Re: SpamSieve or spam download problem

2015-05-05 Thread Michael Tsai
SpamSieve and PowerMail have been working beautifully for me, since around 
 2005 I think? Starting in mid-April I started getting apparent spam messages 
 with No Sender Name and No Subject, also no text that I can see, several of 
 these every day. PM/SS stall while downloading email that has even one of 
 these on the server. When I delete the blank messages manually from the ISP 
 website, though, then the rest of the email downloads via PM/SS just fine.
Do you think I should try re-setting the corpus? I am a little scared to 
 do this as I've never tinkered much with SS. I did clear the History which 
 was fine but didn't solve the problem.

Hi Anna,

I don't think this is related to SpamSieve because it doesn't have any 
interaction with the mail server. It doesn't do anything until PowerMail has 
completed the download and sent it a message to analyze. You can tell for sure 
by turning off spam filtering in PowerMail and seeing if that helps.

Another thing you could do is take a sample of PowerMail:

during the stall to record what it is doing. And CTM might be able to suggest a 
more PowerMail-specific way to log its communication with the mail server.


Michael Tsai
C-Command Software

Re: No SpamSieve

2010-03-12 Thread Michael Tsai
On Mar 5, 2010, at 7:49 PM, Tom Dillon wrote:

 It's gotten to where I have to replace the corrupted
 SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt file once or more times a week. It's not that
 big of a problem, but I'm wondering how or why it's getting corrupted?
 Is PM writing to the AppleScript file?

I think the OS may be writing to it because the top-level variables are 
implicitly script properties. I've seen this cause problems with Entourage. Try 
wrapping the whole thing in a handler:

on rateCurrentMessages()
  tell application PowerMail
set msgList to current messages
repeat with msg in msgList
set src to source of msg
tell application SpamSieve to set externalSpamLevel to (score message 
if externalSpamLevel  0 then
  set spam rating of msg to externalSpamLevel
end if
  end try
end repeat
  end tell
end rateCurrentMessages

my rateCurrentMessages()

and see if that helps.


Michael Tsai
C-Command Software

Re: PM 6 doesn't activate SpamSieve anymore!

2009-01-02 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jan 2, 2009, at 2:48 PM, listes wrote:

I don't know what I did, but PM6 just doesn't run SpamSieve anymore  

I set it to do so via the 'antispam assistant'.

When new mail comes, SpamSieve is just not launched, and when I select
an obvious spam in the incoming folder and run the spam: evaluate'
script, its spam level stays at zero.

Please see this page:

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve stopped working

2008-12-05 Thread Michael Tsai

On Dec 5, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Chuck Joiner wrote:

I know this comes up every so often, but darned if I remember the  

For no apparent reason, SpamSieve stopped working in PowerMail. Have
deleted the corpus, re-trained, and even deleted and re-installed  
the app.

All of that was probably unnecessary. Please see this page:

In this case, my guess is that you need to delete the folder:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/PowerMail

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve Statistics

2008-10-15 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 15, 2008, at 7:51 AM, Jeremy Hughes wrote:

Is the Statistics window in SpamSieve 2.7.1 broken?

No. Only you can know whether the statistics shown match reality, but  
most likely they do. What it says is that SpamSieve has not been asked  
to filter any messages since yesterday at noon. This could be because  
you didn't receive any messages or because of a setup problem in  
PowerMail. Less likely, it's possible that a damaged database file is  
causing SpamSieve to show fewer messages than there actually were--you  
could tell if this were the case because the statistics would be  
inconsistent with the log.

Secondly, it says that you've only trained SpamSieve with 13 messages  
(total, not just since yesterday). Or maybe you recently reset the  

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve Statistics

2008-10-15 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 15, 2008, at 11:08 AM, Jeremy Hughes wrote:

I reset the corpus earlier today, because it had got large and I  

this might be causing the Statistics problem.

There is no relation between corpus size and the statistics.

I wonder if the problem is caused by the fact that SpamSieve's
History.db file has got quite large (122.9 MB).

The size doesn't matter, but it sounds like the file is damaged. You  
could either start a new one (hold Command-Option when launching  
SpamSieve) or send me the file (e.g. on an iDisk or Dropbox) and I'll  
repair it.

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve Statistics

2008-10-15 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 15, 2008, at 8:46 AM, Jeremy Hughes wrote:

But as you can see from my last email, SpamSieve is filtering mail (2
Good Messages, 11 Spam Messages) but failing to report this in the
Filtered Mail and SpamSieve Accuracy sections.

The 2 and 11 are the numbers of messages in the corpus (i.e. the ones  
you've trained it with). They don't show that it filtered any  
messages. You'd need to look at the log to determine whether it did.

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve Statistics

2008-10-15 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 15, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Jeremy Hughes wrote:

The 2 and 11 are the numbers of messages in the corpus (i.e. the ones
you've trained it with).

I didn't train it with any messages - these are messages that  

has filtered (the current totals are 50 good and 112 spam).

You did, in a fashion, if you had auto-training turned on:

When the corpus is very small, SpamSieve will auto-train with  
virtually all the filtered messages. So the corpus will built up  
automatically and you only have to manually train it if there's a  

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve slowness

2008-09-08 Thread Michael Tsai

On Sep 8, 2008, at 1:25 PM, Jeremy Hughes wrote:

SpamSieve seems to have become really slow for me recently, and I
suspect it is because my spam corpus is pretty large (345,672  

2,390,729 words).

Does this seem unreasonably large?

Yes, it's normal to have under 2,000 messages and 200,000 words in the  

There used to be a Prune Corpus option, but this has disappeared -
should I just open the corpus and delete everything that was Last  

before 2008?

That would certainly make it faster. It would probably be better for  
the accuracy, however, if you reset the corpus and then re-trained  
SpamSieve with a smaller number of recent messages:

SpamSieve's auto-training feature has been improved since you started  
using it, so the corpus will no longer grow so large by itself.

