HTML mail print out problem

2009-11-22 Thread Marko Hehl

I have a problem with the correct printout of HTML emails. Today I
received a mail from a successful ebay auction. So I start to print
these mail. The final outcome was incorrect. All lines are incorrect. If
I switch back to text only mode the mail was print correctly. So what is
my mistake?



Marko Hehl

Curator of Photography  

Re: recent post bug?

2009-05-16 Thread Marko Hehl
Hi Tobias,

thank you for that hint. I use also the german version :o) But this
option is not applied at my filter rules. So I think it's a mistake by
PM itself. Also I get the same trouble with the search function as
mentioned earlier by the other PM users. Often I have to start a search
twice to get a result (at the worst case I have to search manually).
Sounds like a additional bug. As I use the PM version 5 at my 10.3.9 the
search function and the recent post function has worked very well. Since
I have make the switch to 10.5.6 (now 10.5.7) an PM version 6 (at the
same machine - a imac G5) I have get these problems. 


>Marko Hehl  wrote (Sat, 16 May 2009 21:31:26 +0200):
>> I have some trouble with the recent post window. My PM runs with a lot
>> of filters to sort incoming mail traffic into different folders
>> automatically. So I must use the recent post window option at the PM
>> preferences to get a overview about my incoming traffic. Now the
>> problem, the recent post window will open but shows not all messages or
>> sometimes no new message! If I open my post central window there are a
>> lot of new messages sort into the different folder. So I'm forced to
>> check every folder -> this sucks! Is there something wrong only with my
>> PM or is this a bug?
>This doesn't happen in my PM setup.
>Maybe you've applied the filter "Dont' show in Recent Mail" somewhere?
>(Or whatever this filter might be called in the english version - its
>german name is "Nicht in der aktuellen Post zeigen".)
>Kind regards,
>Tobias Jung

recent post bug?

2009-05-16 Thread Marko Hehl

I have some trouble with the recent post window. My PM runs with a lot
of filters to sort incoming mail traffic into different folders
automatically. So I must use the recent post window option at the PM
preferences to get a overview about my incoming traffic. Now the
problem, the recent post window will open but shows not all messages or
sometimes no new message! If I open my post central window there are a
lot of new messages sort into the different folder. So I'm forced to
check every folder -> this sucks! Is there something wrong only with my
PM or is this a bug?

Take Care!

IMAP, digital signatures etc.

2009-03-29 Thread Marko Hehl
Hey folks,

I'm relative new with PM, so I have some questions to Powermail 6. If I
use IMAP, Powermail shows me the folders from my IMAP account separately
from the others. So PM create a new Inbox for my IMAP. If I receive a
new message it will only displayed at the IMAP Inbox not at my regular
Inbox. I use also SpamSieve with PM. But Spam-Sieve will not work with
the PM IMAP Inbox folder. 
If my remembering is right Apple Mail manage IMAP over the same Inbox
like the regular POP3 accounts. So SpamSieve will work with IMAP. Is
there a chance to bring SpamSieve to work with a PM IMAP account?

Second question. 

If I send important emails to galleries etc. I use my special digital
signature (stored at the Apple keychain). With Apple Mail it works very
good but I didn't found a option for doing this with PM. Is there a
function for digital signatures? If not it would be nice to found that
in a further version of PM.

All the best,


Re: emailing photos from iPhoto 09

2009-03-29 Thread Marko Hehl
I have given up iPhoto since a longer time and have switch to DEVONthink
Pro Office. These free configurable database fits nearly all functions
of iPhoto (and can do something more). You can send your pictures from
there with every mail application you want (this was one of the reasons
why I have make these switch). Okay these answer solve not your problem
with iPhoto but you should give them a try in near future. 

Here the link to DEVON 

and here is a interview with me about these application at DEVON 

Okay you can say now "thats only PR"! But have one in your mind.. If you
use only Apple applications, Apple will bound you to his own
applications over the time (such the combination Apple Mail - iPhoto for
example)! It's a nice strategy, isn't it? 

Take Care!

>Upon careful review of surveillance tapes labeled 3/28/09, 8:57 AM, it
>would appear that Sean, code name, divulged this crucial
>>The last time iPhoto was updated we all had this problem too.  As I
>>recall he didn't have the time/interest to update it last time.  He sent
>>me the source code.  I'll try to dig it up this weekend and update it
>>for the new iPhoto.
>That would be MUCH appreciated - thank you!
>  ---
>  (__)Jo Dorais
>  (oo)
>   /---\/ 
>  / | ||
> *  ||w---||When cows laugh really hard,
>^^^^   does milk come out their nose?

Re: Problem with Powermail Addressbook and the PostCentral

2009-02-15 Thread Marko Hehl
Hello Michael,

many thanks for these usefully informations. I have use "recent
post" (sorry for my mistake) because I run a lot of filter rules they
sort my traffic into special folders. So the "recent post" was a very
usefully option for me! But after the "recent post" fail to show me all
of the incoming traffic, I switch to the simple notification and delete
the most of the filters and start to sort manually.

Okay a additional question, at Apple Mail there is a nice option which I
missed a lot in Powermail. The option for showing the X-Mailer at the PM
short header. At PM I must show at the long header to getting
information about the X-Mailer. This is not so nice. Is there also a
option, like at Apple Mail, to show the X-Mailer at the short Header?


>Marko Hehl ( wrote:
>> If I click at the Dock
>> icon no window will open! I have to use the shortcuts or the "window"
>> command.
>When you close any PowerMail window before quitting the app, PM will
>remember your decision and not open those windows automatically when you
>open PM again. Just remember not to close any windows when you really
>want to quit PM.
>> Also the "actual post" will not showing the mails correctly. So
>> I have to disable these and use now the simple notification.
>I take it that with "actual post" you are referring to the "Recent mail"
>window ("Aktuelle Post" in the German version) -- "actual" doesn't have
>the same meaning as "aktuell" in German. I never use it (never saw any
>benefits it offered) and thus haven't encountered any problems, but some
>users were compaining about this window not keeping its content between
>restarts (which wouldn't concern me even if I did use it, as I never
>quit PM anyway).
>> The next problem is the Addressbook sync. It will not work correctly so
>> I have also disable the whole Adressbook sync!
>There are some well-known issues with the Address Book sync; still, I
>keep it turned on so I have access to mail addresses defined in the
>system-wide Address Book. Actually I would prefer PM to rely on Apple's
>Address Book exclusively, rather than even attempting a synchronization.
>- Michael
>Michael J. Hußmann
>WWW (personal):
>WWW (professional):

Marko Hehl

Curator of Photography

Problem with Powermail Addressbook and the PostCentral

2009-02-15 Thread Marko Hehl
Hi folks,

at first I must say that I'm a newbie here. These are my first posting
to the list. I use Powermail since four month starting with Mac OS
10.3.9. My Apple Mail there was working incorrectly so I take a look for
a alternative. At last I found a new home with Powermail. Now I use Mac
OS 10.5.6 and there are some problems with Powermail 6. At first the
application will not came up to the foreground. If I click at the Dock
icon no window will open! I have to use the shortcuts or the "window"
command. Also the "actual post" will not showing the mails correctly. So
I have to disable these and use now the simple notification. 

The next problem is the Addressbook sync. It will not work correctly so
I have also disable the whole Adressbook sync! If I create a new group
at the Apple Addressbook it will not take over correctly to the
Powermail Addressbook (only one of the email contact from the group will
synchronize). If I create a new group at the Powermail Addressbook these
group will not sync (I have check all Addressbook features at the
preference pane of Powermail). 
