Re: Powermail on OS X 10.6?

2009-08-29 Thread Jörg Wagner
This is great news! Thank you very much for that quick update!

PowerMail 6.0.3b1 is now available (from the menu PowerMail / Check for
Updates), and fixes the Quick Look bug on Snow Leopard.

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

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  FoxTrot Personal Search user comment on

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Re: Re(2): Powermail on OS X 10.6?

2009-08-26 Thread Jörg Wagner


just for the record: I've posted a suspected issue with quicklook and  
powermail attachments under 10.6 last Week but didn't get any reply so  
far. At least a short acknowledgement by development Team would help  


Am 26.08.2009 um 03:36 schrieb Bill Schjelderup 


As an Apple Developer for over 22 years I hate to say I don't know the
answer to that for SURE, but I expect talking about compatibility of
your software for an upcoming release isn't disclosing anything about
that release.

I also expect that there are many users who have copies that are NOT
under NDA, although they obviously didn't obtain the software via
authorized channels.

I've written CTM and asked...but no reply.

The query isn't an official QA request,  but a hope that someone on  
list has used Powermail under 10.6 and it at least launches and  
seems to


Still wondering, and don't think I need to install on a test partition
just to discover this one fact

 Bill Schjelderup --

Bill Schjelderup ( on 2009-08-25 5:21 PM said:

Has anyone tried Powermail (the latest build) with 10.6?

I expect it will work just fine, but I thought I'd check as  
Powermail is

a must have application for me.

Anyone who has 10.6 legally is under NDA and can't discuss anything
about 10.6 until Friday.


Quicklook Crash with 10.6

2009-08-22 Thread Jörg Wagner

Hi folks,

anyone else noticed that with snow leopard, attempts of displaying  
attachments by pressing space results in crashing power mail? I'm  
using pm6 and sl Build 10a432.