I first noticed the slowness after moving from Tiger to Leopard a few
weeks back - not sure if this is connected.

Yes, it runs faster on Tiger. Apple made some of the APIs much slower  
in Leopard.

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve slowness

2008-09-08 Thread Michael Tsai

On Sep 8, 2008, at 10:23 PM, Michael Lewis wrote:

Yes, it runs faster on Tiger. Apple made some of the APIs much slower
in Leopard.

Sorry for drifintg off topic a bit, but this makes me want to ask  

I haven't used the newer Leopard yet. This makes me want to ask if the
slowness is noticeable on newer Macs or not? I didn't install it on my
current G4 systems because I suspected it would bog down, but I  

that'd be more due to the eye candy than the internal stuff.

The part that's much slower is a very specific area that SpamSieve  
happens to stress a lot, but which most applications don't. When  
running on Leopard, SpamSieve uses my own code instead, which is much  
faster than Leopard's but not as fast as Tiger's. With a normal-sized  
SpamSieve corpus, the difference is barely noticeable.

Overall, I'd say that Leopard is only slightly slower than Tiger on a  
G4. If you have a GB of RAM, I'd definitely run Leopard.

Michael Tsai

Re: spam Sieve and Powermail

2008-08-01 Thread Michael Tsai

Jul 31, 2008, at 10:57 PM, Christian Meenaghan wrote:

For some reason, spamsieve no longer launches with Powermail since the
5.6.5 update.

Please note that SpamSieve is not supposed to launch when you launch  
PowerMail. It only auto-launches when PowerMail downloads new messages  
that need to be filtered.

That said, there may be a problem with your PowerMail setup. Please  
see the troubleshooting steps here:

Michael Tsai

Re: Lost Spam Sieve

2008-05-28 Thread Michael Tsai

On May 28, 2008, at 2:39 PM, Ira Lansing wrote:

Spam Sieve is once again working as it should, but I am finding that
with this latest version of PM, Spam Sieve initially launches slowly,
slow enough to result in the spinning multi-colored beach ball.

I'm aware of some performance problems launching SpamSieve 2.7 on Mac  
OS X 10.5 if the corpus is large. If this sounds like your situation,  
please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Michael Tsai

Re: Email Freezes PowerMail

2008-02-01 Thread Michael Tsai

On Feb 1, 2008, at 4:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The oddest thing is that I have Spamsieve miunging the emails on
the host end! I get a SPAM**... added int he subject line, and  
the email
is a spamsieve message telling about it with a bit of the first  
part of

the mail but a link to read the full spam.

You must be thinking of a different filter, since SpamSieve doesn't  
run on the server and doesn't modify or generate e-mails.

Michael Tsai

Re: Spamsieve stopped working

2007-11-07 Thread Michael Tsai

On Nov 7, 2007, at 2:40 AM, Jonathan Brady wrote:

Powermail stopped sending any messages to
spamsieve. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. So
no idea what could have caused this sudden loss of
functionality. I tried rebooting the system, reconfiguring
spamsieve, going through the spam filter assistant, and
nothing helped.

Did you try deleting the folder:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/PowerMail

so that PowerMail will use fresh spam AppleScripts?

Michael Tsai

Re: My Leopard issues...

2007-11-02 Thread Michael Tsai

On Nov 2, 2007, at 8:01 AM, Fabian Ramirez wrote:

SpamSieve is having issues as well (SLOW loading, non-responsive)

Please see the bottom of this page:

Michael Tsai

Re: PowerMail and Leopard

2007-10-27 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 27, 2007, at 11:28 AM, Geoff Roynon wrote:

Using PowerMail 5.5.3 (SpamSieve 2.4.4) on a G5 dual 1.8MHz, 3 GB RAM,
under MacOSX 10.5

Please update to SpamSieve 2.6.4, especially if you're running Leopard.

Michael Tsai

Re: PM Looking for Adobe Illustrator

2007-06-18 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jun 18, 2007, at 1:51 PM, Anthony Sanna wrote:

Question, shouldn't SS open with PM?  I thought that after the first
time you manually opened SS with PM that it would automatically do it
from then on.  This new install doesn't, it seems.

SpamSieve should open when there are new messages to filter. I  
suppose it's possible that the AppleScript is damaged so that it's  
trying to tell Illustrator to filter spam instead of SpamSieve. If  
that's the case, installing a fresh copy of the PowerMail application  
and deleting the folder:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/PowerMail

should help.

Michael Tsai

Re: PowerMail vs. Thunderbird

2007-04-19 Thread Michael Tsai

On Apr 19, 2007, at 11:59 AM, Barbara Needham wrote:

Spam: SpamSieve works seamlessly with PowerMail. As far as I can  
see, it

does not work with Thunderbird.

SpamSieve 2.6 does work with Thunderbird. However, the accuracy of  
the spam filtering will be a bit higher if you use it with PowerMail.

Michael Tsai

Re: Thank you Michael Tsai and SpamSieve

2007-03-17 Thread Michael Tsai

On Mar 17, 2007, at 12:51 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

Thanks for your quick response as always.  To answer your question,  

when I am in doubt one of my servers is down, I send a test message to
that account from another account to see when the server comes back.

OK. That doesn't sound like the kind of message that you would need  
to be classified as good on the basis of the address book alone. If  
you exclude your address from the address book, SpamSieve can  
classify the messages based on their contents, and if it accidentally  
marks one as spam it wouldn't be a problem because you were expecting  
the message (you sent it yourself).

Enable this option so that spam messages with your own return address
are not marked as good.
Which is a bit confusing.  Exclude my address from what?

Normally, if you have Use Mac OS X Address Book checked, messages  
whose addresses are in the address book will always be marked as  
good, no matter how spammy their contents may look. If you exclude  
your address from the address book, SpamSieve pretends that it is not  
in the address book, and so it will classify messages from your  
address using other means.

