At Sat, 10 Apr 2004 02:43:01 -0600 (CET), cheshirekat

>On Sat, Apr 10, 2004, the following words from Mark Smith
>[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...
>>My experience of trying to get PM to synchronize with Apple's Address
>>Book is that it soon gets out of sync. As a result I now NEVER allow PM
>>to modify the Apple AB, and just dump the PM AB in the trash every few
>>months when it has made a complete mess of the groups again. In PM 5 I
>>would like to be able to bypass the PM AB entirely.
>I also haven't been happy with allowing PM to alter Apple's Address Book.
>I only do a one-way sync to PowerMail. and have done so for most of the
>time I've been using PowerMail I also restart PM frequently so that its
>up-to-date with new address additions. Still, I have one filter that is
>based on a group of addresses that manages to miss the same email
>addresses continually. I've been putting off creating a backup filter for
>those messages that slip through that group-based filter. I don't have
>any use for the PM address book and would also like to disable it altogether.

I follow in the line. On a very early stage I turned off syncing from PM
to Apple AB as it messed up my Apple AB. It works so-so the other way
around, though.

I use Apple AB as my contact center for other applications as well, and
would love to access it directly from PM. As is now, it feels like "half
a  solution", and I never use the Address Book Icon, the "Add to Address
Book feature" etc. This slows down my overall contact administration, and
I would really like to see a preference option to work directly with Apple AB.

I guess it must be possible -- I have a demo of GyazMail, which reads and
opens up a window with relevant info from Apple AB in its own GUI, plus
the three buttons "To", "Cc" and "Bcc" and a search field. Looks and
works very nice. Another window pops up when choosing "Add Sender to
Address Book", where I also can select Apple AB Label and Group, plus add
text in its note field. It writes directly into Apple AB.

An option to have PM working in the same manner is on top on my wish list
for major feature additions.

Please! Please...!

Max G

(And pls don't ask me to just change over to GyazMail, folks. It seems
like a very sweet app, but it's not strong enough for my needs.)

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