browser didn't show it for me.

Jan Litzinger wrote on 9/7/04:

OK, I give up. Where's the little eyeball that opens up the filtering on
Subject, To, From, etc? I'm using 5.0.1.


On the upper right corner there is an search field witch does exactly the
same. If you don´t see it. try to maximize the main powermail window.



2004-09-07 Thread H.R. Riggs

OK, I give up. Where's the little eyeball that opens up the filtering on
Subject, To, From, etc? I'm using 5.0.1.


Font for printing

2004-06-10 Thread H.R. Riggs

Does PM have the capability to separately specify the font size for
viewing and for printing. I use the default (I guess) 12-pt Courier for
viewing, but this size is too big for printing. I would prefer to be able
to set a smaller font size for printing, a la BBEdit.


file access problems

2004-04-19 Thread H.R. Riggs

When I use PM on my desktop, where I am an administrative user, I have no
problems. When I use it on a laptop, where my account is not an
administrative account, it almost always crashes when I quit the program.
I think it is related to attachments. It complains of not having
sufficient privileges. Is there a way around this problem?


Re: PowerMail 5

2004-03-31 Thread H.R. Riggs

I've mentioned this before, but I didn't see it come up on the wishlist.
In my opinion the highest priority should be to allow longer filenames in
attachments. The truncation is a real problem.


switching from To to CC

2004-03-19 Thread H.R. Riggs

Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch from To to CC when addressing email?



Re: Burst Digests

2004-03-10 Thread H.R. Riggs

No, I haven't noticed anything unusual. When it happens, I get the error
dialog several times while it's bursting the digest. It works OK, but it
just gives me the dialogs. And as I said, if I quite PowerMail and
relaunch it, it goes away. But then eventually it seems to come back. I
usually go quite a long time without quitting PowerMail, so I don't know
if that has something to do with it or not.


Andy Fragen wrote on 3/8/04:

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
I give up. You could try downloading a new copy of the scripts and see if
that works.

Do you notice anything in particular before or when you get this error
dialog? You should only see it if the script can't find all it's parts.

Andy Fragen

On Mon, Mar 8, 2004, H.R. Riggs said:

I'm using 10.2.8.

Andy Fragen wrote on 3/7/04:

If all works fine you could just comment out the on error statement that
generates that dialog in the Burst Digests script.

BTW, what OS are you using?

Andy Fragen

On Sun, Mar 7, 2004, H.R. Riggs said:

All that is OK; I still get the error. Interestingly, if I quit PowerMail
and restart it, it seems to work fine. But occasionally this problem


Andy Fragen wrote on 3/6/04:

That particular dialog comes up  if the scripts can't load correctly. The
Burst folder must contain the Burst Malformed Digest, Burst Yahoo
Digest, and Clean eList Messages scripts and the Burst folder must
be inside your PowerMail Scripts folder that is inside your user
folder. The user folder is a variable that is designated by PowerMail. If
any of these folders or scripts are not named as they were originally or
are in the wrong place you will see the error.

Andy Fragen

On Sat, Mar 6, 2004, H.R. Riggs said:

I use the Burst Digests script, and lately I've been getting a weird
message. It says something like There was a problem finding the
Please ensure that the Burst Digests folder is in the ... As far as I
can tell, it's in there, and the funny thing is, the script still works.
Anybody have any ideas?



Re: Burst Digests

2004-03-08 Thread H.R. Riggs

I'm using 10.2.8.

Andy Fragen wrote on 3/7/04:

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
If all works fine you could just comment out the on error statement that
generates that dialog in the Burst Digests script.

BTW, what OS are you using?

Andy Fragen

On Sun, Mar 7, 2004, H.R. Riggs said:

All that is OK; I still get the error. Interestingly, if I quit PowerMail
and restart it, it seems to work fine. But occasionally this problem


Andy Fragen wrote on 3/6/04:

That particular dialog comes up  if the scripts can't load correctly. The
Burst folder must contain the Burst Malformed Digest, Burst Yahoo
Digest, and Clean eList Messages scripts and the Burst folder must
be inside your PowerMail Scripts folder that is inside your user
folder. The user folder is a variable that is designated by PowerMail. If
any of these folders or scripts are not named as they were originally or
are in the wrong place you will see the error.