In your help page above: The easiest way to add your addresses to  
the Me card is to open your mail program and then use SpamSieve's  
Update Address Book Me Card command. I just did that, and I see  
all 26 addresses are added to Apple Address Book, not PM's.  I  
don't see any 'Me' card in PM's address book.

The reason that you need a Me card is so that SpamSieve knows which  
addresses are yours. If you choose Go to My card from the Card  
menu, it will show you your Me card. If there is none, you can  
create one using the Make This My Card command.

Michael Tsai

Re: greeting card malware?

2007-01-30 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jan 29, 2007, at 7:39 PM, Frank Mitchell wrote:

But then why do spammers send messages full of random words? It seems
pointless to me.

The random words do help, to varying extents, against different types  
of filters. And there's very little downside to including them.

On Jan 29, 2007, at 11:38 PM, Michael Lewis wrote:

I probably didn't communicate that well. As an example, this was in  
my log:

Predicted: Good (27)
Trained: Good (Auto)

So, it was predicting this as good, and training it as good (auto). I
think that's the Learning function under Training preferences  


Yes, this is normal. The auto-training feature thought that this was  
an interesting message because it was borderline (score of 27, with  
50 being spam), so it decided to learn from it.

Then I'd click Mark as Spam and this would show up in the log:

Trained: Spam (Manual)
Mistake: False Negative

But this time it was wrong, so with your help it corrected the  
training and recognized that it had made a mistake.

Michael Tsai

Re: greeting card malware?

2007-01-29 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jan 29, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Michael Lewis wrote:

SpamSieve isn't even catching a lot of it, particularly the ones  
that are filled with random sentences from works of literature.

I'm not aware of any spam types that consistently get through  
SpamSieve, when it's properly configured and trained. If certain  
kinds of messages keep ending up in your inbox, please report them:

so that I can see if in fact they got through SpamSieve, and what can  
be done about it.

On Jan 29, 2007, at 1:36 PM, Frank Mitchell wrote:

For this reason, I simply delete such random word messages rather  
than do

a Mark as Spam.

I don't recommend doing that. Not correcting SpamSieve's mistakes is  
a sure way to make more spam get through, and in certain cases is  
equivalent to telling SpamSieve that you think the deleted messages  
are good:

Michael Tsai

Re: greeting card malware?

2007-01-29 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jan 29, 2007, at 4:26 PM, Michael Lewis wrote:

My filter was set to only operate if the From,Sender or Reply To:
address was not in my addressbook. I noticed that some of the spam not
making it through was being marked Good automatically in the log for
various reasons or possibly not being evaluated

Yes, using those criteria could cause some messages not to be  
evaluated (in which case there would be no Predicted entries in the  
log for them). I'm not sure what you mean about messages being marked  
as good automatically.

However, every time I drag the spam to reapply the rule from the  

menu, the log shows that I am manually choosing to make it NOT spam
again. There is a setting in PowerMail to manually mark as good any  

dragged out of the Spam folder, so that could be a bit confusing.

Thanks for mentioning that. I'll clarify it in the next revision of  
the documentation.

On Jan 29, 2007, at 5:16 PM, Geoff Roynon wrote:

I filter GIF and JPG spam before it reaches the Spamsieve filter so  

don't pollute the Spamsieve corpus.

In my filters, my first filter is called Spam-gif and has two  

From is not in address book
Attachment ends with .gif

I don't think one needs to worry about polluting the corpus, and  
SpamSieve should be able to catch these image spams. If this kind of  
manual filter works well for you, that's great, but I don't recommend  
it in general because there are legitimate reasons for non-spammers  
who aren't in the address book to be sending GIFs.

Michael Tsai

Re: [ANN] PowerMail 5.5.1 universal released

2006-11-10 Thread Michael Tsai

On Nov 10, 2006, at 4:21 PM, K Lewis wrote:

It's performing very well for me, however, I just got
a warning that SpamSieve is a demo version.  Do I have
to buy it again?

No, just enter your name and serial number into the Purchase window.

Michael Tsai

Re: SS with Mail

2006-10-16 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 16, 2006, at 10:37 AM, Anthony Sanna wrote:

I'm trying to setup SpamSieve with Mail.  How do you get SS to auto
launch like it does with PM, and do you get the good/bad icons in the
tool bar?

It will launch automatically when there are messages to process.  
SpamSieve adds training commands to Mail's Message menu; it does not  
add toolbar buttons. If you have further questions, you can write me  
off-list, as this doesn't pertain to PowerMail.

Michael Tsai

Re: Re(2): How I have my spam filters set up

2006-10-03 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 3, 2006, at 1:59 PM, Brian Jacobs wrote:

Do you or anyone else here know if SpamSieve can be
programmed to filter out unwanted emails with Japanese text Subject  


It will probably learn to do this automatically if you keep marking  
the Japanese messages as spam. You could also try creating a  
blocklist rule that uses Any Character Set and match against  
whatever charsets you're receiving.

Michael Tsai

Re: Re(3): How I have my spam filters set up

2006-09-30 Thread Michael Tsai

On Sep 30, 2006, at 2:51 PM, Art Wheat wrote:

I have had excellent results with SpamSeive until recently at work  

version is still working just fine). Mail is coming in addressed to me
directly. It says it is from someone I know but a quick look at the
headers and it shows it is really addressed to one of my accounts.

What does the Predicted entry in SpamSieve's log say for this message?

I turned off the option to Exclude my addresses (looks like that is  
a Mac

OS X Address Book feature which I don't use--PowerMail has all my
addresses so I don't think that will matter.

That option could matter if you have PowerMail set to sync with the  
OS X address book.

Michael Tsai

Re: SPAM Question

2006-08-18 Thread Michael Tsai

On Aug 17, 2006, at 1:48 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 which confirms this. What you should do is make sure that Exclude my
 addresses is checked in SpamSieve's preferences:

 I can't.
 I send out gig notification often.  Sometime I send mail to myself  
 ISP is in question.  I need this enabled.

