On Fri, 28 May 2004 20:01:04 +0200, "Ben Kennedy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
allegedly wrote: 

>On 28 5 2004 at 11:18 am -0400, Wayne Brissette wrote:
>>The big green + in the signatures area creates a new one. If you leave
>>your mouse pointer over the icons for a second or two the function of the
>>icon appears on the screen.
>Note the toolbar must be exposed (via the swallowable capsule in the
>upper-right of the window) for any of these to appear.

Ah, of course!

>In terms of UI design, I propose that in several of these windows (this
>signatures one for example) the toolbar should mandatorily be displayed,
>with no option to accidentally hide it.

I agree. I don't expect a 'dialog' to have optional elements.

and "cheshirekat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added:

>The menus in PowerMail are dynamic. They will change to reflect the
>options available for the type of window currently open, so choices 3 and
>4 above may not be obvious if you aren't used to looking up in the menus
>as you work with different windows. The menus also change when modifier
>keys are pressed.

I completely forgot about the dynamic PM menus. I still cast my vote for
a Context Menu for this function.

Thanks everyone!

- Chris Plummer

"You can never escape; you can only move south down the coast."
                                       "Mrs. Potter's Lullaby"
                                        Adam Duritz
                                        Counting Crows, This Desert Life

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