
We are hereby pleased to announce the availability of PowerMail 4.2 beta
6/ final candidate 3, which can be directly downloaded from:

This release is NOT public; it is exclusively aimed at members of the
PowerMail-discuss and PowerMail-testing lists, as well as to folks who
kindly tested b1 and reported items that we may have fixed below:

What's new in the PowerMail 4.2b6/final candidate 3 (from version 4.2b3)
- The number of unread/waiting messages could be wrong (sometimes
negative); if you have a database which still shows this in this new
version, hold the command and option keys upon startup and check
consistency, which will fix this
- Under Classic and Mac OS 9 / 8.6, we now warn when there is less than
1Mb of memory available instead of a mere 256k; this would be an advance
warning sign that searching might fail unless given more memory
- Rebuilding the sort indices in PowerMail First Aid no longer messes up
the order of settings lists such as accounts, signatures and text clippings
- AppleScripts saved by Script Editor 2.0b2 can now be placed in in the
Scripts folder and will display in the AppleScripts menu
- APOP login only worked when the "Always use APOP" was checked; what we
inteded to do initially, and now do properly, is try APOP in all cases
and only try USER/PASS in case of failure unless the user explicitely
requires it.
- Replied IMAP messages were not marked as such
- Mac OS 8.6 compatibility is now fixed

Known limitations:
 This release is not packaged as a disk image but simply as a Stuffit archive
- Command-F should select the search field (when the search window was
already opened in background)
- In the release version, we will cease to import OS X address book items
which contain no e-mail addresses
- A couple of command-key equivalents will be updated
- The final version will also have other localized languages

* * * * * * * 

Please discuss your findings either:
- on the PowerMail discussion list
- using the "Send a message to PowerMail support" option in the Help menu
of registered versions
- if needed, by private post to us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Possible crash logs - with a description of the situations that might
have lead to them, are also of interest.

Thanks in advance, and kind regards,

The PowerMail development team

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