 I believe it makes more sense if actual name is looked up, especially
 anyone can get your email address easily these days

Well, if you want any hope of catching spam messages sent using your  
address, you (currently) must use Exclude my addresses. If you want  
to always accept messages sent using your name, you could create a  
whitelist rule:

From (name) Is Equal To A-NO-NE

Or you could edit the Spam: evaluate filter in PowerMail so that it  
only applies SpamSieve if the name is not A-NO-NE *and* the address  
is not [EMAIL PROTECTED]. I don't think there's a way to set this  
up in the UI, but it could probably be done with an AppleScript  
filter condition.

Michael Tsai

Re: SPAM Question

2006-08-18 Thread Michael Tsai

On Aug 17, 2006, at 12:30 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 Actually, you are right that is the exact cause, except that it is
 looking at the address only.

As you told me via private e-mail, the SpamSieve log said:

 Reason: sender [EMAIL PROTECTED] in address book

which confirms this. What you should do is make sure that Exclude my  
addresses is checked in SpamSieve's preferences:

and that the above address is on the Me card in the system Address  

 If it checks the name field, they shouldn't match.

SpamSieve doesn't match the sender name against the name in the  
address book. The idea of using the address book in the first place  
is as a safety feature. SpamSieve would probably classify messages  
from your regular correspondents correctly, anyway, but if you tell  
it to use the address book you can be sure that those messages will  
never be classified as spam. It's extra piece of mind, at the  
possible cost of a few spam messages with forged addresses getting  
through. Since there are plenty of legitimate reasons why the sender  
name might not exactly match the one in the address book, SpamSieve  
cannot look at the name without compromising the safety--so the  
address book filter just looks at the address.

Michael Tsai

Re: SPAM Question

2006-08-17 Thread Michael Tsai

On Aug 16, 2006, at 5:43 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 I get tons of SPAM which sender is my address but the sender _name_ is
 someone else, and the TO is also identical to FROM.

The first thing to check is SpamSieve's log:

to see if the messages are being classified as good because of the  
sender address, or because of the content.

Michael Tsai

Re: Universal Binary

2006-08-17 Thread Michael Tsai

On Aug 16, 2006, at 5:28 PM, Eric Bickford wrote:

 I can confirm that each time my PowerMail crashes, SpamSieve also  
 quits/disappears. And there is NO SpamSieve.crash.log or SpamSieve  
 reporter. I only get a crash report for PowerMail.

If crash reporting is on (which it sounds like it is) and you don't  
get a crash report for SpamSieve, then SpamSieve didn't crash.

 If SpamSieve is not involved, is there any other explanation for why
 SpamSieve would just quit whenever PowerMail crashes?

Yes, SpamSieve has a feature that makes it quit itself when it  
notices that your mail program is no longer running:

Michael Tsai

Re: Universal Binary

2006-08-16 Thread Michael Tsai

On Aug 15, 2006, at 8:01 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

 Have you ever considered adding support for Smart Crash Reports?

SpamSieve already has its own crash reporter, which unlike SCR works  
back to 10.2 and doesn't modify Apple's crash reporter.

Michael Tsai

Re: The SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt gets corrupted

2006-03-12 Thread Michael Tsai

On Mar 11, 2006, at 6:53 AM, Jakob Riis wrote:

 But anyhow it would of course be better to know whether I could do
 something to prevent this from happening again, or if it's a bug that
 needs a fix!?

Have you checked your drive with Disk Utility or DiskWarrior?


Re: Re(4): SpamSieve Auto (not) Start

2006-01-28 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jan 27, 2006, at 12:25 PM, Barbara Needham wrote:

 Just a note: I've not had any problem but am still on Panther. It  
 it might be a Tiger problem.

No one's written in with this (on Tiger or otherwise), so I don't  
think it's a generalized problem.

On Jan 27, 2006, at 12:45 PM, Karel Gillissen wrote:

 Yep, if I manually mark a message, SpamSieve kicks in

Does it work if you ask PowerMail to perform the SpamSieve evaluate  
filter (on a message that matches that filter's conditions)? If not,  
you may need to get a fresh copy of the evaluate script by installing  
a fresh copy of the PowerMail application.

Michael Tsai

Re: Re(2): SpamSieve Auto (not) Start

2006-01-28 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jan 27, 2006, at 10:21 AM, Karel Gillissen wrote:

 And that's why the read-me recommends that you double-click SpamSieve
 after updating it.
 And if that fails, Michael, any advise?

Does it start when you mark messages as spam/good?

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve Auto (not) Start

2006-01-27 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jan 27, 2006, at 9:16 AM, Ismaldo wrote:

 SpamSieve didn't kick in when PM launched, or when PM found
 Spam.  The first time around, on two installs, my in-box was choked  
 SSS (same old spam).  However, after I manually started the new SS, it
 did work as usual the next time that PM was launched.

And that's why the read-me recommends that you double-click SpamSieve  
after updating it.

Michael Tsai

Re: Spam Sieve Stopped working?

2005-09-10 Thread Michael Tsai

On Sep 9, 2005, at 2:38 PM, Anthony Sanna wrote:

 I also started getting an obnoxious, multi-addressee e-mail from from
 someone who sends out 4 or 5 lengthy, windy, opinionated posts a
 day.  ...get a life!  This isn't a spammer, but comes from a fixed
 address.  I seem to have finally stopped it - or he ran out of  
 - but I clicked on the spam button for days before it stopped  

 Any reason why it should have been so difficult to lose this guy?

It depends. Was the address added to your blocklist when you marked  
the message as spam? (You can check by looking at the first relevant  
Trained: Spam entry in SpamSieve's log.) If so, it should have  
immediately started blocking the messages. If not, then it might take  
a while to learn those kind of messages, since they differ so much  
from regular spam. What do the Predicted: Good entries (if any)  
from SpamSieve's log say about the messages?

Michael Tsai

Re: How to get False Positives into spamsieve?

