Signatures specifically assigned to an account I use often, for example
I  only add my name and no quotations, addresses, phone numbers etc.
when I respond to a list - yes, I like it clean and simple and after
seeing somebody's 15 line long information footer it gets boring for me
to glance over it, especially if I am subscribed in digest mode to a
list... and don't even get me started on people who don't clean up their
email and lazily or ignorantly quote the quoted quoted quoted text with
just a "yes" and a 15 line address footer ;-)

Since about a year I have found that filters on outgoing messages are
very useful. For example : I have a specific account which I use for
very specific communication and that is my only account which is set to
request a "return receipt" and so to track responses of their server if
the recipient has read or not read a message I've sent. Even though this
works only in maybe 50 - 70 percent of the cases (it's the exact same
issue as with PRIORITY, there is no standard to use this but some
servers do react to such headers) I can track for the most if a message
of mine gets received, read (haha, sometimes it takes 3 or more days
until my recipient opens the email!) or not - and now I know if it's a
simple excuse or not if somebody tells me "sorry I've never received
your email, please send again" when I KNOW that the reader opened it
because I've received a return receipt. As I often forgot to select the
correct account before sending off the email, I've set up a filter on
outgoing messages which contains a list of email addresses which will
automatically trigger the email to be set to that specific account and
return-email address including signature and specific header addition.

The only reason I implemented the receipt header myself was because I
had some single persons constantly telling me they didn't receive my
email and I just didn't believe it any longer as they swore that my name/
address is in their address book. In general though, on a personal
level, I feel it's somewhat invasive of another's sphere to tell that
other person how important my message is or is not (with priority
headers) or to request a receipt from him / his server if he read the
email or not. Basically I believe it should be the person receiving the
communication to choose how important she/he wants to flag the message
and to respond in due time. 

But, neither here or there, I think it cool that CTM consistently sticks
to STANDARDS and not just does something "because other's do it too",
next to allowing the user to modify the headers themselves if they want
to do so.


------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------

>>Does this mean I can associate a particular signature with a given
>>recipient in the "To:" field?  (assuming only one "To:" recipient)
>Indeed you can.
>>As a rather trivial example, when I post to this mailing list from my
>>home mac (I'm at work right now using a Windoze machine) I normally use
>>a signature which contains my system stats, including PowerMail version.
>> As one might expect, I don't always remember to do this.
>Neither did I, so I now have a filter which adds the sig below to every
>post to this list.

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