Andy Fragen

On Sat, Mar 6, 2004, H.R. Riggs said:

I use the Burst Digests script, and lately I've been getting a weird
message. It says something like There was a problem finding the scripts.
Please ensure that the Burst Digests folder is in the ... As far as I
can tell, it's in there, and the funny thing is, the script still works.
Anybody have any ideas?



Re: Burst Digests

2004-03-08 Thread H.R. Riggs

All that is OK; I still get the error. Interestingly, if I quit PowerMail
and restart it, it seems to work fine. But occasionally this problem


Andy Fragen wrote on 3/6/04:

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
That particular dialog comes up  if the scripts can't load correctly. The
Burst folder must contain the Burst Malformed Digest, Burst Yahoo
Digest, and Clean eList Messages scripts and the Burst folder must
be inside your PowerMail Scripts folder that is inside your user
folder. The user folder is a variable that is designated by PowerMail. If
any of these folders or scripts are not named as they were originally or
are in the wrong place you will see the error.

Andy Fragen

On Sat, Mar 6, 2004, H.R. Riggs said:

I use the Burst Digests script, and lately I've been getting a weird
message. It says something like There was a problem finding the scripts.
Please ensure that the Burst Digests folder is in the ... As far as I
can tell, it's in there, and the funny thing is, the script still works.
Anybody have any ideas?



Burst Digests

2004-03-06 Thread H.R. Riggs

I use the Burst Digests script, and lately I've been getting a weird
message. It says something like There was a problem finding the scripts.
Please ensure that the Burst Digests folder is in the ... As far as I
can tell, it's in there, and the funny thing is, the script still works.
Anybody have any ideas?



file permissions

2004-03-06 Thread H.R. Riggs

I usually use PowerMail on my office Mac, where I'm the only user. On a
trip recently, I installed it on an iBook so that I could check my mail.
I just copied my PowerMail folder over to the iBook. On the iBook, my
account is not the administrative account. When I went to quit PowerMail,
I would get a message saying that there was some problem with file
permissions and that I should check them for the message database and the
attachments (I think). They all appeared to be correct. This seemed to
happen whenever I received mail with an attachment. Does anybody know how
to fix this?



Re: Fwd: Attachment File Name Lengths

2004-02-17 Thread H.R. Riggs

I would say this is the single biggest change needed.

Christian Meenaghan wrote on 2/16/04:

Will it be possible in the future to allow file attachments to have names
longer than 32 characters?  Is this something you are looking into for
the next version of PowerMail?

Re: powermail-discuss Digest Moving Mail

2003-10-16 Thread H.R. Riggs

I must be missing something here. What File In popup menu? The only one
of which I'm aware is when the message window is open, and it doesn't
matter whether the browser is 2 or 3 panes.


John Snippe wrote on 10/15/03:

On Wed, Oct 15, 2003,  it is attributed to Ira Lansing to have said:

1... Transfer mail.  AFAIK, currently the only way to move mail from one
box to another is via drag'n'drop.  I dunno about you, but I have missed
my target more than once... what a pain.

Perhaps en masse, but individual mail can be put in any box by selecting
the destination from the File In popup menu.  Or is this menu only
available in two-pane view and you are not in that view?


You are correct regarding the 'only'.. but at least there is a start as
far as the codebase required to create the browser-window-based solution
I am wishlisting.  Very hopeful!!

Re(2): retro-style

2003-10-10 Thread H.R. Riggs

I hope the issue of truncating attachment names has higher priority.

Max Gossell wrote on 10/9/03:

Have I got news for you... both of these points will be addressed in
PowerMail's future !

Attachment names

2003-08-05 Thread H.R. Riggs

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but are there plans to increase
the size of attachment names? The truncation is a pain.



New mail slowdown

2003-03-21 Thread H.R. Riggs

Andy Fragen wrote on 3/21/03:

seemed to in Entourage. YMMV. I've found that things in PM seem to grind
to a halt when checking and downloading new mail occurs.

Boy, isn't that the truth. Can something be done about that, CTM?


P.S. Note that I've changed the subject.