2005-05-29 Thread Michael Tsai

On May 28, 2005, at 1:31 AM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 Just tonight, once again, from a sender who is not on my address book
 but has exchanged emails many times a few month ago was sent to SPAM


 Here is the log, and I don't know what to make of this:
 Mistake: \u8aa4\u691c\u51fa
 Subject: Hiro-san!!
 Identifier: 1JduKypu9a/16+li5JzqEw==
 Classifier: Bayesian
 Score: 73
 Date: 2005-05-28 01:18:58 -0400

This means that the message did not match the address book,  
whitelist, blocklist, etc. SpamSieve's Bayesian classifier examined  
the contents of the message and found that it was barely spam (73 is  
about the lowest score a spam message will get). The corresponding  
Predicted entry in the log will have more details about what  
aspects of the message caused this classification.

Since you say you've been having general accuracy problems recently,  
I'd like to take a closer look and see what's going on. Please send  
these files:

 /Users/username/Library/Logs/SpamSieve/SpamSieve Log


Michael Tsai

Re: Spamsieve Changing Behaviour (?)

2005-05-18 Thread Michael Tsai

On May 17, 2005, at 10:22 AM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 in the last four weeks SS has been changing spam ratings to messages
 coming from historical senders which have never been identified as
 spammers and now, they  suddenly are.

 I am glad I am not alone!  I reported this a month ago, which seems to
 coincide with yours.  Mine started roughly around OSX10.3.9 release  
 time, tho.

I don't think I have any messages from you on that subject. I try to  
follow the list, but sometimes miss messages. If you want to be  
guaranteed a response, please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED].

 Many spam those which should had been caught are now missed, while  
 a few
 legit ones are marked SPAM and sent to Spam folders almost every day.

The best thing to do in a situation like this is to look at  
SpamSieve's log (or ask me to do so). It will tell you which messages  
it predicted to be spam or good, and why. And it will tell you which  
messages it was trained with and whether it recognized them as false  
negatives or positives. In most cases where there are a lot of  
misclassifications, the log--which represents SpamSieve's view of  
the world--doesn't agree with what you've observed in the mail  
program. This indicates a configuration problem (e.g. with the  
filters in the mail program) rather than an accuracy problem and is  
generally straightforward to correct.

On May 17, 2005, at 10:51 AM, Michael Lewis wrote:

 Maybe this isn't the list to ask. SpamSieve seems its the culprit here
 and it may be better to check the SpamSieve site or list. Here is
 information about subscribing to the SpamSieve Talk list: http://

I try to keep tech support off the mailing list.

 It'll be interesting to see how this holds up as I run it more and the
 corpus and rules grow. Maybe it would be a good thing to rebuild the
 corpus and rules once a year?

It's not necessary or particularly helpful to clean out the rules,  
though you can if you want. Rebuilding the corpus every year or so  
(depending on how many messages you receive) *is* useful, though. If  
you've got training tips enabled in SpamSieve, it will tell you when  
to consider doing that.

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve whitelist/PM whitelist

2004-12-16 Thread Michael Tsai

On Dec 16, 2004, at 11:35 AM, Jeremy Hughes wrote:

 I'm currently using 2.2.3, and I had this problem quite recently. 
 at the white list, there is an entry for Eric (which I remember
 disabling) dated 15th November 2004. Maybe this was created by an 
 version of SpamSieve.

Probably. Please let me know if you see any new rules like that being 

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve whitelist/PM whitelist

2004-12-16 Thread Michael Tsai

On Dec 16, 2004, at 5:58 AM, Jeremy Hughes wrote:

 2. SpamSieve has a white list which contains the names and email
 addresses of messages which have been marked as good. I have had a few
 problems with this - specifically, where a good email is sent from 
 Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]. In this case SpamSieve will whitelist
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which is good) and will also whitelist Steve, 
 is problemmatic. A few days later, I might get an email from Steve
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], and SpamSieve will pass this through as a non-
 spam email because it has whitelisted Steve. I can resolve the 
 by deleting or disabling Steve from the white list, but I think that
 there should be a preference option to control the way in which names 
 automatically whitelisted. It would be better if only names that are
 reasonably distinct get whitelisted - e.g. first/second name 
 (Steve Smith).

For exactly this reason, SpamSieve 2.2.2 and later do not automatically 
whitelist simple names.

Michael Tsai

Re: SPAMSieve

2004-10-10 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 10, 2004, at 8:59 AM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 Today, I found my amazon order confirmation sent to my legit address in
 SPAM box with c.a. 75% SPAM rating.  I am very curious how SPAMSieve
 thinks, 'coz similar order confirmation to the same address from other
 vendors doesn't get caught with this much high SPAM rating.

SpamSieve's log will say why it made that prediction for this message. 
Order confirmations often have spammy characteristics, so it's best to 
train SpamSieve with any saved ones that you have ahead of time, so 
that it will learn to identify them.

Michael Tsai

Re: f i l t e r s p a c e d s p a m t e x t ?

2004-10-09 Thread Michael Tsai

On Oct 9, 2004, at 4:10 AM, listes wrote:

 It seems the latest way for spams to escape SpamSieve is to create
 stupid ads where words cannot be distinguished by our filters, b e c a 
 s e   t h e r e   a r e   s p a c e s   i n s e r t e d   b e t w e e n
 t h e   l e t t e r s ...

SpamSieve has code to undo that kind of spacing trick, i.e. to put the 
words back together. So ordinarily, this shouldn't be a problem. If 
there are particular messages that are giving you trouble, please send 
exports of them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will examine 

 How can I create a filter rule, or a RegExp in SpamSieve, that would
 oust out anything containing a series of single letters separated by
 single spaces?

I don't recommend doing that, because there are actually quite a number 
of legitimate messages that space-out words, or have sequences of 
letters that *look* like spaced-out words.

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve question

2004-09-07 Thread Michael Tsai

On Sep 7, 2004, at 9:41 AM, Jim Pistrang wrote:

 1) you should tell SpamSieve to only evaluate if the 'from' address is
 NOT in your address book.

