Re(2): [4.1.2] command+M for send to dock?

2003-02-05 Thread Rick Lecoat

Received from: jo
At: 9:31 am (GMT) on Wed, Feb 5, 2003

Are you saying WindowShadeX is
dangerous? Or is the insane ape something else?

Most insane apes are fine provided you take steps not to anger them. The
primary steps that you should take should be to prevent placing them in
situations where hoards of journalists take powerful flash photos of
them; this especially dangerous should the ape be chained to some sort of
podium-like construction as part of a vaudeville show. Secondly, you
should prevent the ape from seeing any dramatically-designed architecture
that might remind it of geological features from its native habitat.
Shoud the ape glimpse such aritecture it will almost certainly attempt to
climb up it and fight a climactic battle -- with doomed results. 

Hope this helps.

THE PANOPTICON and Ziggurat Prime 
exist to observe, track and interlace both 
the physical arena and temporal paradigm 
of our perceptive sphere, and to protect 
the same from insurgent activities 
from The OutSide. Our DataPriests and 
Chaostatisticians operate parametrical 
referencing across the globe, consolidating 
infostreams for later realignment 
and crossfielding.

Your safety from pandemic informational 
misflow is assured.

Re: Mail Auto Launch

2003-02-03 Thread Rick Lecoat

Received from: Wayne Brissette
At: 2:06 pm (GMT) on Thu, Jan 30, 2003

Are you using iCal to send email reminders?  I think it only looks to for help!

Unless you use the modified scripts I created. 

I tried those scripts, and iCal launched PM right enough but the email
never goes out because it doesn't get addressed. Am I missing something
obvious? Do i need to personalise the script?


G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.3  ::  PM 4.1  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB RAM

Re: attachment folder

2003-02-03 Thread Rick Lecoat

Received from: Norman Kronenberg
At: 2:25 pm (GMT) on Mon, Feb 3, 2003

If so, do I have to leave a file named attachments there?
Bear in mind also that you can specify what folder PM uses for
attachments; if you'd prefer it to place all attachments on the desktop,
or in a folder called Blue Abstraction and Precise-Seven then you can
do so -- set it in preferences. PM just starts with its own default
attachment folder called, prosaically, Attachments.


G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.3  ::  PM 4.1  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB RAM

Re: scrips doubles

2003-01-30 Thread Rick Lecoat

Received from: Marlyse Comte
At: 5:16 pm (GMT) on Thu, Jan 30, 2003

Why would you 'urge me' to leave the scripts in the content folder?
Because there are scripts I really never use and they clutter the script
pulldown plus they do not sort with the other scripts (so I have an a-z
first sort of scripts from the package folder plus an a-z sort of my own
scripts... . Also, I often like to modify scripts slightly and isn't that
easier if the scripts are not hidden in a package?

There is a specific advantage to leaving the 'default' scripts inside the
package and using the Scripts folder in your PM user folder for 3rd party
or modified scripts. The advantage is that when you update PM to 4.2 or
whatever, all the CTM-supplied default scripts will be replaced along
with it (handy if CTM has amended them for the new version) and your own
3rd party ones are left untouched. Hence Wayne's advice. There is no
technical reason (in terms of PM's performance or stability) why you
should not throw away the default ones in the PM package, but when you
upgrade to the next version of PM you'll have to throw them away again,
is all.

Hope this helps.

G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.3  ::  PM 4.1  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB RAM

address synch issues

2003-01-30 Thread Rick Lecoat

I've finally got around to putting all my addresses from various
applications, notebooks, filofaxes and scraps of paper into the OSX
Address Book app so that it can dole them out to other apps as a central
repository of contact information. I synchronised it with PM's address
book (hereafter referred to as the PMAB to avoid confusion) -- the best
way seemed to be to make sure that all my email addresses were in place
in Address and then to delete all the addresses from the PMAB
prior to the synch.

All the info from the apple Address Book was duly imported into the
Apple Address Book Contacts folder in the PMAB and all seemed well;
however, as soon as I returned to the Apple address book I discovered
that a whole bunch of contacts had been deleted -- presumably because I
had neglected to turn off the synchronisation in the other direction (ie.
PMAB affecting the Apple Address Book). However, I'd not deleted any
contacts from the PMAB, so I don't know why they were removed from the
Apple one. Since I'd spent most of the day entering this information I
was, to say the least, irked.

Since I've deselected all the options that let PM have an effect upon the
Apple Address Book (in other words, any such changes must come from the
Apple app, not PM) I've not suffered the problem again, but it does
indicate that all is not completely well in the synch room.

Also, despite having the Open contacts in Apple's Address Book by
default preference seleted, PM will not do so. Clicking a new contact in
the PMAB gives an error alert: Database error 7 (Record not found in DB)
in 9 (DBGetRecord). Low level error 0
Performing a low level database rebuild causes PM to think that it has
never been synchronised, and when I re-synch it I got a second Apple
Address Book Contacts folder in the PMAB; this problem persists.

Anyone have similar experiences or wisdom to impart? Anyone from CTM care
to comment? Is this a known bug or not?


G4/500 MHz (DP)  ::  OS 10.2.3  ::  PM 4.1  ::  3 pane mode  ::  768 MB RAM

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