Re(2): AppleScript Archives

2003-03-19 Thread H.R. Riggs

You learn something new everyday. Thanks for this tip.


Marlyse Comte wrote on 3/19/03:

 REVEAL REPLY - run it on a read message to find the answer in your
 sent mail folder

this is part of PM - if an email has a green arrow (= replied to) you
just control-click onto that green arrow and select 'reveal reply'.

ftp links in e-mail

2003-03-11 Thread H.R. Riggs

This probably isn't a PowerMail question, but when I get a message with
an ftp link in it, and I click it, it opens Netscape rather than Safari.
I couldn't find a preference in PM for this, and I couldn't find an
Internet preference related to this either. Where is this set? TIA.


Re: Recent Mail?

2003-03-10 Thread H.R. Riggs

I'm not quite sure if this is the answer you are looking for, but the two
buttons in the lower right of the Recent Mail window will remove all
messages or read messages from the Recent Mail listing. I just learned
this recently from someone else on this list. I find it very useful,
because I was having to quit and restart.


Max Gossell wrote on 3/10/03:

I second these questions. It would be interesting to know.

/Max Gossell

At 10 mars 2003, 11.04 CET, Jonathan Greene [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How is this defined?  Do they expire over the day?  I can only seem to
refresh on restart of PM?

Re: Newbie reflections: Requesting scripts and features

2003-03-08 Thread H.R. Riggs

There's a script called Unquote and a script called Unwrap that I use for
this. I forget where they come from. They may have come with PowerMail.
If not they are at the usual place:

Max Gossell wrote on 3/8/03:

6) Script/Feature: Rewrap Text. When a mail has went back and forth a few
times, the text wrap in the quoted text tends to mess up. The ability to
rewrap text is important or it might become half impossible to read
through the complete correspondence.

Re: Newbie reflections: Requesting scripts and features

2003-03-08 Thread H.R. Riggs

Hear, hear!

Max Gossell wrote on 3/8/03:

3) Feature: A File in function for outgoing messages. This function
exists when opening an incoming message, but I'd say it is even more
useful for outgoing ones! Especially if we could have the additional
option to file in same folder at the top of the folder list. (Meaning
if I've already moved an incoming message to a folder and then reply to
it, my reply is moved to that very folder after it is sent.)

Re: Changing subj of incoming msg

2003-02-28 Thread H.R. Riggs

Get the applescript from

There are actually two to choose from.

martin wrote on 2/28/03:

I like to change the subject of incoming receipts and confirmation emails
to have them better reflect the contents making them easier to find to
refer back to.

How do I go about doing this in PM?


Re: powermail-discuss View Full Headers

2003-02-06 Thread H.R. Riggs

It seems to work if the message is not currently selected. It doesn't
work if you're looking at the message and then option-click to see the

Well, not for me.  :)


Ben Kennedy, chief magician

Nor for me with PM 4.1.2  and OS 10.2.3

This is exactly my setup, and it works for me. Will wonders never cease!


Re: view full headers shortcut failing again

2003-02-05 Thread H.R. Riggs

It seems to work if the message is not currently selected. It doesn't
work if you're looking at the message and then option-click to see the

Rick Lecoat wrote on 2/5/03:

Received from: Ben Kennedy
At: 5:52 pm (GMT) on Wed, Feb 5, 2003

So since I've updated to 4.1.2, I've noticed that option-clicking on a
message in the list no longer displays the full header info.  I need to
go up to the menu and expressly turn on the option (which then affects
all messages viewed).

It seems that this functionality comes and goes with every revision or
two of PM; what gives?  Does anybody else see this too?

Nope, still works for me!

G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.3  ::  PM 4.1.2  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB RAM

Re: powermail-discuss Sent Mail

2003-02-05 Thread H.R. Riggs

I have it put in the folder ~Sent Mail (that's a tilde) so that the
folder shows up right below the Out Tray. This is similar to Emailer's
positioning, as I recall, which I find convenient.


Ira Lansing wrote on 2/4/03:

Can someone point me to a reference for 'sent mail' or indicate how and
where to access 'sent mail'. 


It's in the outtray

Norm K

Actually the mail is where you set your preference for it to be:
PreferencesGeneralFile mail in...