Or, better yet, set PowerMail to synchronize with Apple's address book. 
Then SpamSieve will see the messages. It won't mark them as spam 
because the From is in the address book, and it will also be able to 
learn from the message contents.

Michael Tsai

Re: Email Alerts

2004-08-18 Thread Michael Tsai

On Aug 18, 2004, at 11:01 AM, Christian Meenaghan wrote:

 Recently, I seem to be having a problem, where SPamSieve does not 
 me on emails from people that I regularly receive email from.

Perhaps you have PowerMail set to not Evalute spam rating on messages 
from people in your address book (or previous recipients). In that 
case, SpamSieve will never see the messages, and so it will not be able 
to notify you about them. A workaround would be to set the condition to 

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve - redirect

2004-07-06 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jul 5, 2004, at 5:28 AM, david.gordon wrote:

 I have a spam filter on my server which deals with 99% of all known
 germs. SpamSieve catches the last 1%. I usually redirect any spam back  
 the mail server where its added to the filters.

 I want to automatically redirect any spam. I added a line to my  
 rule but I ended up redirecting _all_ my mail Perhaps a I need to  
 something to my SpamSieve - Move If Spam script?

 I want SpamSieve to carry on moving spam to the spam folder plus I also
 want those messages redirected to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Perhaps you can use this script as a starting point: 

e.g. by moving the:

   set theRedirect to redirect m to {redirectAddress}
   send theRedirect

before the else.

Michael Tsai

Re: spam filters: detect same words apprearing twice?

2004-06-27 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jun 27, 2004, at 2:08 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 But I was just interested in (\s|\S).  To me, it looks contradiction.
 How does this work?

 It means whitespace or non-whitespace, in other words, any character.

 That's what I thought, but why not (\w|\d)?

That's word characters and digits; we want to include spaces.

Michael Tsai

Re: spam filters: detect same words apprearing twice?

2004-06-27 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jun 27, 2004, at 11:36 AM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

 I have trouble getting used to Regex.  That huge volume of Perl man is
 not exactly easy to read for non native English speaker (excuses, 

You might find Friedel's regex book easier. It's slimmer and, I think, 

 But I was just interested in (\s|\S).  To me, it looks contradiction.
 How does this work?

It means whitespace or non-whitespace, in other words, any character.

 One another question is that does AppleScript take Regex?

Regex is not built-in. There's an OSAX that adds it to AppleScript:

but I think it doesn't work on OS X.

Michael Tsai

Re: spam filters: detect same words apprearing twice?

2004-06-27 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jun 26, 2004, at 12:22 PM, listes wrote:

 Then I need a classical filter. I set something up, which says
 - if sender is that mailserver
 - if title is non-distribution issue (or the exact sentence I know)
 - if body contains Status: 5.2.2 (mailbox full)
 (for all these conditions simultaneously)
 then I am pretty sure this is a non-distribution-related email.
 Thus, I would like to be able to specify a filter condition like: when
 Status: 5.2.2 (mailbox full) appears TWICE, then...

I don't think this is possible using regular PowerMail filter 
conditions. If you don't need the first two conditions, you could 
create a SpamSieve blocklist rule that says Body Matches Regex:

(Status: 5\.2\.2 \(mailbox full\)(\s|\S)*){2,}

If you do need the first two conditions, I think you would need to use 
an AppleScript condition. Something like:

set theString to Status: 5.2.2 (mailbox full)
tell application PowerMail 5.0
 set theMessages to current messages
 repeat with msg in theMessages
   set theBody to msg's content
 set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theString
   set theCount to (length of (theBody's text items)) - 1
 set filter criterion result to (theCount = 2)
 end repeat
end tell

Michael Tsai

Re: Spamsieve not working in 5.0? Updater

2004-06-11 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jun 10, 2004, at 3:24 PM, listes wrote:

 In my case, we found the issue in the end with Jérôme: there was an
 empty sender in the list containing the addresses already sent to,
 and because many spams are without senders, SpamSieve considered that
 these empty senders where to be whitelisted (!)

Or, rather, PowerMail whitelisted it before it got to the step of 
asking SpamSieve what it thought.

Michael Tsai

Re: Re(2): Really annoying

2004-06-01 Thread Michael Tsai

On Jun 1, 2004, at 10:54 AM, Marlyse Comte wrote:

 Do these messages show up as Predicted in SpamSieve's log?


 The log looks like this (chi was the full header info I had posted to
 the list):

That means that SpamSieve never analyzed this message to see whether it 
was spam. Somehow, your PowerMail filter that says Evaluate spam 
rating isn't being applied (perhaps because of other filters 
interfering), or isn't working.

Michael Tsai

Re: Really annoying

2004-06-01 Thread Michael Tsai

On May 31, 2004, at 8:59 PM, Marlyse Comte wrote:

 Anyway, SpamSieve just ceases to work, in 2 days not one spam message 
 got sent to the spam folder, all goes into the InTray (as reported 

Do these messages show up as Predicted in SpamSieve's log?

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve dosn't work anymore with PM5!

2004-05-25 Thread Michael Tsai

On May 25, 2004, at 2:11 PM, listes wrote:

 And well, since that very moment, PM5 doesn't connect with SpamSieve
 anymore. **all** spam falls down in my incoming folder, and I verified
 that the SpamSieve icon doesn't blink as it used to for each message
 analysed -indeed SpamSieve doesn't even start if it is not already
 It seems the only time PM talks to SpamSieve is when I manually declare
 a spam message (then, the SS icon blinks).
 I also launched my previous PowerMail 4.x, it works perfectly with

I suppose it's possible that the SpamSieve - Evaluate.scpt file 
inside PowerMail is damaged. If that's the case, re-installing 5.0 
would help.

Michael Tsai

Re: Coupon Code

2004-05-25 Thread Michael Tsai

On May 24, 2004, at 1:05 PM, Anthony Sanna wrote:

 After I copy  paste into the Coupon Code: field, the Redeem button
 remains grayed out.

