Op woensdag, 21 april 2004 schreef PowerMail Engineering:

>There is a bug with the "file in" filter action: it does not work when
>you apply it manually on an outgoing message that has already been sent.
>I will fix it, however the "file in" action will not be immediate when
>applied on message in the "waiting" state. In this case, the message will
>be filed in the folder specified by the filter only after having been sent.

It doesn't work 'automatically' while sending messages either...

I created a simple  outgoing filter:
only 'filter outgoing messages' checked
status is sent
move message into folder 'verzonden'
'Don't apply subsequent filters on this message' checked

and I find that this filter isn't working while sending mail on both my
testing environments. Sent messages remain filed in the 'Out Tray'.
(G4 450 MHz cube and 400 MHz G3 powerbook both running 10.3.3)

Karel Gillissen

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