 I am assuming that the code is the whole four word Arbeit.
 Kirc... und Juden phrase.

The coupon should be CPN followed by a string of about 20 numbers. 
The words you are seeing are something to do with work and a 
church...not sure how that got into your order confirmation mail.

 I already have a Name and serial number entered.  We're talking 
 V2.1.4, right?

If you have already entered a SpamSieve name and serial number, and 
these were accepted (i.e. it says, Thank you for purchasing 
SpamSieve...), then you do not need to enter the coupon.

On May 25, 2004, at 10:19 AM, Michael Lewis wrote:

 Is this being put into SpamSieve itself? Perhaps you should go to
 SpamSieve's website and enter it there?

Coupons may be entered either in SpamSieve's Purchase window or at the 
online store.

Michael Tsai

Re: Coupon Code

2004-05-24 Thread Michael Tsai

On May 24, 2004, at 9:44 AM, Anthony Sanna wrote:

 What do I do with the coupon code that came with my V5 license?
 SpamSieve doesn't seem to want or need it.

You will need the coupon to use SpamSieve beyond the 30-day, 20-launch 
trial period. To apply the coupon, choose Purchase from the SpamSieve 
menu, enter it in the text field, and click Redeem.

Michael Tsai

Re: Which SpamSieve?

2004-04-22 Thread Michael Tsai

On Apr 22, 2004, at 7:29 AM, david.gordon wrote:

 Your SpamSieve corpus is stored in your Library folder, so there is
 nothing to move.

 So why does SS report that its only had a few hundred messages since
 20.04.04 when I have been using it for well over a year and had 
 of message filter through?

The first time you launch SpamSieve 2.1.2 or later, it will set the 
Statistics window to only show statistics from that date forward. 
However, the old statistics are still there, and you can show them by 
clicking the Set Date... button.

The number of messages in the corpus should be unchanged.

 I want to use 2.1.4 (I'll update from 2.1) but surely I also want to 
 my original files and statistics?

No matter which version of SpamSieve you use, it will alawys use the 
data and statistics in ~/Library/Application Support/SpamSieve.

Michael Tsai

Re: SpamSieve problems

2004-04-22 Thread Michael Tsai

On Apr 21, 2004, at 1:38 PM, Sherman Wilcox wrote:

 Have you set the accounts for which SpamSieve should be active?

 Okay, I give: how does one do this?

I believe you can do this by adjusting the mail filter for SpamSieve.

Account is AccountA
Spam rating 50
Move message into folder Spam

Michael Tsai

Re: Spamsieve question

2003-12-05 Thread Michael Tsai

On Dec 4, 2003, at 8:52 PM, Mikael Byström wrote:

 I just installed SpamSieve 2.02 Demo and fed it 300 spams and 200 or so
 good mesages before I used it for new messages resulting on over 4000
 lines in the corpus. It mistakenly let trough about 69 messages (127
 messages arrived, som on accounts not affe) from an account with 99%
 spam. I then selected them and ran the Add Spam script.

 Yet, when I check statistics it says that it filtered 36 good messages
 and 2 spams (both accurate), 0 false positives and only 1 false
 Shouldn't the statistics function regard the 69 messages as false
 positives? What am I missing here?

The 69 messages are false *negatives* since they're spam messages
mistakenly thought to be good. As to why the statistics say only 1,
that could be because the messages are duplicates. Or it could be that
SpamSieve didn't actually predict that 68 of them were good; maybe
another filter stopped the processing before the SpamSieve filter
executed. To tell for sure, I'd have to see your SpamSieve Log file.
Mail it to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], if you like.

Michael Tsai

Re: connecting JunkMatcher to PM?

2003-11-26 Thread Michael Tsai

On Nov 26, 2003, at 1:14 PM, listes wrote:

 I am happily using SpamSieve in combination with PowerMail. I just
 discovered a new, script-based freeware that seems to even improve the
 bayesian filtering: JunkMatcher

 JunkMatcher proposes interesting matching rules to transform words
 modified to appear unknown (like v.i.a.g.r.a) back to their ordinary
 form, just before you apply the bayesian filter.

On my reading, it doesn't look like junkMatcher transforms the words 
before they're sent Apple Mail's filter; it seems to be a separate pass 
to catch the spams that Apple Mail misses. In any case, this 
transforming pass is built into SpamSieve, so you don't need an extra 
script to do it.

Michael Tsai

Re: Re(2): Powermail vs. Thunderbird

2003-09-12 Thread Michael Tsai

On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 10:02  AM, Janusz Buda wrote:

 Let me see -- I replaced both application and scripts, allowed 
 to update the corpus, then reset it. I then imported some seed spam and
 retrained with a few dozen good/bad messages to the corpus.

I think that's the problem There are more than a thousand seed spam 
messages, so if you only added a few dozen good messages they may be 
being drowned out. Do you have more good messages that you could add?

Michael Tsai

Re: Re(2): Powermail vs. Thunderbird

2003-09-12 Thread Michael Tsai

On Thursday, September 11, 2003, at 11:37  PM, Janusz Buda wrote:

 Ever since updating to PowerMail 4.2 and SpamSieve 2.0 the PM filters
 have been setting about 90% of incoming mail (both spam and good) to
 Label Priority No. 7, with no recognizable pattern.

 I noticed that the SpamSieve 'label if spam' script has No. 7 as the
 default, but my PM filter is definitely set to 'move if spam'.

Move If Spam also labels spam messages with priority 7. I'm not using 
PM 4.2 yet, as I have not been able to connect to CTM's site. How did 
you upgrade to SpamSieve 2.0? Did you retrain with both kinds of 

Michael Tsai

Re: Re(5): Powermail vs. Thunderbird

2003-09-12 Thread Michael Tsai

On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 08:15  AM, aob_ml wrote:

 The problem with the external filters is the obvious poplock problem, 
 when the filter tries to connect at the same time.

There's no POP locking problem with SpamSieve because PowerMail is what 
downloads the messages.

Michael Tsai

Re: PM an Spamsieve

2003-07-21 Thread Michael Tsai

On Monday, July 21, 2003, at 09:06  AM, listes wrote:

 SpamSieve automatically uses Apple's address book. To use PowerMail's,
 you need to set up the rule as Pat did.

 This is true only for the last version.

Right, I forgot about PowerMail's synchronization feature. Sorry for 
the confusion.

Michael Tsai

Re: PM an Spamsieve

2003-07-20 Thread Michael Tsai

On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 03:06  AM, Pat O'Halloran wrote:

 However I just downloaded 20 messages, half of them Spam, and the 
 did not execute. Selecting them all in the recent mail window and
 manually executing the script moved the spam to the spam folder but why
 is this not happening automatically, any ideas?

Perhaps the messages aren't getting to that filter because of another 
one higher in the list. Try moving the SpamSieve filter to be first in 
the list.

On Sunday, July 20, 2003, at 04:24  AM, Scott at HobbyLink Japan wrote:

 SpamSieve automatically uses your address book as a white list, so
 there's no need to set any conditions for running the script.  Have it
 run for ALL messages.

SpamSieve automatically uses Apple's address book. To use PowerMail's, 
you need to set up the rule as Pat did.

Michael Tsai

Re: HTML Mail/Spam Relationship

2003-05-22 Thread Michael Tsai

On Wednesday, May 21, 2003, at 09:03  PM, Scott at HobbyLink Japan 

 Perhaps 1 in 20 to 30 HTML mails I get are not
 spam, so I'd like the option in either PM itself (can this be done 
 with a
 filter?  I don't know how since body filtering is not provided), or in
 SpamSieve, to adopt a guilty until proven innocent policy regarding
 HTML mail, esp. those with links to images.

In PowerMail you might be able to filter based on the content-type 
containing html. As for SpamSieve, I'm looking at providing some 
special options for HTML messages. What exactly do you mean by proven 
innocent? Do you mean that there should be a different cutoff for HTML 
messages so that the slightest bit of spamminess can tip the scale?

 And why does Nigeria mail still get through, even though I have trained
 every darn one of them as spam?  One would think by now that the word
 'Nigeria' would alone almost be an automatic trigger, but I don't know
 exactly how these Bayesian algorithms work.

If you get a chance, please send your SpamSieve Log file and some 
example messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. I'd like to know 
what's going on, too. The main trick with Bayesian algorithms is 
feeding them the right information. I'm working on making SpamSieve 
better at extracting quality information from messages.

Michael Tsai

Re: script syntax to keep a message from appearing in Recent Mail?

2003-05-01 Thread Michael Tsai

On Wednesday, April 30, 2003, at 10:43  AM, Bob Parks wrote:

 I know I can set up the script to file the spam in the Mail Trash, 
 then it does not show up in recent mail, but that clutters my trash
 folder (which I occasionally have to pull messages out of), with  spam
 that I dont want.

Per Rick's suggestion to move the message twice, please try changing:

move m to message container spamFolderName

in the script to:

move m to message container Mail Trash
move m to message container spamFolderName

Michael Tsai

Re: Declining effectiveness of SpamSieve

2003-03-27 Thread Michael Tsai

On Wednesday, March 26, 2003 9:13:10 PM Scott at HobbyLink Japan

 Over the past month, I've noticed that SpamSieve's effectiveness at
 catching spam has dropped considerably.  I've been training it for
 nearly four months now, and it has many thousands of messages to work
 Originally, it was catching about 90% of incoming spam.  Now that's
 down to around 60-70%.  On some days, I get as much spam in my inbox
 as the software catches.
 I've heard reports that this is due to the nature of the filter
 concept that software like this uses.  I'm wondering if others are
 seeing the same trend, and if pruning the corpus or some other
 technique would be effective in returning it to its formally
 effective self!

Pruning won't improve accuracy; it's just for saving memory. I've seen
smaller degradations of accuracy when the corpus gets very large. I'm
not exactly sure why this is--it may be that spam is evolving or simply
that the corpus is being diluted. In any case, I would recommend
backing up your Corpus.plist file and then selecting and removing all
the words in the Corpus window. Then re-train using your recent spam
and good messages. (You may need to save up some spam first, if you
have been deleting it.) I did this in late January, and my accuracy
increased from 91.5% to 98.6%, even though the new corpus only had
about 1300 messages.

If you want to go over this in more detail, please e-mail me at

Michael Tsai

Re: Spam Filter!!!

2003-02-14 Thread Michael Tsai

On Friday, February 14, 2003, at 03:29  AM, Dietmar Harms wrote:

 After reading the above, I threw SpamSieve off my hard disk and 
 Spamfire. Advantage 1: I could import my address book so that mails 
 my friends are always accepted.

SpamSieve 1.3 can do this, too.

 Advantage 2: I could tell Spamfire my
 mailing lists, so mails from them are always accepted, too.

You can do this with PowerMail+SpamSieve by making filters that match 
you mailing list messages (maybe you already have them to file the 
messages into folders) and have the Stop applying filters to this 
message box checked. Then just make sure that your mailing list 
filters run before your SpamSieve filter.


Re(2): Spam Filter!!!

2003-02-08 Thread Michael Tsai

On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 09:59  AM, Dave Burbank wrote:

 SpamSieve has to learn about what your spam looks like but once it
 does it is very reliable.  As of today, SpamSieve is properly
 identifying 97.9% of my mail. When it sees what it thinks is spam, it
 moves it into a spam folder within PowerMail. I delete the contents
 of this folder weekly after brief review.
 Also, Michael Tsai (SpamSieve's developer) is always working hard to
 make SpamSieve better. He reads this list. Perhaps he'll chime in...

I think you described it nicely. :) I'll just add that SpamSieve also
learns what your non-spam messages look like, to help prevent false
positives. If anyone has questions, I'm available at

Michael Tsai